Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #106
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 106

Today's Topics:
	 Re: [B7L] Deliverance costume exhibit
	 [B7L] Oracnix
	 [B7L] People I met at Deliverance
	 [B7L] The really Famous Five
	 [B7L] Phoenix Four
	 TV/Computer =  Zen?
	 RE: [B7L] TV/Computer =  Zen?
	 Re: [B7L] TV/Computer =  Zen?
	 Re: [B7L] Oracnix
	 Re: [B7L] TV/Computer =  Zen?
	 [B7L] Temple Avatars
	 Re: [B7L] Deliverance pros & cons
	 Re: [B7L] On the espidoe 'Power' (long)
	 Re: [B7L] Star spotting
	 Re:[B7L] DSV 1 or 2
	 Re: [B7L] On the espidoe 'Power' (long)
	 Re: [B7L] DSV 1 or 2
	 Re: [B7L] On the espidoe 'Power' (long)
	 [B7L] B7 Novice Fanfiction Writer's Page
	 [B7L] Everyone's con reports


Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 20:56:21 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Mary W O'Connor" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Deliverance costume exhibit
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Mon, 6 Apr 1998 s.thompson wrote:

> An aspect of Deliverance that no one has said much about so far,
>  and that I enjoyed enormously, was the exhibition of models, props,
>  and costumes.  It was such a thrill to see the actual items! 


>  Servalan's white velvet
>  cowl dress, also in the exhibition, was skillfully copied by Mary
>  O'Connor for an impressive entry in the masquerade. 

Thank you, Sarah. Dave Walsh's routines were so memorable I wasn't
sure anyone remembered me.

Sadly, I did not spend enough time in the exhibition room, although
I did take notes on a few costumes. :) I did not realise that the
silver pullover with the large sleeves (Avon's from Shadow, Horizon)
was actually silver leather, very light weight leather.

It was pointed out to me by Rob Emery that Jenna's red and grey leather
jacket had been carefully mended. At a panel Sally Knyvette recollected
how it had split during the fight seen in The Keeper. She was answering
a question about what episode she enjoyed - Jenna was getting into
the action again. Sally said she enjoyed playing opposite Gola - Bruce

Back to what I liked at Deliverance: When Peter Tuddenham did Orac
at the Welcome Friday - for me it was like hearing from a long lost
friend. I never realized until that moment how much I have missed Orac.
And I told Peter so, when I got the chance.
Perhaps, I need to change my favourite character from Avon to Orac.
Not that there is much difference there. Self-absorbed, self-reliant,
opinionated know-it-all. -sigh-

Being in the fancy dress, and having the long wait, I noticed how
very patient the MC, Gary Russell, was with everyone making changes to what
he was to say. (But then again, we did have alot of time to perfect
what we were to do) Gary was polite and calm long after I would
have been screaming. He leant a professional edge to the main events.

Another great event for me was going onto the Liberator set that was
the main stage and having a friend take my picture. (I'm easy)

And wasn't it great! Everywhere, every line-up, I could talk to
someone about Blakes 7. Not an easy thing for me to do at other
cons I have attended. When Deliverance wasn't ready to start
on Friday, I sat down with two strangers and had a great time
chatting. I have a whole lot more friends now.

Friends, co-workers, all think I was nuts spending all that money
to travel from Canada to England and stay in a hotel all weekend.
But I think it was money well spent. Wish I could afford Redemption.

Mary O'Connor


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 15:38:47 +1000
From: Bill Billingsley <>
Subject: [B7L] Oracnix
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

As I sit here compiling away, I can only wonder what it must have been like
for Ensor compiling his programs on Orac...

(only the poor Unix-inflicted people'll get this one...)

>  make debug

sh: make: Go away, I'm busy doing some important research.

> ps 

27026   ttyq3  7:59:06	research
18956   ttyq3  9:08:45	orac
1584    ttyq3     0:00	sh

> kill -9 27026

sh: kill: Stop that.  Now leave me alone.

> kill -9 27026

sh: kill: I said leave me alone.

> kill -9 18956

[1] +  Done   research

> can tell it's a dull day here can't you...
The Loch Mess Monster
(occaisionally mistaken as Bill Billingsley)


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 08:24:47 +0100 
From: "Borg, Peter: IEG" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: [B7L] People I met at Deliverance
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="MimeMultipartBoundary"

Content-Type: text/plain

With all the Deliverance chat going on, I just wanted to say to anyone who
saw me at Deliverance, sorry if I seemed a bit withdrawn, but the weekend
was extremely busy, and in those moments I was standing around the con, I
was a bit switched off. I hope I didn't offend anyone, and it was good to
meet you, even if I didn't really talk all that much!



Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 09:38:50 +0000 (GMT)
From: Una McCormack <>
To: Lysator <>
Subject: [B7L] The really Famous Five
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Lucy said:

>On a completely different note, does anyone know if it's true that the MC
>at the con, Gary Russell, once starred as Dick in ITV's Famous Five
>series back in the late 70s, early 80s?

Indeed he was, and very good he was too. There was a marvellous edition of
the TV Times when 'The Famous Five' started, in which a two-page spread
was given over to telling you what the 4 young actors did in their spare
time. Gary is pictured sitting on a stool with a pile of Dr Who Target
novelizations up to shoulder height!

GR also went on to edit Dr Who Magazine, of course.

'The Famous Five' had a brilliant set of episodes with Brian Croucher in
As (surprise!) the baddie, and he is banged to rights by our heroes,
leading to the immortal line delivered in the way only Brian could: 'YOu
got me into trouble by telling lies about me!' Classic.


A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort.

The Judge Institute of Management Studies	   Tel: +44 (0)1223 766064
Trumpington Street				   Fax: +44 (0)1223 339701
United Kingdom


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 20:28:35 +1000 (EST)
From: Gordon & Carol <>
Subject: [B7L] Phoenix Four
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

<de-lurking mode on>

Hi Narrelle,

  Many thanks for the latest chapter in the Phoenix saga. My poor little
printer is working over time at the moment printing it all out for me (
that's providing I haven't killed the poor machine in the meantime ). I look
forward to curling up in bed later and having a bloody good read..

  As for the Con reports, I , being one of the unfortunate sods who could
not afford to attend, really enjoyed reading all the varied reports.
However, don't you think it's time to chuck in the towel now.. It is getting
to the point where it is hardly worth opening my digest post. Everyone sees
things through different eyes, everyone has different tolerance levels. Many
list members are reaching theirs and as a result are unsubbing.. For all
those who signed their real names to their posts, lets call it a draw and
move on, please..

<lurking mode back on>


Semper Fidelis
LT Colonel  Carol "Hondo" Mason            < >
63rd Squadron.
Australian Branch- Ready Reserves

" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The
courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to bury the bodies of the
people who piss me off!. And also help me to becareful of the toes I stand
on today, As they may be connected to the arse I might have to kiss tomorrow."


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 23:28:21 +1000 (EST)
From: (John Werry)
Subject: TV/Computer =  Zen?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Tramila wrote (well after editing)

>Just finished watching Space Fall.  Have TV on Computer now.  <vvvvveg>
>Can do both at same time.  <bounce>  hehehehehe

OK OK - Please let us into the secret - how can you turn your Monitor into a
combined TV and VDU (I'll assume that you can run video as well!)? 

What is this - Zen without the personality (mutter mutter seethe = envy) ?

Regards: John 


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 23:36:34 +1000 (EST)
From: (John Werry)
Subject: Starspotting
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Rob wrote:

>> > Oh dear, yet another deluded soul.  Blake rules Blake's 7.  Everyone knows
>> > that.  :-)
> >
>> > -- Rob
>> I'm sorry to say that if it wasn't for Orac, Blakes 7 wouldn't be half as
>> good.
>Hm.  Orac's 7.  Doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?  ;-)

It does if you roll your R's (now try saying that 10 times very fast after 5
stiff soma & adrenalin's!!!).

Regards: John


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 14:43:41 +0100 
From: "Borg, Peter: IEG" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: [B7L] TV/Computer =  Zen?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="MimeMultipartBoundary"

Content-Type: text/plain

Oops - done it again - what list software are you using Calle? It can't be
that hard to change!


> ----------
> From: 	Borg, Peter: IEG
> Sent: 	08 April 1998 14:39
> To: 	''
> Subject: 	RE: [B7L] TV/Computer =  Zen?
> Buy something like a WinTV card - Aerial cable into the back of your
> machine, and hey presto, you can watch telly. You can even view teletext.
> And guest  what? Put a video inline on the RF cable as you would with an
> ordinary telly and you can watch videos too!
> I did this to my system at home some time last year - *definately* worth
> it (the card cost gbp79).
> Peter.
> 	----------
> 	From:[]
> 	Sent: 	08 April 1998 14:28
> 	To:
> 	Subject: 	[B7L] TV/Computer =  Zen?
> 	Tramila wrote (well after editing)
> 	>Just finished watching Space Fall.  Have TV on Computer now.
> <vvvvveg>
> 	>Can do both at same time.  <bounce>  hehehehehe
> 	OK OK - Please let us into the secret - how can you turn your
> Monitor into a
> 	combined TV and VDU (I'll assume that you can run video as well!)? 
> 	What is this - Zen without the personality (mutter mutter seethe =
> envy) ?
> 	Regards: John 


Date: 08 Apr 1998 16:00:03 +0200
From: Calle Dybedahl <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] TV/Computer =  Zen?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

"Borg, Peter: IEG" <> writes:

> Oops - done it again - what list software are you using Calle? It can't be
> that hard to change!

It isn't hard to have the list make sure every reply goes to the list, 
no, but it's IMO wrong to do so. Sending something that should have
been public as a private mail doesn't have any consequences beyond a
small annoyance, and it can be trivially fixed by resending the
message. Sending something that should have been private to the public 
list can potentially be disastrous for the involved parties, and it
*can't* be fixed *at all*. Therefore, any list administered by me will 
be set up to avoid the second type of mistake as far as possible. 
		    Calle Dybedahl, UNIX Sysadmin


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 07:30:56 PDT
From: "Don Trower" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Oracnix
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Brilliant !

I spoke to PeterT at Stoke about his voice being so good for Orac / Zen. 
I told him that I used a couple of Orac/Zen WAVs for system error 
information messages on the computer system I use here, that went down 
well. Thank heavens I don't have Jenna pop up bit maps !


Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 11:40:28 -0500
From: Lisa Williams <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] TV/Computer =  Zen?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

John Werry wrote:

>OK OK - Please let us into the secret - how can you turn your Monitor into a
>combined TV and VDU (I'll assume that you can run video as well!)? 

Any TV tuner or video capture card will do that for you. (It's getting so
the only time I see TV shows at all is when I'm viewing them on my computer
monitor while working on the frame capture library.)

	- Lisa
Lisa Williams: or

Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library:
New Riders of the Golden Age:


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 02:27:34 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "B7 list" <>
Subject: [B7L] Temple Avatars
Message-ID: <01bd630f$6d9b5e80$0a4c18cb@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

OK, for the sake of reintroducing the Goddess
as a subject for this list, I've been thinking
about her possible avatars.  After all, every
worthwhile goddess appears in the flesh 
every now and then.

Unfortunately, I've drawn somewhat of a blank.  
So few people seem to live up to her!  I've
come up with only a few tentative suggestions.
All the below are my heroines in one way or 

Aeon Flux
Callisto ('cos she's a femme blonde killer 
with only one outfit.)
Scary Spice
Princess Ida (except that I can't see Soolin
giving up her independence on the strength
of such a crappy argument.  Maybe Ida is
more like Pella, actually, with the Seska as
Ida's university.)
Madeleine from Vertigo (but only in the first
half of the movie.  Any cool Hitchcock blonde
would do, actually.)
Catherine from Basic Instinct.
Angua Von Uberwald.

Of course, I am more and more convinced 
that Helga Gliersen is Soolin's truest avatar.
An old tape I watched yesterday consolidated
the issue for me.
Incident one: Helga is being fitted for a new
suit to wear to the Gestapo Club.  However, 
every time the unfortunate tailor tried to adjust
anything near her bust, bottom or crotch,
Helga hit him.
Incident two: Alberto: Are you a-going to
offer me a good time?
Helga (sweetly): How vould you like to go to
ze Russian Front?
Alberto: I was thinking of somewhere closer...

Shades of Gold, I decided.

I can't help it.  I must say it -

 - XXX Lindley
Ophelia - 
"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck."
LONDON CALLING - a list to discuss Britcoms and knockwurst.


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 02:14:15 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Deliverance pros & cons
Message-ID: <01bd630d$9109b8a0$0a4c18cb@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>On Tue, Apr 07, 1998 at 10:18:00AM +0000, Dennis Collin wrote:
>> To be honest, Kathryn's review was quite upsetting to those of us who had
>> worked so hard to make the con work, so try and see some of Diva's
>> comments in that light. And remember, it takes 2 (or more) to flame.
>> Kathryn answered honest comments with a fair amount of, shall we say,
>> passion of her own, but with not very much substance, and has stated that
>> she doesn't want to reply to any of my comments on her report. Should I
>> take it that she accepts that most of her complaints were not truly

Maybe I'm just easily upset at the moment
becuase it's the wrong time of month, and
therefore I'm sitting here clutching a heated
wheat bag, up to the eyeballs with morphine
and *still* unable to sleep, but this is getting
too spiteful and redundant for my tastes.
Kathryn did NOT flame
during this discussion, so comments like "it
takes two to flame" are distinctly unfair.

I think Kathryn responded exceptionally
well, under the circumstances.  I'm all for a good
argument, but it's unpleasant to see again what
Cheryl - where art thou, Cheryl? I miss you -
used to call the schoolyard bullying mentality
of the list.  Kathryn obviously didn't
think the con was perfect - I fail to see why
that's an excuse for Diva to attack her
and Judith so personally and nastily.

I don't see that bowing out was an admission
Kathryn was wrong - it was an exceptionally
dignified and intelligent act, and one I
probably wouldn't have had the grace to
do in her position.  After all, how many times
can we expect her to repeat that SHE SAID
 SHE ENJOYED THE CON?!?  Trying to let it
dies out was the best thing she could do,
and well done that girl.

On the subject of nom de nets - Steve
has a point.  I shifted to using "Ophelia"
after a distant acquaintance was harassed
in person by someone who recognised her
name on-line.  After all, I express some
pretty controversial opinions, and there isn't
exactly a "Lindley Walter-Smith" on every
street corner.  It's not as if I was called
Sarah or Rachael or Kylie Smith and
could disappear among millions.  However,
whenever my identity is relevant to a
discussion I *do* identify myself, and I think
if Diva is going to speak from a specific
association with the con like that she
should have the courage to name herself.
(I identify myself as Lindley on this list
becuase, hell, most of you already know me
by that name.  It's too late to switch to a

Damn.  Now I'm going to have to talk
about Soolin to cheer myself up. <g>

 - XXX Lindley
Ophelia -
"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck."
LONDON CALLING - a list to discuss Britcoms and knockwurst.


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 04:47:21 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "B7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] On the espidoe 'Power' (long)
Message-ID: <01bd6322$f4877d80$0a4c18cb@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Do you know, the first discussion I *ever*
got involved with on this list was one of the
semi-regular "is Power sexist" ones?
Ah, sweet nostalgia.

I agree with everything the "overtly Marxist
editor" wrote, and I want to point out that the
Joanna Russ essay is dead funny as well as
perceptive.  My agreement may be because
I'm summat of a Marxist meself.  <opens eyes
wide and gasps: you wouldn't have *guessed*,
would you?>

But I particularly want to second this bit:

<<        - Women vs. Seska: this implies that Seska are not 'real' (i.e.,
submissive) women.
        - You see the removal of the dynamon crystals as symbolic of rape,
I prefer to see it as more symbolic of castration. Seska are not 'real'
because they are independent (of men) and powerful in their own right. They
emulate men, and that is not permissible because it usurps man's monopoly
on power.>>

and I also want to add that I see the removal
of the crystals as the *precursor* to rape.
Nina makes it clear that she suffered sexual
coercion as well as the removal of the crystals
and, like the good little woman she is, learned
to love it.  It's worth mentioning that raping
a man is symbolically equivalent to castrating
him, as it replaces his definition as sexual
by the "active" member, the penis, with a
"hole" (vah\gina/anus.)  So castration and
rape are already symbolically linked.


>I'm not going to quote the originals, but this is in response to a
>discussion of the episode "Power". Frankly, I don't think we were
>supposed to approve of either society. They were caught in a
>self-destructive cycle of hate, instead of going outside their
>preconcieved notions of male/female. Perhaps the reason Avon was able to
>basically defeat _both_ cultures is that his own is slightly more
>enlightened. He is proud of his mental strength and resorts to physical
>violence only when forced to. Both cultures forced him to defend himself
>and his friends from them. One was a group of savages similar to the
>Goths, the other group had members as sexist as any male group could
>ever have been. Rooting for Avon to resist the power of the evil Seskas
>(and not all of them were evil), is no different from rooting for Dayna
>against sexist male Federation officers.

I'm not so sure about this.  Remember,
the Seska's hatred of the Hommicks <g>
was based on a pretty accurate assessment
of the oppressive, patriarchal culture the
Goths represent.  (Witness their cruel
treatment of the Seska they capture,
for example.)  That shows, pretty clearly
I think, that everyone's favourite B7
writer <g> was drawing a deliberate
parallel between the Seska and lesbian
separatist feminists.

Avon, otoh, pretty firmly allied himself
with the patriarchal culture by using
exactly their mixture of sex and
violence against Pella.  I *can't* root
for something that equated to rape,
to "all you need is a good fuck to make
you docile."  If he'd just fought her, my
reaction might have been different,
but a man adding sex to an act of
violence and coercion against a womyn
leaves a very nasty taste in my mouth.
As does all that crap about the male
always being stronger.  Go on, let's
see a scuffle between Dayna and Vila
and see who'll win...

And, of course, Power is part of a long
tradition of scifi in which Amazon
societies are either destroyed or raped
into submission.  I may get a guilty erotic
thrill out of them, but I find them politically
offensive and personally scary.

Point: the male culture *had* wimmin
for breeding.  They didn't *need* to
capture and murder Seska.  It was the
sight of independent wimmin that enraged
them.  Avon conveniently forget that when
he made his Prince Hilarion-ish statement
about running out of people.

[But pray reflect -
If you enlist all women in your cause,
And make them all abjure tyrranic Man,
The obvious question then arises "How
Is this Posterity to be provided?"
*Princess Ida* Act II ]

Of course, the answer is to capture one
man and make him wank into a jar a
few times - see Angela Carter's "Nights
at the Circus" - but that's beside the point.
Me, I don't think I'd prefer Castle Adamant
myself, but if I lived on Xenon I'd definitely
reconsider rather than be turned into
a "vive la difference" doormat like Nina.

My summation of "Power" is that I wish Soolin
joining the group had been celebrated by
an episode more worthy of her.

Dammit, look, it's nearly 5 am and the
cramps  are *still* keeping me awake.

- XXX Lindley
(proving again her dictum that there's a
W.S. Gilbert reference to fit every
occasion .)
Ophelia -
"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck."
LONDON CALLING - a list to discuss Britcoms and knockwurst.


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 04:06:17 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Star spotting
Message-ID: <01bd631d$37c37640$0a4c18cb@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Paul & Gareth were both in the brilliant
teleplay series Hammer's House of Horror,
too.  Gareth played a dual role in the same
play, as a Welsh cop and an Indian mystic,
in one of the dumbest plays - less said
about either his performance or the script
the better.  Paul played a cold, calculating
antique dealer/practitioner of black magic - 
a rather Avonesque role - in a  play
about a virgin sacrifice being hunted 
by a cult.  (It was much better than it 
sounds, truly, and Paul was great.)

 - XXX Lindley
Ophelia - 
"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck."
LONDON CALLING - a list to discuss Britcoms and knockwurst.


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 98 21:12:17 BST
From: (Patrick Bean)
Subject: Re:[B7L] DSV 1 or 2
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Wed  8 Apr 98 (02:42:50 +0200), wrote:
> Why Zen accepts Blake and co. is beyond me unless Zen assumes the System is
> lost, or Zen it self is damaged.

This has always been an oddity, why Zen and the ship were so 'human friendly'
while the system was so un-friendly. 
 __  __  __  __      __ ___   _____________________________________________
|__||__)/ __/  \|\ ||_   |   / (Patrick David Bean)
|  ||  \\__/\__/| \||__  |  /...Internet access for all Acorn RISC machines
___________________________/  Web


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 17:06:33 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
To: B7 list <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] On the espidoe 'Power' (long)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Avon, otoh, pretty firmly allied himself
with the patriarchal culture by using
exactly their mixture of sex and
violence against Pella.  I *can't* root
for something that equated to rape,
to "all you need is a good fuck to make
you docile."  If he'd just fought her, my
reaction might have been different,
but a man adding sex to an act of
violence and coercion against a womyn
leaves a very nasty taste in my mouth.
As does all that crap about the male
always being stronger.  Go on, let's
see a scuffle between Dayna and Vila
and see who'll win...

Um, correct me if I'm wrong (I may well be, I oonly saw the epsiode
once), but wasn't this another case of Avon kisses the girl to distract
her while he uses her own weapon-- like with Sarcophagus? He used the
crystal, which turned body mass into telekenitic energy against her--
didn't he? I took the "Man being stronger" comment to mean this-- once
Avon learns it works on a body mass principle, the larger person  (men
being usually larger) is stronger. Vila _would_ defeat Dayna, useing


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 17:11:34 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] DSV 1 or 2
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Patrick Bean wrote:
> On Wed  8 Apr 98 (02:42:50 +0200), wrote:
> > Why Zen accepts Blake and co. is beyond me unless Zen assumes the System is
> > lost, or Zen it self is damaged.
> This has always been an oddity, why Zen and the ship were so 'human friendly'
> while the system was so un-friendly.
> --
Zen's pretty obviously AI, not just a standard computer. He has
programming parameters he can't overcome, but they seem similiar to
Gan's implant. Zen may be human-friendly due to contact with System
slaves. At any rate, I think Zen decided, after the mantal contact with
Jenna, that the new people were worthy.


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 17:19:03 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
To: B7 list <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] On the espidoe 'Power' (long)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Quoting Ophelia
"Me, I don't think I'd prefer Castle Adamant
myself, but if I lived on Xenon I'd definitely
reconsider rather than be turned into
a "vive la difference" doormat like Nina."

Agreed. But I still don't see how either culture is being held up as a
standard. We align ourselves w/ Blake's 7, not with the Seskas or
Hommiks. And, as you pointed out, Dayna could whup Vila in a fight any
day. And I dare say Soolin could give the boys a run for their money
mentally. Servalan is both feminine and powerful (and evil, but that's
another problem of anti-feminist tendancies in Blake's 7... the only
woman who isn't subordinate, is evil... but what SF show did better
until very recent years?)
I might also point out, that Avon seems only attracted to independent,
capable women (Assassin being the really bad epsiode that excepted
this... was the woman using pheremones or what? Sara couldn't fool Avon,
and she tried the exact same "Helpless, cute me" act in season 1).


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 21:27:48 EDT
From: DCsquared <>
Subject: [B7L] B7 Novice Fanfiction Writer's Page
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

O.K. folks - I finally have enough of the fanfiction site functioning to make
the address public.  I have at least a few items on each page, but of course I
will be adding to as often as I can.  Also, PLEASE contact me with any
suggestions or contributions you might have.  Don't worry if there isn't a
specific place for your idea right now - we'll be working out the details
together as we go along.  Those of you with real expertise, come on and share
the wealth.  We need you! So go visit, tell your friends, and write something
for the site...

Ahead standard by seven!

Donna Chlouber

p.s.  I currently have a few Java applets on the site.  If you know your
browser chokes on them, wait a few weeks and they'll be gone.  Had to do that
to demonstrate my proficiency (ha!) for my instructor.  After 1st of May, I'll
revise to make things as browser friendly as possible.


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 16:02:22 +1200
From: Nicola Collie <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: [B7L] Everyone's con reports
Message-Id: <l03130306b151ef75c6b4@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Thanks, everyone, for posting your impressions of Neutral Zone and
Deliverance. I've been really interested to read about everyone's
experiences, likes and dislikes and so forth. Now I have a better idea of
what to expect if I ever get to one of these events myself! I've also
enjoyed seeing what some of you look like from photos on people's web
sites. I know how tough it is writing these things up, especially after not
enough sleep, and too much travel! Anyone else who's still recovering and
wondering if they should bother to share their con reports - I'd love to
see them!
A special mention to Judith's husband Richard and his non-B7 fan's
impression - I'm sure my partner would relate to this!
Thanks, everyone, for your efforts - melon will never be the same...
ttfn, Nicola

Nicola Collie
Dunedin, New Zealand

Landing: a controlled mid-air collision with a planet.

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #106