Subject: blakes7-d Digest V99 #205
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 99 : Issue 205

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] ADMIN: Vacation
	 [B7L] Zines
	 [B7L] Fandoms crossed over with B7
	 RE: [B7L] Another door closes
	 Re: [B7L] Zines
	 [B7L] Silence (fwd)


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 22:07:21 -0700
From: "LaughingRain" <>
To: "b7" <>
Message-ID: <002301bec448$fb5b32e0$c8709cd1@behemoth>
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This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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How about "Blake's 7 on the Island of Sodor?"

Blake - Thomas the Tank Engine, a cheeky little engine
Cally & Jenna - Annie & Clarabelle, Thomas' faithful coaches
Avon - Gordon, bigger and more important than the others
Vila - Henry, he was afraid the rain would ruin his green paint with red
Edward, he is the kindest engine
Zen - Duck, a very useful engine
Orac-Harold the Helicopter, useful but annoying

Travis - Diesel, who has an oily voice and a bad temper
Servalan - Daisy, who doesn't like to do too much work because "Its bad =
her swerves"

And there are plenty of other engines left to speculate on!


"Feelings are like a table full of pies, if you eat them all you'll
eventually puke."

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<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
<META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.3110.7"' name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV>How about &quot;Blake's 7 on the Island of =
Sodor?&quot;<BR><BR>Blake -=20
Thomas the Tank Engine, a cheeky little engine<BR>Cally &amp; Jenna - =
&amp; Clarabelle, Thomas' faithful coaches<BR>Avon - Gordon, bigger and =
important than the others<BR>Vila - Henry, he was afraid the rain would =
ruin his=20
green paint with red<BR>stripes.<BR>Edward, he is the kindest =
engine<BR>Zen -=20
Duck, a very useful engine<BR>Orac-Harold the Helicopter, useful but=20
annoying<BR><BR>Travis - Diesel, who has an oily voice and a bad=20
temper<BR>Servalan - Daisy, who doesn't like to do too much work because =

&quot;Its bad for<BR>her swerves&quot;<BR><BR>And there are plenty of =
engines left to speculate on!<BR><BR>Peace,<BR>Penny<BR><A=20
are like a table full of pies, if you eat them all you'll<BR>eventually=20
<DIV><STRONG><FONT color=3D#000000=20
face=3D"Bell MT"></FONT></STRONG>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>



Date: 02 Jul 1999 07:40:08 +0200
From: Calle Dybedahl <>
Subject: [B7L] ADMIN: Vacation
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

I'm going on vacation, and will not read mail very often from this
afternoon until 25 July. So now you can say whatever you want for a while :-)
 Calle Dybedahl, Vasav. 82, S-177 52 Jaerfaella,SWEDEN |
		 Hello? Brain? What do we want for breakfast?


Date: Fri, 02 Jul 1999 16:12:41 +0100
From: S Riaz <>
Subject: [B7L] Zines
Message-ID: <>
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It was really great to hear from so many of my old friends again.
Especially nice to hear from Sondra and Carol after such a long time.

Pat Patera
I suspect you are right about the web, but it's still a shame that there
are so few zines.  I don't think it would feel the same to read stories
off the net somehow.  It's also a strange thing that B7 gets so little
coverage in sci-fi magazines, etc, when it's so much better than
anything else!

Tiger M
Great name!  I can't believe there are too few submissions!   Mind you,
I note that a lot of my fave authors have had nothing new out since I've
been away - Sondra, please write something?!  And where has Judith
Seaman gone?  is she still writing.  Perhaps if I do go ahead with
trying to do a zine I will have to beg all my favourite authors for
submissions (that means you too, Neil!!!).  Anyway, thanks for your
message.   My health has been dicey for too long for me to mention - but
I do hope yours improves!

Carol Mc
So wonderful to hear from you!   I'm very much afraid that you were one
person who so kindly kept on writing, when I was totally unable to
answer!  Please accept my apologies now!

I would love to re-join "On The Wing" when I have time - thank you for
offering to accept me back.   However, I think I will be looking into
the possibility of this zine first and may be decicating quite a lot of
time to it.   I do have a few Tarrant stories in mind though...  Haven't
written for a while, but I'd like to try again.

Thanks again for all the kind words - talk to you all again soon.

Susan Riaz


Date: Fri,  2 Jul 99 18:16:00 GMT 
Subject: [B7L] Fandoms crossed over with B7
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And here's everything else, but I'll refrain from listing all the
 stories.  This is just what's out there-- plus more that I haven't
 recognized or recorded, I'm sure.

These include everything from crossover novels to short, silly
 parodies.  (More info available on request, for anyone who's

B7 Crossovers
 (including parodies of other fandoms, "based on," "in the style
 of," "with apologies to," and B7 AUs set in other fannish

Media (TV, movies, radio, stage)

The A Team
 All Creatures Great and Small
 Are You Being Served
 Battlestar Galactica
 Beauty and the Beast
 Bill Nye the Science Guy
 Buck Rogers
 The Champions
 Citizen Smith
 The Cosby Show
 Dark Shadows
 Dempsey and Makepeace
 Doctor Who
 Dombey & Son (TV version with PD)
 Drake's Venture (TV series with PD)
 Due South
 Forever Knight
 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
 Get Smart
 Gilligan's Island
 Gone with the Wind
 Greatest American Hero
 Guardian of the Abyss (movie with PD)
 High Society (stage musical with SP)
 The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
 It Ain't Half Hot, Mum
 Kung Fu
 Les Miserables
 Little Shop of Horrors
 Lost in Space
 The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
 The Master
 Max Headroom
 Miami Vice
 Mod Squad
 Monty Python
 Nightmare on Elm Street
 Mr. Rogers
 Morgan's Boy (TV series with GT)
 The Munsters
 Night Court
 Northern Exposure
 Only When I Laugh
 Peewee Herman
 The Phantom of the Opera
 The Prisoner
 The Professionals
 Quantum Leap
 Raiders of the Lost Ark
 Raising Arizona
 Red Dwarf
 Remington Steele
 Robin Hood (unclear which version)
 Robin of Sherwood
 Rocky Horror
 Ruby, Galactic Gumshoe (radio series)
 Sapphire and Steel
 Saturday Night Live
 The Sentinel
 Space 1999
 Star Trek (original series and movies)
 Star Trek, the Next Generation
 Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine
 Star Wars
 Starlight Express (musical)
 Starsky and Hutch
 This Old House
 Tour of Duty
 Wizard of Oz

Comics and Animated Cartoons

Bloom County
 Calvin and Hobbs
 One Froggy Evening
 Real Ghostbusters

Literary (by author and title)

Anonymous, fairy tales (Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood)
 Andersen, Poul, and Gordon Dickson (Hoka stories)
 Beckett, Samuel (Waiting for Godot)
 Blyton, Enid (various)
 Calvino, Italo (If on a Winter's Night a Traveler)
 Carroll, Lewis (Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass)
 Chandler, Raymond (various)
 Dickens, Charles (A Christmas Carol)
 Dumas, Alexandre (The Three Musketeers)
 Gag, Wanda (Millions of Cats)
 Hammett, Dashiell (various)
 Hayes, Frank (song, Little Fuzzy Animals)
 Hornung, E. W. (Raffles)
 Lee, Tanith (Kill the Dead)
 McCaffrey, Anne (Pern books)
 Milne, A. A. (Pooh stories)
 Moorcock, Michael (various)
 Piper, H. Beam (Little Fuzzy)
 Pratchett, Terry (various)
 Seuss, Doctor (various)
 Shakespeare, William (various)
 Smith, Cordwainer (various)
 Wodehouse, P. G. (Jeeves Makes an Omelette)


Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 08:23:02 +1000
From: "Trevor Gensch" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [B7L] Another door closes
Message-ID: <000601bec4d9$72debd60$c8d01dcb@signup>
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That is so sad.  To be perfectly honest, I didn't even know it existed :-)

what other Aussie B7/sci fi mags are there out there that could do with some
contributions?  If i knew they were around I would submit something!


> The postman just delievered a flyer to me from Nikki White..
> Part of it read:
> "At last a new issue of MV and it is the FINAL issue..
> Yes, folks after 20 years and 30 issues, I've decided
> to put MV to bed for good. Contributions have all but
> dried up in the past few years, hence the delay so why
> flog a dead horse?"


Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 23:28:54 EDT
Subject: Re: [B7L] Zines
Message-ID: <>
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In a message dated 7/2/99 8:12:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Pat Patera
>  I suspect you are right about the web, but it's still a shame that there
>  are so few zines.  I don't think it would feel the same to read stories
>  off the net somehow.  It's also a strange thing that B7 gets so little
>  coverage in sci-fi magazines, etc, when it's so much better than
>  anything else!

It isn't quite the same.  Among other things, it's very hard to curl up in 
bed with a cup of tea and a computer monitor.;-)  Seriously though, many fans 
do not have internet access, even if they have e-mail.  Also, I've seen some 
excellent fanfic on websites like The Aquitar Files and the archive at the B7 
fanwriters' site, but there isn't too much B7 fanfic on the web.  Another 
problem I've often encountered with netfic in various fandoms is stories that 
are um, less than good.

One thing I like about paper zines is that anything that gets printed has to 
have gone through some kind of editing process.  This isn't true of stories 
posted on personal websites.  A text editor and spell checker is no 
substitute for a knowledge of the English language and it shows in some of 
these stories.

As for B7 not getting much coverage, I can only speak for the situation here 
in the U.S.  B7 was aired on public television stations, which generally 
meant that the viewers had to scream and cry (and send in lots of pledges) to 
get the local station to air the show in the first place.  Often, it was 
aired at very inconvenient times, like 11 p.m. on Sunday night.  To my 
knowledge, it hasn't been repeated in my area since it was originally aired 
in the late eighties.  I only knew about the show from hearsay until a friend 
offered to copy some episodes for me in exchange for some anime I had given 
him.  This was about two years ago.  In the U.S., very few people even know 
about the show.

Also, B7 isn't flashy or action packed, like most Hollywood shows, which are 
what get attention and coverage here, unfortunately.  I agree that it is 
superior to just about anything else, but try to convince TPTB at Time Warner 
of that.
>  Tiger M
>  Great name!  I can't believe there are too few submissions!   Mind you,
>  I note that a lot of my fave authors have had nothing new out since I've
>  been away - Sondra, please write something?!  And where has Judith
>  Seaman gone?  is she still writing.  Perhaps if I do go ahead with
>  trying to do a zine I will have to beg all my favourite authors for
>  submissions (that means you too, Neil!!!).  Anyway, thanks for your
>  message.   My health has been dicey for too long for me to mention - but
>  I do hope yours improves!

Thanks!  I think Judith Seaman is still writing;  she had a novella(?) 
published last year.

Tiger M


Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 22:05:10 +0100 (BST)
From: Judith Proctor <>
To: Lysator List <>
Subject: [B7L] Silence (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

Hi Judith!

Could you pass on the message to the B7 List for the Staked Blake
folk that the reason that the buffyb7 list has been silent is that
welkin (my PC and the machine that was hosting the list) is having
its power supply replaced.  I am typing this from my laptop (and
as I was away in Sydney all week, haven't had a chance to launch
a message before).  I can't post this to the List myself, because
this email address isn't subscribed.

If all goes well, I will get my computer back on Sunday.  If it
doesn't, then it will be at least another week, since I will be
away again.

Kathryn Andersen

End of blakes7-d Digest V99 Issue #205