From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #311 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: <> archive/volume98/311 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 311 Today's Topics: Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... [B7L] worst cast [B7L] Breakfast with Blake & Co. [B7L] Re: Breakfast with Blake and Co. Re: [B7L] Gilbert and Servalan Re: [B7L] Re: Breakfast with Blake and Co. Re: [B7L] Re: Breakfast with Blake and Co. Re: [B7L] worst cast Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... [B7L] Has anyone done a vid to this one? Re: [B7L] worst cast RE: [B7L] Travis has three faces [B7L] BLAKES 7: THE MUSICAL MOTION PICTURE ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 12:52:21 +0100 (BST) From: Judith Proctor <> To: Lysator List <> Subject: Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Thu 17 Dec, Cam MacLeod wrote: > I never saw Travis' interest in Kiera's past life as a come-on or sexual > at all. On the contrary to me it appears as deliberate cruelty, like a > person going up to someone else with a disability or disfigurement and > deliberately mocking it. > > But this makes Travis all the more real to me. He is disfigured and is > bitter, so he lashes out cruelly at someone else who can't fight back. That's an interesting idea, and quite believable. The 'kick the cat' frame of mind. He can't get at Blake, so he gets at the nearest available target. Blake being so close by would have made him more inclined to feel that way. Judith -- Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention 26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 12:49:51 +0100 (BST) From: Judith Proctor <> To: Lysator List <> Subject: Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Wed 16 Dec, Penny Dreadful wrote: > Judith said: > > >With a mutoid, a pick-up line would be irrelevent. They are conditioned to > >obey orders. If he'd wanted sex, he would just have had to command it. > > I think it's more complicated than just "wanting sex". It's, um, wanting > to get someone to want to have sex with one. Hmm. Otherwise the world of > procreation would be much more straightforward than it is. Or to put it another way, he wanted human contact as much as sex. > > Why did Travis prefer mutoids? Was it more that he felt rejected by normal > > people and thus turned to mutoids because they weren't repelled by him? > > I think he felt isolated from, and (psychologically) threatened by, > normal people even when he was physically "normal". I think he felt more > empathy for the mental processes of mutoids than he did for those of > normal people. Possibly. But why? > > >And that brings us onto the question of why he refused plastic surgery for > >his eye. What do you think his motives were there? > > I think he perceived himself as a machine even before he got shot up, > and was glad of a chance to overtly display this inhumanity. I think there may have been a display element as well. 'Look what Blake did to me'. He claimed it was so that Blake wouldn't fail to recognise him, but in actual fact, I think he wanted other people to be aware of it too. If he saw himself as a total machine, I don't think he would have been so desperate for revenge. Judith -- Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention 26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 10:41:59 -0800 From: Pat Patera <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Cam MacLeod wrote: > Penny Dreadful wrote: > > >Why is Travis so interested in Keera? I thought he was testing her; trying to determine how much humanity she might have left. > > I always saw that as a seriously inept come-on. A hostile, half-hearted > > pick-up line. > I never saw Travis' interest in Kiera's past life as a come-on or sexual > at all. On the contrary to me it appears as deliberate cruelty... Absolutely. He tells this poor, friendless, enslaved, leather-encased, probably sexless thing: You used to be very beautiful, very much admired. (i.e. you lost a great body) But I suppose you don't remember any of that? (i.e. you lost a good mind) My curiosity: When she says it doesn't matter, how could it? Is she telling the truth, or only trying to show Travis that he can't hurt her with his barbs. How much humanity is left to a mutoid? > > But this makes Travis all the more real to me. He is disfigured and is > bitter, so he lashes out cruelly at someone else who can't fight back. He is very like Servalan in this respect. She attacks the old, the feeble, the sick, the blind. She runs from true warriors. BTW, most know that Glynnis Barber played a mutoid in Project Avalon. Is there any fanfic regarding Soolin's possible relationship with this creature? Twin sister? Former state? Perhaps positioning Soolin as a reconditioned mutoid set to infiltrate the B7 crew? If so, why did she never act on her position to sabotoge the base? Pat P ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 10:15:36 -0800 From: Pat Patera <> To: Subject: [B7L] worst cast Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit A friend (not on this list) who is a film buff sent me this, so I am posting it to this list. You wake up in a differnet universe. It seems like the one you knew. Stupid politics continue in Washington, Star Trek movies continue to insult SF fandom everywhere, but this universe is darker. Meaner. In this Universe in the year 1999, a studio strives to bring to the Big Screen....BLAKES 7, THE MOVIE. Only it has a nightmare cast! The worst actors for each role. The following is for seasons one-two ... Be Afraid, be Very Afraid ... BLAKES 7 THE MOVIE Starring: Roj Blake.........................William Shatner Kerr Avon.........................Steven Segal Jenna Stannis.....................Pamela Anderson Lee Cally.............................Madeline Stowe Villa Restal......................Adam Sandler Olag Gan..........................Sylvester Stalone ORAC..............................Arnold Schwartzenegger Servalan..........................Roseanne Barr Tarvis(I).........................Bruce Willis Travis(II)........................Keanu Reeves Crew: Directed by.......................Micheal Bay (The Rock & Armegeddon) Written by........................Branon Braga (ST) & Micheal Piller (ST) Music by..........................John Carpenter I love playing these games. I know fans enjoying casting who would be perfect for a B7 film, I like casting who would be the worst actor for the part. hehehhe ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 10:32:37 -0800 From: Pat Patera <> To: Subject: [B7L] Breakfast with Blake & Co. Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit oops! I left out fearless leader, so here goes again: What does the crew eat for breakfast? Several posters wrote: ha he ho (to which I add my own) Servalan: incompetent underlings Travis: Blake's guts Blake: Wheaties, breakfast of champions Avon: vinegar & lemon juice (most effective way to set a day long scowl) Gan: Panchakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, hash browns, etc., etc., etc., etc. Cally: Apparently nothing :-D Vila: Beer and twinkies Jenna: elegant crepes suzettes Tarrant: Trix (are for kids) Dayna: roasted rack of Sarran Soolin: ICEd tea and lemon TARTs Zen: lava lamps Orac: bytes of Bill Gates' biographies Slave: crow ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 14:15:41 PST From: "Joanne MacQueen" <> To: Subject: [B7L] Re: Breakfast with Blake and Co. Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain Kathryn said: >Gan would be an eggs-and-bacon-on-toast sort of >person. Given that Gan has to keep up that enormous strength of his, I suggest the full English breakfast you see the gentry consuming in Agatha Christie adaptations and the like. You know the sort of thing - bacon and eggs and toast and kippers and kidneys and cooked tomatoes and (waffle on ad nauseam). I think you are right about Vila, but I'm sure he'd be glued to the television commercials to see what little knick-knack was being offered by which brand this week.<grin> He'd probably eat Happy Meals at McDonalds, and other little kids' meals at other fast food places for the same reason. Cally's muesli blend and fresh fruit is the summer menu, or so I presume. She'd probably be happy to eat a small bowl of porridge in winter. Judith said: >Travis - Blake's guts <laugh> Travis must have more imagination than I've previously given him credit for, in that case. On another, vaguely B7 related matter: anyone in Sydney who likes Barbara Paul's Marian Larch mysteries? "Full Frontal Murder" is available at Abbey's in York Street. Or, at least, it was last night (Thursday night) - there were two copies on the shelf, and I bought one <smile> because Marian is one of those fictional detectives I happen to like (like Wexford, or Barnaby, or Alleyn, or Bone, or Thanet - a female detective makes a nice change). Curt "by name and nature" Holland I could do without, actually, but if the author likes him a lot, as she seems to...<grin> Regards Joanne The North wind is tossing the leaves, the red dust is over the town The sparrows are under the eaves, and the grass in the paddock is brown As we lift up our voices and sing to the Christ child the heavenly king --an Australian Christmas carol ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 04:44:22 -0000 From: "Neil Faulkner" <> To: "lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Gilbert and Servalan Message-ID: <007401be2a57$a7a544a0$2a19ac3e@default> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On a frontier planet a little space rat Sang 'Vila, dear Vila, dear Vila.' I said to her, 'Punky girl, why are you sat Singing Vila, dear Vila, dear Vila? Are you jacked up on shadow, and out of your head? Or a bait for a trap to see me end up dead?' 'Oh no,' she replied, 'I would take you to bed, Oh Vila, dear Vila, dear Vila.' She stripped off her leathers and pitched her voice higher, Crying 'Vila, Oh Vila, Oh Vila. I've got something for you that I know you desire, Oh Vila, Oh Vila, OH VILA!' I asked, 'Is it soma?' for that sounded fine. 'Or maybe a bottle of Dorian's wine?' She stalked off in a huff with a two-fingered sign Sighing 'Vila, queer Vila, queer Vila...' ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 04:59:00 -0000 From: "Neil Faulkner" <> To: "lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Breakfast with Blake and Co. Message-ID: <007501be2a57$a8332cc0$2a19ac3e@default> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Cally's muesli blend and fresh fruit is the summer menu, or so I >presume. She'd probably be happy to eat a small bowl of porridge in >winter. Wouldn't they all eat porridge, given the number of fans who are desperate to see our heroes get their oats? Neil "And so the Sword That Was Broken was forged anew, and Aragorn did rename it as Anduriglimiglimoglirompompom, but Elrond said that was silly." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 05:36:10 -0000 From: "Neil Faulkner" <> To: "lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Breakfast with Blake and Co. Message-ID: <007701be2a57$aa7ea360$2a19ac3e@default> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Marian is one of those fictional detectives I happen to >like (like Wexford, or Barnaby, or Alleyn, or Bone, or Thanet - a female >detective makes a nice change). Thanet? Thanet!!?? Thanet is a grotty little parcel of land sitting like a boil on the pimply backside of Kent. I know it's a dump because I live in it. And when it comes to female detectives, give me Kay Scarpetta any day. Neil ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 05:29:16 -0000 From: "Neil Faulkner" <> To: "lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] worst cast Message-ID: <007601be2a57$a8fc9740$2a19ac3e@default> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Oh come on, Pat, is that the best you can do? BLAKES 7: THE MOVIE Starring: Roj Blake - Rick Moranis Kerr Avon - Steve Martin Cally - Ruby Wax Jenna Stannis - Valerie Perrine Del Tarrant - David Hasselhoff Vila Restal - Leonardo DiCapprio Servalan - Elizabeth Taylor Travis - Quentin Tarantino SPECIAL GUEST ROLE Justin - Peter Byrne Directed by - Sam Peckinpah Written by - whoever did the screenplay for 'Copycat' (or 'Judge Dredd') Music by - The Dubliners Theme song sung by - Mariah Carey Any more for any more? Neil "Do anything you like to the girl but LET ME GO!" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 04:34:57 -0000 From: "Neil Faulkner" <> To: "lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... Message-ID: <007301be2a57$a6f44420$2a19ac3e@default> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Judith wrote >Why did Travis prefer mutoids? Was it simply because they were well trained and >never questioned orders or was there more to it than that? I think he once >claimed that he felt part mutoid himself because of his cybernetic arm, but I >think there was a bit more to it than that. > >Was it more that he felt rejected by normal people and thus turned to mutoids >because they weren't repelled by him? > >And that brings us onto the question of why he refused plastic surgery for his >eye. What do you think his motives were there? I think it was a bit more >complex than the reason he gave Servalan. I seem to recall writing in one of those Stories That Never Get Finished, "In the ranks of the modified, the half-prosthetic man might still consider himself human" or something like that. I don't see Travis as feeling rejected by normal people, more a case of him rejecting them on account of his disfigurement. Hiding it with cosmetic surgery would be to deny that it had ever happened, a deceit he could not countenance. (I see Travis as an extremely honest man in some respects - he might freely resort to subterfuge to achieve his goals, but would have a total disdain of needless fripperies). Caught between his honesty and self-revulsion, he could turn the obvious visibility of his disfigurement into a focal point for his hatred of the man he deemed responsible (ie; Blake). Not necessarily a logical train of thought for a military man who could reasonably expect to be mutilated in the course of duty, but whoever said Travis ought to be logical? Neil ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 02:04:09 PST From: "Penny Dreadful" <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] What does 'Duel' Tell Us... Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain Judith said: > Or to put it another way, he wanted human contact as much as sex. Okay. I assume sex is an undercurrent in any male/female interaction, until proven otherwise. And maybe I read his behaviour as *flirtatious* (in a deranged sort of way) because of the entire "compare and contrast" theme of the episode - Travis and the mutoid as Evil Blake and Evil Jenna. >> I think he felt isolated from, and (psychologically) threatened by, >> normal people even when he was physically "normal". I think he felt more >> empathy for the mental processes of mutoids than he did for those of >> normal people. > >Possibly. But why? Because normal people's minds tend to be convoluted conglomerations of wants and fears and dreams (of varying grandiosity levels) of wealth, love, power, pleasure; not to mention maintenance of various social/familial relationships. Travis doesn't appear to suffer from such complications, and he can't understand people who do. For instance he always seems surprised to see what's going on in Servalan's head, and he does not like to be surprised. Mutoids, on the other hand, don't have Ulterior Motives. Travis can predict their behaviour, more or less, they probably won't surprise him. >If he saw himself as a total machine, I don't think he would have been so >desperate for revenge. He could *see* himself as a machine without *being* a machine, or acting like one. Wishful thinking. He would *like* to be a machine; he would like the universe to be clockwork. -- Penny "Pocket Freud" Dreadful ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:19:22 -0600 (CST) From: To: Subject: [B7L] Has anyone done a vid to this one? Message-id: <> Every time I hear "Learning to Fly" by Pink Floyd, I think about Tarrant. Does anyone know if someone's done a vid for it? The lyrics (from the Lyrics Server, so they may not be 100 percent accurate): Learning To Fly Into the distance, a ribbon of black Stretched to the point of no turning back A flight of fancy on a windswept field Standing alone my senses reeled A fatal attraction holding me fast, how Can I escape this irresistible grasp? Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies Tongue-tied and twisted Just an earth-bound misfit, I Ice is forming on the tips of my wings Unheeded warnings, I thought I thought of everything No navigator to guide my way home Unladened, empty and turned to stone A soul in tension that's learning to fly Condition grounded but determined to try Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I Above the planet on a wing and a prayer, My grubby halo, a vapour trail in the empty air, Across the clouds I see my shadow fly Out of the corner of my watering eye A dream unthreatened by the morning light Could blow this soul right through the roof of the night There's no sensation to compare with this Suspended animation, A state of bliss Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I From the album: A momentary lapse of reason Susan M. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 08:23:53 -0800 From: Pat Patera <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] worst cast Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Neil Faulkner wrote: > Oh come on, Pat, is that the best you can do? I didn't do that, but passed on a friend's list. I'm not much of a movie buff, but I'll do my best: (these celebrities are old - but then so am I!) > BLAKES 7: THE MOVIE > Starring: > > Roj Blake - Sylvester Stallone > Kerr Avon - Woody Allen > Cally - Goldie Hawn > Jenna Stannis - Bette Middler > Del Tarrant - Clint Eastwood > Vila Restal - O.J. Simpson > Servalan - Carol Burnett > Travis - Oprah Winfrey > > SPECIAL GUEST ROLE > > Directed by - Newt Gingrich > Written by - whoever did the screenplay for Time Bandits > Music by - Devo > Theme song sung by - Tiny Tim Psychotic Pat P PS. Neil, I've greatly enjoyed your long essays on a wide range of B7 subjects that have been posted here. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 12:37:59 +0100 (BST) From: Judith Proctor <> To: Lysator List <> Subject: RE: [B7L] Travis has three faces Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Thu 17 Dec, Jacqueline Thijsen wrote: > In a great story, Judith wrote: > > > Blake, who had seen only the eyepatch that distinguished Travis so strongly, > > and never wondered about the >man behind it. > > I'm sorry, Judith, but this is a weak part in your otherwise beautiful story. > Blake is the one who shot Travis up so that the eyepatch had to be put there. > The next time he sees a Travis, it is (according to your story) already the > fake T ravis. The eyepatch would be just as new to Blake as the rest of the > face, and would t herefore not cause him to mix up the fake Travis with the > real one. Actually, I see 'Weapon' as the weak point. I don't think Blake necessarily remembered Travis that clearly. He'd seen him in a combat situation, but if they'd known one another well, this conversation might have been different. SERVALAN: But why did you never let the surgeons finish the job? TRAVIS: [Chuckles] What are you suggesting, cosmetic surgery? I'm a field officer, not one of your decorative staff men. SERVALAN: You're certainly not decorative. TRAVIS: You find it repulsive? SERVALAN: I find it ... unpleasing. TRAVIS: But memorable. You wouldn't mistake me for anyone else. SERVALAN: Hardly. TRAVIS: Mm. Neither will Blake. Even after all this time, he'll know me, and remember what happened at our first meeting. Blake believed that he would recognise Travis again, but you'd be surprised just how bad people can be at recognising faces that they've only seen for a short time (especially after they've had a memory erase). Travis is giving Blake a key to recognise him by as Blake knows he shot Travis in the face. My story really falls down where Blake meets Brian Croucher's Travis in Weapon. UNless he just figured that Travis had had plastic surgery but they had been unable to fix his eye. After all, a man with an eyepatch, standing next to Servalan and obviously wanting to kill Blake does tend to strongly suggest an identity. It's still the weakest point though. Judith -- Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention 26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 13:42:14 -0600 From: Reuben Herfindahl <> To: "'BL7'" <> Subject: [B7L] BLAKES 7: THE MUSICAL MOTION PICTURE Message-ID: <B113A02CF9E0D011992F00805FB4EB7515DB2E@STPNT2> Content-Type: text/plain BLAKES 7: THE MUSICAL MOTION PICTURE Starring: Roj Blake - The guy from Lord of the Dance Kerr Avon - David Warner Cally - Claudia Christian Jenna Stannis - Shelly Long Gan- Jessie "The Mind" Ventura Vila Restal - Johnny Dep Servalan - Debora Watling Travis - George Cloony Orac-Voice of Majel Barret Directed by - William Shatner Written by - Terrance Dicks Music by - The B52's Theme song sung by - Boys2Men Idea by Reuben Herfindahl (tee-hee) Reuben -------------------------------- End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #311 **************************************