Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #126
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 126

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Re Blakes Legend
	 [B7L] The Aquitar Files
	 [B7L] Star Cops Episode Guide
	 Re: [B7L] Rendezvous
	 Re: [B7L] Deliverance pros & cons
	 Re: [B7L] The good ones in season 4
	 Re: [B7L] The Aquitar Files
	 Re: [B7L] Rendezvous
	 Re: [B7L] The good ones in season 4
	 Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
	 Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
	 Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
	 Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
	 RE: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
	 [B7L] HMS DSV?
	 [B7L] Chocolate
	 [B7L] Fannishness?
	 Re: [B7L] Rendezvous
	 Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
	 Re: [B7L] re Christopher Wheatley
	 Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
	 Re: [B7L] Chocolate
	 [B7L] Terry Nation Videos
	 Fw: [B7L] Rendezvous
	 Re: [B7L] Rendezvous
	 [B7L] A pledge for Tarrant
	 Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage


Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 18:12:15 +0100 GMT
Subject: [B7L] Re Blakes Legend
Message-Id: <>

Reuben asked: "Umm, call me ignorant but what is the Blake's
Legend project?"

It's a fan made straight to video production set after Gauda
Prime. The leader of the resistance is Blake's daughter. They
somehow get hold of another DSV from the System. Peter T
plays Orac and the new ship computer, and a human. No other
original cast members are in it, though they were hoping for a
guest appearance, which was the original reason given for the
delay. A preview was shown at Who's 7 in 1996 and it had a
quite reasonable CGI space battle. When and if it will appear is
anyone's guess.

Steve Rogerson

Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent

"The workers united will never be ignited"
Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett


Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 19:55:38 +0100 (BST)
From: Reba Bandyopadhyay <>
To: "Blake's 7" <>
Subject: [B7L] The Aquitar Files
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91.980428193231.6723J-100000@vega>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi all,

In light of the recent mentions of The Aquitar Files, I thought I'd 
de-lurk for a sec to shamelessly plug our webzine!  There are several B7 
fanfic sites out there now but ours was the first!  =)

Anyone who hasn't already been there can find the zine at

You need to request a username and password to access the stories; email 
your request to, with the subject header 
'AF:Password'.  We have an auto-response bot set up so you should be able 
to access the site within a day.

We currently have 21 short stories, a novella, and a novel length story 
online, as well as a few other things -- including a page of my photos 
from Deliverance!  Some of these have previously appeared in very old 
zines or on one of the B7 mailing lists, but the majority are getting 
their first publication on TAF.

We are always looking for more submissions, so if you have a story you'd 
like to submit, please do!  Or if you have an old one that's long 
out-of-print that you'd like to resurrect, or one that has appeared 
elsewhere, we'd love to see that too (as long as it's OK with the editor 
of whatever it appeared in first!!)  Some people have commented that 
e-fic for other fandoms have been of generally lower quality because 
there's no editor.  Not in this case!  Loulou and I do the usual 
editorial stuff that you get in a paper zine, and try to keep the quality 
of the stories high.  

I'd also like to thank everyone who's said nice things about TAF either 
on-list or by sending us feedback.  We try to respond to everyone but as 
I am currently writing up my doctoral thesis and Loulou is just starting 
up her own business and simultaneously raising a 5-yr-old, it can take us 
a long time to answer email!  (Loulou has currently unsubscribed from 
Lysator and Space_City, and I have unsubbed from Space_City also, due to 
time constraints.  Now everyone knows why we are pathological lurkers!)  
Please keep that feedback coming, though -- it *is* appreciated!

We hope to have some more stories soon, and also we will eventually be 
putting up a frames version of TAF.  (Don't worry, we'll still have the 
original non-frames version too!)  

Hope to get some submissions soon, and hope everyone enjoys the site!


P.S. Could someone who's on Space City please repost this message there?  

P.P.S. Hi to everyone I met/saw at Deliverance -- Jenni, Sarah T, 
Kathryn, Ross, Judith, Una (of course ;]) and everyone I'm forgetting!


*Astronomy*English Literature*Ex Astris, Scientia*Kenneth Branagh*Shakespeare*
*Star Trek*Forever Knight*     Reba Bandyopadhyay     *James Joyce*Billy Joel*
*Jew Crew*Books*Traveling*     *Movies*Science Fiction*
*Stephen King*Liam Neeson*     MIT Physics c/o 93     *Broadway*Emma Thompson*
*X-Files*Steven Spielberg*    Oxford Astro c/o 98     *Ralph Fiennes*Vampires*
*ClassicCoke*Babylon 5*Member of the Star Wars Generation*Blake's 7*DoctorWho*


Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 13:51:33 -0600
Subject: [B7L] Star Cops Episode Guide
Message-Id: <H00008030d73c786@MHS>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name="BDY.TXT"
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Please excuse the non-B7 question -- although it is a Chris Boucher
question so it is "related," so to speak.

I've been taping Star Cops for Reuben.  Unfortunately, our PBS
station has totally screwed up the order of the episodes.  

Does any one have a Episode Guide for Star Cops so I can
re-tape the episodes in the correct order for Reuben?


*  Cheryl Marks             Email:         
*  Telnet:  1-335-2193      Phone:  (425) 335-2193
*  Fax:    (425) 335-2828
*            Address:  Hewlett-Packard, MS 90
*                      8600 Soper Hill Road
*                      Everett, WA  98205-1298
* "Never play with asteriods."            Blake's 7
I am currently testing a new e-mail client called Outlook.  If present, please 
disregard the "winmail.dat" 




Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 08:52:17 +1200
From: Nicola Collie <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Rendezvous
Message-Id: <l03130301b16bf1d4404b@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>and Carol Mc said
> ->I'm not surprised.  Servalan can't seem to keep her hands off
> ->Lean and Lanky.  (Not that I don't admire her good taste.)
> ->

>Which one is Lean and which is Lanky?

Both of him ;-)
ttfn, Nicola

Nicola Collie
Dunedin, New Zealand

Landing: a controlled mid-air collision with a planet.


Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 23:51:12 +0100
From: "Tom Forsyth" <>
To: "B7 Lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Deliverance pros & cons
Message-Id: <E0yUJDh-0003rV-00@praseodumium>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Jenni-A wrote:
> Yay! Maya Gold rules! Tomorrow I shall attempt to ascertain the results
> of eating 100g of chocolate while drinking two cups of filter coffee
> (with two sugars). I estimate insanity by 10am.
> Has anyone else ever tried to sing Surfing with the Alien(Joe Satriani),
> Masturbike(Bad News) and B7 theme tune simultaneously?
> > And that was only the small bar. I dread to think of the consequences
> > if I'd gone for the 100g number.
> You know how Vila looks after Space city.....come to think of it, you
> know how Vila looks during space city! Wheeeee!
> Jenni
> ****************************************
> Chicken Pie Shooooes
> Chicken Pie Soooeooooeoooos
> ****************************************

And she was such a quiet lass at the con. Let that be a lesson to you all -
chocolate screws you up. I'm down to 150g of Fruit&Nut a day. I can handle
it. I can give it up any time I like.

Tom Forsyth.


Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 23:40:02 +0100
From: "Tom Forsyth" <>
To: "B7 Lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] The good ones in season 4
Message-Id: <E0yUJDe-0003rV-00@praseodumium>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lorna B wrote:
>Liberator was found floating crewless by Tarrant and the Death Squad.  As
>far as I understand salvage laws, it's finder's keepers, so it really
>*was* Tarrant's ship.  I thought it was awfully nice of him to let Avon
>have it back.  :-)  >>

Shela wrote:  
>Well, he really didn't have much choice, considering ZEN wouldn't talk to

Jacqueline T wrote:
> Wouldn't that make it ZEN's ship?

I thought that, too - if there's a member of the crew still aboard, does
that negate its salvage status?

Tom Forsyth.


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 00:28:30 +0100
From: "Tom Forsyth" <>
To: "B7 Lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] The Aquitar Files
Message-Id: <E0yUKGB-00056D-00@rhenium>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Reba asked:
> P.S. Could someone who's on Space City please repost this message there? 

> Thanks!


Tom Forsyth.


Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 17:22:01 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
To: Tramila <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Rendezvous
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Tramila wrote:
> Avona wrote:
> >Rendezvous at Freedom City to begin expedition  to steal the DSV3 is
> >postponed indefinitely. The teleport isn't working. I think I saw
> >Tarrant and Servalan sneak into the teleport room earlier, and now
> >there's massage oil leaked into the controls.
> >
> >Sorry, Tramila and Jen,
> Haven't the automatics kicked in yet?  Avona, you are slipping if they are
> broken and you haven't fix them.  Or is it that you were too busy being a
> voyeur to bother with the repairs?  Yeah.  That's what you were doing.
> Jealous.  That's what it was and me.....waiting around while you were
> getting your kicks. 

"I get my kicks _above_ the waistline, Sunshine."
This is future technology, you know. And it didn't come with a manual.
::Starts wiping the wires clean and pushing them back into place,
"The transistor's connected to the oscillator, the oscillator's
connected to the resistor set, and that's the way o-of Zen."
>  I have a mind to simply take Orac without you.  I can
> do it myself, you know. 
Right. You'll make Orac get second thought about saying no to ruling the
human race in Headhunter.
> Fewer profits to divide.  Besides!  Those two
> deserve each other.  They're equally nasty.
No comment. None needed. Besides, I'd much rather see the Tarrant Nostra
go after you than me. :^/



Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 17:42:32 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] The good ones in season 4
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Tom Forsyth wrote:
> Jacqueline T wrote:
> > Wouldn't that make it ZEN's ship?
> I thought that, too - if there's a member of the crew still aboard, does
> that negate its salvage status?
> Tom Forsyth.

You're right. Interesting.


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 14:30:32 +1200
From: Nicola Collie <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
Message-Id: <l03130301b16c40779574@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>> Jacqueline T wrote:
>> > Wouldn't that make it ZEN's ship?

>> I thought that, too - if there's a member of the crew still aboard, does
>> that negate its salvage status?
>> Tom Forsyth.

>You're right. Interesting.

But is Zen regarded by anyone else as a crew member? We fen think he is
(afaik), our heroes think he is, but on the surface he looks like just
another flight computer. Kinda like a pilot regarding hir electronic nav
systems as a fellow crew-member.
This is getting way too serious ;-)
ttfn, Nicola

Nicola Collie
Dunedin, New Zealand

The early bird catches the worm. If you'd prefer something else for
breakfast, get up later.


Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 19:29:00 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Nicola Collie wrote:
> >> Jacqueline T wrote:
> >> > Wouldn't that make it ZEN's ship?
> Tom:
> >> I thought that, too - if there's a member of the crew still aboard, does
> >> that negate its salvage status?
> >>
> >> Tom Forsyth.
> Helen:
> >You're right. Interesting.
> But is Zen regarded by anyone else as a crew member? We fen think he is
> (afaik), our heroes think he is, but on the surface he looks like just
> another flight computer. Kinda like a pilot regarding hir electronic nav
> systems as a fellow crew-member.
> This is getting way too serious ;-)
> ttfn, Nicola

But does it matter what other people think? If Zen doesn't think the
ship is up for grabs, it isn't, as he ably proved.


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 13:31:52 +1000
From: Bill Billingsley <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 19:29 28/04/98 -0800, Helen wrote:
>Nicola Collie wrote:
>> >> Jacqueline T wrote:
>> >> > Wouldn't that make it ZEN's ship?
>> Tom:
>> >> I thought that, too - if there's a member of the crew still aboard, does
>> >> that negate its salvage status?
>> >>
>> >> Tom Forsyth.
>> Helen:
>> >You're right. Interesting.
>> But is Zen regarded by anyone else as a crew member? We fen think he is
>> (afaik), our heroes think he is, but on the surface he looks like just
>> another flight computer. Kinda like a pilot regarding hir electronic nav
>> systems as a fellow crew-member.
>> This is getting way too serious ;-)
>> ttfn, Nicola
>But does it matter what other people think? If Zen doesn't think the
>ship is up for grabs, it isn't, as he ably proved.

Time for a ret-con...

It's quite possible that when the original owners of the Liberator ejected
in the battle in Spacefall, their escape pods were destroyed and Zen knew
the crew were dead, and so allowed Blake to salvage the ship after he had
destroyed the (presumably un-Zen-related) psychic defense mechanism.  In
Aftermath, the crew had not died, and IIRC, Avon had contacted Zen via
Orac, and so Zen would watch the ship while waiting patiently for the
stll-alive crew to return.

Of course it's also possible that the previous owners had never actually
switched Zen on (by touching the grid Jenna touched) before they had to
abandon the ship.  

The Loch Mess Monster
(occaisionally mistaken as Bill Billingsley)


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 15:43:33 +1200
From: Nicola Collie <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
Message-Id: <l03130304b16c4e16c93a@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>> But is Zen regarded by anyone else as a crew member? We fen think he is
>> (afaik), our heroes think he is, but on the surface he looks like just
>> another flight computer. Kinda like a pilot regarding hir electronic nav
>> systems as a fellow crew-member.
>> This is getting way too serious ;-)
>> ttfn, Nicola

>But does it matter what other people think? If Zen doesn't think the
>ship is up for grabs, it isn't, as he ably proved.

Good point. Clearly, Zen wouldn't allow the London crew to take possession,
and appeared to test Blake, Jenna and Avon when they first boarded. I
haven't seen Powerplay for too many years, but I guess Zen had been having
a bad day that day :-)
ttfn, Nicola

Nicola Collie
Dunedin, New Zealand

The early bird catches the worm. If you'd prefer something else for
breakfast, get up later.


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 16:30:36 +1200
From: "Graham, Gregory" <>
To: "'Bill Billingsley'" <>,
Subject: RE: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

> >
> >But does it matter what other people think? If Zen doesn't think the
> >ship is up for grabs, it isn't, as he ably proved.
> >
> >
> Time for a ret-con...
> It's quite possible that when the original owners of the Liberator
> ejected
> in the battle in Spacefall, their escape pods were destroyed and Zen
> knew
> the crew were dead, and so allowed Blake to salvage the ship after he
> had
> destroyed the (presumably un-Zen-related) psychic defense mechanism.
> In
> Aftermath, the crew had not died, and IIRC, Avon had contacted Zen via
> Orac, and so Zen would watch the ship while waiting patiently for the
> stll-alive crew to return.
> Of course it's also possible that the previous owners had never
> actually
> switched Zen on (by touching the grid Jenna touched) before they had
> to
> abandon the ship.  
The thought occurs to me that if the previous crew didn't need Zen then
perhaps the System didn't need a crew.  It might have run the, soon to
be, Liberator by itself.  It requires really fast communications but I
don't remember anything to discount the System having that capability(I
don't think we ever saw the crews of the interceptors for instance) and
Orac must have had something similar.

If that's the case then the battle just had to interrupt the
communication long enough for the System to lose the ship.  Before
control is re-established, the London arrives and Jenna accidently
engages manual control.

Wadda ya think?


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 05:48:59 GMT
From: (Meredith Dixon)
Subject: [B7L] HMS DSV?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 17:45:03 -0400 (EDT), on the SavoyNet
mailing list, Leonard Pinsker <> wrote:

>Besides G&S, one of my major passions is science fiction (some of you
>may have gathered that already).  Hey, if Isaac Asimov could do it...

>Anyway, there were two interesting G&S parodies I've seen which fall
>into that category. The first was "HMS DSV", or "Blake's Seven as
>Gilbert and Sullivan Would Have Done It". Whether fortunately or un-, 
>I only saw the script for it once; as far as I know, it was never
>performed.  (It was *supposed* to be, at a Blake's Seven convention 
>back in 1988.)

Since all SavoyNet discussion is publicly archived on the Web, I
assume it's okay to repost this excerpt here.  

By chance, does anyone here know any more about "HMS DSV"?
  It sounds distinctly interesting!

Meredith Dixon


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 09:04:42 +0100
From: "Borg, Peter: IEG" <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: [B7L] Chocolate
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="MimeMultipartBoundary"

Content-Type: text/plain

Extremely off-topic, but there you go.

I have a recipe for chocolate ice cream which uses 2 bars of Lindt 70% cocoa
solids chocolate. Highest bidder gets the recipe :*)



Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 03:52:21 PDT
From: "Nickey Barnard" <>
Subject: [B7L] Fannishness?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Just a quick delurk (first time!) to describe my entry into the world of 
fandom.  Thought I would, to include a description of someone who is 
silly enough to own lots of stuff and to have done most of the things 
that people seem to be denying that most of them do. (If you see what I 

Was a fan, I think, from the first episode, which I vaguely remember 
sitting down to with my Dad as we were both huge sf fans.  Thought it 
was dark and gloomy at first but brightened up on the Liberator - I was 
only nine - and to start with loved Vila, and admired Blake.  By fourth 
season, I was in the midst of my first teenage crush, it was HUGE, on - 
you guessed it - Avon!  If we were honest I bet there's lots more of us 
that could say that!  Needless to say 'Blake' was a crushing blow, 
floods of tears and a totally ruined and depressed Christmas.  Aren't 
teen years wonderful things?

Luckily I was saved from total despair by the Marvel Monthly, sad isn't 
it?  And the LPF which I found the address of somewhere.  Also at that 
time did a lot of writing to the BBC asking for more B7.  Spent some 
time in the LPF until it folded and then joined Horizon.  Bought all the 
british zines that were going at that time, being unable to afford the 
foreign postage, and started going to London Horizon meetings. Oh yes, 
got to what theatre shows I could, as well!  I only had a Saturday job 
and was very broke at the time!

Then I went to University.  It didn't all stop but a lot of it did, 
other things to occupy the time and I was stuck in North wales miles 
from anywhere.  Kept all my stuff though.  Still loved it.

Got back into fandom proper about five years ago.  And started to do all 
the above again.  I've got the real money now, and my zine collection 
has exponentially grown!  Finally started writing fanfic myself and have 
had a few things published in the last year.  Oh yes, conventions.  Have 
been to three or four.  And, of course, have all the videos.  I think 
that's what started me writing, being able to see it all fresh again, 
was wonderful.

There's lots more, of course, as a long term fan there's all the 
pictures, and books, and theatre programs etc.  And memories.  I can't 
beat 40 time to see Guards, Guards,  I can only manage 12 times to see 
Are you Lonesone Tonight? (Michael's version in London, not Paul's). Do 
I count as a fan?  I think so.

Even in the wilderness years in Wales I never forgot it, but I'm not 
someone who gives up old passions easily.  I'm glad I don't keep adding 
to them often though as I couldn't afford it!

Extra stuff I like:
(enough to buy loads of merchandise and videos etc)
Babylon 5

Other bits and peices:
Dr Who
Star Trek: TNG
Robin of Sherwood
The Professionals
Most sf

Hope this hasn't been too rambling,


Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 09:22:54 -0400
From: (Carol A. McCoy)
Subject: Re: [B7L] Rendezvous
Message-ID: <>

Avona wrote:

>Tramila wrote:

>> Fewer profits to divide.  Besides!  Those two
>> deserve each other.  They're equally nasty.
>No comment. None needed. Besides, I'd much rather see the Tarrant Nostra
>go after you than me. :^/

The Tarrant Nostra can only shake its head at such lack of
perception.  And feel sorry for the unenlightened.

Carol Mc


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 09:33:33 -0400
From: (Carol A. McCoy)
Subject: Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
Message-ID: <>

Nicola wrote:

>Good point. Clearly, Zen wouldn't allow the London crew to take possession,
>and appeared to test Blake, Jenna and Avon when they first boarded. I
>haven't seen Powerplay for too many years, but I guess Zen had been having
>a bad day that day :-)

Or Zen had the good taste to instantly like Tarrant. :)  Or the 
Death Squad and Tarrant, like Blake before them, weren't 
overwhelmed by Zen's testing.  It was never clear, at least to
me, how Zen killed the first crew from the London who boarded
Liberator.  Or what might have happened to Avon and Jenna if 
Blake hadn't broken out of whatever spell Zen was weaving.

Carol Mc


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 06:50:25 PDT
From: "Don Trower" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] re Christopher Wheatley
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

>> of Blakes 7 since the beginning would have a collection of
>> memorabilia.... etc etc.

Me thinks that fandom is a meadow with many flowers (some wicked and 
wild) for the butterfly like fans to stop at take their fill and enjoy. 

Just because one may enjoy the roses more than the nettles doesn't mean 
you are less of a butterfly, you just have a different colouring.

Don B7 fan I think, lots of videos, no zines, no autographs, lots of 
WAVS and email / Chat.  (Who wishes he still had the Annuals from 

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 06:20:35 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage (was The good ones in season 4)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Graham, Gregory wrote:
>         <snniip>
(further snip)
> >
> > It's quite possible that when the original owners of the Liberator
> > ejected
> > in the battle in Spacefall, their escape pods were destroyed and Zen
> > knew
> > the crew were dead, and so allowed Blake to salvage the ship after he
> > had
> > destroyed the (presumably un-Zen-related) psychic defense mechanism.
> > In
> > Aftermath, the crew had not died, and IIRC, Avon had contacted Zen via
> > Orac, and so Zen would watch the ship while waiting patiently for the
> > stll-alive crew to return.
> >
> > Of course it's also possible that the previous owners had never
> > actually
> > switched Zen on (by touching the grid Jenna touched) before they had
> > to
> > abandon the ship.
> >
> >
> The thought occurs to me that if the previous crew didn't need Zen then
> perhaps the System didn't need a crew.  It might have run the, soon to
> be, Liberator by itself.  It requires really fast communications but I
> don't remember anything to discount the System having that capability(I
> don't think we ever saw the crews of the interceptors for instance) and
> Orac must have had something similar.
> If that's the case then the battle just had to interrupt the
> communication long enough for the System to lose the ship.  Before
> control is re-established, the London arrives and Jenna accidently
> engages manual control.
> Wadda ya think?

If the System doesn't need a crew or Zen, WHY the costume room, and more
importantly, Why Zen? What sort of people would create a big, complex
computer, put in various safeguards in its programming, and not have any
intention of using it?

What do I think? I think you shouldn't write theories when Vila's been
sharing his adrenaline and soma with you. :^/



Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 07:30:20 PDT
From: "Don Trower" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Chocolate
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain


Following the lead from a name's sake of mine with regard to your kind 
offer of the Chocolate Ice Cream as a free gift to The B7 family here on 
Lysator, may I say thank you. By the way, your race horse is still well, 
yes ? 

I knew you would accept an offer you could not refuse.

The Don. 

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 07:48:04 PDT
From: "Don Trower" <>
Subject: [B7L] Terry Nation Videos
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

In trying to catch up with the list I passed a posting about 

[BBC TV series from the '70s by Terry Nation post engineered  germ wipes 
out most of the population of the world these left discover old skills 
with lots of brill interaction and plot, good series end too.]

I think Fabulous Films was mentioned, 0171 384 2600, there is an advert 
in Cult TV magazine for a release date of May the 4th, seems to be 
similar to B7 in that first two on that date.


Who asks in return, I believe Robinson Crusoe (spelling?) videos are out 
there ? It's the music I'm after. A pointer to a wav would be welcome. 
[B+W from the late '60s - '70s]

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 15:52:05 +0100
From: "fifitrix" <>
To: "lyst" <>
Subject: Fw: [B7L] Rendezvous
Message-ID: <001401bd737f$1ce432c0$e74d95c1@wks01963>
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>Avona wrote:
>>Tramila wrote:
>>> Fewer profits to divide.  Besides!  Those two
>>> deserve each other.  They're equally nasty.
>>No comment. None needed. Besides, I'd much rather see the Tarrant Nostra
>>go after you than me. :^/
>The Tarrant Nostra can only shake its head at such lack of
>perception.  And feel sorry for the unenlightened.
>Carol Mc


I love Tarrant - can I join the Tarrant Nostra ?

Are there any bizarre initiation ceremonies that I should be aware of?
Do I have to pledge ? (and for those of you of the UK persuasion - I'm not
offering to dust Carol's house!)


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 16:35:24 +0100
From: "jenni-alison" <>
To: "lyst" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Rendezvous
Message-Id: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> >
> >>Tramila wrote:
> >
> >>> Fewer profits to divide.  Besides!  Those two
> >>> deserve each other.  They're equally nasty.
Nasty? They could be considered equally attractive. They have equal style,
definately, equal arrogance probably, equally brave possibly (although
Servalan did squeak when the Phibian grabbed her), equally reckless,
perhaps, but I wouldn't describe either of them as nasty. Totally
inapropriate to dear Tarrant, and Servalan deserves a stronger epithet. 

Tarrant Nostra Member, and flank obsessionist extraordinaire.


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 17:24:00 +0100
From: "jenni-alison" <>
To: <>
Subject: [B7L] A pledge for Tarrant
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Our Hero
Who art now in heaven
Tarrant be thy name.

Your ship is gone,
your time is done.
Bruised and handsome on GP
as you were on Xenon.

Give us from above a kindly glance,
and forgive us our fantasies
as we forgive your detractors who league against us. 
And please lead us into temptation!

For thine is the curly hair,
the bravery and heroism
for ever and ever.

Your Fen.


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 10:15:16 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Zen and salvage
Message-ID: <>

On Wed 29 Apr, Nicola Collie wrote:

> But is Zen regarded by anyone else as a crew member? We fen think he is
> (afaik), our heroes think he is, but on the surface he looks like just
> another flight computer. Kinda like a pilot regarding hir electronic nav
> systems as a fellow crew-member.

Zen had an independent personality.  Remember one or two early episodes where
Gan commented that Zen seemed to have some kind of limiter?  Zen wanted to help,
but something prevented him.

My own belief was that Zen had a personality and the altas had had to
deliberately restrain it.

Besides, never forget Zen's death scene.  That's not just a flight computer.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #126