Subject: blakes7-d Digest V99 #250
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 99 : Issue 250

Today's Topics:
	 Re: [B7L] No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.
	 Re: [B7L] No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.
	 Re: [B7L] No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.
	 Re: This Lyst (was Re: [B7L] No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.)
	 [B7L] Obvious response (was No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.)
	 Re: [B7L] Obvious response (was No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.)
	 [B7L] H P Lovecraft/Blake
	 [B7L] Horizon news


Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 01:05:55 PDT
From: "Rob Clother" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>Calle wrote:
> >My feeling is that enough people find their way
> >here anyway, and I'm not at all sure that we *want* those who can't
> >figure out a search engine to come here.

Neil continued:
>...Calle's right, we don't want people like that on this Lyst.  Elitism 
>Uber Alles.

So.  It appears, Neil, that you are one of Calle's mysterious "we" tribe.  
How *did* you make it through those initiation rites?

-- Rob

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Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 09:45:16 +0100
From: "Una McCormack" <>
To: "lysator" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.
Message-ID: <017e01beea1f$41e53a20$0d01a8c0@hedge>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Neil wrote:

> Calle wrote:
> >My feeling is that enough people find their way
> >here anyway, and I'm not at all sure that we *want* those who can't
> >figure out a search engine to come here.
> Damn right.  I shudder to think what could happen if we let in a flood of
> web newbies.  It could only be a disaster.  Steve Rogerson clearly hasn't
> considered what we might end up with -


> Calle's right, we don't want people like that on this Lyst.  Elitism Uber
> Alles.

Neil, I shudder at the vision of the future you have given us. They'll be
giving the vote to women next.



Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 09:45:54 +0100
From: "Una McCormack" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.
Message-ID: <017f01beea1f$4240eeb0$0d01a8c0@hedge>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Rob asked:

> So.  It appears, Neil, that you are one of Calle's mysterious "we" tribe.
> How *did* you make it through those initiation rites?

I reckon it had something to do with a hedgehog.



Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:00:42 +0100
From: Julia Jones <>
Cc: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: This Lyst (was Re: [B7L] No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.)
Message-ID: <>

In message <>, Kathryn Andersen
<> writes
>BTW, what's this "Lyst" thing?  I assume this "creative spelling"
>is meant to refer specifically to a mailing list, but I was wondering
>if this was a widespread or only a localized linguistic phenomenon,
>because I've only ever seen it here.

You've only ever seen it here because:
LYSaTor - a B7 mailing list run from Lysator.
Julia Jones
"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:52:05 EST
From: "Joanne MacQueen" <>
Subject: [B7L] Obvious response (was No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

>From: "Una McCormack" <>
> > How *did* you make it through those initiation rites?
>I reckon it had something to do with a hedgehog.

How did Terry Pratchett get into this discussion?

Never mind. It's Friday.

(and it's Daffodil Day)

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 00:37:49 +0100
From: Julia Jones <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] Obvious response (was No adult subject matter!?!, among other things.)
Message-ID: <>

In message <>, Joanne MacQueen
<> writes
>>From: "Una McCormack" <>
>> > How *did* you make it through those initiation rites?
>>I reckon it had something to do with a hedgehog.
>How did Terry Pratchett get into this discussion?
As the hedgehog can never be buggered at all, it is presumably a
suitable topic to remain on this list instead of being exiled to the
unnaturally quiet pub down that back street over there.

The puter's back together (and I tested the graphics and sound earlier
this evening by loading up Discworld II). The moral of this story is:
"Never try to transfer your puter from its old AT case to a shiny new
ATX case without first ensuring you know where the motherboard manual
with its handy jumper diagram is." And it still seems horribly quiet. Is
everyone on holiday?
Julia Jones
"Don't philosophise with me, you electronic moron!"
        The Turing test - as interpreted by Kerr Avon.


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 12:23:09 EST
From: "Joanne MacQueen" <>
Subject: [B7L] H P Lovecraft/Blake
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

To go back to early July, when Julie Horner asked about The Dreamers:

SFX 55 manages to give a few more details (or merely knows a few more now). 
The series is being written by Stephen W Parsons, based on the Cthulhu 
mythos. So if you want to read something to gain an idea of what Paul Darrow 
has been filming recently, it looks like you're going to have to read the 
whole lot. (I thought it was from an already published book too, so I feel 
like an idiot for looking for it.)

Interesting picture to illustrate the article - Darrow in the foreground, 
but it's a little difficult to work out what he's supposed to be emoting, 
due to all that chiascuro. <grin>

(who starts thinking of the Headless Chickens song whenever she reads the 
words "Mr Moon")

PS: Two pages later, there's a thing on what if Martin Jarvis had been 

"More tea, Vila? Jarvis brings a freshly scrubbed heroism to the 
spaceways...Grandmothers swoon as he outwits the scheming Servalan with 
...Very Nice Hair. Avon becomes increasingly hairy and rugger-buggerish in a 
bid to offset Blake's air of Marks and Spencers decency."

Doesn't bear thinking about, does it?

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 12:39:00 +0100
From: Robinson Paula <Paula.Robinson@RCN.ORG.UK>
To: "''" <>,
        "''" <>
Subject: [B7L] Horizon news
Message-ID: <E9263E031959D211B5A80008C71E93C301BF7EC0@rcn-london5>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Latest News from Horizon

Gareth Thomas - Will be touring in Helen Edmundson's The Clearing  playing
Solomon.  The play is set in the time of Oliver Cromwell and despite
focussing on the cheery subject of ethnic cleansing(!) celebrates a birth
and a new hope for the future.  Gareth starts rehearsals on 23 August and
the play opens in Glasgow on 16th September.  Full tour dates are:  16/25
September - Tron Theatre, Glasgow (BO 0141 552 4267); 28 September/02
October - Dundee Rep, Dundee (BO 01382 223530); 07/23 October - Royal Lyceum
Theatre, Edinburgh (BO 0131 248 4848); 02/06 November - Everyman Theatre,
Liverpool (BO 0151 709 4776).  No performances Sundays or Mondays, and they
get a week off between Edinburgh & Liverpool.  There are some post-show
discussions in all venues mostly on Wednesdays & Thursdays.  Check
individual theatres for details if you're interested.

Jacqueline Pearce
Our recent Theatre Outing to see Jacqueline Pearce at the Edinburgh Festival
(still playing till 30 August at the Gilded Balloon Theatre, 233 Cowgate,
Edinburgh in her one-woman revue show A Star is Torn) brought together a
group of Scottish B7 fans, most of whom are planning to see Gareth in The
Clearing.  If you're interested in joining them, email Pauline Tucker at and she'll put you in touch with the group.  A Star is
Torn  has received some excellent reviews, including getting a 4 star rating
in The Scotsman.  Jacqueline and her director, Spencer Butler, are hoping
that a successful run in Edinburgh will lead on to a UK tour and perhaps
also play in London.  If you can possibly get to see this in Edinburgh, we
thoroughly recommend it - it's illuminating, entertaining and very very
funny.  Jacqueline at her best and very much enjoying herself.

Gareth Thomas, Michael Keating & Jan Chappell - Soldiers of Love Part 3:
The cast for Part 3 of the comedy SF CD series produced by MJTV will include
Gareth Thomas as Nermal and Hywel, Michael Keating as Mydas, Jan Chappell as
Sharliken (a six foot alien frog!!) and the Mother, plus Nick Courtney as
Turnidus, Sarah Sutton as Colonel Franklyn, Anna Karen (Olive from On the
Buses) as Cilla and Peter Dean (from Eastenders) as Jadra.  Part 3 is due
for release on 1st October and of course you'll be able to buy copies from
Horizon nearer the time.  Part 4 will be called Planet of Death and is due
out on 1st December with the same cast as Part 3 plus Gary Hailes (Barry
from Eastenders between 1986/89).  Parts 1 & 2 are still available now from
Horizon and still include our special offer of exclusive free photo with
every order.  See the merchandise section in the website for full details,
or look on the Horizon Special Bulletin dated 10th July posted to all

Glynis Barber - we've been told that Glynis may be touring in a play called
Three of a Kind opening in November, but haven't been able to confirm this
as yet.  More news next time.  (This news from Louisa who runs an excellent
Dempsey & Makepeace website but she doesn't have full details at this time.)
If you want to check out the website, the address is

Blake's 7 to be repeated on Terrestrial TV!!??
There has been news in the press that the Actors' union, Equity, has agreed
a reduced 'residuals' rate for daytime repeats of drama series such as
Poldark, Lovejoy & Blake's 7.  A BBC spokesman was quoted as saying "For the
first time in years, we will be able to show treasures from the drama
archive.  Up until now the cost has been prohibitive."   We have no firm
news on when they will actually be showing B7, but we should all keep our
fingers crossed as it's the most promising news we've had for 15 years.  It
might help if we all wrote to the Beeb, or phoned, to say something like
"Hey, we hear you're going to be able to show old drama repeats, please can
you make sure you include B7..."  The time slots that have apparently been
allocated for this are 2/3pm weekdays and 10am/12noon on Sundays.  

The B7 Movie
It has been reported in an issue of TV Times and thereafter various
newsgroups, that 2 actors from Coronation Street have been cast to join
rebels Avon and Vila (played by Paul and Michael) in the 'two new BBC films
of B7 currently being planned' and that 'the revival follows the large
interest following 2 recent radio plays which featured the cast of the
original TV series and if the TV films are successful a new B7 series could
follow'.  We have it on very good authority that this is all complete and
utter rubbish and the facts are as stated in the official Horizon bulletin,
the Horizon website and also on the Avon club website and their recent
newsletter.   Apart from the fact that Paul IS going to play a
20-years-after-Gauda Prime Avon, everything else in the article is incorrect
and can safely be consigned to the intergalactic junkyard!!


End of blakes7-d Digest V99 Issue #250