From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #294 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: <> archive/volume98/294 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 294 Today's Topics: Re: [B7L] Re: Voyager and B7 Re: [B7L] Re: Voyager and B7 Re: [B7L] Re: How much time passes? [B7L] Re: Catching up [B7L] test--please ignore Re: [B7L] Character types (was re: Voyager and B7) Re: [B7L] Archetypes ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 20:07:26 -0000 From: "Dangermouse" <> To: "Reuben" <>, <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Voyager and B7 Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ---------- > From: Reuben <> > Just an impression I had gotten, maybe I was mistaken. You know how the > usenet rumors are sometimes. I'm sure I'm not the only one that noticed > similarities to the Dark Path and this past season's opener.... Or Dark Path and Year Of Hell. Brannon and I have this... "understanding"... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 20:12:41 -0000 From: "Dangermouse" <> To: "Pat Patera" <>, <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Voyager and B7 Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ---------- > From: Pat Patera <> > > I could go on for hours about the sheer insulting unprofessionalism of Jeri > > Taylor and Brannon Braga... > > Who are these people and what did they do that was unprofessional? Have > sex with interns on the set? Executive producers, and in Jeri's case co-creator. He' s a notorious plagiarist, and she's a notorious nepotistst (as well as shagging Robert Beltran.) > Also, please give an example of: what is insulting? I agree the show is > boring as hell, with characters even their own mothers couldn't care > about, but bad writing isn't necessarily insulting. Dumping the usual Vulcan (Tuvok) to do the pon farr episode with a new Vulcan who is played by Jeri's stepson... Etc. > > I mean, look at how they've basically removed Tuvok. > Where did they send him? Down to shovel coal in the engine room? And why > is it unprofessional to remove a character? He's the tactical officer. So how come Seven Of Nine (the blonde with the big tits) is suddenly at the tactical station these days? > I've not watched the show for some time now. Where do the kiddies come > from? I thought there were no other humans out in Sector Whatever where > they've been wandering about since The Big Bang (or at least it seems > that long!) It was born on board three years ago, and is now about nine or ten years old. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 19:05:03 +0000 From: Julia Jones <> To: Cc: "" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: How much time passes? Message-ID: <yG$> In message <>, Harriet Monkhouse <> writes >Penny Dreadful wrote: >>How much time passes between the beginning and the end of the series? > >I firmly believe it's six years, but I have no evidence for this >whatsoever. It just seems right to me (and Mary Sue once said so). The >characters age a bit, but no one looks 13 years older by the end (oh, I >know, it could be fancy genetics). Two years from The Way Back to Voice From the Past. Three years from the war to Stardrive. I'm inclined to the 6 or 7 years theory. -- Julia Jones ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 13:48:23 PST From: "Joanne MacQueen" <> To: Subject: [B7L] Re: Catching up Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain >Joanne asked: >> Carol, whose bloodstains are those? Not mine, I >> hope <grovel> >Not yours...yet. ;-) It's good to keep the possibility in mind. Oh. It is getting close to Christmas, Carol. Surely you're too busy for mayhem to be high on your list of things to do? <smile?> >What did you think of "Sevenfold Crown"? I've decided that I can >forgive all of its weaknesses because I like the high angst quotient. >Carol Mc High angst quotient? Fair enough. As I said to someone else who asked (hi, Kiersten), I haven't managed to listen to all of it yet. What I've heard so far has induced a strong desire to giggle that is incompatible with public transport. It's been bad enough on those occasions when I've been listening to Anna Russell discussing the Ring Cycle, as that is meant to be funny <smile> I have, where possible, been making notes <groan>, so I may be able to draft a review at some point. God only knows when. I have taken to carrying the damn thing around with me, just in case I get some time to listen to it, but it hasn't happened yet. Regards Joanne Non volenti fit injuria: No legal glossary would be complete without at least one Latin phrase. This one means "No one in the aircraft was hurt". --Miles Kington, "A simple glossary of legal terms", The Punch Book of Crime. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 16:46:47 -0700 From: TGF <> To: "Blake's 7-L" <> Subject: [B7L] test--please ignore Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit testing...testing...1,2,3... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 08:24:12 -0800 From: Pat Patera <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Character types (was re: Voyager and B7) Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Harriet Monkhouse wrote: > >Lord/RingsAragorn Faramir Gandalf Elrond Boromir Arwen Sam Sauron > > > >Bab 5 Sheridan Ivanova Delenn Garibaldi shields Talia (name?) Shadows > > Don't think the Tolkien ones are quite right. Suggest Eowyn is the Warrior > (Faramir's a Peacemaker), Galadriel the Mystic, and possibly Gandalf the > Technic. I agree that Eowyn had the warrior spirit, but she only got to fight one battle (and was seriously wounded therin - and then because a good little wifie. Yes, Faramir was a peacemaker, but he did lead an army in battle. With the number of battles in that book, it's surprisingly difficult to find a warrior! Aragorn did nicely in leading the army of the dead, but I needed him for the leader. Perhaps Gandalf as leader? Altho yes, he did have the technology (magic) of the times. Or could Frodo be the leader? No, more the fulcrum. I had thought of naming Galadriel the Mystic, but for the life of me, couldn't remember the Elf QUeen's name. > B5's Everyman is probably Vir Cotto. The name I couldn't place was Zak, the 2nd in station security. But Vir fits the role well, too. > And the Strong man could be G'kar oh, very good. the warrior (er, peacemaker) ninja turtle man. > (what are shields?) I meant station shields, cuz I couldn't think of a strong man. Pat P ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 09:06:39 -0800 From: Pat Patera <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Archetypes Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Tegan Brandi wrote: re: the chart: Leader Scout Warrior Mystic Technic Strong Beauty Everyman Evil Blakes 7 Blake Tarrant Dayna Cally Avon Gan Jenna Vila Servie Lord/Rings Aragorn Radagast Faramir Gandalf Elrond Boromir Galadriel Sam Sauron I keep Elrond as the Technic because he gave magic items to arm The Company Bab 5 Sheridan Marcus Ivanov Delenn Franklin Garibaldi Talia Zak/Vir Shadows Star Wars Obiwan Han Leia Obiwan Han Chewie Leia Han DarthV (hey! we need more characters to do that one right. :-( Xena W/P Xena X,G,J Xena Gabby Autocolus Xena Gabby Joxer Ares Buffy Giles (none) Buffy Willow Oz? Angel Cordi Zander Vamps > Using these archetypes, I agree with your listings for B7. SInce there is > no Tarrant nor Soolin, are we to assume they are beyond categorization? ha ha! no, just that I didn't have room for 2 beauties, 2 warriors, 2 techies > > That would put Garibaldi in the Everyman position, which suits him > perfectly: he's the one you identify with because he's screwed up soooooo > many times. A good point, but he's not likeable because he doesn't much like himself. Everyman is both likeable and non-threatening. Neither is Garibaldi non-threatening, cuz his role is basically paranoid, suspicious "cop" and he can command a lot of firepower if he decides to come after you. > Plus there's the wonderful shift for Londo from Everyman > to Evil Leader, and G'Kar from Warrior to Mystic.... A nice observation about G'Kar: yes, in writing his "holy book," he does qualify as "spiritual." Londo is not likeable, because his mean streak showed a lot of the time (until his reform) plus he's rich and opulently dressed, and ostentatious display of wealth always raises the hackles of the hoi polloi (everyman is not rich; he's blue-collar Joe Sixpack) Greg wrote: I like to added the Jenna/Tarrant slide into a Scout/Ranger archetype which translates to Pilot in SF. Thanks! Yes, I now added Scout category > Because B7 has fantasy and SF archetypes they need a Scout (Vila) no way! The only thing Vila will bestir himself to scout out is the liquor cabinet. > and a Pilot (Jenna/Tarrant). Pilot falls under Technical, since it requires operating a piece of advanced machinery. > Han Solo is another example of the pilot archetype. He looks more like everyman to me: likeable, making a bare living, has a shaggy pet "dog," etc. > Aragorn, Luke Skywalker and Tarrant survive by changing > to Leader, Warrior/Mystic, and Warrior Aragorn was always the King: he was simply in hiding. And I got the impression he was the defacto Leader of The Rangers (who, as the surviving men of old, knew his true identity) until he joined The Company. Luke was always a budding mystic. Look how he clove to Obiwan Kenobi the first time they met. He was initially a potential acolyte in search of a Cause or a Jihad. (Hey! Blake could have used that boy!) Luke became the black robed priest by the end. True, he did swing a mean light saber, but was taught to use love, not hate, whenever possible. And he won his battle against Darth using passive acceptance, not physical violence. This is a spiritual, not a warrior stance. Tarrant did not change into warrior: as a trained Federation officer, he was military from the get-go. Look at how the alien in Sarcophogus portrayed him: the blood-red warrior. She knew their hearts and portrayed them thusly. (Dayna as an innocent singing blue angel. Avon cast cold and clad as black as his heart. yum.) >(and Beauty?). Is this a joke about the shining curls? the gleaming teeth? the buns of steel? Soolin is miffed. PS re: Roger the Shrubber's deliberate misread of the chart: every class has a clown. Your "take" was creative and funny, tho! :-D Pat P -------------------------------- End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #294 **************************************