From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #73 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: <> archive/volume98/73 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 73 Today's Topics: Re: [B7L] ssmmmoooking Re: [B7L] Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Re: [B7L] Orbit Re: [B7L] Orbit Re: [B7L] ssmmmoooking (cough, hack) Re: [B7L] soma Re: [B7L] ssmmmoooking (cough, hack) Re: [B7L] soma [B7L] missing protagonists Re: [B7L] re Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic [B7L] Making News Re: [B7L] Dayna and "Bonding Ritual" [B7L] Digest V98 #72 Re: [B7L] Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Re: [B7L] NZ [B7L] Re: Vila's accepting ways Re: [B7L] re Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic [B7L] Liberator model Re: [B7L] Avon/Blackadder Re: [B7L] Digest V98 #72 Re: [B7L] costumes [B7L] Hail Servalan (was: ssmmmoooking (cough, hack)) Re: [B7L] Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Re: [B7L] OT: Jingo (was Re: Cally and Jenna) Re: [B7L] Re: Multiple Personality etc Re: [B7L] New Zealanders Re: [B7L] Orbit Re: [B7L] Avon/Blackadder Re: [B7L] B7 and Meyers-Brigs Re: [B7L] Re: Gan [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon calling London Re: [B7L] Re: Vila's accepting ways Re: [B7L] missing protagonists [B7L] Re: Fan Q possibilities Re: [B7L] B7 and Meyers-Brigs [B7L] Soolin was so poor Re: [B7L] Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic [B7L] Scarred and Grimey Blake ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 14:07:15 +0000 (GMT) From: Iain Coleman <> To: B7 Main List <> Subject: Re: [B7L] ssmmmoooking Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.96.980303135817.30194A-100000@bsauasc> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Ophelia wrote: > > [Darren R]: > > >Vila - Cigar when he's winning, occasional cheap cigs when he's not. > > Would a true hedonist destroy his sense of taste? > I can't see that worrying Vila. He's a cheap voddy and 3l bottle of white cider man, not a connoiseur. > > >Soolin - 30 a day, 60 when socialising, sometimes rolls her own. > > Aaargh! Darren, are you deliberately trying > to have the Wrath of the Priestess brought > down on your head? Can you really see > the Golden Goddess doing something as > unattractive and - CRASS - as chain-smoking? > And would a gunfighter risk her health like > that? > Isn't being a gunfighter a rather greater health hazard than smoking? > > >Gan - Social smoker, cheap brand. > > Nah, Gan's into pharmaceuticals Avon's definitely a stimulants boy, probably a closet speedfreak. He should lay off the coffee as well: he looks to be a 10 espressos a day chap. Iain ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 00:36:48 +1030 From: "Ophelia" <> To: "B7 list" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Message-ID: <01bd46ad$9b3a07c0$38a226cb@waltersmith> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I don't often post this much. I have a life, Lindley wails against all the evidence. It's just that I've been housebound for the last few days with these @*!# cramps, and - I missed you!!! Must be a side-effect of the morphine. [Nicola Collie]: >Do we really need a greater reason than stress for his changes? Not really. I was just comparing my own symptoms. When I'm depressed, I lock myself up in my room, sleep and cry, often for days or, before I got treatment, weeks. When I have pre-menstrual tension, I turn into Avon (near the end of "Orbit.") I mean, >the lives of the only people he has left to care about, as well as all >the innocents enslaved by the Federation, depend on his decision making >abilities. Chuck one out of an airlock, leave some more on a dangerous planet, and watch how your stress levels improve... Explains a lot <g>. > Ever seen how the Oval office ages a man? Nope. But I can intone, "uneasy lies the head that wears the crown," although I don't really know where it comes from. Macbeth, perhaps? Erudite, aren't I? >However, depression, fatigue, aches and pains are symptoms of other >illnesses, including myofacia/fibromyalgia, which would explain why he >hates Cally's Auron yoga. I hate to sound ignorant, but what's myofacia/fibromylagia? Sounds vaguely like what my naturopath calls my endo, but men only rarely get that, and usually only after chaemo or some such horrible procedure. 'Night-'night, kittens, - XXX Lindley Ophelia - "The girl has beauty, virtue, wit, Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 09:17:46 -0500 (EST) From: To: Tom Forsyth <> cc: B7 Lysator <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Orbit Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII > Oh dear, I've just remembered. They must have artificial gravity on this > craft, so why not just turn it down a bit? If they don't have AG, then all > the thrusting the shuttle has been doing should put "down" towards the > back, and the block would have long ago tumbled down towards the back of > the ship, and because of its small size and sharp edges it punched straight > through the rear bulkhead and they are currently all dying of explosive > decompression. Shame. > > Tom "Spelunker" Forsyth. Lovely. I had a character in a locally-produced SF TV series that only ran three episodes (actually, I had 4, but we didn't get around to explaining) who was explosively decompressed. Really disappointed the character who had wanted to kill me herself. :-) So what sort of drive do the shuttles have? Any ideas? Sandra Kisner (IXTJ) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 98 14:18:00 PST From: "Taylor, Steve [MIS]" <> To: B7 Lysator <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Orbit Message-ID: <> ->lots of fascinating stuff about friction and morals snipped for bandwidth. Of course - if caring, sharing Avon had really cared he would have jumped out of the airlock:-) Then Blake and the others would still be alive! Vila should also have jumped if he cared! SteveT Cloning pl;ant escapee ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 00:47:01 +1030 From: "Ophelia" <> To: "Lorna B." <>, "B7 Main List" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] ssmmmoooking (cough, hack) Message-ID: <01bd46af$087d6a60$38a226cb@waltersmith> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [Lorna B.]: >Actually, since Soolin has those chubby little cheeks, CHUBBY LITTLE CHEEKS!?! Actually, what you really meant to refer to was the tender, feminine curves of her rose-leaf cheeks, right? Right? Honestly, discipline on this list is *hopeless.* I've a good mind to senetence you all to fifty Hail Servalans. And while I'm at it: Lady of the Impeccable Quick-Draw, please smite Darren R. for daring to suggest that *you,* flawless deity, would do *anything* as dumb, smelly, weak-minded and terminally unsexy as chainsmoking. Please heed this humble petition from your devoted Priestess. I think I've figured >out her dark secret: chewing tobacco. Yep, sad but true. On the plus >side, she never misses her target when she spits. Much to Vila's dismay. >Well, he should have known better than to wear that bulls-eye jumpsuit... <appreciative giggle> Well, I guess you paid tribute to Her shooting skills. Even with baccy, the grrl's a diva. >>Travis - Marlboros, what else. >LOL! Yes, especially Travis II. He has that squinty, cowboy look. > >Del Tarrant is far too sensible to smoke. Deeta Tarrant might indulge in a >fine cigar after a challenge (before or after the sensor net comes off the >forehead? I have wondered just how long they leave those on...) I agree. Tarranmt's definitely a sporty type, would look after the "temple of his body." >Dev Tarrant would smoke clove cigarettes. They're so mole-ish. Mum on Dev: "I know it's probably not true, but that man there looks like he's wearing a really, really bad wig." - XXX Lindley Ophelia - "The girl has beauty, virtue, wit, Grace, humour, wisdom, charity and pluck." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 09:44:39 EST From: Bizarro7 <> To:, Subject: Re: [B7L] soma Message-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-03-03 07:18:52 EST, writes: << Oh aye. B7 definitely nicked it fom Huxley, but Huxley was an erudite chap and he took it from Sanskrit (ancient language of India, and the earliest Hindu scriptures). In the religious writing of early Hinduism 'soma' is definitely a drug which is either taken by priests in order to communicate with the gods, or offered to the gods. > Actually, Soma is not only a real drug, but it's very commonly prescribed in modern medical practice. Check your physician's pharmaceuticals directories. Leah ------------------------------ Date: 03 Mar 1998 15:53:26 +0100 From: Calle Dybedahl <> To: "B7 Main List" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] ssmmmoooking (cough, hack) Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII "Ophelia" <> writes: > *hopeless.* I've a good mind to senetence > you all to fifty Hail Servalans. Like these? Hail Servalan, full of grace. Your Federation is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy brainwash, Travis. Great Servalan, commander of planets, smile on us subjects, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Hm, not very good. Somebody, do better. -- Calle Dybedahl, UNIX Sysadmin ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 07:23:50 -0800 From: Helen Krummenacker <> To: B7 Main List <> Subject: Re: [B7L] soma Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Roger The Shrubber wrote: > > Tramila wrote > YKYBWFFTMB7W... > say all the words as each character says them. <g> > wonder what Soma tastes like and if Vila will share some of his. > ***** > What a great name for a new brand of soft drink that would be - "Soma & > Adrenalin". It might even replace Jolt cola as the drink of choice for > geeks. > > So did B7 pinch the idea of Soma from Huxley's Brave New World ? My > Scrabble dictionary defines it as "the body of an organism" so I'm > presuming its redefinition as a drug/drink was due to someone's > imagination. > Does anyone know of any pre-Huxley references to a drug called Soma ? There _is_ a medication called soma. It is a muscle relaxant. I got a perscription for it once when the muscles in the back of my leg were tensing up so I couldn't sleep. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 02:20:45 +1100 From: Fran Myers <> To: B7 <> Subject: [B7L] missing protagonists Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Tom suggested: > Well, Waiting for Godot is the obvious one. Not eligible! Godot was NEVER there. Also disqualified are Rebecca, My Cousin Rachael, In Search of Gregory, Laura, etc, where the main character never appears or only appears in flashback. FranM ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 14:14:35 -0000 From: Alison Page <> To: Lysator <> Subject: Re: [B7L] re Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > Nicola Collie wrote: > > Note that he has a full head of hair at this stage. IIRC, male pattern > > baldness is linked to testosterone levels. > > Hang on, I don't like where this is going! Avon less than a man? Say it > > ain't so! ;-) > > ttfn, Nicola Jackie said > Are you trying to say that Baldies cannot be Daddies? Balderdash! of > course they can!! No, Nicola is saying the exact opposite. The idea is that men with lots of testosterone lose their hair once they pass a certain age. Thus Avon, with a good head of hair, must be deficient in the .. hem, hem, gentleman's department. > Are you saying that Baldies cannot be sexy? Two words - Yul Brynner! two even more potent words - Walter Skinner Alison ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 1998 10:22:22 -0800 From: "de Leon.Berta E." <> To: Subject: [B7L] Making News Message-ID: <> HELP!! Does anyone have video tape copies of Paul Darrow's mini-series "Making News" that I could buy or trade? American or British tapes are OK, I can convert them. Thanks, Berta ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 13:59:27 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Dayna and "Bonding Ritual" Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, G. Robbins wrote: > Dayna grew up on the planet Serran with only her father and Lauren. The > only other people there were the Serran...this makes me think that Hall > Mellanby must have been comfortable teaching sex education, because in > 'Ultraworld' Dayna gets all hot and bothered about the Ultra's insistence > that she and Tarrant perform the bonding ritual of humans for their > research. I don't see any reason why Hall would, since they were stranded > on the planet and there's really no chance she'd happen across a > perspective husband. [potential sex-ed aboard the Liberator snipped] Aside from the *very* interesting suggestion about experimentation with Lauren and/or any of the Lib crew and/or Justin, I think the answer is clear. Dayn said Justin was "ONE of my teachers." Implying that a) she had several teachers, aside from her father, who either b)came to Sarren to teach her-and Lauren presumably- or c)were visited somewhere off-planet. Since the Mellanbys seemed to be stranded, I'd guess the first. Dayna and Lauren most likely had a true aristocratic education, with multiple tutors/governesses. Picture it: Dayna: Father, may I go outside and practice my marksmanship on the Sarrens? Hal: No, Dayna- have you forgotten? Your sex-ed tutor is here today. Dayna: Oh, Father, really! Can't I skip it this time? Hal: Well, you ARE scheduled for a hands-on practicum today... Enter Justin.... Dayna: Oh....yes.....well.... (re)Delurking after two years in a moment of wild abandon, Amy A. Robinson Insanity isn't hereditary- it's a lifestyle choice. The Mad Poetess poet, busybody, and finder of lost mittens ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 12:04:00 -0800 From: "PATTI McCLELLAN" <> To: Subject: [B7L] Digest V98 #72 Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8Bit Content-Disposition: inline I received only the first ten entries of this digest, and only the first two of #71. Any chance of a re-send? I don't wanna miss all this stuff about Dayna and the bonding ritual. Besides, it looks from the topics list as if someone has responded to my last post. By the way, Una, isn't it fun being a B7 fan? There's an Avon's Tax Service not far from here, and in Berkeley, a place called Blakes, where all the hot rock groups play. Oh, and I mustn't forget "Jenna's Hair," which is near my house. It's all I can do not to go in there to find out whether the owner's name is Jenna, or she's just a fan. Patti ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 09:07:47 +1300 From: Nicola Collie <> To: B7-list <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Message-Id: <l03130300b122118893e3@[]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Lindley: >I don't often post this much. I have a >life, Lindley wails against all the evidence. >It's just that I've been housebound for >the last few days with these @*!# >cramps, and - I missed you!!! >Must be a side-effect of the morphine. > >[Nicola Collie]: > > >>Do we really need a greater reason than stress for his changes? Not wanting to accept credit where it ain't due, I feel obliged to point out that Helen wrote the >>quoted bits. We'll blame the morphine if you like :-). I was the one casting nasturtiums about Avon's manliness. (me? say such things? P'raps the Gland Gang are riding someone else this week.;-)) However, I do agree, stress can cause profound changes in a person's outlook and behaviour (experience speaking). How these changes manifest will depend on the personality of the individual, I surmise. And here we are back at Myers-Briggs again. Hope you're feeling better soon, Lindley ttfn, Nicola --- Nicola Collie Dunedin, New Zealand "It just occurred to me that, as the description of a highly sophisticated technological achievement, "Avon's gadget works" seems to lack a certain style." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 09:11:15 +1300 From: Nicola Collie <> To: B7-list <> Subject: Re: [B7L] NZ Message-Id: <l03130301b12213be18cb@[]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Lucas: >You'd find it quite dark about now!! Now, now, Lucas, all the important parts still have power. ;-) >Am putting together a Liberator model (LIghtwave format) if anyone wants >it.... I'm not familiar with this format - but I'd be interested in a look if the software/hardware required isn't too far beyond a standard desktop personal computer. ttfn, Nicola --- Nicola Collie Dunedin, New Zealand "It just occurred to me that, as the description of a highly sophisticated technological achievement, "Avon's gadget works" seems to lack a certain style." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 16:07:45 -0500 From: Harriet Monkhouse <> To: "Blake's 7 (Lysator)" <> Subject: [B7L] Re: Vila's accepting ways Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Narrelle said: >Avon's stalking of Vila was supremely machiavellian It wasn't remotely machiavellian! If Niccolo M had been on board, he would have advised him on how to do it a damn sight more effectively. Of course, Avon and Machiavelli would then have had to try to space each other too. Harriet ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 10:03:23 +1300 From: Nicola Collie <> To: B7-list <> Subject: Re: [B7L] re Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Message-Id: <l03130302b1221f97e1f2@[]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >> Nicola Collie wrote: >> > Note that he has a full head of hair at this stage. IIRC, male pattern >> > baldness is linked to testosterone levels. >> > Hang on, I don't like where this is going! Avon less than a man? Say it >> > ain't so! ;-) >> > ttfn, Nicola > >Jackie said > >> Are you trying to say that Baldies cannot be Daddies? Balderdash! of >> course they can!! Alison: >No, Nicola is saying the exact opposite. The idea is that men with lots of >testosterone lose their hair once they pass a certain age. Thus Avon, with >a good head of hair, must be deficient in the .. hem, hem, gentleman's >department. Confirmed! >> Are you saying that Baldies cannot be sexy? Two words - Yul Brynner! > >two even more potent words - Walter Skinner How bald are we talking? Patrick Stewart? That-chap-who-plays-Garibaldi-in-B5? (pant-pant) Anyway, boys, remember that honesty is the best policy in the hair department. Not many things less sexy than a scraptoft. ttfn, Nicola --- Nicola Collie Dunedin, New Zealand "It just occurred to me that, as the description of a highly sophisticated technological achievement, "Avon's gadget works" seems to lack a certain style." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 10:39:10 +1300 From: "Lucas Young" <> To: <> Subject: [B7L] Liberator model Message-ID: <005701bd46ed$04ca4440$603ee50a@lucas> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0052_01BD4759.C4240BC0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01BD4759.C4240BC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable HI all from sunny Taranaki, where the power is on all the time... hehe will build the Liberator model, those who can accept the format can have = it, I will render some nice shots for you others, maybe a shot of it = destroying the Enterprise...!! Lucas ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01BD4759.C4240BC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 = http-equiv=3DContent-Type> <META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.2106.6"' name=3DGENERATOR> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>HI all from sunny Taranaki, where = the power is=20 on all the time... hehe</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>will build the Liberator model, = those who can=20 accept the format can have it, I will render some nice shots for you = others,=20 maybe a shot of it destroying the Enterprise...!!</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Lucas</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_000_0052_01BD4759.C4240BC0-- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 21:34:22 -0000 From: "Heather Smith" <> To: "Blake's 7" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Avon/Blackadder Message-Id: <E0y9zN1-0001YC-00@neodymium> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >> Tarrant = Lord Flashheart, without a doubt! Ace pilot, animalistic sex > >> drive, all courage. > Heather wrote: > >And bloody annoying! To which Lorna replied: > Gee, when I used to read one of the British tv newsgroups, appearances by > Lord Flashheart were always greeted with great delight by the Blackadder > fans. > > Funny how people's perceptions differ, isn't it. Oh, well, in Blackadder Lord Flashheart was funny, but he was funny _because_ he was so annoying, the humour came from how he was, how most characters perceived him and how Blackadder perceived him. However (as with Ace Rimmer) if he became a regular character he'd become just plain irritating (oh, actually maybe Ace would just be boring). Tarrant however, *was** a regular..... Heather. 'There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish' -The fourth Doctor ------------------------------ Date: 03 Mar 1998 22:51:43 +0100 From: Calle Dybedahl <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Digest V98 #72 Message-ID: <> "PATTI McCLELLAN" <> writes: > I received only the first ten entries of this digest, > and only the first two of #71. Any chance of a re-send? No re-send, but you can get past digests by FTP ( _or_ you can try using the not-really-supported mail archive server. To get (for example) digest number 71, send a mail to blakes7-d-request with the subject "archive" and body "get volume98/71". Of course, if the digest broke the first time it was mailed to you, chances are it'll look no better the second time... BTW, are you using MS Exchange? -- Calle Dybedahl, Vasav. 82, S-177 52 Jaerfaella,SWEDEN | Maintainer of the Blake's 7 mailing list. Mail for info. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 21:59:14 -0800 From: "J. I. Horner" <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] costumes Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Fran Myers wrote: > > Did Jenna and Cally fight over the clothes on the Liberator? > > I don't know, but the lack of the Liberator clothes room explains a lot > about what Soolin and Dayna wore... > > (Sorry, Lindley! Mind you the Goddess did look great in grey catsuits) Now I could be wrong, but thinking back to 'Redemption', all the people with power were female. The male characters were mere guards. This has always led me to suppose that the original crew on the Liberator were also female. But if this were the case, why clothes for both sexes? Unless of course the men's clothes were obtained on un-documented shopping trips. After all, the only time we are told that clothes came from the Liberator is in 'Cygnus Alpha' when Jenna trots out in some new thing and gives a twirl for Avon. Julie Horner ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 22:56:30 +0000 From: Katharine Woods <> To: Subject: [B7L] Hail Servalan (was: ssmmmoooking (cough, hack)) Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Calle Dybedahl wrote: > Somebody, do better. Going through my Old Possum's Book Of Practical Prayers, I found this, which might not be better: Lady of white dress Calm and possessed By self, most whole Rose up through the ranks Rose to President Cause of rebellion Growing and swelling. Formed single plan Send them unseen To rebellious end Terminal planet Of love unsatisfied Praise the first planet Where rebel hope died End of the endless Search for the true myth Falsely concluding Amidst confusion and conflict Question without answer Unanswerable reply Grace to the lady For the place Where hope ends. The Lady is withdrawn In a white gown, to contemplation, in a white gown. Apologies to Mr Eliot. Katharine (Woods) "I've only been a woman for ten minutes and already I hate you male bastards" - Corporal Nobbs ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 22:34:11 -0000 From: "Tom Forsyth" <> To: "B7 Lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Message-Id: <E0yA12B-0002Ni-00@tungsten> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ophelia wondered: > B-Complex and Evening Primrose Oil, > with a nice dose of valerian before > chatting with Tarrant. Say, I wonder if > Avon suffers from PMT? I doubt it - he's not married. Mind you, maybe he needs to watch his back slightly closer once a month - Servalan probably gets it really bad. Not as bad as her subordinates, of course. Tom Forsyth. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 23:13:53 -0000 From: "Tom Forsyth" <> To: "B7 Lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] OT: Jingo (was Re: Cally and Jenna) Message-Id: <E0yA12Y-0002Ni-00@tungsten> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ophelia suggested: > Listening to Wannabe several times running helps. Please remember that Ophelia is a highly trained professional. Kids - don't try this at home. Tom Forsyth ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 23:15:02 -0000 From: "Tom Forsyth" <> To: "B7 Lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Multiple Personality etc Message-Id: <E0yA12v-0002Ni-00@tungsten> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Harriet said: > Wait a minute, I'm sure you said P last time. And I saw enough of > Keirsey's Reserved/Expressive stuff to know I'm I. So since you are > clearly lying for purposes not yet clear to me, I must be... er... > whatever the opposite to NT was. 95, 98 or Memphis. ITYSBT. Tom "BitBrain" Forsyth. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 23:15:37 -0000 From: "Tom Forsyth" <> To: "B7 Lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] New Zealanders Message-Id: <E0yA131-0002Ni-00@tungsten> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit D Rose said: > Flamed? Here? Wrong list. Intellegent, witty responces, which may > require you to re-consider your position before rejecting the > counter-arguements, but no flaming. Not all that expericanced with > lists, but what experiance I do have shows the B7 crowd to have > unusually good taste, manners, and decorum(mostly:) ). > Welcome in, and look forward to your future posts! Hear hear. I'm impressed with this whole group of lists, and the fandom in general. Generally, if you think you've been flamed, you've missed a throwaway bad joke that someone just couldn't resist! Tom Forsyth. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 23:17:21 -0000 From: "Tom Forsyth" <> To: "B7 Spin" <>, "B7 Lysator" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Orbit Message-Id: <E0yA13B-0002Ni-00@tungsten> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Iain got a bee in his bonnet: > If I may be permitted a small diversion, this kind of gosh-wow PR > bollocks really gets on my tits. The papers won't write about anything > unless it's the biggest/smallest/fastest or whatever, every biological > discovery has to be a potential cure for cancer/AIDS, every new bit of > physics has to be a Theory Of Everything. Most of the really fun, > interesting things in science don't have immediate earth-shattering > implications, but are just unusual or unexpected aspects of the world > around us. Why can't we enjoy and appreciate them for their own sake? > Why does it always have to be hyped up into something it isn't? I agree totally. Now, the fun news recently was that there is some sort of repulsive force pushing the Universe apart. Apparently we are expanding faster now than we were in the past. Truly mindblowing, and if proved right, it alters just a couple of laws of physics (which is why they're desperately checking and re-checking the figures - we don't need that sort of hassle at this stage of the game). But all it means in practical terms is that the Universe is only 14 billion years old, not 15 billion. So it gets nowhere near the papers. Oops. Followups to the spin list only please. Tom Forsyth. P.S. the stated age of the universe may be out by a few factors of ten - I lose count after that many zeroes. It also depends which "billion" you're using. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 17:34:40 -0600 From: "Lorna B." <> To: "Blake's 7" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Avon/Blackadder Message-Id: <> Heather said: >Oh, well, in Blackadder Lord Flashheart was funny, but he was funny >_because_ he was so annoying, the humour came from how he was, how most >characters perceived him and how Blackadder perceived him. However (as >with Ace Rimmer) if he became a regular character he'd become just plain >irritating (oh, actually maybe Ace would just be boring). Tarrant however, >*was** a regular..... Yes, Tarrant was a regular, and I don't find him the least irritating, boring, or annoying. Different people, different perceptions. Lorna B. "You ever flown a flying saucer? After that, sex seems trite." PS: You know, that subject line up there--it could be read as just *really* twisted...wouldn't it be incestuous? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 15:50:19 -0800 From: Julia Jones <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] B7 and Meyers-Brigs Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > From: Pat Patera <> > Alison Page wrote: > > However I was absolutely delighted to discover > > the ENTP faults listed all over the web. Brilliant! At last the perfect > > excuse for being lazy, feckless, aggressive, easily discouraged, bored with > > details.. It's the best news I've had this year. > > I love it! At last the perfect excuse for being rude, snobbish, cold, > arrogant, over-educated, under-funded and socially inept. > > Pat INTJ And if I can manage to get the same answer two times running, I'll start signing off with it as well. Whyinhell can't they design psych tests where the "choose one of these opposites" questions actually look like opposites to me? Actually, reading the descriptions rather than taking the test puts me firmly in the INTJ camp. Pat's post merely confirms this :-) -- Julia Jones "Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!" The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 18:45:21 -0600 (CST) From: "Mary W O'Connor" <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Gan Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Una McCormack wrote: > Somebody wrote: > > >By the way, I discovered today that there is a Paris-based bike-racing > >team called Gan. > > There's a shop in Cambridge called 'Gan Electricals', which we always > found suitably amusing! > > In my home town there is a Doctor Gan's chiropractic clinic. This always makes me shudder at the memory of Gan's bone cracking skills. Mary ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 00:42:10 +0000 From: Jackie <> To: Subject: [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon calling London Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ophelia wrote: > > Pat mentioning leather-studded hunks > has set starnge connections going in my brain. > > For males, this is > >portrayed a hunkliness. > >Hunksters: Jarvik, Travis I, er... and all Studs in Black Leather. > > I'm sorry. My allegiance has wavered from > Avon as my favourite stud in black leather. > It's been taken by Herr Otto Flick. > He doesn't just have the black leather, he > has the little hexagonal glasses and, to > add the final delicious sado-masochistic > touch, the clipped German accent. And > Avon has only a silly-looking spaceship, > while Herr Flick has a big black Gestapo > car and a very big knockwurst. > > If I were to cast 'Allo 'Allo characters as > B7 characters, to carry on a list tradition > in cross-casting, I would definitely cast > Servalan as Herr Flick, the power-mad, > sinister and sexily dressed Gestapo > offcier with the beautiful knees. > > Can you imagine Servaln parting her > lovely lips and saying (in a sexy > German accent) after the fiasco of > ORAC: > "I vill not be reporting this back to the > Federation. I have no vish to look a > right nana." > > Vila - Hans (Can't you see him crouched on the floor, > sticking one adorable leg in the air, and squeaking > "Heil Hi'ler!" And I think the specs would suit him. > > Gan - Rene, hero of the Resistance. There's a certain > physical resemblance, tho Gan is much nicer than Rene. > > Soolin - Private Helga, 'cos of the hair, and because of > Helga's hidden streak of intelligent ruthlessness. > Also, I like the image of the Goddess in silk knickers > edged with tiny swastickas. > Or possibly Denise (the leader of the Communist > Resistance) because of her not-so-hidden streak > of ruthlessness and excellent aim with a gun. > > Cally - Lt. Hubert Gruber, 'cos they're both kinda > sweet. Altho, again, maybe Gruber should be Vila - they > both tend to apologize after shooting someone. > > Blake - Michelle, the leader of the de Gaul Resistance. > Brave, prone to - ah - brilliant plans, and with a > regrettable tendency to put the future of The Cause > above the immediate safety of her associates > > Jenna - 'Enriette, Michelle's devoted and courageous > liuetenant. ALso, 'Enriette's a rather pretty blonde who > might or might not be romantically involved with Michelle. > > Tarrant - Roger L'Eclair. (I'll leave that one right alone. > Still, A/V - which I am beginning to see the point > of - might convince me I like Tarrant yet. It's > hard to dislike someone you've just imagined > cuddled up to your favourite thief. Dear me, I'll > have to go watch "City" for therapy.) > > Dayna - Mimi. Young, cute, and vicious, > with a nice singing voice. > > ORAC - the Colonel. > > Travis - General von Klinkerhoffen > > SIgh. All this would mean, of course, that > Servalan and Soolin were involved. COuld you > imagine Soolin shivering with delight as > Servalan produced teh - corkscrew? *I* can. > at least on morphine. > > The most tasteless part of 'Allo 'Allo was making > interogation by the Gestapo seem incredibly erotic. > > Helga: I only have to *hint* and Herr Flick will > *drag* it out of me... <shiver> <sigh> > > Or, more fun still: "Would you like to > interrogate me again, Herr Flick? > > Plus > >all hairy barbarians (none of whom compare to Ares, the God of War in > >Xena, Warrior Princess. What a studmuffin *sigh* > >B7 Boy Toys: Ray, the consort in Gambit. > >B7 Grl Toys: Soolin (ouch! suffers lightning zap from the Goddess)- I > >mean, at first, with the geritol-man. Lizzen verree carefullee, I shall zay zis only vonce. WHERE IS AVON?!! Who are you having as the Italian officer (Wotta mistaka to maka!!) (I suggest Carnell) What about the German officer "wiz my little tank"? And you forgot `er indoors - You stupid woman! :-> Guud moaning! Even the British airmen were not recast! (I suggest Egrorian and Pinder) Jackie I just loved this show, - every one had their own catch-phrase. "the pill is in the till, and the gateaux is at the chateaux!" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 17:22:34 -0800 From: Jay & Dave <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Vila's accepting ways Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" At 07:25 PM 3/3/98 +1000, you wrote: >Jay said: >>Some things I find too hard to forgive. I don't think I would have ever >>forgived Avon if he ever tried to space me, although I wouldn't have stayed >>mad at him for long. My trust would have been broken and I probably would >>have asked for a lift to the nearest pleasure planet. > >Well, I suppose I was being a bit facetious. Only people you really care >about can hurt you enough that you can't forgive. A stranger doesn't know >the vulnerable points the way your best friends do. But still... I never >saw those two as the very very best of friends I agree with you, Narrelle. They were never best of friends as we might see it, but they had been together for a long time (anyone know how long?) and had shared some very harrowing adventures. - they were colleagues and >shared a larcenous nature, but beneath the sniping (and they got at each >other with equal barbed wit) they respected one another's skills and I do >believe they liked each other. Again, no disagreement here. Vila was hurt, disappointed and very very >angry, but he's a realist himself. Avon's stalking of Vila was supremely >machiavellian, but not particularly personal, and I think that Vila could >rationalise his way to forgiveness given enough time. I think that Vila would have learned to trust Avon again (as much as he ever did, anyway!), and work with him again, but deep down he would still have a part of him that would never forgive Avon for the shuttle incident. I know I couldn't fully forgive anyone. Disclaimer: These are just my opinions, I'm not a pschycologist or anything. > >And yes, there are one or two major grudges I still bear towards someone >who deeply wounded me and mine, and I am more angry about what happened to >others than to me. The deepest wounds never completely heal. Jay 100% Avon > >Narrelle Harris > >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Tim Richards and Narrelle Harris > > "Look, he's winding up the watch of his wit; > by and by it will strike." - Shakespeare >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > > > ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 19:36:20 -0800 From: Helen Krummenacker <> To: Subject: Re: [B7L] missing protagonists Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Fran Myers wrote: > > Tom suggested: > Well, Waiting for Godot is the obvious one. > > Not eligible! Godot was NEVER there. Also disqualified are Rebecca, > My Cousin Rachael, In Search of Gregory, Laura, etc, where the main > character never appears or only appears in flashback. > > FranM My parents say there was a really good series called "Nickels" (I'm not sure on the spelling) where the title character is killed the first episode, and the rest of the season is a mystery about which of the people he knew was responsible. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Mar 98 03:26:00 GMT From: To: Cc: Subject: [B7L] Re: Fan Q possibilities Message-Id: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Just for the sake of completeness, here it is, one more zine with B7 content published in 1997. The story is 18 pp. long, and it appears to be a sequel to something; there is an additional crew member named Aria, and no mention in this story of how she joined them. THE CLIPPER TRADE SHIP #78/79 Editors/publishers: Jim & Melody Rondeau (San Jose, CA) Date: December 1997 Format: digest, half letter size; 68 pp., white card covers, center staples B7 fiction: Ron Murillo, "The Mines of Zor" (alt-S1) B7 poetry: Wendy D. Atkinson, "Lost Cause" (B) B7 art: Anja Gruber p. 45 S1 A p. 50 A-C Other fandoms: ST, STTNG, Quark, V, Batman, W&W, DW, BATB ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 20:02:01 -0800 From: Helen Krummenacker <> To: "Blake's 7 (Lysator) J" <> Subject: Re: [B7L] B7 and Meyers-Brigs Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > And if I can manage to get the same answer two times running, I'll > start signing off with it as well. Whyinhell can't they design psych > tests where the "choose one of these opposites" questions actually look > like opposites to me? > Actually, reading the descriptions rather than taking the test puts me > firmly in the INTJ camp. Pat's post merely confirms this :-) Hmmm... I usually have the same gripe about this kind of test, and I tested as INTJ... so I guess that's where we belong. :) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 20:03:35 -0800 From: Pat Patera <> To: Subject: [B7L] Soolin was so poor Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Young Soolin was so poor that her family couldn't afford to buy her shoes in winter so she had to wrap her feet in barbed wire for traction. Soolin's family was so poor they didn't have water so she had to smash together her own hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Soolin's family was too poor to buy her a cat or a dog; for companionship she had only Silver Beauty, her trusty paperclip. Pat P ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 20:08:17 -0800 From: Helen Krummenacker <> To: B7-list <> Subject: Re: [B7L] Multiple Personality/Schizophrenic Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit However, I do agree, stress can cause profound changes in a person's outlook and behaviour (experience speaking). How these changes manifest will depend on the personality of the individual, I surmise. And here we are back at Myers-Briggs again. Hope you're feeling better soon, Lindley ttfn, Nicola Hmmm... I'm a INTJ, and suffer depression bouts frequently, which I do not medicate, relying on reason and willpower to overcome suicidal thoughts... but I have physical medical problems that may cause the deppression. There are plenty of INTJ's on this list, I believe... thoughts on depression from others? Is Avon a likely candidate, by the consensus of INTJs experience? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 00:23:27 EST From: To: Subject: [B7L] Scarred and Grimey Blake Message-ID: <> I am responding late to this post, having a back log of mail. I think it was Pat P who lamented that there was not much "season 5" Blake fan fic, and how much she loved that Blake. I adore that Blake, too, and agree that he has incredible potential as a character. I envision him coming in after a hard run in the forrest bounty hunting, strutting over to a busy Jenna, organizing and shipping goods and guns in and out of the base, grabbing her with a lusty embrace and, and....and.... Jenna says "you need a bath." To which Blake replies, "so do you...." Penny (ENFP) _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. 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