Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #249
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 249

Today's Topics:
	 Re: [B7L] Voices
	 Re: [B7L] "HORIZON" Newsflash 30/9/98
	 [B7L] Vila's habits
	 [B7L] Re:  Soolin
	 [B7L] Re: Where are you?
	 [B7L] From "Horizon": Sad News For B7 Fans
	 Re: [B7L] Horizon info, bloopers, etc.
	 [B7L] Vila's habits and Soolin
	 [B7L] Vere Lorrimer
	 Re: [B7L] From "Horizon": Sad News For B7 Fans
	 [B7L] Re: SC: Vere Lorrimer


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 19:36:38 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Voices
Message-ID: <>

On Tue 29 Sep, Rob Clother wrote:
> Hope you have an excellent trip, Judith!

Actually, it's my husband that's going.  He has a business meeting there.  He's
not a fan himself, but he's very willing to help fans for me.

> >Heck, they're worth it just for the voices.  Stephen Greiff has a 
> >wonderful voice that you never really notice when he's Travis.  
> You certainly notice it when he isn't Travis any more.  :-(

Yes, Brian Croucher just didn't sound the same.

> The characters' voices are one of the most pleasing aspects of B7.  If 
> there's one thing about an actor that draws you into their world like a 
> moth, it has to be the voice.  And in B7, most of the voices were 
> consistently stunning.

Ah, Gareth!  He and Paul have beautiful voices.  If only they'd found more
distinctive voices for the women for the radio play.  I found I was forever
confusing Dayna and Soolin.

> I'd like to add Jackie to your list.  Perhaps it doesn't come across so 
> much on the tapes, but in the series her voice takes you elsewhere -- 
> for me, it's the main ingredient in her extraordinary charisma.  Shame 
> Servalan was such a murderous zealot, really.  Otherwise, she might have 
> made a most pleasurable acquaintance...

For me, Servalan's appeal lies mainly in the body language.  It's the way she
projects confidence.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:35:56 +0100
From: "Dangermouse" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] "HORIZON" Newsflash 30/9/98
Message-Id: <>
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> From: JMR <>
> ...And for your interest, Diane Gies yesterday spoke to Brian Lighthill
> the 2nd B7 audio play). Apparently the recording of "The Syndeton
> Experiment" went very well, and all the cast had a great time.

But is the script any good...? (bearing in mind that it's Barry again...)

"Try some terrorism for hire; we'll blow shit up... It's more fun!"


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:15:04 EDT
Subject: [B7L] Vila's habits
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The list has been too quiet lately.  I'm going to have to liven things up.

A while back, there was a thread concerning Tarrant trying to kick Vila.  I
don't remember the specifics, but I do know that Vila had several habits that
would have gotten him court martialed in any military organization I know of.
Tarrant was a soldier, and he expected the others to behave like soldiers, at
least in the beginning.  In "Rumours of Death," Tarrant reminded Vila to stay
awake and sober (as Vila was halfway through a flask of the green antifreeze
stuff).  Vila had fallen asleep on duty before as well as gotten drunk when he
was supposed to be keeping his mind on business.  I think there were times
when everyone else in the crew wanted to hit him.
Vila was not as stupid or as cowardly as he wanted the others to think.
Perhaps Tarrant was aware of this and that was why he got so frustrated with

Regarding Rob's comments on Soolin and the fourth season.  I recently saw
"Gold" and agree that Soolin and Avon make a good team.  I disagree with his
evaluation of the other characters not standing up to Avon, however.  Tarrant
seemed to be functioning as Avon's second-in -command.  Someone pointed out
that in "Warlord" Vila, Dayna, and Soolin all hear the announcement that an
unknown ship is approaching Xenon.  They immediately call Tarrant and let him
decide what to do rather than acting themselves.  I saw several instances in
the fourth season episodes (that I've seen) where it seemed like the others
expected Tarrant to act as a buffer between them and Avon.  Carol pointed out
that Vila and Tarrant particularly seemed to have formed a mutual protection

Anyone care to comment?

Tiger M


Date: Thu,  1 Oct 98 02:29:00 GMT 
Subject: [B7L] Re:  Soolin
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Rob, interesting comments on Soolin.

Have you seen Sand?  A friend who agrees with you that Soolin was the real
second power after Avon in the fourth season crew pointed out to me that at
the beginning, when they are discussing whether or not to go to Virn,
Tarrant agrees with Avon right away.  The one who has to be convinced-- and
whose opinion is clearly the deciding factor-- is Soolin.

I can't offhand recall an instance of the character having her lines stolen
a la the Blake-Jenna example you mention.  She gets some quite good lines in
Headhunter, as I recall.  Hmm-- maybe that's one reason why the person with
the excellent pictures on his website likes that episode?

Oh, and it was you, wasn't it, who wrote the Avon-Jenna story with the
cliched phrases re-used in more interesting ways?  That was very well done!

Sarah T.


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:04:23 +0100
From: Robinson Paula <Paula.Robinson@RCN.ORG.UK>
To: "''" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Where are you?
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Sorry if I'm a bit late answering this, (like, so late it's now
irrelevant! :)) or if someone else has already supplied the answer...
I'm very behind in my e-mails and only just caught up on Sondra's
message (and then Jackie T's) enquiring about the whereabouts of the
Horizon letterzine...

I gather Diane has already been told that Sondra was enquiring about the
LZ so contacted her
direct with the answer... which (for anyone else's info) was that
Debbie's computer had died, and it was either just photo copy everyone's
handwriting or send it all off to a typist.  This is what Diane did but
alas the typist then had some major problems too, but it's now finished
and was posted to Debbie for mailing out a couple of days ago. Hopefully
Debbie will have it out early next week.

However, it MAY not be the last LZ after all, because Carol, the lady
who typed it up, has volunteered to be the new editor if there's
interest.  Accordingly, anyone who is currently a subscriber should let
Diane or Debbie know they want to continue, and anyone interested in
joining should email   to let her know.  If it is
to be resurrected, it will start in January 1999 (so that the possible
resurrection can be advertised in Horizon NL 39 - hopefully out in

If people have queries such as "where is my...??" for Horizon, Diane
suggests you just email her to ask, rather than posting a query on the
list as then someone (usually belatedly in my case) tells her a question
has been posted and then she tells them the answer (like now!) and then
I have to post back the reply - all a bit long-winded when e-mail is
supposed to be fast, I'm sure you'll agree. :)   



Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 19:15:25 +0100
From: JMR <>
Subject: [B7L] From "Horizon": Sad News For B7 Fans
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Thursday, 1st October 1998.

It is with deep regret that "Horizon" passes on the sad news that "Blake's
7" producer and director Vere Lorrimer died today after a short illness.

Vere, who contributed so much to B7, will be sadly missed by all.

Please refer to the "Horizon" Website.


J.M. Rolls


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 15:16:37 EDT
Subject: Re: [B7L] Horizon info, bloopers, etc.
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Jeroen requested:

> He Carol! I notice you have a great memory, why not e-mail me the whole 
> blooper real from memory???? :)

<g>  I've already told you all the best parts.  The rest is just people
flubbing lines, guns that misfire, and Space Rat three wheel vehicle bloopers.
Or is it that I've only imprinted the Tarrant bits in my memory? :)

Judith, thanks for the additional Horizon Newsflash updates.  I really
appreciate them.

Carol Mc


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 15:16:39 EDT
Subject: [B7L] Vila's habits and Soolin
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TigerM wrote:

> A while back, there was a thread concerning Tarrant trying to kick Vila. 

Actually, it was Avon who kicked Vila.  The only time Tarrant rough handled
Vila is when he pulls him off Zeeona.

>  Vila was not as stupid or as cowardly as he wanted the others to think.
>  Perhaps Tarrant was aware of this and that was why he got so frustrated
>  Vila.

Tarrant definitely seemed to believe that Vila was capable as long as Vila
stay sober and focused.  He wouldn't have been sending Vila to Keezarn if he
hadn't thought Vila could do the job.  And Tarrant was quite comfortable
assigning Vila as his back-up in GAMES.  It should be noted that Vila didn't
fail in either assignment.  He opened Bayban's "lock."  He rescued Tarrant,
Dayna and Gerren.

I can see where, as you suggest, Tarrant would get particularly frustrated by
Vila's shirking since he knew Vila could be capable.  It's worse than seeing a
cowardly bum waste himself.  It's the waste of someone with skills and talent,
who could probably be contributing more to the overall good of the group than
Vila sometimes did.  Look at Vila's able handling of the Zen crisis in
TERMINAL, and his bravery in rescuing Tarrant in RESCUE.  If he had always
been in peak form, it might not have made a difference in the long run but it
would have made things easier for his shipmates in the short run.

>  Regarding Rob's comments on Soolin and the fourth season.  I recently saw
>  "Gold" and agree that Soolin and Avon make a good team.  I disagree with
>  evaluation of the other characters not standing up to Avon, however.  
> Tarrant
>  seemed to be functioning as Avon's second-in -command.  

A lot of Soolin's strength was self-interest.  She didn't contribute as much
to the group as Tarrant did.  I don't think Avon could rely on Soolin the same
way he relied on Tarrant.  When you watch BLAKE, Tarrant is the only one who
seems totally trusting/supportive of Avon. 

And it's always Tarrant who is second in command.  Tarrant who was called to
deal with the unidentified ship in WARLORD.  Tarrant who was in charge on
Scorpio when Avon and Vila went to Malodaar.  
>  that in "Warlord" Vila, Dayna, and Soolin all hear the announcement that an
>  unknown ship is approaching Xenon.  They immediately call Tarrant and let 
> him
>  decide what to do rather than acting themselves.  I saw several instances
>  the fourth season episodes (that I've seen) where it seemed like the others
>  expected Tarrant to act as a buffer between them and Avon. 

I've also had a sense that Tarrant acted as a buffer.  While it was Dayna who
actually planted and detonated the explosives that destroyed the Muller
android, it was Tarrant who accepted Avon's ire for the deed. Granted, it was
clearly Tarrant's orders that Dayna was following, but a lesser person might
have tried to throw part of the responsibility on her shoulders.  Tarrant's
also the one who reassures Vila in GAMES that Avon wouldn't abandon them.

Tarrant was also the one who supported Avon's decisions when they came into
question.  When Soolin was upset about Dayna and Vila being used as expendable
distractions in STARDRIVE, Tarrant indicates that he indicates that he agrees
that the need for a new drive justified the risk.

Sarah T wrote:

> Have you seen Sand?  A friend who agrees with you that Soolin was the real
>  second power after Avon in the fourth season crew pointed out to me that at
>  the beginning, when they are discussing whether or not to go to Virn,
>  Tarrant agrees with Avon right away.  The one who has to be convinced-- and
>  whose opinion is clearly the deciding factor-- is Soolin.
I don't know.  I just rewatched that scene and I didn't see any evidence that
Soolin is the deciding factor.  Here are the order of events:  When the scene
opens Vila, Dayna and Soolin are ALL pointing out the potential dangers on
Virn.  Tarrant's not indicating his view either way.  If anything, he seems a
bit amused by it all.  Avon explains why they should go to Virn.  Dayna and
Soolin quickly agree that it is worth the risk.  Neither of them needed much
convincing once the facts were presented to them.  And they were both equally
opposed to the trip before Avon spoke up.  Not just Soolin.  Avon next asks
Tarrant what he thinks.  So even though Dayna and Soolin have already agreed,
he wants Tarrant's opinion.  Or perhaps Tarrant's confirmation that going to
Virn is a good idea.  (Poor Vila doesn't even get a consult!)  

Based on the various disagreements of opinion in third and fourth seasons, the
only one who was able to sway Avon from his intended course was Tarrant.  More
so in third season than fourth.  But that's only because Tarrant usually
agreed with Avon in fourth season.  It's Tarrant who engineers the destruction
of  the Muller android against Avon's wishes.  Even when he is trying to be a
good and supportive second-in-command, there are clearly limits to Tarrant's

Carol Mc


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 18:14:15 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
cc: Space City <>
Subject: [B7L] Vere Lorrimer
Message-ID: <>

I just had the following message from the Avon Club.  It came as rather a shock.

> 1st October 1998
> It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the death today of Vere
> Lorrimer.  As you can image, Paul and Janet and all who knew him are
> absolutely devastated by the news, as no one knew he was ill.  Paul will be
> writing an article on Vere for the next newsletter.  ANN

For those who don't know, Vere Lorrimer directed many episodes in the first
three seasons and was producer for the fourth season.  He was a memorable
character and anecdotes about him abound.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 14:53:31 -0500 (CDT)
From: "G. Robbins" <>
To: JMR <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] From "Horizon": Sad News For B7 Fans
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, JMR wrote:

> Thursday, 1st October 1998.
> It is with deep regret that "Horizon" passes on the sad news that "Blake's
> 7" producer and director Vere Lorrimer died today after a short illness.
> Vere, who contributed so much to B7, will be sadly missed by all.
> Please refer to the "Horizon" Website.

Even though I did not know him personally, this makes me very sad!

(feeling of depression seeping in)



Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 21:37:44 +0100
From: Julia Jones <>
Cc: Lysator List <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: SC: Vere Lorrimer
Message-ID: <>

>> 1st October 1998
>> It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the death today of Vere
>> Lorrimer.  As you can image, Paul and Janet and all who knew him are
>> absolutely devastated by the news, as no one knew he was ill.  Paul will be
>> writing an article on Vere for the next newsletter.  ANN

Rest in peace. Another one I will regret never having had the chance to
Julia Jones
"One of the most basic rules for survival on any planet is never to upset 
someone wearing black leather" - Terry Pratchett, _The Last Continent_

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #249