Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #151
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 151

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] UK Gold June
	 Re: [B7L]Lost In Space
	 [B7L] Bujold Avatars
	 RE: [B7L]Lost In Space
	 Re: [B7L] Overheard on rec.arts.drwho
	 Re: [B7L] Voice's was Re: alternative to typing.
	 [B7L] Re: Gunfighter Spice
	 [B7L] Holy ponytails, Batman!
	 [B7L] The Rise & Fall of Roj Blake and the Spiders from Gauda Prime
	 RE: [B7L]Lost In Space


Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 23:21:48 EDT
Subject: [B7L] UK Gold June
Message-ID: <>
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>> Julie Horner wrote:
I wasn't a fan at that point but I had heard of the series through my husband.

COOL!!!  A fellow fan who who followed her husband into the fandom!!!  I
thought *I* was the only one.

My husband and several of his co-workers (mostly women, hmmm) have been fans
of B7 for over a year now.  A few months ago I decided to see what all the
excitement was about so watched a few episodes with them.  My life hasn't been
the same since.  <G>



Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 21:08:38 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L]Lost In Space
Message-ID: <>

On Wed 27 May, Julie Horner wrote:
> Does anybody know for sure which day the B7 Lost in Space
> will be going out?

I believe it will be the last in the series.  Thus 12 June is the most likely
date.  I make the probable order to be Star Trek this week, X-files next week,
then Blake's 7.

> I am on my hols for the first two weeks in June so if it
> is on during that time I will need to set the video, but 
> as I am already setting it to record the UK Gold B7 on
> Sunday mornings I am worried my tape will run out of space.

It only lasts 15 min, so you're probably okay.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 20:13:24 +1000
From: Tim Richards & Narrelle Harris <>
Subject: [B7L] Bujold Avatars
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I've been meaning to post to the list for a little while about this.  I met
Lois McMaster Bujold at the end of April at a convention in Perth and asked
her about B7 avatars in her Vorkosigan books.  Actually, when I approached
her I said: "There's been some discussion on a mailing list about B7
avatars in your work... is there any truth to it?"  And she gave me a
secret little Mona-Lisa-smile and admitted the following:

 Ivan Vorpatril is not now nor has he ever been any relation to Tarrant.

On the other hand, Duv Galeni was certainly inspired in part by Paul
Darrow.  She told me that Duv is very much his own person now, but if it
was ever a film, Darrow would play the part.  

There is also a woman leader of some mercenaries who is short and has short
cropped black hair who was inspired by Blake's 7... she's the one who's
name and book I can't recall.  Darn.  Now I'll have to read all the books
again!  :-)  


               Tim Richards and Narrelle Harris
         "We are all in the gutter,
 but some of us are looking at the stars."  - Oscar Wilde


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 13:07:42 +-200
From: Jacqueline Thijsen <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: RE: [B7L]Lost In Space
Message-Id: <01BD8A39.9CE898A0@cmg71700449>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
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-----Original Message-----
From:	Judith Proctor []
Sent:	Wednesday, May 27, 1998 11:09 PM
To:	Lysator List
Subject:	Re: [B7L]Lost In Space

On Wed 27 May, Julie Horner wrote:
> Does anybody know for sure which day the B7 Lost in Space
> will be going out?

I believe it will be the last in the series.  Thus 12 June is the most likely
date.  I make the probable order to be Star Trek this week, X-files next week,
then Blake's 7.

[Jacqueline Thijsen]  Star Trek was last week, so there must be something else this week or B7 will be earlier


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 00:46:14 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "Lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Overheard on rec.arts.drwho
Message-ID: <01bd8982$63504280$LocalHost@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>   Dating   = The overthrow of the repressive Federation
>   Sex      = Sabotage of an installation resembling a gas works

Oh, goddess.  Someone's been spying on my
love life again.  I must fix those vertical blinds.

  XXX Lindley

Mistress Ophelia Frump.
"I should hate to be eaten by something stupid."
The Knockwurst 'Allo 'Allo Pages:


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 00:40:07 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "B7 Lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Voice's was Re: alternative to typing.
Message-ID: <01bd8981$892dab60$LocalHost@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Tom Forsyth:

>I agree. Ensor had not yet had time to fit it all together securely and
>insert Orac into his proper body, ready to be unleased upon the Federation.
>The ultimate symbol of evil incarnate in the physical realm - a 6-foot
>fuzzy purple dinosaur.

Aaaaaaaaaargh!  What a mercy they
*did* loose Orac in "Blake"!

Although, personally, Orac in the body
of Elmo would give me worse nightmares.
The Antichrist has arrived, and he's on
Sesame Street!


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 00:35:39 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "B7 list" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Gunfighter Spice
Message-ID: <01bd8980$e9300720$LocalHost@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


>> Whether they know it or not, all wimmin
>> who wear pony-tails on top of their heads
>> honour the Goddess.  Specially if they're
>> faintly fictional-looking blondes.
>I honour and worship the Goddess Soolin, then.

Obviously you're a womyn of taste and style...

 (any other rites I should
>perform in the meantime, oh High Priestess?)

All worshippers in the temple are welcome,
whatever their style of worship.  If you're
feeling particularly devout, thinking up nasty
threats for people who fail to show proper
adulation towards the Blonde One (or her
Amazonian Acolyte, Dayna - or her Divine
Hairstylist, Vila), qualifies you for membership
of the Dark Forces of the Golden Goddess.
>See, I would have said that Sporty was a High Priestess of the Golden
>Goddess, not a Godess in her own right.

It's a polytheistic cult, see.  There's
lots of goddesses, but only one of
them is The Goddess.   If I ever finish
my other projects, I'll have to put up a
website explaining the inticracies of
the Temple of Soolin.

> Maybe I just don't know her well

Obviously <g>.

My own ideal of beauty
>> runs more towards the Betty Grable, Elle
>> McFeast and Kate Ceberano side of
>> things - both Soolin & Sporty are too thin.
>Sporty is way too thin, but Soolin's nice and curvy, surely?

On a direct comparison basis, definitely.
Ceratinly, next to Sporty or Cally, she's
almost voluptuous.  (Next to Sporty or Cally,
*most* of us are voluptuous...)
 However, Soolin's not quite in the Mae West
 league yet.  Maybe with an uplift bra she'd
approach it.  From below. <wink>

 I aspire to
>Soolin-hood (And anyone who saw me at Deliverance

All right, then, rub it in. <pout>

 will know *that's* not
>gonna happen! But a girl can dream! Perhaps if the Goddess decides I can
>grow 5 inches taller that would be a start).

<g>  Petition her nicely.  I wouldn't mind
Soolin-hood myself.

>> vitality and love of life, while Soolin is
>> basically a lounger.  Not in the same
>> class of loungers as Servalan, but she
>> has the right combination of seemingly
>> not giving a bugger while having her
>> energy coiled up inside.
>Lounging is cool. I wish I could lounge as well as Soolin, never mind
>Servalan. It just indicates such a self control, I think, that they can
>maintain such impenetrable calm under the most trying circumstances.

The goddesses have depths!

And it is soooo sexy.  I think I
first became addicted to'Allo 'Allo
when I noticed how beautifully Lt. Gruber
lounged.  But there is something to be
said for rigid energy, too, in terms of
sex appeal - Avon, Travis or Herr Flick.
 No Spice Girls have that rigid energy.

VIla and I both loll about, but I think we're
being lethargic rather than being true
loungers <g>.

>No,No,No, Soolin's trouser suits look great. Tracksuits are baggy,
>shapeless things. The Goddess never wore anything that wasn't tight in the
>right places!

Or that didn't show off her perfect Aryan
colouring.  (Dayna was equally good at
showing off her rich brown skin, although I
wonder why on earth she possessed that
purple thing Servalan borrowed.  It was
very pretty, but not an outfit for *either* of
their colourings.)  Still, her outfits have a
drab, utalitarian quality that spells
"tracksuit" to me.  I'd like to see her in
one of Servalan's satin, sequin or fur
creations, only in pale pink, lavender,
blue or silver, to suit her colouring.

 Sporty at least shows a lot of upper body, even if she does
>wear tracksuit bottoms, but I'll give you that her dress sense isn't that

Her dress sense *is* improving.
She's stopped wearing those awful
huge brown windcheaters she used
to appear in.  Her makeup is improving,
too.  She's one of the few people that
black lipstick actually suits.

>> And, probably most importantly,
>> I feel each is rather neglected in
>> fandom.  I tend to graviate towards
>> people I feel are not being given
>> enough attention.
>I saw a pic publicising the Spicies Vid, and Sporty looks so uncomfortable
>and grumpy. The others however, look like they're having a cat-fight. Poor
>Sporty. She isn't self-assured enough to be a Goddess.

She has no self-confidence, except
when she forgets herself - talking really
fast about a Cause, or performing.
Then she really attains divinity.

>But Soolin wears her toughness on the outside like armour, whereas Baby
>Spice wears her softness like cotton candy on the outside.

I *love* those imagesd! But -

 I love those
>smug smiles Soolin gives as people underestimate her because of her looks

That's what I meant, really - that she
looks a lot less dangerous than she is.
(Yep, her smugness is *adorable,*)

>and she can scare them with her gunfighter skills. I do wonder whether
>she's soft on the inside at all.

No.  Wounded, perhaps, but too
much in control to soften.

 I'm not sure she is, except for Warlord,
>and who knows what's going on there?

A bit of pure rebelliousness, mixed, I think,
with anger at the sexism of treating a
smart, highly qualified woman as a
naughty child.

>>Soolin wouldn't bother with such childish games as Spicegirl hood. (Sorry,
>I know you like them, but it does seem a bit juvenile to me)

I can't see her squealing and jumping
around, no.  However, some of my favourite
Soolin moments are the ones where she gets
all girlie and giggly with Dayna.  They show that,
very rarely, even the tough mercenary can let
her gaurd down - but only with someone she
doesn't see as a threat, ie a younger, rather
innocent womyn.  I've always thought, btw, that
Avon's reference to "mercenaries" in "Blake"
would have been more appropriately directed
towards Soolin than Tarrant.  Tarrant may
have *worked* as a mercenary, but he doesn't
really have the "I don't give my loyalty - I sell
my skills" ethic down like Soolin does.

 I think Sporty
>doesn't deserve to be a Spicie because she's smarter than they are. Mind
>you, can't beat it for a money earner!

Ginger's the smart one.  Sporty's sweet,
talented, but: "Our new movie's a parody.
I'm not sure what that means, but I think it's
sort of like making fun or something."

>> And both Soolin and Baby believe in
>> violent revenge for sexual harassment...
>Do they? Don't know anything about that.

Soolin: Sticking your gun into someone's face
for an innocent pat is delightfully excessive...

Baby: She's rumoured to be a terror for
slapping and pinching in return for unwanted

Actually, this supports my case for Helga as
a Soolin avatar.  She doesn't allow anyone
under the rank of a general,  excluding Herr
Flick of course, to sleaze on her.  Examples:

"Are you going to offer me a good time?"
"Vould you like to go to the Russian Front?"

"How about going to the movies for a bit of
slap and tickle in the back row, eh?"
"Why wait?" <smack>

>> Servalan, btw, is definitely a Ginger
>> Spice.  Two ultra-feminine vamps
>> with their eyes on world domination...
>ROFL. I think Servalan has a better chance - Razor sharp brain and no
>morals at all, with the military training to do it. Ginger, on the other
>hand will have to settle for dominating people's imaginations.

And lots of their money.

>> (Oh.  And Sporty has really lovely
>> hazel eyes.)
>Agreed, she has lovely hazel eyes. And nice hair, and she's very fit.
>Nicest one of the lot of them.

Goood girl!

>P.S. A work colleague called the Spice Girls fat slags last week. I mean,

Oh, my cousin's first response to them was,
"look at the wobbly things on those girls."  Not
that he was exactly Hugh Grant himself, mind you.
And writing versions of "Ginger is a fucking
fat-arsed slut" is one of the main activities of
the boys on alt.flame.spice-girls

The sad - or worrying - thing is, if you
compare them to the current wave of
painfully thin female pop singers the
American countries are currently sending
out, they *are* big.  The standard is
getting bonier and bonier.  Even pretty
little Gillian Andersen is looking rather
haggardly slender.  And I saw Dannii,
who always was the chubbier Minogue, in
"Grease" the other week.  She was
looking positively gaunt.

 He maintains that Ginger at least is fat, so what hope does that
>leave for the rest of us?

We just have to reserve ourselves for the
boys and grrrls who drool over Servalan and
Soolin rather than Cally.

 - XXX Lindley
Ophelia -
"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck."
LONDON CALLING - a list to discuss Britcoms and knockwurst.


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 00:37:40 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "B7 Lysator" <>
Subject: [B7L] Holy ponytails, Batman!
Message-ID: <01bd8981$31818440$LocalHost@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Tom Forsyth wrote, long long ago, and quoting
a humble cleric in an obscure cult:

>> Whether they know it or not, all wimmin
>> who wear pony-tails on top of their heads
>> honour the Goddess.  Specially if they're
>> faintly fictional-looking blondes.
>What about men who wear it like this?

Hmm.  There are no gods in the temple.
However, VIla is an honourary demi-goddess,
by virtue of *his* connection to the Holy
Golden Ponytail.  (He's Soolin's nominated
hair-dresser, by virtue of his clever hands
and fear of her big gun.)  You can be an
honourary Holy Maiden, if you like, Tom...
('Sides, any male brave enough to wear
such a girlie hairstyle deserves to be

>> Besides, it's a seriously cute hairstyle,
>> and both Soolin and Sporty look
>> divine.  (Appropriately enough, as they're
>> goddesses.)
>It also keeps it out of your eyes while remaining dangly and swishy against
>the back of the neck.

Paticularly nice on hot days, as it creates
a little breeze down teh back of your shirt.

>> >Or is it their superbly toned
>> >bodies,
>Why thank you. I do my best.

I'm sure you do...

love Lindley, feeling a little light-headed from
the strain of actually doing some work on her

XXX Ophelia.
"Is there anything you would especially like, mein Fuhrer?"
"Yes!  Knockwurst sausages!  Lots of them!"
('Allo 'Allo, once more proving that the only way to success,
fame and power is a deep affection for knockwurst.)


Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 01:11:07 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: <>
Subject: [B7L] The Rise & Fall of Roj Blake and the Spiders from Gauda Prime
Message-ID: <01bd8a4f$08122be0$5c4c18cb@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Helen K:

>Ophelia was of the opinion the B7 crew would listen to David Bowie...
>with that in mind, what would their favorite songs be?

I'm not doing favourite songs as much
as matching songs to personalities/life
stories, in this post.

>Blake: "Heroes" (naturally)

Hmm.  I'd have " "heroes" " (see, I can
punctuate Bowie titles!  Who said a liberal
arts education was a waste of time?) as
a them song for the show in general, but
especially the 4th season.  It has the same
sense of impending doom and kamikaze
defiance mingled with grief..  ("just for one

For Blake I'd have something lighter.
Probably "Black Tie/White Noise" - not
Bowie's best song (it was the duet with
LL Cool J) but it has that "Yeah, we
can beat injustice and oppression" feel
to it.

And I liked John Werry's suggestions:

<<BLAKE   "Up the hill backwards" "hang on to yourself" "Rock 'n' roll with

ROFL!  Although I can't see Blake
moving like a tiger on vaseline...

>Avon: "Putting Out Fire (with Gasoline)"  The phrase "You wouldn't
>believe what I've been through" seems so appropriate. And he complains
>about being part of a rebellion, but once the leader is gone, picks up
>the standard.

Ohhhh, that is perfect.  It's so
intense - it *is* him.  And I loved
John's suggestions too, especially
"Aladdin Sane" and "The Man Who
Sold the World."  Let's face it, Avon
IS Bowie.

My own choice:
For Avon, and especially in regard to
his relationship with Anna, I'd also
pick "Strangers When We Meet."
[Blended sunrise/And it's a dying world]
[All my violence, raging tears upon the sheets/ I'm resentful, for we're
strangers when we meet/ Cold tight fingers tapping out your memories/]
[Steely resolve is falling from me/ My poor soul, or bruised passivity/
All your regrets run roughshod over me/ I'm so glad, that we're strangers
when we meet... ]

>Gan: "Let's Dance"... It's so mainstream. :)

I think you're underrating it.  The lyrics
are really quite nihilistic and depressing.
"Let's Dance" is almost thematically identical,
to " "heroes" ", but defiance of impedending
doom and tragedy is replaced by hedonism
and empty romance.  To me, it's more Vila than
Gan - dear little thief that he is, snatching
pleasure from the very jaws of horror, soma
bottle in hand.  ["Let's dance/ For fear tonight
is all..."]

Alternatively, I'd save it for 4th season
slash - A/V, V'T, A/T - the kind where they
fall in love, are all filled with hope and joy, and
then the writer finishes with a variant on
"and then they all went to Gauda Prime and
were killed." <vbg>

Gan's difficult - even when Bowie is most
mainstream, he's not very mainstream :-P
Somehow, I'm thinking of "Starman," although
I'll have to mull over the connection.  Or some
of the plastic soul of the "Young Americans"
album, perhaps.

>Travis 2: "Scarey Monsters"


>Jenna: "Ashes to Ashes" or "Major Tom"

Very interesting choice, and it *sounds*
right - go on, tell me.  I'm guessing she
could be Major Tom 'cos she's a pilot
and was lost in space, but why
"Ashes to Ashes"?

>Dayna: "Glass Spider" (I think, being a motherless girl herself, she'd
>be touched by the image of the baby spiders 'searching frantically for
>their mother. But the Glass Spider would have long gone, knowing that
>somehow, her babies would survive, on their own'.)

I *love* that!  That is *so* Dayna - and it never
would have occured to me.

>Suggestions on the others?
>I almost didn't think of this
>Soolin : "Ricochet"

Perfect!  Or even "Blue Jean" - I'm
thinking of her "camouflage face & no money"
"remember, they always let you down when
you need them" "look out world, you know I've
got mine."


<<VILA    "All the young dudes" >>

Definitely, especially before he hooked up
with Blake & CO.  I'd also suggest
"Hello Spaceboy," just for the lines
"Hello spaceboy/ You're sleepy now"

<<GAN             "Dancin in the streets"
DAYNA   "Teenage Wildlife"
SOOLIN   "China Girl"
ORAC    "Saviour machine">>

<g>  You subscribe to  the "Orac was trying to
destroy them" theory, then?

<<ZEN     "V2-Shnider" "Chant of the ever circling skeletal family">>

More of a sinister concept of dear old
Zen than I have...

<<TRAVIS 1        "It aint easy" "Running gun blues"
TRAVIS 2         "Queen Bitch" "Laughing gnome">>

ROFL.  I can just imagine him muttering
under his breath, "I'm the laughing gnome and you
can't catch me..."

<<SERVINAN        "Beauty and the Beast" "She shook me cold" "Lady

The first two are excellent, and as for
"Lady Stardust" - well, she *does* dress like
a drag queen..  I'd add "The Voyeur of
Utter Destruction (as Beauty)"

Cally - John's choices:
<<"Sorrow" "After all (Oh by Jingo)">>
I have to admit, shame-faced, that I'm not
sure what "Sorrow" is.  If it's from "Pinups"
or "Young Americans" I can be excused,
because I very rarely listen to them.  But
"After All" is a perfect choice for our
compassionate, tragic terrorist.

My idea for Cally is probably
 "Loving the Alien."  Not just because
it's an irresistibly bad pun, but because
I can see her "praying to an empty sky"
while fighting for her cause regardless..

Tarrant - "Boys Keep Swinging."

Who did we miss?

 - XXX Lindley
Ophelia -
"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck."
LONDON CALLING - a list to discuss Britcoms and knockwurst.


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 20:00:40 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: RE: [B7L]Lost In Space
Message-ID: <>

On Thu 28 May, Jacqueline Thijsen wrote:
> On Wed 27 May, Julie Horner wrote:
> > Does anybody know for sure which day the B7 Lost in Space
> > will be going out?
> I believe it will be the last in the series.  Thus 12 June is the most likely
> date.  I make the probable order to be Star Trek this week, X-files next week,
> then Blake's 7.
> [Jacqueline Thijsen]  Star Trek was last week, so there must be something else this we
> ek or B7 will be earlier

Thunderbirds this week then.  I missed last week, but I know Thunderbirds is one
of the series.  I'm rather looking forward to that one.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #151