Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #87
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 98 : Issue 87

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Re: B7 dreams
	 [B7L] Re: Best episodes
	 [B7L] SPOILER  Guards! Guards!
	 Re: [B7L] Re Best episodes
	 Re: [B7L] SPOILER  Guards! Guards!
	 [B7L] Guards! Guards!
	 [B7L] Re: BoeHoe!! No Deliverance '98 for me :(
	 Re: [B7L] Re: BoeHoe!! No Deliverance '98 for me :(
	 [B7L] No Deliverance  and disliking Avon
	 [B7L] fanzines
	 Re: [B7L] No Deliverance  and disliking Avon


Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 21:31:00 -0500
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "Blake's 7 (Lysator)" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: B7 dreams
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Tom analysed my dream:
>Your subconscious obviously knows better 
>than you do - the front of a Dalek is the pointy 
>bit - you'll never be able to roll it over so it stays 
>on its front - it'll always roll back onto its side.

I wasn't envisaging it pointing directly into the ground - more like, er,
45 degrees or something - the point was that it would be directing its fire
fairly harmlessly towards the floor, while our hero(es) gripped the back
firmly so as to keep it in that position.

I can no longer remember what Bob Willis had to do, but it evidently
required pace, not guile.  Firing down vials of corrosive acid as the Dalek
reinforcements advance up the corridor, perhaps?  Vila's spin is fine as
long as he doesn't get chocolate on his fingers (you'd better read Chris
Blenkarn's cricket story when she gets it published).  Talking of spinners
and kiwis, rotten or the opposite, Dave Richardson (the Hamilton coach, not
the recently retired SA keeper) says Vettori could be "the New Zealand
Richie Benaud".  Sounds like the kiss of death to me.

But I do like Greg's idea of
> a new SF series based on a dominant
>Kiwi cricket team.  Probably too far-fetched...


PS  I got muddled with the timing of the Guards! Guards! piece.  It was
three hours and five minutes after curtain call, but I got muddled because
it was 1.25 a.m.

PPS  Off to Neutral Zone next time I wake up.


Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 21:31:05 -0500
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "Blake's 7 (Lysator)" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Best episodes
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Steve replied to Lisa's denigration of Gambit:
>No way! I loved Gambit. there was so much good 
>stuff in there. The relationship between Avon and 
>Vila. The stuff in the bar. The OTT people who run 
>the place. Servalan at her best. Travis with a bomb 
>in his arm. And the incredible shrinking Orac. What 
>more could you ask for? A laugh a minute.

And, and, and...  JARRIERE!!!

Jarriere's Always Discriminating Enthusiast


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 15:15:47 +1200
From: Nicola Collie <>
To: B7-list <>
Subject: [B7L] SPOILER  Guards! Guards!
Message-Id: <l03130306b1378e21ea7f@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Opening night of Guards! Guards! in Blackpool, starring Paul Darrow as
>Captain Vimes.
[interesting review snipped]
>The panel's carefully considered and worded verdict:
>It's funny and he's good.

Thanks, Harriet! Can I show this to some off-line friends? (no, wait - that
didn't come out right).
The quotes you mention (Bogart, Eastwood, et al.) are common in Terry
Pratchett's books - one of the delights of reading his books, for me, is
picking out such references to other works.
a delicate shade of green, Nicola

Nicola Collie
Dunedin, New Zealand

"It just occurred to me that, as the description of a highly sophisticated
technological achievement, "Avon's gadget works" seems to lack a certain


Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 19:41:30 -0800
From: Helen Krummenacker <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re Best episodes
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> No way! I loved Gambit. there was so much good stuff in
> there. The relationship between Avon and Vila. The stuff in the
> bar. The OTT people who run the place. Servalan at her best.

That is to say, a gown so tight she could even move in it, except to do
the Morticia Adams shuffle. I loved watching her try to climb onto the
bed seductively when she couldn't move her legs... and yet, it was so
true-to-Servalan to wear something like that!

> Travis with a bomb in his arm. And the incredible shrinking
> Orac. What more could you ask for? A laugh a minute.
"Slept a little sleep, played a little chess."


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 10:14:07 -0000
From: "Dangermouse" <>
To: "Harriet Monkhouse" <>,
        "Space City" <>
Cc: "Blake's 7 (Lysator)" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] SPOILER  Guards! Guards!
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.  We spotted one "Well now",
> followed by one Burt Lancaster ("Question is..."), two Humphrey Bogarts
> ("Of all the cities..." and "Here's looking at you, kid") and an extended
> Clint Eastwood to a punk who didn't feel lucky,

Dunno about the "well now" but the others are all in the book...


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 12:57:03 -0000
From: "Julie Horner" <>
To: <>
Subject: [B7L] Guards! Guards!
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Thanks Harriet for the review. I can't get to see it until 23rd May in
Hanley so I  really
enjoyed having my appetite whet. It would be great to hear any more reports
on this.

Anyone else going to Hanley?

Julie Horner


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 21:42:32 +0100
From: "Jeroen J. Kwast" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: BoeHoe!! No Deliverance '98 for me :(
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Hi there!

I think that everybody on this list-1 will go to Deliverance '98, right?
Well I can't go!! I have no time to go due to my line of work in this
period of the year. (I knew this last year.)

Well, Since everybody else will go next week ... :)

PLEASE make photos, videos, audios .... and put them on a web site or
cycle them trough the list this once.

If it's is at all possible, 1 of each guest and a few (all) fan stands
and maybe you people on this list (so we finally know how you look!)

Thanx in advance and sorry if this is mentioned before.


Jeroen Kwast

PS: Are there any female fans out there who *don't* like Avon?


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 15:25:13 -0600
From: "Reuben Herfindahl" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: BoeHoe!! No Deliverance '98 for me :(
Message-ID: <000a01bd5446$ab8fbdd0$660114ac@misnt>
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Great suggestion!  I live in the US and have very little chance of making it
over for any conventions.....this year.  I'm hoping for next year.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen J. Kwast <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, March 20, 1998 2:46 PM
Subject: [B7L] Re: BoeHoe!! No Deliverance '98 for me :(

>Hi there!
>I think that everybody on this list-1 will go to Deliverance '98, right?
>Well I can't go!! I have no time to go due to my line of work in this
>period of the year. (I knew this last year.)
>Well, Since everybody else will go next week ... :)
>PLEASE make photos, videos, audios .... and put them on a web site or
>cycle them trough the list this once.
>If it's is at all possible, 1 of each guest and a few (all) fan stands
>and maybe you people on this list (so we finally know how you look!)
>Thanx in advance and sorry if this is mentioned before.
>Jeroen Kwast
>PS: Are there any female fans out there who *don't* like Avon?


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 16:05:55 -0800
From: Rhonda L Stroud <>
Subject: [B7L] No Deliverance  and disliking Avon
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

An excellent suggestion Jeroen, since I doubt I'll make it back to England
in this millenium.

Re: disliking Avon.  I have a friend, who although not a total convert has
seen some Blakes 7 and she doesn't care for him at all.  She is of the
opinion that if he is as he appears, he's a creep and little better than
every other Federation collaborator -- just in it for the money.  And if the
prevalent opinion is true that he is self-deluded and really has that
"heart-of-gold"  two years of following Blake should have been revealing to
anyone but a blithering idiot.  She commented that she  could believed for
the first year or so he could make excuses, but not after that.  Not if he
had any brains at all.  Keep in mind that she hasn't seen more than 15
episodes or so, mostly from  the first and second year.  She only knows that
the series lasted 4 years because I told her.  OTOH, she did like Blake, she
called him good combination of idealism AND practicality.

Another question....someone asked the question before, but I've been swamped
and haven't been following as closely as I there an official
time line in the series?  Are there any web sites dealing with that?  Being
a TV baby, I assumed that between the first and last, 4 1/2 years had
passed.  Are there internal hints?

As ever,

At 09:42 PM 3/20/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi there!
>I think that everybody on this list-1 will go to Deliverance '98, right?
>Well I can't go!! I have no time to go due to my line of work in this
>period of the year. (I knew this last year.)
>Well, Since everybody else will go next week ... :)
>PLEASE make photos, videos, audios .... and put them on a web site or
>cycle them trough the list this once.
>If it's is at all possible, 1 of each guest and a few (all) fan stands
>and maybe you people on this list (so we finally know how you look!)
>Thanx in advance and sorry if this is mentioned before.
>Jeroen Kwast
>PS: Are there any female fans out there who *don't* like Avon?


Date: 20 Mar 1998 18:18:38 -0800
From: "Kinkade.Carol" <>
Subject: [B7L] fanzines
Message-ID: <>

Does anyone know if a fanzine called STRATEGIES is still available???

I'd appreciate any help.

Thanks,  Carol K


Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 08:23:04 -0500
From: (Carol A. McCoy)
Subject: Re: [B7L] No Deliverance  and disliking Avon
Message-ID: <>

Rhonda wrote:

>Another question....someone asked the question before, but I've been swamped
>and haven't been following as closely as I there an official
>time line in the series?  Are there any web sites dealing with that?  Being
>a TV baby, I assumed that between the first and last, 4 1/2 years had
>passed.  Are there internal hints?

I don't know of any official time line.  There is an internal hint
in "Stardrive."  It's said that Dr. Plaxton was working for the 
Federation until its "collapse."  I take the "collapse" to refer
to the aftermath of Star One.  (There are several references that
suggest that the Federation was severely weakened for a period after
the destruction of Star One/Andromedan War.) It's also said that Plaxton 
has been with the space rats for three year.  If you put those two
together, "Stardrive" happens three years after "Star One."  One
might argue that the "collapse" was something pre-series, but it
would be pretty difficult to squeeze Seasons 1-2-3-part of 4 into
less than three years, and also there's nothing in the early
episodes that suggests the Federation is recovering from a recent

There's also the flight time from Earth to Cygnus Alpha: six months.
Those are the only time references that I can recall.

Carol McCoy

End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #87