Subject: blakes7-d Digest V99 #202
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 99 : Issue 202

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] Missing zine pages
	 Re: [B7L] off topic
	 [B7L] The Strangerers
	 [B7L] Another door closes
	 [B7L] Horizon newsflash
	 Re: [B7L] Potential crossovers
	 [B7L] prints from Val Westall


Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 15:34:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Sondra Sweigman <>
Subject: [B7L] Missing zine pages
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

	Just wanted to let everyone know that I've already received
several responses to my request for those pages from Dark Between the
Stars (in fact, I've already received the pages themselves from someone
who has a scanner).  So I wanted to head off anyone else who may have been
about to make the same offer from doing extra work.  

	Many thanks to you all,


Date: 28 Jun 1999 21:58:47 +0200
From: Calle Dybedahl <>
To: "Deborah Day" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] off topic
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Keep that crap *off* the list. Commercial stuff is ok *only* when
B7-related. Do that sort of thing again, and you *will* be thrown out.
You will *not* get a second warning.

 Calle Dybedahl, Vasav. 82, S-177 52 Jaerfaella,SWEDEN |
	"Just about anything can be done if you are demented enough."
		-- Christopher C. Petro, scary.devil.monastery


Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 22:31:31 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
cc: Space City <>, Joyce Bowen <>
Subject: [B7L] The Strangerers
Message-ID: <>

Gareth Thomas will be playing a Policeman in episode one of the Strangerers. 
(The commedy Paul Darrow is currently filming.)  Ironically Paul isn't in that

Sheelagh Wells is doing make up on the series.


PS. source - Janet Darrow
-- -  Fanzines for Blake's 7, B7 Filk songs,
pictures, news, Conventions past and present, Blake's 7 fan clubs, Gareth
Thomas, etc.  (also non-Blake's 7 zines at


Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 03:06:17 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Carol & Gordon Burgess <>
Subject: [B7L] Another door closes
Message-ID: <> (added by
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Another avenue of Australian fandon has sadly come to an end....
Now putting the Aussie B7 zine on the endangered list...
The postman just delievered a flyer to me from Nikki White..

Part of it read:


"At last a new issue of MV and it is the FINAL issue..
Yes, folks after 20 years and 30 issues, I've decided
to put MV to bed for good. Contributions have all but
dried up in the past few years, hence the delay so why 
flog a dead horse?"

On the good news side Nikki went on to say:
"However, I will continue to produce, Centero, my
discussion zine."  

Let's hope that the couple remaining Aussie zines stay viable for a long
time to come..  Maybe a resurgence is possible, after all, JJ Adamson is
once again producing UFO zines here in Australia.. We can always hope!

Carol 'Hondo'


Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 10:19:18 +0100
From: Robinson Paula <Paula.Robinson@RCN.ORG.UK>
To: "''" <>,
        "''" <>
Subject: [B7L] Horizon newsflash
Message-ID: <E9263E031959D211B5A80008C71E93C301BF7CD1@rcn-london5>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

More (quite a lot more!!)  B7 cast news in from Horizon:

+Stephen Greif+
has just finished a pilot for a new radio comedy series called 'Quando,
Quando, Quando'  in which he plays six parts!!  He's also been doing a lot
more voiceover work, including for Iceland's TV and radio ads.

+Gareth Thomas+
 was unable in the end to join the Fab Cafe in Manchester's 1st birthday
party (29 June) as he was called in for filming that night on 'Heartbeat'.
Diane has kept the emails/SAEs of everyone who responded to the
Newsflash/website bulletin asking for tickets to the party as Fab Cafe are
hoping to have a special 'Gareth night' at the Cafe in the future so you'll
be first in the queue for tickets.   Gareth is also going to be playing a
Police Sergeant in Ep. 1 of 'The Strangerers'.  Alas, like in B7, Gareth is
in episode 1 but Paul isn't!!

+Jan Chappell+
will shortly be filming 'Wildflowers' for an American TV company.

+Sally Knyvette+
recently did her first Video Presenting job on a videeo called +Cafe Spice
Namaste+ for Cyrus Todi Walla, a well known Indian cook who owns the Cafe
Spice Namaste restaurant in Battersea, London.  The video will be sold over
the internet.  Sally has also been working on some audio books.

+Josette Simon+
is starring as Queen Elizabeth in +Don Carlos+  at The Other Place,
Stratford-on-Avon (in rep) for the RSC until 7 October (Box Office 01789
403403)  as well as continuing in rep as Titania in +A Midsummer Night's
Dream+ for the RSC at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre (BO 01789 295623).

+Jacqueline Pearce+
Jacqueline is performing a one-woman show called 'A Star is Torn' at the
Edinburgh Festival this year.  More news in the next few days but Jacqueline
and her director are planning to offer Blake's 7 fans something very special
if they'd like to go along to see her.  The show is on for 3 weeks, but a
special date or two  (Sat 14 or Sun 15 August) will include a special
meeting with Jacqueline after the show (it's a lunchtime show - starting at
1pm)    This +must+ be booked via Diane Gies - email her on     Full info will be available very soon.   If you
can't go on the special Group Outing days the show is still well worth
seeing,  but Jacqueline can't guarantee to be available after the show on
other dates (though that first week from 10 August will be better than later
in the run).

+Free colour photos!!+
Horizon has exclusive At-The-Recording photos from the recording of episodes
1 and 2 of the new CD SF Comedy series +Soldiers of Love+

Anyone buying Part 1 - Genesis through Horizon will receive a free photo
with their CD  entitled "So when DID you last see Kerrill?" of Micheal
Keating & Colin Baker, and anyone buying Part 2 - Deathtraps   will receive
with their CD a free photo entitled "Hollywood Calling" of  Michael Keating
& Gareth Thomas.  These photos are only available with copies of the CD from
Horizon (you can't buy them separately).

Soldiers of Love - Genesis is �9 UK; �9.50 Eur; �10 US/Canada; �10.25
Aust/NZ.    Soldiers of Love - Deathtraps is �10 UK; �10.50 Eur; �11
US/Canada; �11.25 Aust/NZ.   Cheques payable to Horizon, sent to Diane Gies
at 18 Holt Road, North Wembley, Middx HAO 3PS.   Better still, use the
website's print-out order form  in the merchandise section at

That's all folks!



Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 10:09:21 -0600
From: (K. Michael Wilcox)
Subject: Re: [B7L] Potential crossovers
Message-Id: <>

Neil Faulkner wrote:

> To me, Blake et al can only really exist within the B7 universe, and
> nowhere else.  To other people, as many posts have made blindingly
> obvious, the characters are readily transplantable to other times and
> places.  In other words, the characters are more important than the
> universe they inhabit.  I'm the other way around (and, I suspect, in
> a distinct minority as a consequence).

It's not that one or the other is necessarily so much more important,
but that, in fanfic, the show's myriad elements are separable.  If one
wants to explore the Blake/Avon character dynamic in a different
setting, one can cut everything else away.
   Of course, if one wants to write a story about life under the
Federation, one can use minor or wholly invented characters without
even mentioning the Liberator and its crew.  Alternatively, one could
do the opposite of what's above and do a story with:

Fox Mulder as Roj Blake
Dana Scully as Jenna Stannis
Walter Skinner as Oleg Gan
Alex Krycek as Vila Restal
The CSM as Kerr Avon
Gibson Praise (the chess-playing psychic boy) as Cally
The late Deep Throat as the voice of Zen
Frohike, Byers and Langly as (the three personalities of) Orac

or perhaps not.

K. M. Wilcox
Actually, this was one of the many bizarre I get first thing in the
morning (in this case, this morning).  Most of them I forget within
fifteen minutes. [Cue much rejoicing]


Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 23:30:12 +0100
From: Julia Jones <>
Subject: [B7L] prints from Val Westall
Message-ID: <>
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It has occurred to me (after requests at cons) that perhaps one reason
people prefer to buy the gen prints and originals of Val's artwork is
that the het and slash ones are a little...well, indiscreet in A4 size.
Accordingly, I have mastered the art of making A5 and A6 prints. I will
be putting a catalogue up on the web in due course (at least of the ones
that are clean because they're either gen or the artistic rather than
erotic nudes), but in the meantime any of the greyscale art from _Tales
from Space City_, _The Endless Farce_ and _Vem Quest_ is available
scanned at 150 dpi and printed on a 600 dpi laser printer in A4, A5 and
A6 sizes. They can be printed on either matt card, or on the silk
textured paper used for the art plates in _Tales_ and _Farce_, both in
white. I'll be adding some other recently published pieces as I get the
originals scanned.

For the benefit of those unfamiliar with ISO paper sizes, A4 is the size
roughly similar to letter size; A5 is the size you get when you fold an
A4 sheet in half, about 8 inches by 6 inches; and A6 is A5 folded in
half, about 6 inches by 4 inches, or postcard size. 

The postcard size is also available laminated using 500 micron pouches -
this gives a heavy and very stiff plastic mount suitable for using as a
fridge magnet.

Postage and packing prices for orders for several prints get very
complicated courtesy of Royal Mail, so I'm giving the basic price for
the print itself, then a table of p+p costs to be added to the cost of
the prints. All prices are in pounds sterling.

A6 (postcard) - unlaminated, each print �1
plus P+P as follows
UK      1-7    50p      8-15    60p
Eur     1-3    75p      4-7     85p     8-11  1.00      12-15  1.05
Zone1   1-3  1.30       4-15  1.40
Zone2   1-3  1.40       4-15  1.45

A6 (postcard) - laminated, each print �2
plus P+P as follows
UK      1-4    35p      5-7    60p
Eur     1-2    60p      3-4    70p      5   85p         5-7   90p
Zone1   1-2  1.15       3-7  1.25
Zone2   1-2  1.20       3-7  1.30

A5 unlaminated, each print �2
plus P+P as follows
UK      1-2    50p      3-5    60p
Eur     1-2    90p      3-4  1.00       5-6  1.05
Zone1   1-6  1.30       
Zone2   1-6  1.40       

A4 unlaminated, each print �3
plus p+p as follows
UK      1    70p        2-5    80p      6-9    90
Eur     1  1.05         2-3  1.25       4-5  1.40
Zone1   1  1.50         2-3  1.65       4-5  2.00
Zone2   1  1.55         2-3  1.75       4-5  2.10

10 cm strip of self-adhesive magnetic tape to turn a laminated postcard
into a fridge magnet - UK/Eur 70p, Z1/Z2 80p

I'll take US$ in CASH ONLY, but I'm not doing all that lot again - use a
conversion factor of $1.65 to the pound and round up to the next dollar.
I'll be going to the US in October and will be able to post at US
domestic rates and accept money orders as well as cash for a couple of

I can also supply prints of the colour artwork, but the cost of printing
them is about to change and at the moment I don't know what the new
price will be. p+p as above, prints some currently indeterminate amount

A large part of the p+p cost for the unlaminated prints is the price of
and postage on a card-backed envelope to protect them from being
creased. If you order them at the same time as a zine, the zine will
provide some protection, and you may choose to dispense with the card
envelope *at your own risk*. I'll have to calculate the saving on
individual orders. Yes, I'll also calculate p+p on orders of mixed sizes
if you think it'll save you money.

Email me at for further information.
Julia Jones
"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.

End of blakes7-d Digest V99 Issue #202