Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #110
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 110

Today's Topics:
	 Re: [B7L] On the espidoe 'Power' (long)
	 [B7L] Re: goodbye and thanks
	 Re: [B7L] Deliverance pros & cons
	 [B7L] re: Power
	 [B7L] Re: blakes7-d Digest V98 #109
	 [B7L] B7 Dreams


Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 10:11:04 GMT
From: (Ken Minne)
To: "B7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] On the espidoe 'Power' (long)
Message-ID: <>
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Good day all,

Good day all,

On Sat, 11 Apr 1998 00:48:04 +0930, Lindley  wrote:

>cc-ed to Spin List.  All non-B7 replies to
>go there, please,or directly to me, 
>for our own protection as much
>as for anything else.  I've kept my reply
>on-line as a good part of it is B7 and,
>of course, if you mention B7 too this is the 
>right place for it.  Complicated, isn't it?
>Walter Minne:
( big evil grin )

I think that incendiary landed right in the fuel depot.

>I'm sorry, but I object to this.  If being
>a queer socialist feminist is politically correct,
>why are we attacked so much?  PC is simply
>used to dismiss all leftist views, regardless
>of the fact that *real* political correctness
>is distinctly right of centre everywhere but in
>specifically leftist circles.  

>I'm a leftist radical becuase I'm politically INcorrect,
>thank you very much.  After all, it doesn't exactly
>help your chances of getting a job or living an
>argment-free life.
Your Mileage May Vary, as they say.

Back to the Blake's 7,

You can attack the Hommiks for being violent, patriarchical and
un-enlightened, and I can counter-attack by questioning how you can
malign their culture. 

>>1. Would there have been this much angst over the episode if the Seska
>>were using a gun instead of their Necklaces? It seems unacceptable for
>>the Seska to be disarmed, but in the real world, it is happening al
>>the time.
>If they were deproived of their guns
>in order to rape and enslave them, yes,
>I would still be angry, and my analysis
>would still hold.
As distinct from removing a dangerous weapon from their society?

>>3. We know Pella was a liar and a cheat, Why should we trust anything
>>she said?
>Becuase we saw what happened to Kate.
Are you confusing Luxia and Kate?
Kate was killed by Pella, Luxia was captured and disarmed by Nina.

>Because we saw Hommick society 
Where Nina takes command on the death of her husband?

>>4. What was so important Pella had to murder Cato to conceal?
>Can't remember.  But Pella was written
>as a castrating bitch, she wasn't
>spontaneously generated.
I also strongly suspect that Cato was murdered for no better reason
than to get Avon into trouble. Unfortunately, Nina seems to have sided
with Avon and neglected to inform the guard.

A couple of other things that struck me as interesting :

It seems the Hommiks had  already reverted to their primitive culture
by the time of the assault Nina reports on in the historical tape ie
an axe is slammed into the desk before her. So where did they get a
Nucleic Burster from ( presumably a high tech item )

What was Dorians relationship with the Hommiks? Why didn't he help the
Seska in his employ? He could easily have destroyed the Hommiks, or
driven them off with the weapons that he could have made or imported.
Maybe he was feeding Hommiks to the basement room for his alter ego.
Alternately, maybe he had realised that the Seska were trying to
betray him, and this was his pay back.

>>Popping open a box of marshmellows,
>I prefer popcorn myself.
To each their own, >;-)

> - XXX Lindley
>Ophelia - 
>"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
>Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck."
>LONDON CALLING - a list to discuss Britcoms and knockwurst.

Catch you later,

Walter Minne


Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 09:55:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [B7L] Re: goodbye and thanks
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Bye guys, and thanks!
>Fran M

Goodbye and take care.



Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 09:05:19 -0700
From: Pat Patera <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Deliverance pros & cons
Message-ID: <>
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Jay McGuigan wrote:
> It's credited to Voltaire the original (?) quote is:

> "I detest what you write, but I would give my life
>  to make it possible for you to continue to write."

Hey! This belongs on DC Squared's website for novice B7 fan writers
(under the "bad writing samples")
:) Pat P


Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 00:07:05 +0100
From: Jackie <>
Subject: [B7L] re: Power
Message-ID: <>
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ShelaB7 wrote:
> >> Courtney wrote:
> >>  Blake's 7, but Avon's a 10  <<
> HeeeeHeeee, Courtney! where did you come up with this?
> Shela

A  very VERY old saying. I bought it as a car sticker at 1988 Space City
Convention (would`nt swear to it, but it could have been from Horizon`s
table - well it was 10 years ago!!)

(still desperately trying to catch up with *real Life* after Neutral
Zone & Deliverence)


Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 21:30:00 EDT
Subject: [B7L] Re: blakes7-d Digest V98 #109
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the wonderful travel report, Sandy, I really enjoyed it!

Western Washington state's weather is much like England's...mild
winter/mild summer, C type climate for those into climatology.  Interior
is another story, though, a bit like the rockies and the midwest
combined, but without the tornadoes, I gather. <G>

Goodbye to Fran.  Good luck where you are moving to.  It sounds like a
challange that many wouldn't be up for, but since you will enjoy
hat's off to you.

Missy:  Mommy, will you play with me?
Mommy:  I need to rest, I just got done cooking dinner and my back hurts.
Missy:  You really should have more fun.

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Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 11:38:51 -0500
From: "Reuben Herfindahl" <>
To: <>, <>
Subject: [B7L] B7 Dreams
Message-ID: <035501bd66fa$a4a4e8d0$660114ac@misnt>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Okay, I've entered the phase of needs a brake from B7.  I had a nice
complicated dream last night.  Maybe it's because so many 60's and 70's TV
shows are being revived as movies, but that's what I dreamt.  It's rather
hazy, but what I remember seems to be quite funny.

The effects were all great, but still all model work.  No computer generated
effects.  However the actors had been "aged" digitally to appear much as
they looked at the end of the series.

I remember the start quite clearly.  It was a slow pan across the floor with
buzzers still blaring.  Bodies everywhere.  Federation guards, Dayna,
Soolin, and Blake.  Fade.  Avon recovering from heavy stun with a very
irritated Servalan pacing and furious at him for ruining her plan to trap

>From there my memory gets blury, but somehow Avon escapes with Villa and
Orac.  They get pursued by an Alien vessel, which somehow managed to get
Zen's presence loaded into it's main computer, which they adopt as the new
Liberator.  Somehow they set a trap for Servalan's brother (either that or
she somehow got into the body of a man), who it is revealed set up fatal
part of GP and gun down him and all his troops in a near identical scenario
as on GP.  The movie ends (of course) with Avon grinning.

It's odd how the mind works.  It made quite a bit of sense until I tried
writing it down.


End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #110