From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #221 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: <> archive/volume98/221 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 221 Today's Topics: [B7L] Heartsick [B7L] Re: Topics to avoid [B7L] Re: Topics to Avoid Re: [B7L] Re: Topics to Avoid [B7L] Speaking of Cons.. [B7L] Full Frontal [B7L] Re: a response to a response [B7L] test Re: [B7L] books Re: [B7L] Re: a response to a response [B7L] re: susan thomas? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 20:59:15 PDT From: "Joanne MacQueen" <> To: Subject: [B7L] Heartsick Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain Dear all, Kathryn is quite right. Ignorance *is* bliss in this case. I have two versions of the events in question, but Kathryn's is the most comprehensive of the two, involving scanned copy of material generated by both parties. That's as impartial as is humanly possible, just as I asked. The result...well, I feel like a traffic accident victim: shocked, wounded (I wish I knew where, so I could try doing something about it), and uncertain of what's happened to me, and inclined towards tears. But since I asked the question, *I* have to put up with it. If you *must* ask me, be warned. As Kathryn has indicated, it is not pretty, and it horrifies me. Regards Joanne (looking for something other than chocolate to make her heart cheerful) ...It's hardly worth debating, the people are frustrated Drink from poisoned cup The system is collapsing, conscience is relapsing The damage has been done. --Powderfinger, "The Day You Come" ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 98 06:39:00 GMT From: To: Subject: [B7L] Re: Topics to avoid Message-Id: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" What I'd recommend for any curious newcomers is: look for =original= issues (not reprints) of Horizon newsletters #22 (June 1989) and #23 (December 1989). Each of them had a pullout center section on "The Controversy in Blake's Seven Fandom" with numerous letters from both sides. Naturally, there's a certain bias toward the club's own position, but you can still get a fair idea of what was going on. Most of the copies of the old newsletters have had the pullouts pulled out and thrown away, but you can still find intact ones if you shop around at cons and used zine sales. I was not in the fandom at the time, but I gather that the other big issue, besides slash, was a proposal for a series of professional, commercial, for-profit B7 conventions (you know, like Creation cons and that sort of thing). A lot of people were afraid, whether rightly or wrongly, that those would conflict with the fan-run, nonprofit cons, and there was quite a nasty dustup over it. Personally, I think that the idea was probably never financially feasible in the first place (since B7, much as we love it, simply hasn't got the same huge number of followers as Trek or Dr. Who), and in any case, it never happened. Which in retrospect makes all the unpleasantness seem rather sadly futile. I would not recommend asking oldtime fans about it-- having done that very thing a few years ago when I was an innocent newbie myself, and regretting it. It seems that just about anybody who was close enough to events at the time to actually know much about it still feels queasy about the whole thing, even after nearly ten years. Sarah T. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 08:12:29 +0100 From: Steve Rogerson <> To: Subject: [B7L] Re: Topics to Avoid Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Kathryn said: "Well, we already know that slash is a topic to avoid..." Yes and no. For those who don't know, there is another B7 mailing list called Space City with a lot of fan fiction on it, most though not all of which includes often explicit adult relationships between characters. Homosexual relationships stories (known as slash) are common and those who are not offended by that can have a good time over there in an atrmosphere that welcomes discussions on these subjects. However, slash is a subject that can also be discussed on this list. As far as I'm aware there are no banned subjects on this list (Space City does have rules about flaming and stirring, both of which are not allowed over there). This means that people can discuss slash or even post slash stories on this list (Lysator). It also means that people who find that type of thing offensive can also post their views. Done properly the discussion could be quite interesting, but it runs the danger, because strong feelings are involved, of getting quite nasty. I wasn't around during the great slash war that led to Space City being created but as some know we have had some other strong arguments that I have been involved in here, which is why there is a third B7 list called the Spin List. This is for where a thread goes well off topic and is boring those who are not interested. You also get some general fun discussions over there that are not B7 related. -- cheers Steve Rogerson Redemption 99: The Blakes 7 and Babylon 5 convention 26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Ashford, Kent "Get in there you big furry oaf, I don't care what you smell" Star Wars ------------------------------ Date: 26 Aug 1998 10:24:21 +0200 From: Calle Dybedahl <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Topics to Avoid Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Steve Rogerson <> writes: > I wasn't around during the great slash war that led to Space City > being created Space City got created not so much because of a single slash/nonslash flamefest, but because it had been a recurring flamewar since the list started. So if someone wants to discuss that sort of thing here, please be careful. It *will* cause bad feelings in someone or other. -- Calle Dybedahl, UNIX Sysadmin ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 10:39:42 +0100 From: "Gregory Graham" <> To: "B7" <> Subject: [B7L] Speaking of Cons.. Message-ID: <000001bdd0d5$73f9bcc0$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit What B7/SF cons are coming up in the UK. I know of Redemption but are there others? -----Gregory Graham------- WARNING: The opinions expressed may not reflect upon reality let alone GE Harris ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 08:11:36 -0700 From: "Ann Basart" <> To: "Blake's7" <> Subject: [B7L] Full Frontal Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Perhaps you've all read this mystery by now, but I'm just catching up with it: Barbara Paul's "Full Frontal Murder," in which one of the principal characters (Holland) is very much Avon, and most of the secondary characters are named after people or even places in B7. Neatly done, and dedicated to "the Avon-Without-Guilt gang." Published in the US by WorldWide Library, and dated September 1998. Lotsa fun. Ann Ann Basart ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 13:05:43 -0400 From: Harriet Monkhouse <> To: "" <> Subject: [B7L] Re: a response to a response Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ShilLance (though haven't you another name, something like Gwyn?) said: >I lurk on this list a great deal and don't get >the opportunity to post much.....your response >leads me to think I was correct in not doing so. You're misinterpreting - we want you to post, as (unless I'm muddling you with someone else, see above) you post some Interesting Remarks; it's just the 70 lines of quotes that are irritating. Doesn't your software allow you to snip the bits that aren't strictly relevant? Possibly we should remind those list-members living in countries with free local phone calls that some of us live in countries which don't have free local phone calls, so longer messages mean longer phone calls mean more expense... Harriet ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 19:12:47 +0100 From: Chris <> To: "" <> Subject: [B7L] test Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=x-user-defined Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 20:19:54 +0100 From: JMR <> To: Chris <>, Subject: Re: [B7L] books Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 23:05 25/08/98 +0100, Chris wrote: >Hi, I'm new to this list. I have got a few books about Blake's 7 >but what I am really looking for are the early novels. Can >anyone help me? There are some novels available (signed) in the Horizon charity auction. Check out the Horizon website under "News" for details. <> Judith J.M. Rolls ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:20:25 EDT From: To:, Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: a response to a response Message-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-08-26 13:10:11 EDT, writes: << I lurk on this list a great deal and don't get >the opportunity to post much.....your response >leads me to think I was correct in not doing so. You're misinterpreting - we want you to post, as (unless I'm muddling you with someone else, see above) you post some Interesting Remarks; it's just the 70 lines of quotes that are irritating. Doesn't your software allow you to snip the bits that aren't strictly relevant? Possibly we should remind those list-members living in countries with free local phone calls that some of us live in countries which don't have free local phone calls, so longer messages mean longer phone calls mean more expense... >> I didn't know. And lurking does a seem a bit more safe. And my local phone calls are at a set rate. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 19:14:04 +0100 From: Chris <> To: "" <> Subject: [B7L] re: susan thomas? Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=x-user-defined Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit can anyone please tell me about this also. thanks chris -------------------------------- End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #221 **************************************