Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #2
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 2

Today's Topics:
	 Re: re[B7L] re viewing figures
	 [B7L] Re Jarvik v Tarrant
	 [B7L] Re The Great Escape
	 Re: [B7L] 20th Anniversary today!
	 Re: [B7L] 20th Anniversary today!
	 Re: [B7L] 20th Anniversary today!
	 Re: [B7L] re: Jarvik vs Tarrant
	 [B7L] Rumours of death
	 [B7L] re[ B7L] The Avengers
	 re [B7L] 20th Anniversary.
	 re:[B7L] re viewing figures
	 re[B7L] Rumours
	 Re: [B7L] Intro to x-over
	 [B7L] Trivia Quiz: Quotes
	 Re: re[B7L] re Terminal , and aplogy
	 Re: [B7L] re[ B7L] The Avengers
	 Re: re[B7L] re viewing figures
	 Re: [B7L] Rumours of death 
	 Re: [B7L] re terminal, and an apology
	 Re: [B7L] Re Jarvik v Tarrant
	 Re: re [B7L] Slash debate
	 Re: [B7L] Viewing Figures 
	 Re: re[B7L] re Viewing Figures
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Slash debate
	 [B7L] Re: JetC11- Avery Brooks
	 [B7L] DJ's second resolution
	 Re:[B7L] email junkie
	 Re:[B7L] Harvest of Kairos
	 Re: [B7L] Re Terminal
	 Re: [B7L] Re The Great Escape
	 Re: [B7L] Rumours of death
	 Re[B7L] EMail Junkie
	 Re: [B7L] Rumours of death
	 [B7L] Re: Slash debate
	 [B7L] Re: Slash debate


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 12:49:25 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: [B7L] AVENGERS
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1

Speaking of the Avengers, if you have a tape of 'Murdersville' take a look
at the man with the shotgun wearing dark glasses who shoots somebody at

I think it's Gareth Thomas.  He's wearing dark glasses, so it's hard to be
sure, but it does look like him and it matches what little he's said about
the part.  (He couldn't remember the name of the episode)



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 09:05:32 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: re[B7L] re viewing figures
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1

On Fri 02 Jan, Jackie wrote:

> But then again I seem to remember reading that Deliverence and Orac were 
> shown together as a "feature length" episode, but I didn`t think that it 
> was in the UK, maybe Judith can help here?

Who me?  Sorry, I'm good on minor details of episodes, but that's from
watching the videos. I was at university when the show was originally on and
missed virtually all of it.

I can answer most questions on Gareth Thomas, but I'm a wipe out on things
like transmission dates.

Ah, just contradicted myself.  Found a reference book.  Orac was the only
first season episode to be repeated in the UK - they rebroadcast it about
two weeks before Redemption.

Are you thinking of the infamous compilation tapes?



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 18:49:45 +0100 GMT
Subject: [B7L] Re Jarvik v Tarrant
Message-Id: <>

AChevron wrote: "As you can see, I for one would not be at all
happy to have seen Jarvik join the crew. There are a number of
other characters I much rather would have seen as new

To which Pat P replied: "I'd vote for:
1. Tyce Sarkoff (in those boots to die for!)
2. A hairy barbarian (no, not Jarvik; some other one)
3. Krantor & Tois ;-) (well, only briefly, to wreak havoc on

Or how about that all time favourite Og.

Steve Rogerson

Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent

Make your own tribble! Buy a hamster and cut off its legs


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 18:48:58 +0100 GMT
Subject: [B7L] Re The Great Escape
Message-Id: <>

Ovina said: "We only see Avon surrounded by troops -- who
for all the good reasons mentioned have probably been ordered
to capture as many rebels alive as possible -- and then we hear
2 or 3 shots fired. They may have been fired by someone else
entering the scene."

Jenna's a possibility. Blake telling Tarrant that she was dead
could have been some type of test for Tarrant to see his
reaction. Blake and Jenna could have been working together on
Gauda Prime. When she saw the Federation arrive, she (on her
own or more likely with other rebels) attacked. The interesting
part of this would be her reaction when she found Avon had
shot Blake. Initially she would just see Blake's body and Avon
standing over it. She would probably assume he'd been injured
by a Federation shot and that Avon was protecting him. But
when she learns the truth... Now there's a nice story theme.

Having written the above, I then find this from Judith: "It's
been done, although it's not that common a theme.  Blake's men
stage a rescue in some stories, Avalon's in others (Jenna on one
occasion, Cally on another).  I've read one where it's another
Federation officer"

So where and by whom was the Jenna one, and how did she
react to Avon killing Blake?

Steve Rogerson

Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent

Make your own tribble! Buy a hamster and cut off its legs


Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 13:16:06 -0600
From: "Lorna B." <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] 20th Anniversary today!
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sue said:
> Suggestions for celebratory
> activites include ingesting tranquilizing drugs (my favorite), getting
> a cat scan, 
Yes, but isn't it annoying for the cat?

> running down abandoned underground tunnels, 
Tsk--what have abandoned underground tunnels done to you to deserve such

Lorna B.
"It's a Yule Tide!!!"


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 13:52:24 -0600
From: Lisa Williams <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] 20th Anniversary today!
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Lorna B. wrote:

>Yes, but isn't it annoying for the cat?

No, the cat is the one doing the scanning. That's what's going on when they
stand on your chest and peer inquisitively into your nostrils while you're
trying to sleep.

	- Lisa
	  Lisa's Frame Capture Library:


Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 15:46:04 -0500 (EST)
From: NWOutsider <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] 20th Anniversary today!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Fri, 2 Jan 1998, Lorna B. wrote:

> Sue said:
> > Suggestions for celebratory
> > activites include ingesting tranquilizing drugs (my favorite), getting
> > a cat scan, 
> Yes, but isn't it annoying for the cat?

	Not if you share the tranquilizing drugs first.
> > running down abandoned underground tunnels, 
> Tsk--what have abandoned underground tunnels done to you to deserve such
> treatment?

	They're enablers, Lorna, pure and simple: For the unflattering
lights they harbor, underground tunnels should not only be run down but
backed over.



Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 20:39:29 +0000
From: Julia Jones <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] re: Jarvik vs Tarrant
Message-ID: <>

In message <>, Calle Dybedahl
<> writes
>Pat Patera <> writes:
>> I'd vote for:

Seconded. Carnell was a fascinating character, and I'm not surprised at
how often he turns up in fanfic as having headed for the rebellion as a
relatively safe haven after "Weapon".
Julia Jones

"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 21:07:54 -0000
From: "Jennifer Beavan" <>
To: <>
Subject: [B7L] Rumours of death
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Carol said > I know Tarrant valued loyalty highly, and he was probably
relieved to find that Avon was capable of loyalty (something Avon
hadn't much shown him up until "Rumours").>

If Anna had been alive (like Inga), I'd accept the word loyalty, but,
believing her dead, Avon's actions still don't impress as anything other
than selfish. Not that I'd want to miss the scenes in the cellar, but if
this were on the other list, I'd suggest that Avon, finding all his nice,
normal colleagues (especially that lovely curly-headed pilot) unwilling to
satisfy his perverted masochistic desire for punishment got himself
arrested and tortured for the sheer thrill of it all!



Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 21:47:34 -0800
From: Jackie <>
Subject: [B7L] re[ B7L] The Avengers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Judith Proctor wrote:
> Speaking of the Avengers, if you have a tape of 'Murdersville' take a look
> at the man with the shotgun wearing dark glasses who shoots somebody at
> 12.00
> I think it's Gareth Thomas.  He's wearing dark glasses, so it's hard to be
> sure, but it does look like him and it matches what little he's said about
> the part.  (He couldn't remember the name of the episode)
> Judith

I have an episode of the Avengers with a very young Jackie Pearce in it - 
with VERY long black hair. Unmistakeable features though!!
Bye for now


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 21:47:51 -0800
From: Jackie <>
Subject: re [B7L] 20th Anniversary.
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I must say that Lorna`s, Lisa`s and Sue`s various rejoinders about 
scanning cats and running over underground tunnels were hilarious.
Such wicked sense of humours!
Bye for now


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 21:48:04 -0800
From: Jackie <>
Subject: re:[B7L] re viewing figures
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Judith Proctor wrote:
> On Fri 02 Jan, Jackie wrote:
> > But then again I seem to remember reading that Deliverence and Orac were
> > shown together as a "feature length" episode, but I didn`t think that it
> > was in the UK, maybe Judith can help here?
> Who me?  Sorry, I'm good on minor details of episodes, but that's from
> watching the videos. I was at university when the show was originally on and
> missed virtually all of it.
> I can answer most questions on Gareth Thomas, but I'm a wipe out on things
> like transmission dates.
> Ah, just contradicted myself.  Found a reference book.  Orac was the only
> first season episode to be repeated in the UK - they rebroadcast it about
> two weeks before Redemption.
> Are you thinking of the infamous compilation tapes?
> Judith

Well. Patrick, could it have been Orac you were watching? or was it 
definately Deliverence? or someone`s copy of the compilation video?
Look like`s its back to you.
Bye for now


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 21:53:08 -0800
From: Jackie <>
Subject: re[B7L] Rumours
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Jennifer Beavan wrote:
> Carol said > I know Tarrant valued loyalty highly, and he was probably
> relieved to find that Avon was capable of loyalty (something Avon
> hadn't much shown him up until "Rumours").>
> If Anna had been alive (like Inga), I'd accept the word loyalty, but,
> believing her dead, Avon's actions still don't impress as anything other
> than selfish. Not that I'd want to miss the scenes in the cellar, but if
> this were on the other list, I'd suggest that Avon, finding all his nice,
> normal colleagues (especially that lovely curly-headed pilot) unwilling to
> satisfy his perverted masochistic desire for punishment got himself
> arrested and tortured for the sheer thrill of it all!
> Jennifer

Well now. Masochistic, eh?  That is a very interesting thought. And 
there`s me thinking I was sadistic in writing all those suffering scenes 
for Avon, and the @!%@~#@ was enjoying it the whole time!!!! 



Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 22:05:47 -0000
From: "Heather Smith" <>
To: "Blake's 7" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Intro to x-over
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sorry for replying to an old message but I've been away.

>I've been working on a cross-over that should be fairly straight,
>although I've been tempted by some Nyssa/? slash.  I know it's only a
>very brief intro. , but I'm fairly new at this and would like some
>reaction to the style, etc.. 

Great so far!  Umm, what else, remember to bear (is that the right
spelling?  Well, you know what I mean) in mind that the characters in both
series' re portrayed as English, and IMHO it jars character wise if one
says or thinks in US slang/syntax.  I think the idea of Nyssa/? is good.
Heather 'can't think of a clever quote to go here' Smith

'There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish'
-The fourth Doctor  


Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 19:00:34 EST
From: AChevron <>
Subject: [B7L] Trivia Quiz: Quotes
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

   Having not been able to identify Robert's quote immediately, it got me to
thinking on some other quotes from the series. Below is a trivia game for
those who care to try it. Sorry, no prizes, other than satisfaction.
   For each of the 30 quotes, you will recieve 1 point for identifying the 1st
speaker, 1 point for identifying the episode, and 2 points for identifying the
person or persons spoken too or responding to the first quote. Total possible
points: 120. 
   I will post the answers on Wednesday.

1) " For a little man I'm a wonderful mover."

2) " There is no rational basis for the concept you call luck."

3) " There are so many unscrupulous fortune seekers at large."

4) " Difficult to reason with a bomb."

5) " That's one way to become a hunted man; trust the powerful."

6) " The Officer Corps will forgive anything it can understand, which makes
intellegence about the only sin."

7) "Hope is very dangerous."

8) "No true bid for peace was born from coersion."

9) " Counting yourself, that makes two people who think you are wonderful."

10) " Yes, I'm impressed."
      " Wonderful. That makes it all worthwhile."

11) "Natural leaders are rarely encumbered with intellegence."

12) " A pro keeps it simple."

13) " Then it's dead stupid of us to go there, right? Dead being the operative

14) " If you don't want the answer, you shouldn't ask the question."

15) " I'm going to be a big handicap."
      " I'm used to that."

16) " It always feels personal when someone tries to kill me."

17) " The art of leadership is delegation."

18) " Reality is a dangerous concept."

19) " I'm in Hell and it's full of Avons."

20) " Responcibity is something I have never avoided."

21) " There's no law for the rich..."

22) " Incidental? That'll look good on my gravestone."

23) " It's the kind of natural stupidity that no amount of training could ever
hope to match."

24) " You can't afford to be choosy now."
      " Why else would I be talking to you?"

25) " A strategic withdrawal is running away, but with dignity."

26)  " I should hate to be eaten by anything stupid."

27) " Attack is the best method of defense."

28) " Assasination has always been a legitimate tool of statecraft."

29) " I make one false move, I'll be so crisped up what's left of me won't fit
into a sandwhich."
      " I'm a vegetarian. Thanks for the offer, though."

30) " No hand is a winning hand until it's played."


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 01:13:06 +0100 (MET)
From: (Gareth Randall)
Subject: Re: re[B7L] re Terminal , and aplogy
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>> As to what he was planning to do when he got there... pass!
>He said what he wanted. He wanted the crew of the Liberator to meld with 
>his Gestalt, to produce a much more powerful resevior for his sins. 

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. What I meant was, "How he was planning to
get the crew and Liberator back to Xenon... pass!"

Then again, it's not impossible that he knew that they'd been looking for a
base, so he'd probably just have offered them the use of Xenon.



Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 19:28:09 -0500
From: Cecilia <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] re[ B7L] The Avengers
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 09:47 PM 1/2/98 -0800, Jackie wrote:
>I have an episode of the Avengers with a very young Jackie Pearce in it - 
>with VERY long black hair. Unmistakeable features though!!
>Bye for now
I'm new to the list - been lurking trying to figure out the threads, but
this one I have more info on.  The name of the episode is "A Sense of
History", and Jackie plays a young university student, AND gets to dress up
like Maid Marion while the rest of the cast become Robin Hoods and Friar
Tucks.  Fun.

Lady C., the Anceunt One


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 01:36:14 +0100 (MET)
From: (Gareth Randall)
Subject: Re: re[B7L] re viewing figures
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Ah, just contradicted myself.  Found a reference book.  Orac was the only
>first season episode to be repeated in the UK - they rebroadcast it about
>two weeks before Redemption.

I remember that! It was one afternoon, possibly during the Christmas
holidays. I must have been about 8 years old at the time, and I recorded it
onto audio cassette (which I ended up doing with every episode until the
repeat of Season 3, by which time we had a VCR). My parents report that I'd
been reasonably unaffected by the shock ending on its original transmission
- more bemused than anything else - but for some reason I became a little
upset the second time around. My sadness was ameliorated, howeever, by the
joyous realisation that a new series was just around the corner - and there
was that brilliant chase with neutron blasters and explosions at the start! =;-)

I can even remember that the trailers for Redemption included part of the
attack sequence, with Vila trying to fire and saying "I can't! The failsafes
keep cutting in!"



Date: Sat, 03 Jan 98 01:30:43 GMT
From: (Patrick Bean)
Subject: Re: [B7L] Rumours of death 
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Fri  2 Jan 98 (18:02:54 +0100), wrote:
> Help, am I the only one who thinks Avon's actions in Rumours are
> self-indulgent crap?
> He wasn't saving Anna; he was just going in for a piece of pointless
> personal revenge. Remove Shrinker and another takes his place.

True, but I think this had been on his mind since 'countdown'. What I do not
understand is why there was not an easier way of doing it. If Orac could find
Severlan then he could have found Shrinker, after all he must have lived
> He was also deliberately endangering the rest of the crew. There's no way
> to be sure you won't break under torture.

All the evidence from other episodes was that torture of that type was not
needed with the federation's tech. Think about 'Way back', 'Project Avalon'
> Bet you 50 cents Blake wouldn't have let him do it!

Probably not, but before the war even going to earth was a big risk as in
'Pressure Point'. After it with 80 percent of the federation fleet gone and the
remainder probably employed around the outter planets it maybe was less of a
risk. They could also have done more to save the over rebels, by getting them
out at the end when the troops arrived. Blake would have done this, it would
have taken only a matter of seconds to use the teleport to transfer them to
somewhere safe. But then again having killed there leader maybe getting out
fast was the better move :-)
 __  __  __  __      __ ___   _____________________________________________
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|  ||  \\__/\__/| \||__  |  /...Internet access for all Acorn RISC machines
___________________________/  Web


Date: Sat, 03 Jan 98 01:39:34 GMT
From: (Patrick Bean)
Subject: Re: [B7L] re terminal, and an apology
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Fri  2 Jan 98 (18:02:54 +0100), wrote:
> How about this : we know that Dorian was a student of Ensor, and so
> presumably learned a few of his computer-building tricks.

This brings up a interesting point avon said;
"You must have been very young when you met Ensor, he spend the lats 20 years
of his life in hiding" Now was it not the last 40 years? 

 __  __  __  __      __ ___   _____________________________________________
|__||__)/ __/  \|\ ||_   |   / (Patrick David Bean)
|  ||  \\__/\__/| \||__  |  /...Internet access for all Acorn RISC machines
___________________________/  Web


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 20:40:44 -0800
From: Pat Patera <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re Jarvik v Tarrant
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote:
>> AChevron wrote: "As you can see, I for one would not be at all
>> happy to have seen Jarvik join the crew. There are a number of
>> other characters I much rather would have seen as new
>> crewmen."
> Or how about that all time favourite Og.

ohmagawd! For a story that *no one's* ever written before, try: 
Pat P


Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 20:49:22 -0800
From: Pat Patera <>
Subject: Re: re [B7L] Slash debate
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Jackie wrote:
>> ...Jenna's true canon character, why not let
>> her rip as a homocidal maniac every now and then?
> Not really adding to the debate here, just want to ask Pat P if HOMOCIDAL
> was the word meant, or HOMICIDAL. Or was it just a pun given that the
> subject matter is Slash?

oops! perhaps a Freudian slip? :)
Pat P


Date: Sat, 03 Jan 98 02:52:57 GMT
From: (Patrick Bean)
Subject: Re: [B7L] Viewing Figures 
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Fri  2 Jan 98 (18:02:54 +0100), wrote:
> However, Patrick Bean who wrote the letter that I was replying to had a
> UK email address, and he remembered seeing the episode one afternoon.

I really can't remember any more than that, it may have been something as
simple as the cricket being rained off, and so they needed to fill time. It was
a week day afternoon in school term time, I was about 10 years old and off
school sick, and hearing the title music cheered me up no end. :-)
 __  __  __  __      __ ___   _____________________________________________
|__||__)/ __/  \|\ ||_   |   / (Patrick David Bean)
|  ||  \\__/\__/| \||__  |  /...Internet access for all Acorn RISC machines
___________________________/  Web


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 08:28:20 +1100
From: Kathryn Andersen <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: re[B7L] re Viewing Figures
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Thu, Jan 01, 1998 at 07:09:30PM -0800, Pat Patera wrote:
> Jackie wrote:
> > That`s funny, I was always under the impression that the 3rd series was
> > the most popular with fans.
> My opinion comes from those in the So. California BBC fan club, so it is
> admittedly a small sample.

I've forgotten what various surveys showed, but I suspect that Avon fans
like the 3rd series better, and Blake-Avon fans like the 2nd series

> > the episode Blake, the ending of which was not
> > a surprise to anyone as a national newspaper took great delight in
> > spilling the beans to all their readers that day 
> wow! there's one good thing we can say about U.S. media - they do not
> speak spoilers. Probably because they're in bed with all the producers
> and don't want to dampen viewership figures and thus offend the
> advertisers.

Ha!  You're forgetting about spoiler teasers.  Too many times I've seen,
when the actual *network* makes up the advertisments for the next week's
episode of something (this has happened with both Babylon 5 and Trek), the
extracts that they chose to display in the ad, contain things that should
not have been revealed.  (How do I know this?  Getting tapes from the US
which didn't have the ads cut out.)  You know, like as if they showed Avon
shooting Blake when advertising "Blake".  Shoot selves in foot.
Kathryn Andersen
"Yes, Vila, I take your point.  You're obviously far cleverer than I am."
			-- Del Tarrant		(Blake's 7: Moloch [C11])
 _--_|\	    | Kathryn Andersen		<>
/      \    |
\_.--.*/    | #include "std/disclaimer.h"
      v	    |
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |	-> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 08:34:23 +1100
From: Kathryn Andersen <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Slash debate
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Thu, Jan 01, 1998 at 10:34:33PM -0500, Harriet Monkhouse wrote:
> To Iain and Kathryn, especially
> I assure you I place the highest value on strong, intense, platonic
> friendships, whether same-sex or otherwise.  I depend on them to keep
> myself living (in a way that I don't depend on sexual ones) so I wouldn't
> see them devalued for the world.  It's just that, in this particular case,
> it's impossible for me to say that's what I see in Blake and Avon.  (Cally
> and Jenna, maybe...) 

Thanks for the cordiality.  (-8
> But there isn't a correct answer.  Your belief about the nature of the ties
> between them is just as true as mine, because the truth about this
> particular story exists only in our separate minds.  Even, though I boggle
> to think of it, in the Tarrant Nostra's.  And, though I am sorry that it
> distresses you, it would be untrue to my truth to deny the sexual frisson I
> first sensed between Blake and Avon nearly 20 years ago.  Sue Clerc is
> exactly right (for me) - I'm perfectly happy  (and maybe happier) if it
> isn't explicit.  If they don't notice.  That's my truth.  For others, it's
> right out in the open.  For you, it's something else entirely.  That's
> good.  I don't like absolutes.

Ah, well, if we're going to debate the nature of Truth, then that
undercuts all debate.  (-8   (Hmmmm, isn't that Deconstructionism?)

For the record, I believe Truth to be relational and absolute.
If you want me to elaborate, we can take it to the Spin list, I guess.

Kathryn Andersen
"You cry very beautifully, Servalan, and one of your tears did this
to the sand on the floor...
At first I thought it was just your destructive nature."
	-- Del Tarrant to Servalan			(Blake's 7: Sand [D9])
 _--_|\	    | Kathryn Andersen		<>
/      \    |
\_.--.*/    | #include "std/disclaimer.h"
      v	    |
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |	-> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 13:13:25 -0000
From: "Heather Smith" <>
To: "Blake's 7" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: JetC11- Avery Brooks
Message-Id: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sorry, first attempt accidentally got sent to Cynthia My via private
e-mail, let us try again :-)

> 36 eps?  How bizarre.

Well, the first couple of seasons of Doctor Who ran a damn sight longer.  I
guess yanks just ain't got the stanima

Heather 'can't think of a clever quote to go here' Smith [who is now
preparing to do some serious running :-)]

'There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish'
-The fourth Doctor  


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 10:25:01 -0500
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "Blake's 7 (Lysator)" <>
Subject: [B7L] DJ's second resolution
Message-ID: <>
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Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

"Reality is a dangerous concept. Each one of us interprets it in a slightly
different way. Every sense impression is filtered by the brain. Sometimes
just a little, sometimes completely. To fit our individual model of what
the world is about."

                    Dr. Havant - Blake's physician in "The Way Back"

DJ, I was delighted to read your variation on Havant's them again.  I
enjoyed it on Space City, and it's drifted through my mind from time to
time ever since, so it was good to refresh myself on the details.

And Havant, of course, says precisely what I wanted to say yesterday. 
Which presumably means that no one should trust me.


PS  A tape of the Sevenfold Crown arrived in today's post, forwarded by a
friend who says he blagged it from the office.  Oh well, I suppose it won't
really affect sales; nothing I've heard about it so far has suggested I
would have rushed out to spend money on it (even if I had any left after
ordering a teleport bracelet).


Date: Sat, 03 Jan 1998 16:42:55 -0800
From: "J. I. Horner" <>
Subject: Re:[B7L] email junkie
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I have got another one :

You include your Internet number as one of your BT Friends and Family 

Snag with this is that if you win the holiday wouldn't you look really 
sad taking your PC and modem on a safari or something.

Sorry this probably only makes sense to UK readers.

Julie Horner


Date: Sat, 03 Jan 1998 16:40:13 -0800
From: "J. I. Horner" <>
Subject: Re:[B7L] Harvest of Kairos
Message-ID: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<< I liked this episode, but WHY BOTHER? What I mean is they had all that
 in the strongroomm, 300 million credits of it by Jenner's guess (in 

and A Chevron wrote :
<<   This is another reason I initially disliked Tarrant. His decision 
to pull off a juvenille "lets play pirate" stunt. 

Has anyone considered that Tarrant may not have known about all the 
wealth on board the Liberator? 

Only Avon, Vila and Cally would have known about this at the start of 
season 3 and the first two might well have thought it worth while keeping 
this quiet, while Cally might have thought it unimportant.

The small fortune liberated by Avon and Vila in 'Gambit' would also be 
safely stashed away from prying eyes I would have thought.

Julie Horner


Date: Sat, 03 Jan 1998 10:37:27 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re Terminal
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1

On Tue 30 Dec, AChevron wrote:

> Judith wrote<<Terminal, she was still in control of the Federation and thus
> had no need to act in secrewt- "unless" you choose to set it post-Geddon>>

Deborah replied:

>    Interesting point. I think I would lean to the post-Geddon viewpoint,
> though I've not really considered it before. It would make sense for her to
> make a grab at Liberator to help her re-establish herself. It doesn't rule out
> that she was still in power and wanted Liberator herself, however. She piously
> told Travis that she was acting in the Federation interest in Orac, and may
> have even believed it, equating the Federation with herself. And the strange
> blond lot on Terminal may have been scientists working on Terminal for some
> time. Just like Servalan to come across a secret like Terminal and hold it
> until she could find some use for it. The more I think about it, the more I
> like the post-Geddon idea. But then that makes explaining how she got off the
> Liberator alive even more difficult, if the crashed ship was the only one she
> had...

I think the teleport setting was left to Terminal.  Therefore as servalan
didn't alter the setting, I think she ended up on Terminal, probably only
half a point removed from where Avon and co were.  Probably narrowly escaped
getting caught in her own explosion.

>     And this may have been discussed before, but I haven't come across much on
> it. How exactly did Earth/the Federation/ the Conglomerates manage to build
> and then "lose" an entire artificial planet? I've not been able to develop a
> theory I'm comfortable with, and I find this question even more intriguing
> than how Servalan survived.

Build and lose I can actually concieve.    I'm sure it was deliberately lost
in paperwork etc for political reasons.  The question is how they moved it! 
Freak wormhole?  Actually, some sort of temporary space warp could explain
how it got lost.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Sat, 03 Jan 1998 10:21:48 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re The Great Escape
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1

On Fri 02 Jan, wrote:

> Jenna's a possibility. Blake telling Tarrant that she was dead
> could have been some type of test for Tarrant to see his
> reaction. Blake and Jenna could have been working together on
> Gauda Prime. When she saw the Federation arrive, she (on her
> own or more likely with other rebels) attacked. The interesting
> part of this would be her reaction when she found Avon had
> shot Blake. Initially she would just see Blake's body and Avon
> standing over it. She would probably assume he'd been injured
> by a Federation shot and that Avon was protecting him. But
> when she learns the truth... Now there's a nice story theme.
> Having written the above, I then find this from Judith: "It's
> been done, although it's not that common a theme.  Blake's men
> stage a rescue in some stories, Avalon's in others (Jenna on one
> occasion, Cally on another).  I've read one where it's another
> Federation officer"
> So where and by whom was the Jenna one, and how did she
> react to Avon killing Blake?

Jenna rescues Avon and Vila after GP in 'Investments' by Vega in 'The Way
Back' (not to be confused with 'The Long Way Back' which is a totally
different zine)  She is not at all happy about Avon killing Blake.  It's a
pretty long story and takes up a good third of the zine and although it's a
stan-alone, it meshes with several other Jenna stories by the same writer. 
There's details on the web page if you're interested.  It's a charity zine I
published a couple of years ago.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Sat, 03 Jan 1998 10:14:53 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Rumours of death
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1

On Sat 03 Jan, Patrick Bean wrote:

> True, but I think this had been on his mind since 'countdown'. What I do not
> understand is why there was not an easier way of doing it. If Orac could find
> Severlan then he could have found Shrinker, after all he must have lived
> somewhere.

I think Avon felt responsible for Anna's death and this was his way of
punishing himself.

> All the evidence from other episodes was that torture of that type was not
> needed with the federation's tech. Think about 'Way back', 'Project Avalon'
> etc. 

There had been several waves of fighting with rebels at this point and my
guess is that on one of their sweeps through Central Security, they
destroyed the interrrogation machines.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Sat, 03 Jan 1998 17:37:10 -0800
From: Jackie <>
Subject: Re[B7L] EMail Junkie
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

J. I. Horner wrote:
> I have got another one :
> You include your Internet number as one of your BT Friends and Family
> numbers.
> Snag with this is that if you win the holiday wouldn't you look really
> sad taking your PC and modem on a safari or something.
> Sorry this probably only makes sense to UK readers.
> Julie Horner

You can`t get "Friends & Family" on cable. Although I believe that if you 
have cable TV and phone, local phone calls are free.  In light of my 
recent phone bill I will have to investigate that properly!!

Bye for now


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 12:54:57 -0500 (EST)
From: NWOutsider <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Rumours of death
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 1 Jan 1998 Jennifer Beavan wrote:

>Help, am I the only one who thinks Avon's actions in Rumours are
>self-indulgent crap?

	Hell, no! I'm with you. Doesn't anyone else thinks it's
reprehensible to ignore genocide to pursue a personal vendetta, 
as Avon wants to do in "Children of Auron"?

>He wasn't saving Anna; he was just going in for a piece of pointless
>personal revenge. 

	Definitely. To assuage his guilt over Anna's supposed death, he
endangered the rest of the crew and the ship and destroyed what 
might've been an effective new government on Earth. Sula was ruthless
and wanted personal power but she also expressed more concern for
the people she'd be governing than Servalan ever did (cities could've 
been rebuilt for what it cost to build the residence). What really
stuns me is that Avon, the one who said "all knowledge is valuable" 
and "do you think I'd take us in blind," apparently did no preliminary 
research beyond finding Shrinker: the crew has no idea what's been 
happening on Earth.

>Bet you 50 cents Blake wouldn't have let him do it!

	8-) One of Avon's (many) shortcomings as a leader and as a
character is that he has no vision of his own. Personal revenge 
because he thinks he failed to save Anna just doesn't cut it and neither
does simple survival. Without Blake, he has no purpose or direction. So
many of the plots in the 3rd season reflect this as the crew stumbles from
one aimless adventure to the next without an overarching sense of purpose.
By the time he belatedly realizes Blake was right, although God forbid 
he should say so, it's too late.



Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 13:22:13 -0500 (EST)
From: NWOutsider <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Slash debate
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 1 Jan 1998 Sondra Sweigman wrote:

>Re Iain's and Kathryn's postings on slash: How right you are.  I
>would only add that the same goes for writers who feel the necessity to
>sexualize a male-female bond in order to make it "ultimately meaningful."
>Can anyone here spell "Mulder & Scully"?  Wrong list, I suppose :-)  

	I'm glad X Files hasn't (so far) led to a Scully-Mulder romance. I
strongly doubt the ability of Chris Carter or any other TV producers to 
sexualize a male-female partnership and keep it as equal as it has been 
(it's not perfect, but it's better than most). I'll always be glad B7 only 
hinted at relationships among the crew because I think the women's roles 
would've been weakened even more than they were if any of the possible
pairings was shown as a certainty.

	Fan fic, however, is a separate field where everybody gets to play 
with the characters and offer their own interpretations without lasting
effect on the official fictional narrative. IMO, there's room for all 
even I don't want to read it and think the idea misconstrues the series.
As long as I get to voice my objections, as you have above. 



Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 13:33:31 -0500 (EST)
From: NWOutsider <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Slash debate
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 1 Jan 1998 Alison Page wrote:

>I'm sure slash fans universally believe in platonic relationships as well
>as sexualised ones. 

	I just want to add a loud "yeah!" to that.

>- I think there is a lot to be said for art forms which preserve tension,
>of whatever kind, without collapsing it. 
>I do think it is a problem with fanfic in general. The show leaves you
>unsatisfied, so you write to address that dissatisfaction. then you run
>the risk of losing the fragile quality which attracted you in the first

	Really interesting point, Alison. It led me onto a totally different 
tangent. 8-) There are many motives for fan fic, including slash, and I 
think most of us hold more than two simultaneously. Here's one slash 
theory I don't think I've seen before, so maybe it's only true for me. I
don't want to choose one character and yet that's the way we're encouraged
to approach a series, a band, sports teams, anything that might serve as a
fantasy object. You have to have a favorite Beatle, you have like either 
Napoleon or Illya, Blake or Avon, etc. It's part of the heterosexualizing, 
monogamaniacal society we live in: pick one guy to fantasize about. I
just don't like it. It totally spoils the reason I love a show--the
interaction between the lead characters who (what a surprise) happen to be
men. But I still want some of the eroticism I experience watching them on
screen because I frequently do find them attractive. If anyone gets what
I'm talking about, please rephrase it and explain it to me. 8-) It makes
sense in my head, honest.


End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #2