Apply by doing:
	cd /usr/src
	patch -p0 < 032_lpd.patch

And then rebuild and install lpd:
	cd usr.sbin/lpr/lpd
	make obj
	make depend
	make install

If you are running lpd you will now need to kill and restart it.
OpenBSD does not start lpd in the default install.

Index: usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/displayq.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/displayq.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 displayq.c
--- usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/displayq.c	1998/06/23 22:40:34	1.10
+++ usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/displayq.c	2001/08/29 21:44:02
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
 extern uid_t	uid, euid;
 static int	col;		/* column on screen */
-static char	current[40];	/* current file being printed */
-static char	file[132];	/* print file name */
+static char	current[MAXPATHLEN]; /* current file being printed */
+static char	file[MAXPATHLEN]; /* print file name */
 static int	first;		/* first file in ``files'' column? */
 static int	garbage;	/* # of garbage cf files */
 static int	lflag;		/* long output option */
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 	register struct queue *q;
 	register int i, nitems, fd, ret, len;
-	register char	*cp;
+	register char	*cp, *ecp;
 	struct queue **queue;
 	struct stat statb;
 	FILE *fp;
@@ -168,8 +168,11 @@
 		else {
 			/* get daemon pid */
 			cp = current;
-			while ((i = getc(fp)) != EOF && i != '\n')
-				*cp++ = i;
+			ecp = cp + sizeof(current) - 1;
+			while ((i = getc(fp)) != EOF && i != '\n') {
+				if (cp < ecp)
+					*cp++ = i;
+			}
 			*cp = '\0';
 			i = atoi(current);
 			if (i <= 0) {
@@ -184,8 +187,11 @@
 			} else {
 				/* read current file name */
 				cp = current;
-				while ((i = getc(fp)) != EOF && i != '\n')
-					*cp++ = i;
+		    		ecp = cp + sizeof(current) - 1;
+				while ((i = getc(fp)) != EOF && i != '\n') {
+					if (cp < ecp)
+						*cp++ = i;
+				}
 				*cp = '\0';
 				 * Print the status file.