Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #295
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 295

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Re: b7spin: Re: The Pyramids
	 Re: [B7L] Character types (was re: Voyager and B7)
	 [B7L] Time, how much passes
	 [B7L] Amish Friendship Spam


Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 17:50:23 -0800
From: Pat Patera <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: b7spin: Re: The Pyramids
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Brent wrote:
> Oh, I thought they were speculating that the people who built it worshipped
> lions.  But then, I don't remember the show very well, so you're probably
> right.  Unless, of course, the constellations had not yet been named.

That's a very good point. I assume the constellations were named by the
Greeks. I have this image of Greek shepherds lying prone beside their
flocks in the night, making up stories about the stars.

Have you ever looked at them and tried to imagine them as the campfires
of armies in the sky? People believed that for centuries: that dead
warriors lived up there, eternally gathered about their campfires.

There's the men again.
Where *did* women go after death? Or was it not only the Christians who
did not grant women souls? Perhaps there was no need to create heaven
myths for women, because they just ceased, like horses or sheep. 

But she who laughs last laughs best: in purusing some books on
fundraising, I read that in the U.S. women control 89% of the wealth
(because they outlive their men). I also read that when men inherit
wealth, they tend to invest it in a business, but when women inherit
wealth, they tend to establish a Foundation to give it away to worthy
causes. They usually name the foundation for a husband or son, however,
because women are uncomfortable with personal recognition. What odd,
interesting statistics. 

Lisa wrote: re: TLC 
> No, if that was ever the intention at all, it sure isn't true now. They're
> seriously woo-woo. All the usual drek, generally with about five seconds of
> airtime from a token skeptic so they can claim to be "balanced". 

> Sensation sells. Explaining to people how some wildly improbable claim is,
> in fact, just so much unsupported speculation, doesn't sell. And that's
> what it all comes down to.

Well put. And sadly 'tis so. When you really think about "the lowest
common denominator," it's a pretty scary concept. The truth is, the
world is populated mostly by Deltas. 

Pat P


Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 09:25:51 +0000 (GMT)
From: Una McCormack <>
To: Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Character types (was re: Voyager and B7)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Pat P. said:

>I agree that Eowyn had the warrior spirit, but she only got to fight one
>battle (and was seriously wounded therin - and then because a good
>little wifie. Yes, Faramir was a peacemaker, but he did lead an army in

I'm one of those sad suckers that finds the whole Faramir / Eowyn story
absolutely beautiful, to the extent that I can even forgive Eowyn hanging
up her helm.

One of the complaints issued in the press when LOTR won 'Book of the
Century' was that it was effectively a sexist book. I really don't see it
myself. I think it's a *traditionalist* book, but Eowyn and Galadriel are
two of the most magnificent characters in the book.

Argh! I always seem to end up talking about LOTR on all of my mailing
lists! Maybe I should just join a Tolkien one!!

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Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 21:17:28 +0000
From: JMR <>
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There has been some confusion over Paul's tour dates for the 1999 Guards!
Guards! tour.  The correct dates were originally posted to the List in the
Avon/Horizon club's recent joint bulletin, and also appear on the Horizon
and Avon club website, & Horizon snail-mail Newsflash 62, so PLEASE IGNORE
any different dates  (eg. some editions of the Avon club NL insert flyer,
and Judith Proctor's recent posting to the Lysator and Space City lists). 

The CORRECT dates are as follows:  Paul will star as Captain Samuel Vimes
once again in Geoffrey Cush's adaptation of Terry Pratchett's Guards!
Guards!  Confirmed so far are:  opening 21 January 99, then also the week
commencing 25th January at the Mercury Theatre, Colchester (BO 01206
573948);  W/C 1st February - Theatre Royal, Brighton (BO 01273 328488); W/C
8th February - Wimbledon Theatre, Wimbledon, London SW19 (BO 0181 540
0362); W/C 15th February - Belgrade Theatre. Coventry (BO 01203 553055) ;
W/C 22nd February - Civic Theatre, Darlington (BO 01325 486555); W/C 1st
March Grand Theatre, Swansea (BO 01792 475715).  Hopefully more dates will
be confirmed shortly.   

Jacqueline will play Shirley Valentine in the one-woman show of that name.
Unfortunately, it is a short tour of India (opening in Delhi) between 28
December and 23 January so I guess none of us will be able to see it.
However, Diane listened to hear rehearsing her lines and assures me that if
anyone is popping across to India in January, they should be sure to see
it!  Jacqueline recently made a schools training film called Written Off
in which she plays an education welfare officer called Barbara Giller.
Also in the film are Nicholas (The Brigadier) Courtney, and Keith Chegwin
who plays a wife beater!  Ghostlands a made for video film she made with
Sylvester McCoy in autumn 96 had its first airing at Peladon 98.  It is
hoped a video release will follow.

The second of the BBC's Blake's Seven Radio plays was due to be broadcast
on 19 December 98, but has now been postponed until probably May 99 (they
don't have an exact date yet) to coincide with the CD release.  We'll let
you know when a new date has been fixed.  Horizon has been promised a
couple of Original Scripts for our next charity auction (though you'll not
be allowed to collect your prize till just before the broadcast/CD
release).  Each script will be signed by the cast member to whom it
belonged (and maybe some of the others!)  Info in Horizon NL 39 which
should be with you in time for Christmas.

See the Horizon Club website at

J.M. Rolls


Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 16:55:25 PST
From: "Penny Dreadful" <>
Subject: [B7L] Time, how much passes
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Okay, I've come round...thirteen years _is_ a little high. 
I still say six is TOO low, though. 
Do I hear eight? Then they'd have had an one harrowing adventure 
every, um, (carry the 6...), two months. On average.

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Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 17:05:38 -0800
From: (Penny L Kjelgaard)
Subject: [B7L] Amish Friendship Spam
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

If any of you remember the spam we got on friendship bread a while back,
and asked for the recipe, I've finally found it.  If you want it, please
send me an email with "BREAD" in the subject and no message and I'll get
that recipe out to you.  (Just in time for Christmas!)


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End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #295