Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #141
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 141

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Web Site Update
	 [B7L] Warlord
	 Re: [B7L] Warlord


Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 11:53:10 EDT
From: Bizarro7 <>
Subject: [B7L] Web Site Update
Message-ID: <>
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>From Annie...

New web page additions! More color artwork added to several of our pages *and*
a brand new page with pictures from various and sundry Blakes 7 conventions
and events going back 10 years and more. Check it out and let us know what you
think... and let me know if you want more pictures! I've got quite a few more
picked out to scan in, so let me know if there is interest in seeing them.
Otherwise, I might not take the time. ;-) and follow the links



Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 16:09:12 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "B7 list" <>
Subject: [B7L] Warlord
Message-ID: <01bd815e$81322ce0$5a4c18cb@waltersmith>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Just rewatched "Warlord"...

Do you know, however many times I 
watch this - which I do fairly often,
because I love it when the Shapely
Sharpshooter throws her weight
around - I can't figure out what's going
on in the ending.  Not what actually 
happens, but motives.  I don't know
what's going on in their heads, except
that Dayna and Tarrant have no better
grasp of the undercurrents than I do.

Any theories for a confused grrl?

Mistress Ophelia Frump -
"I am a maiden, cold and stately,
   Heartless I, with face divine.
What do I want with a heart, innately?
   Every heart I meet is mine!"


Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 11:49:19 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Warlord
Message-ID: <>

On Sun 17 May, Ophelia wrote:
> Just rewatched "Warlord"...
> Do you know, however many times I  watch this - which I do fairly often,
> because I love it when the Shapely Sharpshooter throws her weight around - I
> can't figure out what's going on in the ending.  Not what actually  happens,
> but motives.  I don't know what's going on in their heads, except that Dayna
> and Tarrant have no better grasp of the undercurrents than I do.
> Any theories for a confused grrl?

Atonement.  Zeeona feels guilt on her father's behalf and commits suicide. 
Interestingly enough, it is only Avon (who once claimed not to know the meaning
of guilt) who realises what she is going to do.  Avon actually understands guilt
very well - I'm sure he half expected to die before Shrinker got to him.

It's very interesting to note the changes from the original script.  In the
original script, Avon is unaware of what will happen, but a slight reshuffling
of dialogue and action greatly changes the emphasis.

I've got one of the original Warlord scripts for the auction for Redemption.  If
someone who can't come to the convention wants to bid for it, I can always use
that as a reserve price.  We think the script was Chris Boucher's but have yet
to confirm this.  I'm going to write and ask if the handwriting is his as soon
as I have a spare minute.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #141