Apply by doing:
	cd /etc
	patch -p0 < 008_rc.patch

And things should be much happier on the next reboot.

Index: rc
RCS file: /cvs/src/etc/rc,v
retrieving revision 1.95
diff -u -r1.95 rc
--- rc	1998/12/28 06:58:30	1.95
+++ rc	1999/08/05 08:12:29
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
 # (not needed with mfs /tmp, but doesn't hurt there...)
 (cd /tmp && rm -rf [a-km-pr-zA-Z]* &&
     find . ! -name . ! -name lost+found ! -name quota.user \
-	! -name -exec rm -rf -- {} \; -type d -prune)
+	! -name -execdir rm -rf -- {} \; -type d -prune)
 if [ -f /etc/sysctl.conf ]; then
@@ -286,13 +286,14 @@
 if [ ! -f /etc/motd ]; then
 	install -c -o root -g wheel -m 664 /dev/null /etc/motd
-rm -f $T
-sysctl -n kern.version | sed 1q > $T
-echo "" >> $T
-sed '1,/^$/d' < /etc/motd >> $T
-cmp -s $T /etc/motd || cp $T /etc/motd
-rm -f $T
+T=`mktemp /tmp/_motd.XXXXXXXXXX` 
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+	sysctl -n kern.version | sed 1q > $T
+	echo "" >> $T
+	sed '1,/^$/d' < /etc/motd >> $T
+	cmp -s $T /etc/motd || cp $T /etc/motd
+	rm -f $T
 # nvi file recovery
 if [ ! -d /var/tmp/vi.recover ]; then