Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #245
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 245

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Re: Sheepish songs
	 Re: [B7L] Bloopers
	 Re: [B7L] Bloopers
	 [B7L] Murdersville on Granada Plus
	 [B7L] Re: Soolin the Bimbo
	 [B7L] Gareth - theatre photos
	 [B7L] The answer to life...
	 [B7L] UK Gold October
	 Re: [B7L] Murdersville on Granada Plus
	 Re: [B7L] Bloopers
	 [B7L] Official "Horizon" Newsflash...
	 [B7L] Teddy bear
	 [B7L] Horizon info, bloopers, etc.
	 [B7L] Re: Jenna as Bimbo
	 [B7L] Update On HORIZON Newsflash
	 [B7L] videos
	 Re: [B7L] Bloopers Tapes


Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 19:26:59 PDT
From: "Joanne MacQueen" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Sheepish songs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

According to Nicola:
>>I keep thinking of Vila dressed in something woolly, and 
>>baaing...that's right, I'm still not quite in my right mind again).
>LOL! What a cute image : )

Thankyou. It was the best I could do yesterday, and it didn't last long. 
And no, I wasn't in my right mind yesterday - bad bout of homesickness. 
That doesn't explain why I've found myself discussing Tarrant with Carol 
recently, unless, of course, things were leaning toward really bad! 

(going home for the weekend, and doesn't she need to!)

Captain Vimes believed in logic, in much the same way as a man in a 
desert believed in ice -- i.e., it was something he really needed, but 
this just wasn't the world for it.
--Terry Pratchett, "Theatre of Cruelty".

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 22:29:25 -0500 (CDT)
From: "G. Robbins" <>
To: "Jeroen J. Kwast" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Bloopers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

>I just got the Red dwarf smeg-ups and smeg-outs. They are very funny.

>The same question comes to my mind: WHY NO BLAKE'7 BLOOPERS ON SALE !!!!!

>Why do I have to go to a convention to watch this tape when I can have a
>tape added to my B7 tape collection?????

Good question, that is one tape I would like to get my hot little hands



Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 07:51:52 +0100
From: Julia Jones <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Bloopers
Message-ID: <>

>>The same question comes to my mind: WHY NO BLAKE'7 BLOOPERS ON SALE !!!!!
>>Why do I have to go to a convention to watch this tape when I can have a
>>tape added to my B7 tape collection?????
>Good question, that is one tape I would like to get my hot little hands

Basically, because that's the rules as given by the person who compiled
the tape.

The other explanation, given by more than one person involved with the
show, is that B7 doesn't have a blooper tape because the bloopers are
all up there on screen. This being what happens when you don't have the
time and money to reshoot after a cockup.
Julia Jones

"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 09:14:37 +0100
From: Anne Lane <>
To: "'B7'" <>
Subject: [B7L] Murdersville on Granada Plus
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Steve Rogerson wrote:
> While at The Crucible on Saturday, I noticed among Gareth's TV credits
> listed in the programme was The Avengers. Judith informed me this was
> from the episode Murdersville, which I have since discovered is on one
> of the M Appeal collection being released at the moment (as the name
> suggests they are all Emma Peel adventures). It is on tape 4 of 6 (three
> episodes per tape) and I have since bought and watched it. It is a very
> young Gareth and it is a small but silent role. But it is still worth
> getting if you are an Avengers fan.
> --
The Murdersville episode of The Avengers is on Granada Plus on Thursday 1st 
October at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. (for those in the UK who have 



Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 12:24:21 +0100 (BST)
From: (Murray)
Subject: [B7L] Re: Soolin the Bimbo
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

        I recently came across two very descriptive passages concerning
Soolin in 'Scorpio Attack', the Trevor Hoyle novelisation of the early
season four episodes:

1. (p.32): She was in her early twenties, blonde, and very lovely; the
           shiny one-piece coverall she was wearing shimmered with 
           reflected highlights, emphasising her beautifully-proportioned
           figure. A belt and holstered handgun was slung low on her slender

2. (p.36):      From out of the shadows appeared a girl. She was stunningly
           beautiful. The one-piece coverall clung to her like a shiny 
           second skin. Avon stared, unable to tear his eyes away.

I have to point out, however, that Hoyle's portrayal is nowhere near as bad
at that of Jenna in the novel 'Blake's 7', although the influence of the
former is obvious.

                                               Murray Smith


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 11:18:11 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
cc: Space City <>
Subject: [B7L] Gareth - theatre photos
Message-ID: <>

I'm contacting a couple of theatres at the moment trying to track down old
publicity photos of Gareth Thomas for myself and Joyce Bowen.

I've no idea what kind of luck I'll have, but there seems a chance that I may
get a few pictures out of it.

Basically, if I do find any that are available, is anyone else likely to want
copies?  Prices tend to be on the high side even for b+w as a fair bit of work
can be involved in doing just one or two copies of a picture.  (By way of an
idea, I was paying six or seven pounds a print for full size pictures from the
Royal Shakespeare Company archives - which was fair enough as they had to track
down the negatives and print single copies)



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 18:02:27 +0100
From: Steve Rogerson <>
To: Space City <>,
        Richard Norman <>,
        Redemption <>,
        Anna Bowles <>,
        Chloe Smith <>, Gavin Rymill <>,
        Lysator <>
Subject: [B7L] The answer to life...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I am about to discover the answer to life, the universe and everything,
yes my 42nd birthday approaches and I plan on celebrating the occassion
at Pages Bar in London. The event will take place on the evening of
Sunday October 11 (5.30pm to 10.30pm). One snag or advantage depending
on how you look at it is that Pages is having a Xena and Hercules night
that night and there will be an entrance fee of two pound plus numbers
are limited. However, the people who are running said that if I let them
know who is coming in advance they'll put their names on the door
(you'll still have to pay, but you are guaranteed to get in).

So, if any of you plan on coming, email me by Saturday October 3 (cos
I'll email them the list on Oct 4).

Pages Bar is on Page Street, London SW1P. Nearest tubes are Pimlico and
Westminster and railway stations Charing Cross, Victoria and Waterloo
are not far away. The No 88 bus, which you can pick up near Piccadilly
Circus, goes right past the door. The C10 bus also goes past the door
and you can get that at Victoria.
Steve Rogerson

Redemption 99: The Blakes 7 and Babylon 5 convention
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Ashford, Kent

"Get in there you big furry oaf, I don't care what you smell"
Star Wars


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 18:18:14 +0100
From: Steve Rogerson <>
To: Lysator <>
Subject: [B7L] UK Gold October
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

According to Cult Times in the UK, UK Gold is continuing its eratic
scheduling of B7 in October. These are the dates:

Sat 3 Oct, 9.05am: B4 Horizon
Sat 10 Oct, 9.05am: B5 Pressure Point
Sun 11 Oct, 8.55am: B6 Trial
Sat 17 Oct, 8.30am: B7 Killer
Sun 18 Oct, 9.20am: B8 Hostage
Sat 24 Oct, 8.30am: B9 Countdown
Sat 31 Oct, 8.00am: B10 Voice from the Past
Sat 31 Oct, 8.55am: B11 Gambit

Yes, that's right, a double bill on Hallowe'en!!!
Steve Rogerson

Redemption 99: The Blakes 7 and Babylon 5 convention
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Ashford, Kent

"Get in there you big furry oaf, I don't care what you smell"
Star Wars


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 13:36:20 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Murdersville on Granada Plus
Message-ID: <>

On Fri 25 Sep, Anne Lane wrote:
> Steve Rogerson wrote:
> > While at The Crucible on Saturday, I noticed among Gareth's TV credits
> > listed in the programme was The Avengers. Judith informed me this was
> > from the episode Murdersville, which I have since discovered is on one
> > of the M Appeal collection being released at the moment (as the name
> > suggests they are all Emma Peel adventures). It is on tape 4 of 6 (three
> > episodes per tape) and I have since bought and watched it. It is a very
> > young Gareth and it is a small but silent role. But it is still worth
> > getting if you are an Avengers fan.
> > --
> The Murdersville episode of The Avengers is on Granada Plus on Thursday 1st 
> October at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. (for those in the UK who have 
> cable/satellite).

And he's the man in the dark glasses in the pub in the opening sequence.  You'll
know who it is when he collects a gun from the bartender.

I mention this, because he's jolly hard to recognise in those glasses.  I
had to print out a picture and get Gareth to confirm that it actually was him
before I was 100% certain.  The part isn't credited because it's non-speaking,
but none the less it is a pretty good cameo.


PS.  Definition of obsession - knowing Gareth was in an episode of the Avengers
and actually managing to find out which one it was when the reference books
don't mention it because he's not in the credits...

Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 13:40:23 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Bloopers
Message-ID: <>

On Fri 25 Sep, Julia Jones wrote:
> >>The same question comes to my mind: WHY NO BLAKE'7 BLOOPERS ON SALE !!!!!
> >
> >>Why do I have to go to a convention to watch this tape when I can have a
> >>tape added to my B7 tape collection?????
> >
> >Good question, that is one tape I would like to get my hot little hands
> >on!!
> Basically, because that's the rules as given by the person who compiled
> the tape.

I believe it's largely because the bloopers are all on film and the quality drop
in transferring that old scratched film to video would leave it looking pretty
dreadful.  (It was the film editor who compiled the blooper reel.  I don't think
there are any indoor shots - apart from the teddy bear scene)

Also, it's too short to make into a proper video in any case.

> The other explanation, given by more than one person involved with the
> show, is that B7 doesn't have a blooper tape because the bloopers are
> all up there on screen. This being what happens when you don't have the
> time and money to reshoot after a cockup.

That's certainly true.  At leat one fan has compiled her own blooper reel out of
all the gaffes that made it into the final version.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 20:15:16 +0100
From: JMR <>
Subject: [B7L] Official "Horizon" Newsflash...
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


Here's some news from "Horizon" which should interest you!


Blake's Seven Radio plays will be broadcast at 3pm on BBC Radio 4, on
Saturday 19th December 98.  It runs for 60 minutes and is again produced at
BBC Pebble Mill by Brian Lighthill, and written by Barry Letts.  The cast
are: Paul Darrow (Avon), Michael Keating (Vila), Jacqueline Pearce
(Servalan), Steven Pacey (Tarrant), Peter Tuddenham (Orac/Slave), Paula
Wilcox (Soolin) and Angela Bruce (Dayna.)  Guest stars are Judy Cornwell
and Peter Jeffrey.  This time the play is being recorded in Surroundsound
(so find someone with 4 speakers and go and gatecrash their house on 19th

All we are allowed to divulge is what is in the official press release - so
here it is...  "Avon is really fed up with being on the run!  For years
now, he and the crew have only been keeping just ahead of the Federation...
 If only he could get at the results of the brilliant Dr Rossum's Syndeton
Experiment - Dr Rossum was working on `mind manipulation' just before his
spectacular disappearance...  If Avon and the crew could get those results,
he would at last be able to take on the Federation.  Brain-power versus
gun-power.  And Avon would win!  But Servalan wants the results of the
experiment too - and she has a few new tricks up her sleeve..."  

Brian says it's a particularly good script for Paul and Steven, (and
Tarrant gets `taken over'... ooops, not supposed to tell you that.  And
Vila has a bit of an accident... no, I didn't mean to tell them that...
sorry Brian!)  It looks like BBC Worldwide will be releasing this story on
CD (rather than cassette) but not until after the broadcast, we should have
details of this very soon.  It also looks hopeful that there will be
another BBC Internet phone in - we'll give you the date when we hear.  (It
will probably be with Paul Darrow and Jacqueline Pearce - but that's not


Sally Knyvette - opens in Peter Hall's production of Filumena at the
Piccadily Theatre, Denman Street, London W1 from 8th October to 27th
February.  The play stars Dame Judi Dench, and Sally plays Diane.  Box
Office: 0171 369 1734.  If anyone would like to join a Horizon Theatre
outing to see Sally in this play, give Diane Gies a call (0181-904 5588) so
something can be arranged.


Paul Darrow - Dates/venues are not yet confirmed, but things are looking
good for Paul to tour again as Captain Vimes in the stage production of
Terry Pratchett's Guards! Guards! in January/February 1999.  The Horizon
Website will have the dates and venues as soon as these are confirmed, and
we'll post a note on The List to let you know when to look!


Adverts - look out also for Michael Keating in the latest Yakult Yoghurt ad
(he is trying to read the paper while his 'wife' talks to some little pots
of yoghurt.  And you'll have heard about Stephen Greif trying to seduce the
Managing Director of Kenco Coffee in the 'Kenco Really Rich' ad!


Videos - Latest news on the Fabulous Films releases... 5th October - Tape
10 (Trial/Killer); 9th November - Tape 11 (Hostage/Countdown); 14 January
1999 - Tapes 12 (Voice from the Past/Gambit) and 13 (The Keeper/Star One).
No further release dates confirmed at this time.


THE MUSIC OF LIFE - is a Charity Gala at the Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury
Avenue, London W1 at 7pm on Sunday 1st November 98.  It stars Nickolas
Grace, Richard Wilson, Annette Crosbie, Christopher Cazenove, Les Dennis,
Hugh Jackman, Con O'Neill, Lindsey Coulson (Carol from Eastenders), the
Tiller Girls and many more including - hopefully - a member of the Blake's
7 cast (but as this isn't yet confirmed we can't tell you who right now!)
Based on Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man, it is a unique celebration of
life in words and music, ranging from Gilbert & Sullivan to Gershwin, from
Rogers & Hart to Sondheim and from Shakespeare to Roald Dahl.  It is being
produced by Reckless Productions for the Breast Cancer Campaign which funds
education and research into breast cancer.  Tickets are on sale now from
the Palace Theatre Box Office (0171 434 0909) with prices from �15 to �45.
This is going to be an amazing show and Horizon is organising a Group
Outing to see it so if you'd like to join us, call Diane Gies (0181-904
5588) for further info.

The Horizon website (and SnailMail Newsflash service) also has details up
on the recent charity auction, other cast news, including problems with the
proposed film Chaos (which was to have Michael Keating and Jan Chappell
appearing) and why Michael may not actually be attending Peladon 98!

Check out the Website for further details on all the above:



J.M. Rolls


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 22:09:38 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: [B7L] Teddy bear
Message-ID: <>

On Fri 25 Sep, Jennifer Becker wrote:

> For those of us have never been to a B7 convention in our lives, could
> someone explain what the Avon's teddy bear joke is?

Long ago and far away, there were a set of jokers working on Blake's 7.

The teddy bear joke was set up by Sheelagh and Gareth if memory serves.

During season 3, Sheelagh produced this small teddy bear and popped it in front
of Paul while he was being made up and explained that the reason Avon was such a
sourpuss was because someone took away his teddy when he was a little boy.

The teddy appeared again now and then and was firmly established to be Avon's

During the filming of 'Terminal' there is a scene with Gareth lying flat on his
back being a computer projection of Blake.

They get to the line

'Be careful Avon, your sentiment is showing'

Gareth slowly brings the teddy up into view and Paul collapses laughing.

It's the best thing on the whole blooper tape and has given rise to a number of
fan stories involving teddies. 



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 18:16:03 EDT
Subject: [B7L] Horizon info, bloopers, etc.
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

Judith R. shared:

> Brian says it's a particularly good script for Paul and Steven, (and
>  Tarrant gets `taken over'... ooops, not supposed to tell you that.  And
>  Vila has a bit of an accident... no, I didn't mean to tell them that...
>  sorry Brian!) 

It sounds wonderful!  Thanks for passing along all the juicy tidbits about the
radio play and other events.  I'm trying not to be too jealous of everyone who
can go to the various theatre outings.

Judith P. wrote:

> Gareth slowly brings the teddy up into view and Paul collapses laughing.
>  It's the best thing on the whole blooper tape 

Some of us might not agree that it's the best thing on the bloopers.  <g>
There are all of those wonderful Tarrant moments (Joanne, are you paying
attention? ;-) that surely rank ahead of the teddy bear.  Tarrant in the
women's plastic rain bonnet (that they had him wear to keep his curls from
frizzing--Sheelagh said he was a true professional and didn't complain about
having to wear it).  And Tarrant's trousers splitting at the crotch (that has
Steven laughing until he cried).  Tarrant giving Soolin a boost up the hill by
putting his hand on her bottom (and the look on Steven's face when he's doing
it).  And my favorite moment--a "Rescue" blooper.  It's when Avon "nudges" the
face-down-unconscious-in-the-snow Tarrant with his boot to try to wake him.
Paul's one nudge must have been a bit too enthusiastic and Steven jerks.  Then
=Steven= apologizes for messing up the shot.  Is that polite or what?  I'd I
have been griping about the kick.

The other reason I heard as to why the bloopers weren't professionally
released (and I can't remembered if this is something Sheelagh mentioned or a
rumor I picked up elsewhere) is that it would have been too difficult to
contact everyone involved in it to get persmission (and maybe have to pay out

Joanne shared part of the sheepish song:

> You show us a new way, you sound so sincere
>  How sweet it must be to able to think so clear
>  But you're just another in a long line of fools
>  Giving us freedom with a new set of rules 

It must be my fondness for sarcasm, but I really like this for the crew
singing about Blake.  As you noted, Jenna could be smarmy at times.  And Avon.
And Vila.  (And lest anyone think I'm picking on Blake, I've mocked many other
characters--including Tarrant--in music vids.)

I think for the "How sweet..." line I'd deliberately toss in a scene where
Blake looks anything but clear thinking.  Maybe one of the scenes from his
cell in "The Way Back," where he's holding his head and looking pained.

I hope you had a good weekend home, Joanne.

Sue, great to see the caption contest back.  I'm sorry I missed June's (I was
too busy that month to do web browsing).  That was a mighty fine pic of Dayna
and Tarrant.

Carol Mc


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 18:59:04 -0400
From: cm or hg <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Jenna as Bimbo
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

After reviewing the recent posts re the female roles on B7, I would
be inclined to agree with Katrina that the time period in which the
show was originally written and shown would have had a definite
upon the character's behavior.  Considering the time period of late
1970s to early 1980s - in England, none the less - most women were
looking at careers as receptionists, secretaries, teachers, and
nurses, or of course, being a homemaker.  Pilots, soldiers, assassins,
mercenaries, weapons specialists etc. -  those careers were never an
option for a "proper English lady" :).

Bravo to the B7 creators/writers for at least making an attempt to
provide female characters with such roles!  Even Star Trek couldn't
manage that at its first attempt - looked like the women were still
secretaries, nurses, and receptionists/telecommunication reps on
that show initially.  It made a pleasant change not to have to
consistently watch the weak, pathetic, hysterical female character
having to be
saved by the dashing smart handsome macho male! Although, if the male
happens to be Avon, I would have been more than happy to take on such a
female role so he could rescue me :).  Servalen's role especially was
advanced for its time, for now its very common to have women portray
the sinister, intelligent, bad "guy".  I'm sure that if B7 was written
in this time period, where traditional female and male behavior and
roles is becoming increasingly intermingled, the roles of  Jenna, Cally,

Dana, and Soolin would have allowed for better lines and more action.  I

don't think Servalen's role would have changed much though!

In answer to the recent question by Jackie re Central Florida
weather at Xmas/New Year.  Bring short sleeves and shorts, long sleeve
and sweaters, long pants, and a jacket.  No coats, hats, gloves, or
boots needed!  If you want any info re Orlando and Central Florida in
general i.e. attractions, places to stay and eat etc. email me privately



Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 01:12:02 +0100
From: JMR <>
Subject: [B7L] Update On HORIZON Newsflash
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Just a quick addition, folks:


Stephen has just made a new (and very funny) pilot for the BBC with
Pauline Quirke.  It doesn't have a name yet but if it gets the go-ahead
we'll post news on the Horizon site.

Stephen is also going to be making an episode of The Bill playing the
Assistant Commissioner of Police (basically Chris Ellison's boss).  

He has also just finished making a Radio 3 programme about Russian
Jewish writers who were tortured and then murdered.  He plays Isaac
Babel and other writers are played by John Sessions, Alex Jennings and
Simon Russell Beale.  

And the Website link to Horizon, is, of course:


...not lacking the last .uk as in the last message, sorry!


J.M. Rolls


Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 11:51:35 GMT
From: Roger the Shrubber <>
Subject: [B7L] videos
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but for Aussie
fans,  I just found B7 videos at my local shopping centre (Northland, 
Melbourne). They are in the lovely shiny new covers , but prohibitively 
priced at $45, I seem to recall the previous release about 3 years ago being 
$30. Only the first series was on display.

Above the B7 vids were the nicely packaged Lost In Space (TV) videos (those 
cover photos are great). I also noticed a 25th Anniversary tape. I remember a 
few years back (probably 5 actually), seeing the 20th Anniversary tape, which 
I really enjoyed. I wonder if anyone knows if it's just the same tape 
repackaged or whether its different enough to warrant buying.

happy viewing

 from Darren r ..... Comments are welcome !
The effective way to defang the oppressors is to persuade
them they are ignorant of the good.
The university's acquiescence in the interference with its primary
responsibility of providing educational opportunity to those capable
of education should be a heavy burden on its collective conscience.
Anxiety & Panic
Blake's 7 FAQ & free screen savers


Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 02:13:34 PDT
From: "Don Trower" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Bloopers Tapes
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

>I just got the Red dwarf smeg-ups and smeg-outs. They are very funny.
>The same question comes to my mind: WHY NO BLAKE'7 BLOOPERS ON SALE  
>Why do I have to go to a convention to watch this tape when I can >have 
a tape added to my B7 tape collection?????

Apart from earlier comments about quality issues and cost cutting at  
BBC TV Centre during the 70's that limited the amount of "Blooper" take 
outs available for compilation videos. Much of the material ended up on 
the floor of the edit suites and recycled, gone for ever. 

Also the "better" segments that were kept by under hand editor suit 
operators for compilation into the VERY unofficial internal Christmas 
Tapes, so called as the tapes were only shown at the office Christmas 
party, became the target of senior management witch hunters who had 
heard that copies were being sold outside the BBC. Namely in Shepherds 
Bush market a few hundred yards from TV Centre. There was also some 
pressure from the actors not wanting to be seen screwing up their lines, 
swearing etc. and the BBC management did not get invited to the good 
Christmas parties anyway. Threats of instant sackings for those staff 
found keeping blooper take outs occurred, and the compilation tapes 
slowly dried up. The last one that I saw was in the mid 80�s. The BBC 
Radio Christmas tapes were also very good, of few copies I still have.

Don  ( Ex-BBC staff )  

The policy of banning the tapes of course has nothing to do with the BBC 
making public versions of blooper tapes and selling them at an often 
higher price than the "clean" episodes of their programmes.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #245