Subject: blakes7-d Digest V99 #181
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 99 : Issue 181

Today's Topics:
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Which brings us back to the movie...(was Re: B7 and Lexx)
	 [B7L] Travis or Blake?
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Travis or Blake?
	 Re: [B7L] Southern Comfort 10.5
	 Re: [B7L] Travis or Blake?
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Travis or Blake?
	 Re: [B7L] Which brings us back to the movie...(was Re: B7 and Lexx)
	 [B7L] Re:Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re:Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] CGI
	 Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
	 [B7L] Re: Ultraworld AU fic
	 [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 [B7L] Fiennes (was re casting, cont)
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
	 Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
	 [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 RE: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] What if. . . ? 
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 [B7L] Was that who I thought it was?
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting (pls no spoilers)
	 Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting (pls no spoilers)


Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:07:37 -0700
From: Pat Patera <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Harriet Monkhouse wrote:
> Shouldn't be a problem with all those Amazons swinging through the trees...

We are on the same wavelength.

> Dayna   Danielle Cormack (Ephiny)
too calm, too mature, too curly for Dayna.
hmmmmm. Ephiny would make a perfect Blake

> Soolin  Vicky Pratt (Cyane, the Amazon Queen) 
Cyane could make a fine "steel-queen" Servalan

off topic: has anyone heard any spoilers about how the show Xena is
going to salvage this season's cliff hanger? There *will* be a next
season, yes?

>(Cyane, the Amazon Queen who does that combat
> undressing in Adventures in the Sin Trade).
ummmm... could you save me the trouble of finding that tape and tell me:
what is combat undressing?
Prurient Pat P

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Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:17:09 +0100
From: "David A McIntee" <>
To: "Penny Dreadful" <>,
        "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Which brings us back to the movie...(was Re: B7 and Lexx)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> From: Penny Dreadful <>
> To: Blake's 7 list <>
> B7, The Movie: screenplay by Irvine Walsh, directed by David Cronenberg.
> *That* I would pay to see! 

I wouldn't - Irvine Welsh can't write worth a <insert suitable expletive

"This path has been placed before you; the choice to take it is yours


Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 18:21:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: J MacQueen <>
Subject: [B7L] Travis or Blake?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

One good thing about the new PCs at work is the fact
that now I can listen to CDs while I'm working. The
disc in D drive at the moment is Suzanne Vega's first

Now that the scene has been set, I'm asking those of
you familiar with that album whether you think Travis
or Blake would be better as the Soldier in "The Queen
and The Soldier". I can't decide. The line "He said I
want to live as an honest man" suggests Blake, but
without it, Travis seems a  much better choice. The
trouble is, both of them seem to say "I am not
fighting for you anymore", but Travis says it to
Servalan, and Blake is saying it to the Federation.


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Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:35:08 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Pat Patera wrote:

> Ephiny would make a perfect Blake

Perfect. Good one, Pat.

"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila


Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:53:22 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Travis or Blake?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Aargh, meant this to go to the list, sorry Joanne!

J MacQueen wrote:

> Now that the scene has been set, I'm asking those of
> you familiar with that album whether you think Travis
> or Blake would be better as the Soldier in "The Queen
> and The Soldier". I can't decide. The line "He said I
> want to live as an honest man" suggests Blake, but
> without it, Travis seems a  much better choice. The
> trouble is, both of them seem to say "I am not
> fighting for you anymore", but Travis says it to
> Servalan, and Blake is saying it to the Federation.
> Hmm.

Don't know the song, but what you quote sounds like Travis
to me, Joanne. I believe he saw himself as an honest man, and
much of the rest of Space Command as hypocrites. I'm thinking
of Trial as the most obvious example; his diatribe against the judges,
and his line that goes something like: "We weren't all hypocrites,
were we, Par?" If the rest of the song strongly suggests, Travis,
this doesn't seem like an anomaly to me.

Just IMHO,
"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila


Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:44:07 EDT
Subject: Re: [B7L] Southern Comfort 10.5
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Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 20:35:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: J MacQueen <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Travis or Blake?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

--- wrote:
> Aargh, meant this to go to the list, sorry Joanne!

You're forgiven <smile>

> Don't know the song, but what you quote sounds like
> Travis to me, Joanne. I believe he saw himself as an
> honest man, and much of the rest of Space Command as
> hypocrites. I'm thinking of Trial as the most       
> obvious example; 

There's a point. I'm listening again as I type this,
and it does fit, just so long as you apply it only to
the second Travis, not the first. To explain that:
Travis 1 is a soldier, and he knows the political
games going on. Travis 2 is a soldier, and he knows
the political games going on. But the first is willing
to play them, especially if he has the upper hand, or
there's a way to gain it. The second is a
disillusioned man, like the soldier in the song, sick
of the games, sick of their players (possibly even of

Lines like "And I've wondered who's the woman for whom
we all kill", and "But I've seen more battles lost
than I have battles won/And I've got this intuition,
says it's all for your fun/And now will you tell me
why?" tend to reinforce the idea. Travis 1 probably
wouldn't ask - he'd know. Travis 2 seems to have lost
this, raising the question of what happened to him
between series 1 and series 2 ("therapy" sessions? A
major head injury? A major defeat that not only killed
many of his troops but threatened his own life? One
final straw of hypocrisy?).

Travis 2 is a different person to Travis 1, in more
than the sense that another actor had taken on the
eyepatch. It's a little bit difficult to see the
character played by Stephen Greif skulking around
spaceports for lack of "official" resources (and there
I mean he'd've stayed back at headquarters until the
time came to inspect the merchandise. He'd've tracked
Docholli from afar). Too patrician. Too much of an
officer following his rising star. Travis 2 is trying
to stop his star from setting so rapidly, after
Servalan's disapproval cast him down from the
firmament. <smile> So to speak. But he's not so hungry
that he'll do anything anymore. He seems to have lost
whatever it was that drove him, apart from his hate
for Blake. 

In Trial, he is undoubtedly honest, because it appears
that he doesn't care about the consequences of
questioning the authority of his superiors any longer.
After Trial, one might argue, comes disillusionment
with his fellow human beings, let alone the
politicians he spent so long courting while trying to
do his job. 

I can just see Servalan looking at Travis 2, "with an
arrogant eye", if it comes to that, refusing to take a
metaphorical crown from her head. Like Travis 1, her
star is rising.

(wondering where her lunch hour and the words to
express half of what she wanted to say went)

And he said, "I want to live as an honest man
To get all I deserve and to give all I can
And to love a young woman who I don't understand
Your highness, your ways are very strange".
--Suzanne Vega, The Queen and The Soldier.

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Date: 03 Jun 1999 06:04:32 +0200
From: Calle Dybedahl <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Pat Patera <> writes:

> hmmmmm. Ephiny would make a perfect Blake

That would be interesting, yes. Maybe we can do an all-female cast...

> off topic: has anyone heard any spoilers about how the show Xena is
> going to salvage this season's cliff hanger? There *will* be a next
> season, yes?

Plase wait a couple of weeks before discussing this any more, I
haven't seen the end of season four yet :-) But, yes, a fifth season
have been announced. You can probably find more info at

> ummmm... could you save me the trouble of finding that tape and tell me:
> what is combat undressing?

It's just after Xena has been peeking at Cyane and an unnamed amazon
in the sweatlodge and fallen through the roof. X and C stand looking
at each other for a moment or two, then C starts ripping Xena's
clothes off and putting them on herself very, very quickly. It really
has to be seen, I can't describe it properly. 
 Calle Dybedahl, Vasav. 82, S-177 52 Jaerfaella,SWEDEN |
             Try again. Try harder. -*-  Fail again. Fail better.


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 00:22:37 -0400
From: "Kimberly D. Ashford" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Travis or Blake?
Message-ID: <>

-----Original Message-----

(snip snip)

>Now that the scene has been set, I'm asking those of
>you familiar with that album whether you think Travis
>or Blake would be better as the Soldier in "The Queen
>and The Soldier". I can't decide. The line "He said I
>want to live as an honest man" suggests Blake, but
>without it, Travis seems a  much better choice. The
>trouble is, both of them seem to say "I am not
>fighting for you anymore", but Travis says it to
>Servalan, and Blake is saying it to the Federation.

Wow--I thought I was the only one who'd thought of this!  I always pictured
Travis as the Soldier.  I don't think Blake had the emotional connection to
Servalan that Travis (or Avon) did.

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Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 07:39:19 +0100
From: "Una McCormack" <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Which brings us back to the movie...(was Re: B7 and Lexx)
Message-ID: <006401bead8b$f694f850$0c01a8c0@hedge>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dangermouse wrote:

> I wouldn't - Irvine Welsh can't write worth a <insert suitable expletive
> here>

Agree with you there, DM. 'Trainspotting' is a *much* better film than book.



Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 08:01:10 +0100
From: Steve Rogerson <>
Subject: [B7L] Re:Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Mistral wrote:

> Love the idea of Alyson Hannigan as Cally, though,
> particularly the Cally of 'Time Squad'.

Though thinking about it again, Willow as Avon makes more sense as they
are both computer experts.
Steve Rogerson

"What is it with you and holes?"
Xena to Gabrielle, Paradise Found


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 00:08:59 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re:Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Steve Rogerson wrote:

> Though thinking about it again, Willow as Avon makes more sense as they
> are both computer experts.

Maybe Willow is Avon's long-lost daughter. <g>

"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 08:34:38 +0100
From: "Alison Page" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] CGI
Message-ID: <007701bead95$b69b0e60$ca8edec2@pre-installedco>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>I've been playing with a few second segment for a long time.  Perhaps I'll
>post the unfinished effort later.

Encouraging noises. was it a difficult job? In what form would you make it



Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 02:24:46 PDT
From: Rob Clother <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed


>Am I the only person in the world who finds Ralph Fiennes deeply
>unattractive? The man is cold, passionless, frigid. Or was this the point 
>you were making, Ann? ;)

You haven't seen "Oscar and Lucinda", have you Una?

-- Rob (Back on Lysator after a bit of a breather...)

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Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 07:17:21 +1000
From: Kathryn Andersen <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Ultraworld AU fic
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 10:30:11AM -0700, Pat Patera wrote:
> > Kathryn Andersen sez: (glad she's not a man)
> Yeah, but do you *really* want to be relegated to teleport duty all the
> time?

Why not?  It's much safer.
Abseiling at school, I went down third, not first.

Kathryn A.
Vila:  You don't have a lot of time for Blake, do you?
Avon:  I could never stand heroes.
Vila:  A quarter of a million volts and you're putting your hand in?
						(Blake's 7: Killer [B7])
 _--_|\	    | Kathryn Andersen		<>
/      \    |
\_.--.*/    | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
      v	    |
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |	-> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 06:53:36 -0400
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Calle replied to me:
>> Dayna   Danielle Cormack (Ephiny) - no special reason except
>> that they're both fairly important and sympathetic characters.
>*ponder* No, she looks too experienced. How about Willa O'Neill
> (Lila, Gabrielle's sister)?

I did think briefly of Lila, but with Gabby as Servalan that sets up a
rather odd dynamic...  Anyway, I thought it should be an Amazon.

Pat P suggested:
>(Jennifer Sky?) Emerys, Amazon warrior (the fiesty redhead in Endgame)

She occurred to me too (though won't have done to Calle as he hasn't seen
that episode yet), but she seems too minor a guest.  I'm more and more
certain it's Danielle Cormack - think of Ephiny's first episode, where
she's young and aggressive and out to kill Centaurs.  Or imagine Dayna was
pregnant by a Sarran who was horribly murdered.  Yes!  Dayna was pregnant
by Lauren!



Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 06:53:30 -0400
From: Harriet Monkhouse <>
To: "Blake's 7 (Lysator)" <>
Subject: [B7L] Fiennes (was re casting, cont)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Una wrote:
>The other one can act, but he has a funny chin.

I hadn't noticed his chin...  My take on Joseph was "the sort of good looks
that just make him a pain".  Sorry, I seem to be very anti-looks this week.
 But it's a bit like the stereotyped pneumatic blonde - could be a
wonderful actor, but would anyone notice?

No strong feelings on Ralph.



Date: 03 Jun 1999 13:05:47 +0200
From: Calle Dybedahl <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Harriet Monkhouse <> writes:

> Yes! Dayna was pregnant by Lauren!

"Mellanby & Daughter Armaments and Marital Aids"?
 Calle Dybedahl, Vasav. 82, S-177 52 Jaerfaella,SWEDEN |
             Try again. Try harder. -*-  Fail again. Fail better.


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 06:41:05 -0700
From: "Ann Basart" <>
To: "Blake's7" <>
Subject: [B7L] What if. . . ? (A non-canonic thought about the crew)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I've been thinking about B7 characters I would like to have seen as
crew-members. (Very non-canonic thoughts.) 

My chief nominee, if things had turned out a little differently, is Kasabi,
from "Pressure Point." Interesting power interplays possible between her
and Blake, the two of them and Avon. Any takers?



Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 06:30:45 -0700
From: "Ann Basart" <>
To: "Alison Page" <>
Cc: "Blake's7" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> Una said -
> >Am I the only person in the world who finds Ralph Fiennes deeply
Evidently not. But I don't agree.

> > The man is cold, passionless, frigid. 
Well, he has certainly played cold _roles_ (I don't know about the _man_.)
He evidently played a passionate Hamlet on Broadway, and his T.E. Lawrence
(in "A Dangerous Man") had fires underneath.

> > Or was this the point you were making, Ann? ;)

In a way. I see Avon a bit like Neil Burnside (the part Roy Marsden  played
on the Sandbaggers"). The warmth is there but buried way down. Both are
very intelligent. Both can be nasty and snarling, and even ruthless and
cynical. (Burnside is much nastier than Avon.) But there _is_ something
attractive, there is a promise of warmth . . . and that's what I thought
Ralph Fiennes might bring out.

 > I was pondering earlier why these cold characters are so attractive. 
I've been wondering the same thing. (At least in regard to Avon &
Burnside.) It's also the wit, the intelligence, the feeling of something
held back.

If anyone wants to pursue an "Avon-Burnside" thread, I'd be  delighted.



Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 10:13:11 -0600
From: "Ellynne G." <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I'm back after a minor leave of absence.

All I can say is, everyone's ignoring the perfect Blake's 7 crew.  Isn't
it obvious?

Cally--Mary Anne
Jenna--Mrs. Howell
Vila--Mr. Howell

Travis--The Professor

On the other hand, after posting this, maybe people will want me to take
another leave of absence.


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Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 10:16:51 -0600
From: "Ellynne G." <>
Subject: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 00:08:59 -0700 writes:
>Steve Rogerson wrote:
>> Though thinking about it again, Willow as Avon makes more sense as 
>> are both computer experts.
>Maybe Willow is Avon's long-lost daughter. <g>
Evil, Mistral, truly evil.  Especially since I can now see a story taking
shape in my mind.  It would be par for the course in Sunnydale, and it
would also explain a lot about the leather loving, vampire Willow.

Of course, Avon would probably scare the Sunnydale vampires more than the
mayor does. . . .

>"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila

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Date: 03 Jun 1999 20:18:38 +0200
From: Calle Dybedahl <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

"Ellynne G." <> writes:

> On the other hand, after posting this, maybe people will want me to take
> another leave of absence.

Or do their worst to out-sick you (Blake - Papa Smurf, Avon - the
smurf with glasses,...)
 Calle Dybedahl, Vasav. 82, S-177 52 Jaerfaella,SWEDEN |
             Try again. Try harder. -*-  Fail again. Fail better.


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 12:36:05 -0600
From: Penny Dreadful <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 08:18 PM 6/3/99 +0200, Calle Dybedahl wrote:
>"Ellynne G." <> writes:
>> On the other hand, after posting this, maybe people will want me to take
>> another leave of absence.
>Or do their worst to out-sick you (Blake - Papa Smurf, Avon - the
>smurf with glasses,...)

Snow White Servalan and Blake's Seven Dwarves...
For A Dreadful Time, Call Penny:


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 19:48:51 +-100
From: Louise Rutter <>
To: "'B7 Lysator'" <>
Subject: RE: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
Message-ID: <01BEADFA.7EFEA740@tracy>

Ralph Fiennes cont...

> > The man is cold, passionless, frigid.

>Well, he has certainly played cold _roles_ (I don't know about the _man_.)
>He evidently played a passionate Hamlet on Broadway, and his T.E. Lawrence
>(in "A Dangerous Man") had fires underneath.

Unfortunately he doesn't seem to know when _not_ to act cold. He played 
Steed without any of the humour that made the original so likeable. I 
suppose that could be partly the director's fault, though, if you wanted to 
be generous.



Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:24:41 -0700
From: Pat Patera <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Calle Dybedahl wrote:
> > hmmmmm. Ephiny would make a perfect Blake
> That would be interesting, yes. Maybe we can do an all-female cast...
> > off topic: has anyone heard any spoilers about how the show Xena is
> > going to salvage this season's cliff hanger? 

> Plase wait a couple of weeks before discussing this any more,
OK. I deliberately gave nothing away, as every season ends with a
dramatic cliff hanger :-) Thx for the web address.
> > what is combat undressing?
> ...then C starts ripping Xena's
> clothes off and putting them on herself very, very quickly. 
Oh yes, *now* I remember. Quite a trick, that.
hmmm. I wonder if Vila can do that one?

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Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:55:06 -0700
From: Pat Patera <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] What if. . . ? 
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ann Basart wrote: 
> I've been thinking about B7 characters I would like to have seen as
> crew-members. (Very non-canonic thoughts.) 
> My chief nominee, if things had turned out a little differently, is Kasabi,
> from "Pressure Point." Interesting power interplays possible between her
> and Blake, the two of them and Avon. Any takers?
You want power plays?
How about Avalon, having very different ideas from Blake over how to run
a Revolution? Stand offs between her tinyness and his largeness would be
amusing: a true battle of wills.

I'd like to see Tyce Sarkoff join up cuz I can really see her and Avon
going at it.
(no, not that way: verbal sparring to send the sarcatic-o-meter off the
scale. well, ok: that way, too)
I'd love to see Tyce and Cally moving as a matched set of lean mean
fighting machines.
With Kick-ass Kasabi as their strike squad leader, of course.

The pleasant young doctor/assistant from research station RT-19 (?)
would lighten the atmosphere. And certainly the women of Blakes 7 could
use the attentions of a crew man who is not blind to their obvious
i.e. "Helloooo. This ship is full of pretty girls!")
Blake: "What'd you say? I've got tangled curls?"
Avon: "What? The circutry's being torn by squirrels?!?!
Vila: "Eh? You've brewed a batch of pink squirrels?
Pat P

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Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:33:51 -0700
From: Pat Patera <>
To: B7 Lysator <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
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Harriet Monkhouse wrote:
> > for Dayna: (Jennifer Sky?) Emerys, Amazon warrior (the fiesty redhead in Endgame)
> She occurred to me too, but she seems too minor a guest.

I think that like Eli, the "Journeys to India" healer who keeps popping
up, Emerys is going to join Autolycus, Solmonious, Discord, etc. as an
occasional regular. She's got Dayna's precipitous spirit. (or perhaps
she should be cast as Tarrant, if we take Calles' suggestion for an all
female crew? - well, but we need a few men to operate the teleport.)
Sadie Hawkins Day organizer,
Pat P
P.S. This is one area where Blakes 7 could have been improved: letting
us meet them again so we know what happened to some of the stronger
supporting characters we meet: Tyce Sarkoff, Avalon, Bek, Kasabi's
daughter, etc. hmmmm. Trying to think of a few more, but it seems
they're all dead. Our crew is mad, bad and verrrrry dangerous to know!

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Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 12:52:29 PDT
From: Hellen Paskaleva <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] re: casting, cont.
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>Rob asked:
>You haven't seen "Oscar and Lucinda", have you Una?

Dunno about Una, but *I* did. Several days ago. And I didn't like the guy 
there, also.


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Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 06:46:19 +1000
From: Kathryn Andersen <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Sat, May 15, 1999 at 10:16:51AM -0600, Ellynne G. wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 00:08:59 -0700 writes:
> >
> >Steve Rogerson wrote:
> >
> >> Though thinking about it again, Willow as Avon makes more sense as 
> >they
> >> are both computer experts.
> >
> >Maybe Willow is Avon's long-lost daughter. <g>
> >
> Evil, Mistral, truly evil.  Especially since I can now see a story taking
> shape in my mind.  It would be par for the course in Sunnydale, and it
> would also explain a lot about the leather loving, vampire Willow.
> Of course, Avon would probably scare the Sunnydale vampires more than the
> mayor does. . . .

So does that mean that Avon *is* really a Jew, like Leah suggested a
couple of years ago?  <grin>

 _--_|\	    | Kathryn Andersen		<>
/      \    |
\_.--.*/    | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
      v	    |
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |	-> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 15:59:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: J MacQueen <>
Subject: [B7L] Was that who I thought it was?
Message-ID: <>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Were any of the other Australians on this list
watching that thing on spying shown on ABC last night?
The English translation of the Russian spy's methods
sounded like someone with the initials P and D, but
I'm not sure. No credits were given for it at the end
of the programme, or, at least, not that I saw. I'd
like to believe it was, but two jawas walked past me
on my way to the bus stop after work. There is no
punchline <smile> but I did find myself in a state of
disbelief for the evening.

Can anyone help with identifying that voice?


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Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 16:14:19 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ellynne G. wrote:

> >Maybe Willow is Avon's long-lost daughter. <g>
> >
> Evil, Mistral, truly evil.  Especially since I can now see a story taking
> shape in my mind.

Lovely. Now let it take shape at the keyboard! <smile>

> It would be par for the course in Sunnydale, and it
> would also explain a lot about the leather loving, vampire Willow.

Ooh, you read my mind.

> Of course, Avon would probably scare the Sunnydale vampires more than the
> mayor does. . . .

<snicker> I could get really excited (well, for an INTP anyway)
about an all B7/Buffy crossover zine. Anybody else?

"The whole idea is an absurd fantasy."--Avon


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 16:19:52 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Kathryn Andersen wrote (re Willow as Avon's daughter):

> So does that mean that Avon *is* really a Jew, like Leah suggested a
> couple of years ago?  <grin>

Maybe so, but Willow is probably adopted; can't see Avon
choosing to answer to Ira Rosenberg. Nor can I picture him
with Willow's mom, who is, IIRC, a total space cadet.

"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila


Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 09:32:35 +1000
From: "David Henderson" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting (pls no spoilers)
Message-ID: <004401beae19$5c5d8200$>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> writes:
>>Steve Rogerson wrote:
>>> Though thinking about it again, Willow as Avon makes more sense as
>>> are both computer experts.

Willow (as in the character) could not do the irony/sarcasm that helps to
define Avon.

>>Maybe Willow is Avon's long-lost daughter. <g>


>Evil, Mistral, truly evil.  Especially since I can now see a story taking
>shape in my mind.  It would be par for the course in Sunnydale, and it
>would also explain a lot about the leather loving, vampire Willow.

I am hoping the term "vampire Willow" is not an indication of things to
(and please don't tell me if it is) Australia is only starting season three
.....bugger now I'm going to be worrying about Willow and I'm just getting
the fact she has cut her hair!  :)



Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 17:25:38 -0700
To: B7 List <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: Even more casting (pls no spoilers)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

David Henderson wrote:

> Willow (as in the character) could not do the irony/sarcasm that helps to
> define Avon.

But Will does irony all the time; just not with the nasty
edge that Avon has. If Willow were his long-lost daughter,
we could think of her as a younger, more innocent, female
Avon--one who hasn't been knocked around so much.
She has gotten gradually edgier since day one, don't you
think? (Has anybody Myers-Briggsed the Buffy gang?
I could see Willow as INTP.)

> I am hoping the term "vampire Willow" is not an indication of things to
> come???
> (and please don't tell me if it is) Australia is only starting season three
> .....bugger now I'm going to be worrying about Willow and I'm just getting
> over
> the fact she has cut her hair!  :)

As one Willow fan to another, Dave, just relax and enjoy
the show. Whatever happens (and I'm not saying either
way) you are gonna love it.

"And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot."--Vila

End of blakes7-d Digest V99 Issue #181