Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #196
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 196

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] BIZARRO B7 on the Web! Oh no......!!!!
	 [B7L] Big Ashton Press Webpage Update!
	 [B7L] More B7 Con Photos
	 [B7L] spam-ity spam spam
	 [B7L] Oh, no!  They just keep coming . . .


Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 14:35:11 EDT
Subject: [B7L] BIZARRO B7 on the Web! Oh no......!!!!
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For those of you who have been wondering what the heck BIZARRO 7 is all about
(and those of you who have sense enough to know better), I am obliged to
announce that The Bizarro Zine is finally on the Internet. Come and see our
brand new website at: would love it.



Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 14:31:31 EDT
Subject: [B7L] Big Ashton Press Webpage Update!
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We've made tons of updates and additions to the Ashton Press website this time
around with lots of new goodies for the Blakes 7 fans! Check them out and
DON'T FORGET to sign the guest book!

The Hellhound site has been updated with the addition of text excerpts, a new
cartoon, and the Hellhound Shopping Club (complete with illustration!).

Our newest Blakes 7 zine is now in print! It's a reprint of the Rosenthal &
Wortham novellas, "Down and Out" and "Hawkind," edited with the addition of
approximately 10,000 words and a full color cover. Linda Knights has the
masters in hand and can fill orders immediately. Check out the new link for
text excerpts and a peek at the color cover.

We have an active Bizarro 7 site now. You'll find some zany descriptions of
the zines and samples of the artwork at this link!

We've added a listing of Wortham & Rosenthal stories written over the years
and where they were/are published along with hyperlinks to the stories or

The Blakes 7 Convention PHOTO site has been updated with fifteen new pictures
and still more to come!

Thanks to the perseverance of Peter (thanks!), the Blakes 7 webring is finally
active at our site!
- ------------------------------
For the Highlander fans (or even if you're just interested in Celtic or pagan
things) out there:

The Donan Woods page, our site dedicated to the character of Cassandra (the
Witch of Donan Woods) from Highlander: The Series continues to be updated
every couple of days or so. Progress should continue until I get all of the
links up and working. Remember, if you have something to contribute to the
site, please e-mail me! A new section was added 07/14/98 with links and
articles pertaining to Cassandra and Witchcraft, paganism, magickal properties
of gemstones and the like.

There have been numerous other Highlander related updates made over the last
few weeks. Check out the updates next to each link!

Come and visit us at:

And don't forget to let us know you stopped by!

Annie & Leah


Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 00:19:16 EDT
Subject: [B7L] More B7 Con Photos
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Annie has posted a brand new batch of rather unique (chortle) con photos from
days of yore. Apart from the topless shots of Gareth, Paul and Michael, we've
added a lot of other memories (Yeah thanks, Annie, for posting the shot of me
stripping the shirt off of Gareth and Paul sitting in my lap. Sigh.)  Come
share them with us at: 


Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 02:01:54 GMT
From: Roger the Shrubber <>
Subject: [B7L] spam-ity spam spam
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edith wrote
Would Vila participate in sending Spam? 
Would blake send his message through spamming?
I am Blake, and I live in a place where all men are free.
A few years ago I was up on child molesting charges. Now I'm rich, free & in 
charge of 3 scout troops. How did I do it ?
Just send my revolutionary rhetoric to 10 of your friends and I GUARANTEE 
you'll be spearheading your very own own revolution within days. 
Once the word is spread it cannot be stopped (unless YOU stop it). 
Just send $10 to the rebel at the top of the list, and move your own name 
onto the bottom, then forward the list onto your favourite 10 rebels.
Information is power. 
PS Don't worry about Star One,it's been taken care of.

 from Darren r ..... Comments are welcome !
"OK, here's a disc sander, maybe ratchet up the manliness just a tad."
"The Administration is out to get me" 
"In the end, winning is the only safety"
"We are concerned obviously about any accidents of a lesbian running over a 
Christian person standing on the roadway"
Anxiety & Panic
Blake's 7 FAQ & free screen savers


Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 23:48:01 EDT
From: (Penny Kjelgaard)
Subject: [B7L] Oh, no!  They just keep coming . . .
Message-ID: <>

Twinkle, twinkle, Orac dear.
I have a problem for you here.
Get you working, thinking fast
Or, I, Great Avon will not last.

Blake�s big bleeding heart, you see,
Will get me killed, eventually.
Cally is possessed again.
I�ve neither faith nor trust in Zen.

Vila is a drunk you know.
Gan is a gentle, mental slow.
Divots left by Jenna�s heals
Have misalligned the airlock seals.

I want the ship, it�s power, it�s wealth -
I need your circuits and your stealth,
So now, my friend, your thoughts suggest--
Or burning hell will be my rest.


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End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #196