Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #153
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 153

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] New Sound Files
	 RE: [B7L]Lost In Space
	 [B7L] Lost in Space
	 Re: [B7L] Warlord
	 [B7L] Invasion Earth
	 Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth
	 Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth
	 [B7L] Re: Warlord


Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 18:21:10 -0400
From: BugEyes <>
Subject: [B7L] New Sound Files
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Just uploaded more new sound files for Series B and some sound effects.
Hope they are what everyone wanted.  I'll be making more for Series C
and D hopefully soon.  Thanks.

HM Melton
B7 Sounds


Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 04:05:29 -0500
Subject: RE: [B7L]Lost In Space
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Date forwarded: 	Thu, 28 May 1998 13:09:04 +0200 (MET DST)
From:           	Jacqueline Thijsen <>
To:             	Lysator List <>
Subject:        	RE: [B7L]Lost In Space
Date sent:      	Thu, 28 May 1998 13:07:42 +-200
Forwarded by:

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Judith Proctor []
> Sent:	Wednesday, May 27, 1998 11:09 PM
> To:	Lysator List
> Subject:	Re: [B7L]Lost In Space
> On Wed 27 May, Julie Horner wrote:
> > Does anybody know for sure which day the B7 Lost in Space
> > will be going out?
> I believe it will be the last in the series.  Thus 12 June is the most likely
> date.  I make the probable order to be Star Trek this week, X-files next week,
> then Blake's 7.
> [Jacqueline Thijsen]  Star Trek was last week, so there must be something else this week or B7 will be earlier

Could someone please tell me what the devil your talking about?


Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 07:21:41 -0400
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "Blake's 7 (Lysator)" <>,
        Space City <>
Subject: [B7L] Lost in Space
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This week's Observer TV Guide thinks that the X-Files are on Friday, June
5.  So that does suggest Blake's 7 will be on June 12.



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 15:50:32 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "B7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Warlord
Message-ID: <01bd8c5c$374090a0$LocalHost@waltersmith>
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Sorry for dropping the Warlord question so abruptly
when I raised it, I lost the answers!

What Judith says about Zeeona feeling responsible
makes sense to me.  However, when I watched it I
"read" it in a different way.  To me, the Avon-Tarrant
conversation was about responsibility, but in a
different way.  I thought that Avon was suggesting that
Zeeona felt it was her responsibility to take on any 
*danger* in repairing the damage her father had
done, and that Tarrant would insist on the same in
her position.  When I think of it like that, her act in
removing the glove seems illogical.  Surely, as it
was in league with Servalan that her father did
the damage, it is her responsibility to stay alive
and help Servalan's enemies repair the damage
she does?  Suicide helps no one.

Penny wrote:

 > Was there something in her culture that compelled her to die?

That's the only way it would seem logical
to me.  We know little about Zeeona's 
culture, except that they have interesting 
tastes in hair styles. 

I have another Warlord question - *why*
the zombies on the escalator?  Why
were they being killed?  And why drugged 
first?  It may be the equivalent of of handing
them soap and a towel and telling them 
they're going to be de-loused - thus proving
that sci fi can only equal the horrors humans
are capable of, not exceeding them - but it
seems an inefficient use of resources.
Why program people two seconds away from 
being corpses?  Especially in comparison
to the efficiency the Federation showed in, 
say, Countdown.

XXX Lindley.

XXX Ophelia.
"Is there anything you would especially like, mein Fuhrer?"
"Yes!  Knockwurst sausages!  Lots of them!"
('Allo 'Allo, once more proving that the only way to success,
fame and power is an affection for knockwurst.)



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 10:57:51 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: [B7L] Invasion Earth
Message-ID: <>

I caught an episode of 'Fireman Sam' this morning (for non-Brits, it's a young
children's series, stop-go animated models, very gentle and all about a fireman
in rural Wales)

I found I was comparing it favourably with Invasion Earth!  I was more worried
when Sam fell into a hole in the ground than when the nDs attacked the military

I guess special effects aren't everything after all.

Here's to decent scripts, characters with depth, talented actors and men wearing
black leather!


PS.  Speaking of men in black leather, I was donated a third season annual for
the Redemption auction yesterday and was fascinated by the pictures.  I'd heard
that they'd used overseas artists for the annuals and this seems to back it up. 
Tarrant and Dayna are dressed more or less as you'd expect, but Avon is wearing
first season outfits throughout.  It looks as though the artists were given
photos to work from, and nobody thought to give them new photos for Avon as his
style of costume changed.

Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 23:16:41 +0930
From: "Ophelia" <>
To: "Lysator List" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth
Message-ID: <01bd8c9a$8abf7fa0$6d4c18cb@waltersmith>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Judith wrote:

>I caught an episode of 'Fireman Sam' this morning (for non-Brits, it's a
>children's series, stop-go animated models, very gentle and all about a
>in rural Wales)
>I found I was comparing it favourably with Invasion Earth!

And why not?  Fireman Sam is cool,
although I prefer Postman Pat.

  I was more worried
>when Sam fell into a hole in the ground than when the nDs attacked the


>I guess special effects aren't everything after all.

They are nothing.  I find they actually
distract from a good plot, as well as
lacking the endearing touch of poor
special effects.  Give me wobbly
walls any time!

>Here's to decent scripts, characters with depth, talented actors and men
>black leather!

<toasts Judith>  Especially
that last item...

 - XXX Lindley
Ophelia -
"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck."
LONDON CALLING - a list to discuss Britcoms and knockwurst.


Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:48:38 +0100
From: "Alison Page" <>
To: "Lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Invasion Earth
Message-Id: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Boo hiss. Everyone's being horrid about Invasion Earth. And I don't think
it's that bad. Admittedly the romantic leads are rather painful - but
aren't they always?

For me Anton Lesser just makes the whole show. I think he's absolutely
marvelous, I've always liked him as an actor anyway. Unfortunately the
other day it looked like he might be written out the series, which would
admittedly be a blow.



Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 00:14:36 EDT
Subject: [B7L] Re: Warlord
Message-ID: <>
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      Having just re-watched Warlord this afternoon, I thought I'd add my 2
bits to any discussion.

1) Shooting civilians and why: Because they could. 3rd rate troops, in a
boring place, with civilians they can't even enjoy beating up on because they
won't fight back. Presumably on a "pacified' world, martial law still applies,
and unless they have an officer that holds to "old fashioned" standards of
conduct, they seem to have little to fear from them.

2) PD looks absolutely gorgeous in this episode, and cracking him out of the
studs-and-black-leather into the Xenon jumpsuit was a wonderful way to show
him off.

3) Zeeona and going back down. I don't think Avon expected or knew Zeeona
would commit suicide. Like Soolin, I think he did appreciate that she had to
atone for her father's deeds in any way she could. I think his whole attitude
was a way of conveying that he considered this a test. After all, at that
point she had no where else to go, and letting her carry out the mission,
especially solo, would establish that she was not just "Tarrant's girl", but a
valuable team member in her own right. Given that the rest of the crew were
willing to assist her and Tarrant, he was unlikely to boot her onto Xenon's
surface. And it was also a way of getting Tarrant to see her in that light

4) The glove. Simplest solution I can think of for her removing the glove, is
that some critical adjustment had to be made, that was too delicate to do with
those gloves on. Try typing with leather gloves, or carrying out some other
function. While she may not have transported down to commit suicide, she may
have a) figured she paid her father's debt if she completed the mission
successfully, even at the cost of her life, or b) thought that she had some
chance of surviving even if she took off her glove, and miscalculated. 

5) The more I watch this episode, the better I like it. Servalan at her most
cunning, Zukan with his regrets and what-if -I'd thrown-in-with-Avon, the
Betafarl chase scene, the overall plotline was well done. Just took a bit to
get past the hairdos...

                                          Deborah Rose

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #153