Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #62
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 62

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Seek-Locate-Destroy 1/2
	 [B7L] Seek-Locate-Destroy 2/2
	 [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
	 Re: [B7L] Vila and the Meyers Test
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
	 Re: [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
	 [B7L] A *real* personality test.
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
	 Re: [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
	 Re: [B7L] A *real* personality test.
	 Re: [B7L] Con weapon rules (was re: Deliverence)
	 Re: [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
	 Re: [B7L] Myers-Briggs and Deliverance
	 Re: [B7L] A *real* personality test.
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
	 [B7L] Re Unusual Pairings
	 Re: [B7L] Vila and the Myers Test
	 [B7L] filk
	 [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
	 Re: [B7L] Re: body count
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
	 [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
	 [B7L]re: Deliverence
	 [B7L] re Avon vs Blake
	 [B7L] re: safety
	 [B7L] unsibscribe
	 [B7L] MBTI/Cally and Jenna/Song for Avon
	 [B7L] Deliverance weapons


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 08:13:18 -0500 (EST)
From: NWOutsider <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: [B7L] Seek-Locate-Destroy 1/2
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Many of these comments were written in Jan 96. The original version is 
on the web at

But I don't remember/Where or when: "It was early on..." Early on 
in what? "It was early on" only makes sense if Blake had a lengthy 
rebel career between Travis's first encounter with him and the time 
he was caught and brainwashed.  The scene switches from Travis to 
Blake before the massacre is described. Maybe Travis's version 
included Blake escaping and, as Foster had it, being outlawed and 
hunted. Is Blake maybe compressing more than one event, one at 
which he injured Travis but escaped and a later time when he was 
finally captured? There's also the number disparity: Blake says 
there were 30 at the meeting and then that  Travis killed 20 of his 
friends. Maybe 10 weren't friends? There's also the the leg injury 
Blake sustained in the Travis massacre...How could he have been 
running down the subway tunnel (as shown with nauseating 
frequency in "The Way Back") if he was shot in the leg? There have 
to have been two different (3 counting Foster's) events getting 
jumbled here...He does say the memory erase has _begun_ to fade... 
Or {gasp] maybe it's a continuity error! Naaahhh...never happen...

Obsession, for men: Travis is a remarkably consistent character
considering the two very different portrayals in the series. From 
his first appearance there's the sadistic streak, really tacky jewelry
(Federation weapons designers were evidently profoundly influenced 
by Cracker Jacks prizes), the "sympathy" with mutoids, the complete 
devotion to duty and the Federation merging with a purely personal 
need for revenge, and the all-important, all-consuming obsession 
with Blake. 
	There's even a nice bit of continuity with "Trial" in the 
mention of the civilian massacre (would've been even better if the 
planets had had the same name...although the idea of two incidents 
underlines Travis's vision of "total war").

Retrial: The other nice bit o' continuity is the presence of two of 
my favorite guest characters, Bercol and Rontane and hints they provide 
that Servalan is already heading for trouble with the President. 
I also like the glimpses, all too rare, inside Federation 
politics they give in both SLD and "Trial." There's a president, a
high council (possibly a lower one as well?), there are factions
within the system and possibly threats from without (being 
politically embarrassed could be among other Fed factions or in a 
wider court of opinion...the plot in "Bounty" only makes sense if 
the Federation is concerned about the opinion of competing 
exterior governments, IMO). As we learned in TWB and see later 
in "Voice" and "Countdown," some of the outer worlds are ready to 
break free given the chance. In addition, the popularity of tales
about Blake, although forbidden, indicate a lot of discontent at home.
Added to the rebel activity off of Earth (not just what we see but 
all those "insurrections" Travis put down so ruthlessly; Rontane 
hints there have been many), it looks like the Federation
sees itself as quite vulnerable to destruction.

White Queen: So how long has Servalan been Supreme Commander? 
What limits are there on her power. There must be some since she's
a political appointee and she indicates she might not be able to get the
ships Travis wants (unless she's just testing him).
Whatever became of Rai...

Reretrial: Yet another tie between SLD and "Trial" is the mention 
of the Galactic Eighth Fleet, whence comes Samor.

Cipherspace: This episode also leads directly to "Bounty," thanks 
to the cipher machine. Does it also lead to "Pressure Point," I wonder.
Is Blake already thinking about gathering information on Central 
Control once they get the machine? At the time of PPT, he says he's
been researching Central Control for over a year, which may mean
he started before they got hold of Orac.

B.I.T.C.H. "It's not just what I do. It's who I am."


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 08:14:48 -0500 (EST)
From: NWOutsider <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: [B7L] Seek-Locate-Destroy 2/2
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Plot holes: Travis knows they were in the room too long for simple 
destruction. He knows it was the cipher room. Why not just search 
for bits of cipher machine instead of cataloging everything?

Noted for future cartographers: Centero must be near Space Command
since Travis travels between the two in a very short amount of time.
Ditto Earth and Space Command since Rontane and Bercol are there
and have been briefed about the Centero raid.
K-14 is apparently well-known since both Jenna and Avon immediately
recognized the name and knew the function of the base.

Blake and Vila: I'm a minority of one but I like these two together. I
like Blake listening to Vila's explanation while watching for guards,
I like him trusting Vila to divert the guards, I like the silliness with 
the door. I'm less keen on Vila hollering after Blake when they're 
trying to sneak around...This must be the least explored relationship,
at least in a positive sense, among the main characters except for
Blake and Gan. Even Vila and Gan get more, and more favorable space,
than Blake and Vila, even though Vila says he likes Blake and keeps
going along with him. I notice his drinking increases after Blake's
departure, too. Hmmm.
	Is Vila's patter with the guards lifted from "Dr. Who"? It 
seems so familiar.

Today's episode is brought to you by the emotions loyalty and guilt, 
and by the letter B. I don't know how anyone can say Blake doesn't 
care about individuals when he risks so much to go after Cally 
(not to mention all the slack he cuts her during "The Web"), 
rushes out into the Decima-infested compound because "a friend" 
of his might be in danger, his guilt over Cally and the other 
friends lost to Travis, and assorted other examples. I think Travis, 
who has studied Blake more closely than anyone outside of fandom 
and most inside it, has it right: "He has one reliable flaw: loyalty."
Unremarkably, this never counts in his favor among those 
who don't like him.

Their reputation precedes them: The first reference to mutoids 
is in this episode but they don't appear until "Duel."

Future tech: The Federation can build androids so sophisticated they 
detect suspicion in a human being but they have Rosie the Robots that 
can't tell the difference between a swinging cable and a human being or 
spot a great big hunk o' human stretched out on the ground just because 
it isn't moving? Is it any wonder they put Star One on the front lines...

YADI (yadi, yadi, yadi): Yet Another Dropped Invention. Repeatedly in
the series, inventions are introduced and never heard of again. The 
many designer contagions, for example. This time it's the teleport 
tracking device, MSD. Presumably left-over from the aquatar 
project and never heard of again.

One of our crew is missing: Why does Blake take the rap for not 
noticing Cally is missing when the others were just standing around 
the whole time. Hell, if he hadn't mentioned it, they never would've 
noticed. At least Blake hit the teleport running for the flight deck.

Chemistry 101: The scene between Jenna and Blake, when she tries 
to comfort him over Cally's loss, sucks. It should be good, it should 
be a nice intimate moment, expanding on the wonderful scenes they 
have when it's just the two of them on the deck discussing what's to 
be done in many 1st season episodes..and it just falls flat. Part of 
this is Thomas's lapse into lecture mode at one point. No matter 
how many times I urge Jenna to smack him, she doesn't.  OTOH, the
line of dialogue pretty much invites that tone.
The exchange is very like Blake in one way: as with things
Avon says sometimes, Blake appears to brush it off, then turns
around a minute later and concedes the point. ("One for Cally--
because I want to survive.")

Hit with a feather: Cally, because of her skeletal build, is not entirely
believable in her fight scene. I'm glad it's there, of course, and cheer 
her on, but she looks like she wouldn't be able to move that guard 
even if she threw herself across the room at him. I salute her martial
skills, though, and admire her fortitude while being drugged, tortured,
dragged down a hall, and being called "it": and "girl." What, if anything,
did she tell Travis under torture...

ObB/A: Interesting how they work so well together except for that
moment in the teleport when Avon uses the excuse of Cally's capture 
to grab Blake. C'mon, he couldn't wait to get his hands on Blake...
Sweet of Blake to thank Avon for his work on the cipher machine, too.

Building double: The part of the Centero base was played by Fulham 
Gas Works. In case you're planning a trip.

Favorite scene/lines: Blake with gun to Travis's throat. A peek at 
some Blake traits that don't come fully into the foreground until "Blake."
He's tough, he's ruthless, and I want more of it.

    VILA:  Hello there. How are you? Excuse me wandering about your
           premises but I wonder if you can help me. I'm an escaped
           prisoner. I was a thief but recently I've become interested in
           sabotage, in a small way you understand, nothing too ambitious,
           I hate vulgarity, don't you?  Anyway, I've come to blow
           something up. What do you think will be most suitable?

    AVON:  It had better be right. A fraction out and you could put
           us down in the middle of the security barracks.
   JENNA:  Don't tempt me.

  BERCOL:  My department has done all in its power to suppress
           information about Blake and his actions -- there is a total
           blackout on all reports concerning him -- but still the stories
           get out. They spread by word of mouth, by whispers, by rumour;
           each time the story is told it is elaborated upon. Any
           damage to the Federation is attributed to Blake. The smallest
           incident is exaggerated out of all proportion until it
           becomes a major event. Blake is becoming a legend. His name
           is a rallying call for malcontents of all persuasions. He
           must be stopped.

   BLAKE:  I want a repeat readout of everything in the databanks
           Centero. The whole lot again.
     ZEN:  Confirmed.
   BLAKE:  I want it now. (I just love that he snaps at Zen in his emotion
over Cally).

  TRAVIS:  Yes, well, I'm always grateful for a rough analogy. What does
           it do?

B.I.T.C.H. "It's not just what I do. It's who I am."


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 06:08:26 -0800
From: "Adam L. Fuller" <>
Subject: [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Although Blake's 7 attracts quite a few Ns, and so do these list
discussions, I still have a very hard time believing that *everyone* is an
N. There has to be a hand full of Sensors on this digest. Who, though? 

-Adam L. Fuller (ENTJ)


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 07:24:44 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
To: Tramila <>
CC: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] YKYBWTMB7W
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> Pssssst.   The Blake bear is a white hearth rug.  Pat says it's dead. which
> makes it a perfect Blake bear.
> Tramila,  running fast from the B.I.T.C.H.'s.
> Chapter Member and Pres. of V.I.C.E.
> Vila's Intimately Corruptable Element

Bwa ha ha!
I'll cover your retreat!


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 07:17:16 -0800
From: Jay <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Vila and the Meyers Test
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 07:12 PM 2/23/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>  For example, with Avon and Vila, I'd love to be able come
>> up with the put downs and one liners that they do.  But it's hours later
>> that I think of something witty.
> Ooh, definitely one thing I have in common-- as quiet as an "I" type
>like myself can be, when I hear a straight line, I can't resist piping
>up. I've dropped the jaws of many people who thought they had me pegged
>until I let loose my bon mots.
I guess I should modify my statement a bit.  Sometimes I do think of a
witty remark to a straight line at the time, but quite often I keep it to
myself unless I know the person(s) quite well.  Although, like you, on
ocassion I to have dropped jaws of those around when I have spoken up.

100% Avon


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 07:34:36 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
To: "G. Robbins" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

It's no fun being an I-n-t-J

Other folk's think we're mean,
When we're just trying to be keen.

We only boss them around,
Because we've feet on the ground.

I-N-T-J, It's no fun being and

(to the tune of YMCA)

If we're only one % of the population, why do we seem common on this
1. Our numbers are undercounted.
2. INTJ's gravitate to Blake's 7. It's our kind of show.
3. B7 influences us to be INTJ's, especially if we watch when we are
still pretty young. 


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 07:42:58 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
To: "Adam L. Fuller" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Adam L. Fuller wrote:
> Although Blake's 7 attracts quite a few Ns, and so do these list
> discussions, I still have a very hard time believing that *everyone* is an
> N. There has to be a hand full of Sensors on this digest. Who, though?
> -Adam L. Fuller (ENTJ)

I think Sensor's may not be into talking about TV shows in depth. That's
a very iNternalized thing to do.


Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 01:48:36 +1030
From: "Lindley" <>
To: <>
Subject: [B7L] A *real* personality test.
Message-ID: <01bd4137$7a0e34c0$3b4c18cb@waltersmith>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

OK, I just want to say I'm the Idealist/Healer one.
Cos I'm proud. I'm a swan among ducks, it said
so.  <beam>

But, darlings, let's not muck about with inferior
tests.  The important test is:


    Really.  You get to wonder about what shade of
lip gloss Avon would prefer, whether Servalan
goes to the toilet with the door open, and how
Soolin would behave at parties.

Preliminary results:

SERVALAN: Geri / Ginger
AVON: Victoria / Posh
VILA: Emma / Baby
SOOLIN: Mel B / Scary (beats me!)
DAYNA: Mel C / Sporty

What do ya know, I got a full set!
Our own B7 SPice Girls.
Heh.  Servalan, Soolin and Dayna could
give 'em Girl Power, that's for sure.

The addy, btw, is

(Me, I'm a Baby Spice type.  I just knew it.
Wonder how I'd look in pigtails?)

         Love & Hugs,

Ophelia - 
"The girl has beauty, virtue, wit,
Grace, humour, wisdom, chairty and pluck."


Date: 24 Feb 1998 16:34:06 +0100
From: Calle Dybedahl <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Helen Krummenacker <> writes:

> If we're only one % of the population, why do we seem common on this
> list?

INTJ and INTP are *the* classic computer geek personality types. Also,
my experience is that at least some types tend to flock together.
INFPs are vastly overrepresented among my friends, computer geeks or
		    Calle Dybedahl, UNIX Sysadmin


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 08:49:14 -0800
From: Jay <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 06:08 AM 2/24/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Although Blake's 7 attracts quite a few Ns, and so do these list
>discussions, I still have a very hard time believing that *everyone* is an
>N. There has to be a hand full of Sensors on this digest. Who, though? 
>-Adam L. Fuller (ENTJ)
There's one over here!!!

Jay (ISTJ)
100% Avon


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 09:05:57 -0800
From: Jay <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] A *real* personality test.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 01:48 AM 2/25/98 +1030, you wrote:
>OK, I just want to say I'm the Idealist/Healer one.
>Cos I'm proud. I'm a swan among ducks, it said
>so.  <beam>
>But, darlings, let's not muck about with inferior
>tests.  The important test is:
I wholeheartedly agree, this test is a much better indicator.

>    Really.  You get to wonder about what shade of
>lip gloss Avon would prefer, whether Servalan
>goes to the toilet with the door open, and how
>Soolin would behave at parties.

She'd probably end up shooting every one:-)
>Preliminary results:
>SERVALAN: Geri / Ginger
>AVON: Victoria / Posh
>VILA: Emma / Baby
>SOOLIN: Mel B / Scary (beats me!)
>DAYNA: Mel C / Sporty
Well, I ended up as a Scary Spice.  That surprised me.  After doing the
test, I feel more like Mixed Spice

100% Avon


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 17:25:33 -0000
From: "Heather Smith" <>
To: "Blake's 7" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Con weapon rules (was re: Deliverence)
Message-Id: <E0y7OEB-0007Qw-00@rhenium>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> That's the second time this week I've seen Dr Who referred to as a
> Terry Nation show. Where have people been getting this notion from?

Trivial Pursuit credits Nation with Who's creation, and during his obituary
on BBC news he was also called 'the Creator of Doctor Who'.  If the BBC
itself can't get it right, what chance has the rest of the media?


'There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish'
-The fourth Doctor  


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 11:56:45 -0600
From: Lisa Williams <>
To: "Adam L. Fuller" <>,
Subject: Re: [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Adam L. Fuller wrote:

>There has to be a hand full of Sensors on this digest. Who, though? 

Well, Tramila says she's ESFJ, and I seem to remember someone speaking up
as ISTJ, so there are a few of 'em around. 

	- Lisa
	  home: <>  work: <>
	  Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library:
	  New Riders of the Golden Age:


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 09:06:04 +0000 (GMT)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Myers-Briggs and Deliverance
Message-ID: <>

On Tue 24 Feb, Harriet Monkhouse wrote:
> Judith said:
> >Do you realise that the weapon rules at Deliverance 
> >will make it the only convention I've ever been to where 
> >I can't walk around with my Liberator gun? Ironic. 
> >According to my reading of the regulations, you can 
> >only carry replica weapons (of any kind) during the 
> >fancy dress competition, and then only with permission. 
> I read the rules as meaning that a Liberator handgun was the only sort
> allowed - they said something about ones that looked like hairdryers being
> fine.  Unless they mean those are the only ones allowed for fancy dress?

I looked at the rules on 'Rebel hunt' which said 
> "Entrants may wear costume of their choice, but weaponry of any sort is
> forbidden (see weapons policy above)"

That's the bit that made me take the more strict interpretation of the policy

The actual weapons policy can be read in two ways (I've written to one of the
committee to ask which is correct).
> "To avoid any Federation (ie. local police) entanglements, the convention is
> operating a No Weapons policy as far as costumes are concerned.  However, if
> a weapon is an integral part of your fancy dress entry, then it will be
> allowed,
> providing it has been approved by the organiser.  Of course, if in the best B7
> tradition, it actually looks like a hairdryer or curling tongs, that's fine."

That can either be read as "'curling tongs' can be entered in the fancy dress
competition without prior approval" or "'curling tongs' are nothing to worry
about at any time".  I'd probably have gone for the latter interpretation if it
wasn't for the comments on 'Rebel hunt' which explicitly forbid ALL weapons.

Anyway, I've written to ask for clarification, so hopefully I'll be told that
I've got it wrong.



Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention  
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 18:16:05 +0000 (GMT)
From: Iain Coleman <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] A *real* personality test.
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.96.980224181455.5419B-100000@bsauasc>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Jay wrote:

> Well, I ended up as a Scary Spice.  That surprised me.  After doing the
> test, I feel more like Mixed Spice

Hey, I ended up as Scary too! Gosh. Time to trade in the eyepatch for a
tongue stud, methinks.



Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 18:09:43 +0000
From: Katharine Woods <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

For those keeping count, I did the Keirsey test about 18 months ago and
I was an INFJ. Just redid it and I'm still an INFJ (sorry for those of
you looking for E's and S's) but quite weakly J. And yes, I do like
character-based sff, otherwise I wouldn't be a B7 fan (on topic bit). 

I have no idea what most of those around me are (since they're not all
shoouting it out, like you lovely lot) but the colleague with whom I got
on the best at my last job (and is responsible for me getting my current
temp contract) is an INTJ.

And on the subject of YKWYBWTMB7W, I vote Servalan's red dress in Gambit
as best wedding gown. And I have a Gan teddy bear. It's about 3 feet
tall, was one of those rather embarassing presents which one feels
obliged to cherish, was too big to fit anywhere comfortably, was known
to scare people in the dark (probably due to the orange and white fur)
and as a result is now hidden away in the loft, probably squashed next
to a beam and covered in brick dust.

Katharine (Woods)

PS If anyone remembers me as, that address is no longer
valid for me. (It was a happy "you are now redundant" new year from FTP
to all its UK R&D group.)


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 18:58:26 GMT
Subject: [B7L] Re Unusual Pairings
Message-Id: <>

Pat P wrote: "but you haven't done Og/Chewbacca? (I can see
the hairballs fly!)"

I was going to but I'm having difficulty with the dialogue.

Steve Rogerson

Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent

"The workers united will never be ignited"
Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett


Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 08:52:09 +1300
From: Nicola Collie <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Vila and the Myers Test
Message-Id: <l03130300b118d4ee7555@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>> Well, I could do the haircut, I s'pose...
>> I recently got shorn from armpit length to earlobe length, so even a total
>> shave Holds No Fears for me now. Not something I could have said
>> pre-snipsnip.
>> (can anyone tell that a certain slash authorix (authix?) starting with P is
>> unduly influencing my writing style? :))
>> And I love her wardrobe (well, most of it) but it would look damn silly on
>> someone of my proportions.

>I HAVE the haircut (in chestnut brown),the hourglass figure, and the
>closet full of full-length gowns...

Oooo! Can I share? or am I going to have to "hate" you? ;)

> Is this a case of "You know you've
>been wawtching too much Blake's 7?" or just good fashion sense?

Me, I think it's both <duck>
ttfn, Nicola (off to caffeine up)

Nicola Collie
Dunedin, New Zealand

"It just occurred to me that, as the description of a highly sophisticated
technological achievement, "Avon's gadget works" seems to lack a certain


Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 08:57:25 +1300
From: Nicola Collie <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: [B7L] filk
Message-Id: <l03130301b118d5c2a710@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>What happens to old fans when they die?  I decided this question deserved
>serious consideration...  (Oddly enough, I was using 'gay' in the sense of
>'happy' in this particular song, but don't let that stop you taking it the
>way if you want to)
>Inside of a Dream, by Judith Proctor, to the tune of Fiddler's Green.
[excellent filk snippified]

I don't know the tune, but I enjoyed reading this, anyway. A typical folk
melodeee? This verse especially spoke to me:

>>Now fans share a dream and I've oft' heard them tell,
  It's a place you can go if you don't to hell,
  Where Blake is alive and Kerr Avon is gay,
  And the cares of the real world are far far away -<<

Thanks for sharing
ttfn, Nicola

Nicola Collie
Dunedin, New Zealand

"It just occurred to me that, as the description of a highly sophisticated
technological achievement, "Avon's gadget works" seems to lack a certain


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 14:18:53 -0600 (CST)
From: "G. Robbins" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I like your reason number two: Blake's 7 *is* our kind of show.  And yes,
I do think we are undercounted!  But, on the other hand, if you take into
account how many people there are in the world.....
I believe INFJs/INTJs are pulled in like a magnet to the show.  It's
perfect for's fiction, which leans heavily on our sort of 
mystical imaginatory preference instead of hard is based much
on characterization, which is our forte of interest and's
science, but fictionary science, which satisfies the slight scientific
interest we have.
By the way, I'd always related well to Cally, she's my second
favorite that people have sort of labelled her as an
INFJ, I know why!  And I think that she is one, too.  However, since she's
not human, could we really even attempt to put her into a category?
--Grace Robbins (INFJ)
ABSOLUTE POWER--A Blake's 7 Web Source
TRY IT!  It's fun, unusual, and something to take up useless hours of your
*as well as being caffeine (spelled wrong probably) free and sugar free!


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 15:42:45 -0500
From: (Carol A. McCoy)
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: body count
Message-ID: <>

Sue wrote:

>	Nope, I just see it as more evidence that Avon is indeed at 
>the end of his tether and has lost any ounce of rationality he once 
>laid claim to. 8-) I suppose if I was a Tarrant fan it would really 
>grate that Avon would do literally anything, risk anything, to get 
>to Blake again and again, but can't be bothered to check whether 
>Tarrant survived the crash.

But Tarrant fans love that Avon didn't come back.  More opportunities
for mental and physical angst.  Tarrant wondering why Avon didn't
show up.  Then Tarrant being glad that Avon didn't show up and end
up a target of gun runners and bounty hunters.  And they way Blake
yanks him around instead of getting him medical help.  We love it.
Yes, we're strange. :)

Speaking of Blake ignoring Toothsome's injuries, that's one of 
the (many) reasons I can never buy the conspiracy theory.  If
this is an Avon-Blake plan, then Blake had no reason to test 
Tarrant and every reason to get him medical help.  But my
main reason for not buying the conspiracy theory is the ships
that attack Scorpio.  Blake knew about them; Avon didn't.  If
they were working together, that was information that would
have been shared.

Carol McCoy


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 15:23:33 -0600
From: Lisa Williams <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Meyers-Briggs Testing
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

G. Robbins wrote:

>I believe INFJs/INTJs are pulled in like a magnet to the show.

But quite likely for different reasons. INTJ and INFJ are very different
types -- NT vs. NF temperament.

>By the way, I'd always related well to Cally, she's my second
>favorite that people have sort of labelled her as an
>INFJ, I know why!  

I'd put her more as an INFP for most of the series, but I think she started
out closer to INFJ.

	- Lisa
	  home: <>  work: <>
	  Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library:
	  New Riders of the Golden Age:


Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 10:47:37 +1300
From: Nicola Collie <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: [B7L] Blake's 7 fans (MBTI)
Message-Id: <l03130300b118efb7c063@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Although Blake's 7 attracts quite a few Ns, and so do these list
>discussions, I still have a very hard time believing that *everyone* is an
>N. There has to be a hand full of Sensors on this digest. Who, though?

I usually test as ISTJ, although I think I'm teetering on the brink of N.
The ISTJ description certainly isn't me, though.
ttfn, Nicola (definitely I)

Nicola Collie
Dunedin, New Zealand

"It just occurred to me that, as the description of a highly sophisticated
technological achievement, "Avon's gadget works" seems to lack a certain


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 20:22:30 +0000
From: Jackie <>
Subject: [B7L]re: Deliverence
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Tramila wrote:
> >Seconded - wholeheartedly.  Someone who quite happily *shares* Paul at
> >conventions and theatres with fans (well she does get to take him home
> >afterwards!!).  She isn`t patronising when talking to you, even though
> >she knows, and you know she knows, that you are there (conventions or
> >theatres) purely because you *fancy/love/lust/drool* (if they are the
> >correct terms :-)) after her husband.
> On come now, Jackie.
> Would a fan do that?  <innocent look>

I wouldn`t know. I`m too busy looking at Paul!!  :->

> That's nice to know that she is so confident in her husband.  How warm and
> fuzzy that makes me.  It's great to know that that is the way it is.  <g>
> Tramila, who has encountered scary fans in the past and feel sorry for the
> stars.

I`ve also met some of those - who needs enemies with *fans* like those. 
Gives the proper *fans* a bad name, they do.  

> Chapter Member and Pres. of V.I.C.E.
> Vila's Intimately Corruptable Element


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 20:23:37 +0000
From: Jackie <>
Subject: [B7L] B7L]: YKYHBWTMB7W
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Nicola Collie wrote:
> >>>oh and don't forget ROTFLMAO and YKYBWTMB7W
> >>>he he
> >
> >>'Scuse me if I seem dense here, but could someone let me know what
> >>YKYBWTMB7W means?
> >
> >Not at all Jay, It means....
> >
> >You Know You've Been Watching Too Much Blake's 7 When......
> >
> >Tramila
> >
> So, how much is too much? And how does one know? :)
> ... your mum rings to ask how you are, and you reply "Down and safe".
> ... your supervisor asks for a progress report and you say "That
> information is not currently available".
> ... your toothpicks are made of colourless perspex.
> ... you wonder which one of Servalan's costumes would make the best wedding
> gown.
> Ooo, eck, time to go home. Before I start getting silly
> ttfn, Nicola

You turn pale, and run and hide in a cupboard when told at weight
watchers that "you weigh 73 kilos".
You tell your workmates to consider amputations when they complain of
You wear a Liberator teleport bracelet as a fashion accessary to a
formal *do*
You practice outshooting yourself in a mirror with a hairdrier.
You only bought that hairdrier in the first place because it had
*outshooting* capabilities.
You buy second hand motorcycle tyres so that *eventually, when you get
around to it* you can incorporate the tread into your boots, so they
leave a footprint - just like Avons.
Your once brightly coloured wardrobe now only consists of clothes that
are black and silver, and mainly leather and silk.

eeerrrrmm! best stop there, before I get myself into an awful lot of



Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 20:22:50 +0000
From: Jackie <>
Subject: [B7L] re Avon vs Blake
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote:
> Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention:
> Why is it that Blake could no longer tell whom he could trust?  Because he
> no longer had Avon with him.  The first two seasons occurred directly AFTER
> Blake had been reawakened from his programming--the Federation and society
> had changed a lot since his mental exile.  Avon was his voice of reason and
> when Avon was gone, Blake no longer had the ability to read people and
> situations the way he could when Avon was there--the scar on his face is
> evidence of at least one close call--a close call that might not have
> happened if Avon, in all his cynical wisdom, had been around.
> If, as evidenced by Avon's actions toward the end of season four, Avon was
> losing it, then I would argue that Blake, too, was losing it in his own
> fashion--which was the entire catalyst for the showdown on Gauda Prime.
> As someone else mentioned, the safest crew was (and I strongly second this
> opinion) definitely the one captained by Blake, but counterbalanced by Avon.
> However, if I had to choose one or the other, it would still be Blake.  No
> bullets in the back, please.
> Brent (who is now so mentally immersed in the world of Blake's 7, he may
> never return)

Why would you want to return? Return where? It`s much nicer down here
even if you are pursued by rabid Avon fans.  Now stand still and let me
finish painting this nice red dot in the middle of the white circle I`ve
put on your chest (now you won`t get shot in the back. - Like their
hero, all Avon fans shoot their targets in the chest!)

Bye for now


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 20:22:09 +0000
From: Jackie <>
Subject: [B7L] re: safety
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Carol A. McCoy wrote:
> Judith wrote:
> >Tarrant might well have chosen the 'die together' option.  Dawn of the Gods
> >suggests this.  (Though I'd happily shoot the script writer for making Avon so
> >stupid as to think he could survive a black hole by being a in space suit!)
> Well, "Blake" suggests that Tarrant wasn't too obsessed with "die together."
> He told Avon to shove off, that there was no sense in both of them dying.
> I think his reaction in Dawn was more dismay that Avon, the supposed leader,
> would put his own safety before his crew.  I'm sure Tarrant approved of
> the order in which they abandoned "Scorpio."  The crew members who
> didn't have leadership responsibilities went first.  One can't be sure,
> but I think Tarrant would have spaced himself to save Dayna, Soolin, or
> Vila (if he couldn't figure out how to save them both) in "Orbit."  At the
> very least, he'd go for a drawing of straws with Avon.  But if Avon stalked
> him, he might not be so generous.
> Carol McCoy

Would he have spaced himself before or after Orac`s "Vila weighs 73
kilos", or would he have continued to try to figure out ways to save
both him and Vila as the shuttle hit the swamp?
After the bullying throughout the 3&4 seasons, I really don`t believe
that Tarrant would commit suicide so that Vila could live.
Even so, I don`t think he`d try Avon`s solution.  Therefore the star
fragment would not get found, and so they would both be buried in the

Perhaps the real question should be "Why did Orac say what he did? Avon,
*if* he had already thought about it was not acting on it until Orac
mentioned it. And would Orac have mentioned it if it had been any one
OTHER than Vila?"

A few comments/queries I have of my own about *the hunting* in that
When they were stripping down the shuttle, they put the objects outside
the room door, and pressed the button on the inside (at least that was
what Avon did to the star fragment).  
1) Why didn`t Avon do that instead to Vila, it would have been far
quicker than searching for him. After all Vila was already outside the
room, and it was not a quick & easy descent down the ladder, and Vila
would not have had the strength to hang on for long in a vacuum?
2) Vila knew that Avon would be after him (else why would he have
hidden?), so why did he not press the button in his room and jettison
Avon? Again, even Avon would not have had the strength to hang on in a
3) Which IDIOT designed the shuttle so that the only passage way between
floors/decks also doubled up as an airlock with a simple push of one
button, - could have been a few nasty accidents if someone ditched the
rubbish while another crew member was bringing round the cocoa!

Bye for now



Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:37:33 -0000
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Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:42:51 +0000
From: Katharine Woods <>
Subject: [B7L] MBTI/Cally and Jenna/Song for Avon
Message-ID: <>
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G. Robbins wrote:
> I like your reason number two: Blake's 7 *is* our kind of show.  And yes,
> I do think we are undercounted!  But, on the other hand, if you take into
> account how many people there are in the world.....

I think that's a response to my earlier post about liking
character-based sff and if so, I can't take credit for that remark.
Someone else (unfortunately, I can't remember who) made the point about
INFJ's liking character-based sf in the first round of recent
discussions about Myers-Briggs. I gave a smile of recognition when I saw
that point because I'd never tied that liking into my personality type

> By the way, I'd always related well to Cally, she's my second
> favorite that people have sort of labelled her as an
> INFJ, I know why!  And I think that she is one, too.  However, since she's
> not human, could we really even attempt to put her into a category?

I do like Cally but I usually prefer Jenna (maybe it's a personal
reaction - my own blonde, big hair stage suited me much better than my
limp perm stage - I wonder how Cally would look with a Servalan style
cut? Her hair in Gambit is great though. Of course when you're stuck in
a quarry, fighting Fed troops, hunting down a good hairdresser is
probably not number one on your priority list). 

I wish we had more scenes of Jenna and Cally  working together. One that
comes vividly to mind ('cos I recently watched it) is Hostage where the
two of them combine skills to blast the crimmo into space using the
teleport). They both have superb timing there and Cally gets to show off
skills which almost never get shown. I also can't recall any times when
Cally communicates telepathically with Jenna but that scene in Hostage
would have been a prime opportunity for it. I'm sure some of you
knowledgeable people out there will correct me if I'm wrong. I also
wonder what they were talking about in Shadow when they're sitting
together on the circular sofa and Avon comes in demanding to know where
Blake is.

I also have the feeling that I ought to like Sarcophagus as an episode,
which I don't, because I like fantasy and myth but it really jars in my
B7 universe. I also find the archetypes (? - not sure if I 'm using the
right term here) that the characters are linked to are too superficial,
relying on only one aspect of their chracters rather than the complexity
of chraracter which keeps us all discussing it endlessly. I suspect it
might also have something to do with that fatal kiss. One short bout of
tonsil-hockey with Avon and the alien being turns into jelly and makes a
fatal mistake. That's just a bit too Captain Kirk for me (and no I don't
want to start off an ST bashing thread).

Katharine (Woods) - INFJ

To misquote Shakespear's sister:

some people say he has a deathwish
trouble is he tends to agree
let's not ask too many questions
it's nothing to do with you or me
he remembers a time when even
going home was sweet
now he can't feel the ground
under his feet

and she said
"the trouble with avon
is he thinks he hides everything"
but i know the trouble with avon
is he's a liar

inside the dresser by the table
something he keeps beside the bed
living with avon can't be easy
some things are better left unsaid
he remembers a time before
the waters got so deep
when he found it easier to sleep

(repeat chorus)


Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 22:50:39 GMT
Subject: [B7L] Deliverance weapons
Message-Id: <>

Judith said: "Do you realise that the weapon rules at
Deliverance will make it the only convention I've ever been to
where I can't walk around with my Liberator gun?   Ironic. 
According to my reading of the regulations, you can only carry
replica weapons (of any kind) during the fancy dress
competition, and then only with permission."

Well I'm still planning on bringing imipak and last I heard
Harriet was too.

Steve Rogerson

Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention
26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent

"The workers united will never be ignited"
Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #62