From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #115 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: <> archive/volume98/115 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 115 Today's Topics: Re: [B7L] Re: Liberator Re: [B7L] Re: Liberator Re: [B7L] Oh no, not Tarrant... [B7L] Headhunter (was Re: Orac) [B7L] Bye for now [B7L] New frame captures Re: [B7L] New frame captures ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 10:35:21 -0500 From: "Reuben Herfindahl" <> To: "Kathryn Andersen" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Liberator Message-ID: <00cd01bd6a16$6eefb570$660114ac@misnt> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -----Original Message----- From: Kathryn Andersen <> To: Blake's 7 List <> Date: Thursday, April 16, 1998 10:02 PM Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Liberator > >Or Orac could be like Jane in Orson Scott Card's "Speaker For the >Dead" - it's only actually possible for there to be one of him. That >is, most of him resides in the Tarriel net, and if you built another >of him, it would simply be another access-point to the one, original >Orac. > That seems like a very logical explanation. I also really like the idea of him storing all his information remotely, and all over the place. Either that or he had Avon build him a huge RAID array that takes up a large portion of the Liberator. Reuben ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 22:02:59 +1200 From: "Lucas Young" <> To: <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Liberator Message-ID: <003a01bd6ab1$2f6efb40$89bafea9@lucas> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I like to think that Orac had an optical storage system, which explained all the flashy lights... Orac wasn't a very helpful fellow and could quite probably have built a fleet of Liberators had he the inclination... hey, why didn't Blake use the autoregeneration capability of the Liberator to build a fleet? Orac could have cracked the copy protection...! Lucas -----Original Message----- From: Reuben Herfindahl <> To: Kathryn Andersen <> Date: Saturday, 18 April 1998 21:27 Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Liberator > >-----Original Message----- >From: Kathryn Andersen <> >To: Blake's 7 List <> >Date: Thursday, April 16, 1998 10:02 PM >Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Liberator > >> >>Or Orac could be like Jane in Orson Scott Card's "Speaker For the >>Dead" - it's only actually possible for there to be one of him. That >>is, most of him resides in the Tarriel net, and if you built another >>of him, it would simply be another access-point to the one, original >>Orac. >> >That seems like a very logical explanation. I also really like the idea of >him storing all his information remotely, and all over the place. Either >that or he had Avon build him a huge RAID array that takes up a large >portion of the Liberator. > >Reuben > ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 12:06:46 +0100 From: "Dangermouse" <> To: <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Oh no, not Tarrant... Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ---------- > From: Russ Massey <> > Here's another of Neil's musings on fan fiction writing. No reproduction for > profit, and no copying unless the author's name is retained if you please. > > > > OH NO, NOT TARRANT... > Thoughts on writing the B7 characters > > by Neil Faulkner (from AltaZine #4) > > ...or Dayna, or Servalan, or Gan, or... I suppose most fan writers have come > up against it at some time or other: the fact that some B7 characters are > harder to write for than others. This can be a real problem because a fan > writer is often stuck with the presence of a character he or she would rather > not have to handle. I can't speak for other writers, only myself, but I detect > three different aspects interlocking (or rather, failing to interlock) with each > other: the characters I like the most; the characters I particularly want to > write; and the ease with which I can handle them when writing. When all three > fall together, then fine. Otherwise, big problem. Not just fan writers - this applies to us professionals as well. I've done several Dr Whos, and some are definitely easier to write than others - I found Pat Troughton the easiest to capture, and Colin Baker the most difficult. This latter quite surprised me - since he's the one who is probably most like me, I'd have thought I'd have found him easier... > Cally might be my favourite character, but I actually find Tarrant and Travis > easier to write for. This is an important distinction - the ones you prefer writing for are not necessarily the ones you do best - in the fanfic I've been working on for Judith, I definitely like Avon the best, but she tells I write best for Vila... I find Dayna very hard to write, even though I do like her, and can get a grip on her... And as for Jenna, well, she's damn near impossible to do well. > Well, the ones that I most enjoy watching would be Cally, Avon > and Vila, probably in that order. The ones I find I most want to write about > are Cally, Jenna and Blake, in no real order at all. But the ones I find easiest > to write are Tarrant, Travis and - limping in third place - Cally. Since only > Cally seems to be going all three ways at once, perhaps it's no surprise that > she tends to figure more highly than most in the bulk of the fiction that I > write. > > Do other fan writers experience the same problem in the same way? I > wouldn't mind knowing. Like I said, us professionals have the same problem. I haven't done B7 professionally (since it ended when I was 13!) so I have to pick other examples - I worked on three episodes of Deep Space Nine... Now, there the characters I most enjoy watching are Quark, Odo, and O'Brien. But the ones I like writing about are Odo, Dax and Kira. And the ones who I end up turning out *best* are Bashir and Jake... So it's a pretty confusing way to earn a living! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 07:43:18 -0400 From: (Carol A. McCoy) To: Subject: [B7L] Headhunter (was Re: Orac) Message-ID: <> Julia Jones wrote: >In message <>, Harriet >Monkhouse <> writes >> >>I know Headhunter messes this up, but Headhunter messes up a lot of things, >>chiefly one's aesthetic sensibilities. >> >Speak for yourself, dear. Having watched it on UK Gold last week, I >quite enjoyed the "Avon with tousled hair" count, especially when >combined with the "Avon unconscious" bit. And Tarrant has some very nice unconscious moments as well. I love his ashen skin and floppy body when he and Vila have just been hauled back to the base from Scorpio. Even nicer is having Avon hover over Tarrant for a minute. (Showing that he cares again. <g>) The other nice unconscious Tarrant moment is when he whispers "Soolin" in his sleep just after the android passes through the med center. "Headhunter" is right up there on my ten favorite episodes list. A friend who also admits to liking it said she considers it a "guilty pleasure." But I think the episode has enough going for it that one shouldn't feel guilty. Aside from what is mentioned by Julia and myself above, there are some very excellent character interactions: Vila-Tarrant, Soolin-Orac. There's Avon's reaction to Orac's suggestion to leave Vila and Tarrant on Scorpio. Avon's momentary attempt to comfort Vena, then he passes the job to Soolin. The cute race through the base. Avon's close encounter with electricity. And lots more. It's a great ep. Carol McCoy ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 21:53:44 +1000 (EST) From: Gordon & Carol <> To: Subject: [B7L] Bye for now Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Got to unsub for a bit, bye to all, thanks for the fun. I'll be back later. Carol. Semper Fidelis LT Colonel Carol "Hondo" Mason SPACE: 63rd Squadron. ABOVE AND BEYOND. Australian Branch- Ready Reserves <> " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to bury the bodies of the people who piss me off!. And also help me to becareful of the toes I stand on today, As they may be connected to the arse I might have to kiss tomorrow." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 23:04:50 -0500 From: Lisa Williams <> To:, Subject: [B7L] New frame captures Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" The episode "Blake" has been added to the B7 Video Frame Capture Library at <>. There are 197 images in the collection for this one -- yes, that's a lot, but this was a Very Important Episode and even after ruthless culling I still wound up with that many. I'm going to work on the Man From U.N.C.L.E. section of the library for awhile, because accesses over there have been through the roof lately and they obviously need some more episodes. However, I am taking nominations for what will be the next B7 episodes I add to the lib. The four I've got in there now are my favorites, but I don't have any clear-cut choice for what's next. Let me know if you have a preference. I reserve the right to make the final determination, though; episodes that I can't stand aren't likely to make the cut anytime soon. Also, I'm adding some pair indices to the B7 page, similar to what I have on the pages for the other shows. Unlike the other shows, though, B7 has several popular pairings. I've started with the most obvious ones, but if you have some other pair you want to see an index for, let me know and I'll look into adding it to the list. - Lisa _____________________________________________________________ Lisa Williams: or Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library: New Riders of the Golden Age: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 14:47:15 -0700 From: Pat Patera <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] New frame captures Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Lisa Williams wrote: > The episode "Blake" has been added to the B7 Video Frame Capture Library at > <>... Wow. This is a glorious, amazing, fascinating site. I could spend my life here. oh dang, you mean I hafta leave and go do idiot stuff like eat, sleep, work? Lisa, I can't imagine the technical know how it must take to build such an intensive site, but thank you for doing so. drool drool drooooool :D > > ...However, I am taking nominations > for what will be the next B7 episodes I add to the lib. The four I've got > in there now are my favorites, Because you like dramatic cliffhangers with dire potential? For new eps, I nominate Assassin, which recently got bashed on the list, (personally, I *like* Cancer; she has a voice to cut glass; she don't need no poison crab, she could kill with a word) and dang, this ep has some slavvery moments: Avon captured by pirates, kneeling in submission. Avon captured by slavers, kneeling in submission. Avon captured by Cancer, staked out in submission. pirates and slavers and assassins, oh my! I also nominate Gold, because Avon and Soolin working together make such a glorious god & goddess of death. Pat P -------------------------------- End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #115 **************************************