Subject: blakes7-d Digest V99 #257
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blakes7-d Digest				Volume 99 : Issue 257

Today's Topics:
	 [B7L] (fwd) Cat names
	 Re: [B7L] (fwd) Cat names
	 [B7L] Staked Blake has page
	 Re: [B7L] B7 Stuff on eBay
	 Re: [B7L] Trial summary
	 [B7L] ice cold in alex


Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 13:45:04 GMT
From: (Meredith Dixon)
Subject: [B7L] (fwd) Cat names
Message-ID: <>
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A friend forwarded this to me and I couldn't resist forwarding it
to the list.  I think it originally appeared in

> The message <>
>   from (EXCMairi) contains these words: 

> Somewhat OT; at one point we had six goldfish, so it was kinda 
> inevitable that we called them Blake, Avon, Vila, Cally, Jenna and Servalan.
> Given the average goldfish's fondness for dying suddenly and for no 
> readily apparent reason, it was hardly surprising that not longer 
> afterwards, there were only 2 left; Avon, and Servalan...

Meredith Dixon <>
Check out *Raven Days*, for victims and survivors of bullying.
And for those who want to help.


Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 07:31:20 +1000
From: Kathryn Andersen <>
To: "Blake's 7 list" <>
Subject: Re: [B7L] (fwd) Cat names
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Sat, Aug 28, 1999 at 01:45:04PM +0000, Meredith Dixon wrote:
> > The message <>
> >   from (EXCMairi) contains these words: 
> > Somewhat OT; at one point we had six goldfish, so it was kinda 
> > inevitable that we called them Blake, Avon, Vila, Cally, Jenna and Servalan.
> > 
> > Given the average goldfish's fondness for dying suddenly and for no 
> > readily apparent reason, it was hardly surprising that not longer 
> > afterwards, there were only 2 left; Avon, and Servalan...

The question then arises - did they end up killing each other, or did
they get married and have lots of little goldfish?  I suppose we will
never know.

BTW, who's going to Worldcon?  Mary, you still going?
For ye all and sundry, I will be at the Refractions table when I'm not
attending the program (or eating or sleeping).  (Though I suppose I
could be eating at the Refractions table...)  Stop by and see me!
 _--_|\	    | Kathryn Andersen		<>
/      \    |
\_.--.*/    | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
      v	    |
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |	-> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe


Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 08:26:07 +1000 (EST)
From: (Kathryn Andersen)
To: (Blake's 7 list)
Subject: [B7L] Staked Blake has page
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

For any of you who are interested in the "Staked Blake" project,
I've now put a "Zines" page up, part of which is about Staked Blake.
About the only thing that's there is the submission guidelines,
but, hey, that's useful, innit?  Particularly if anyone wants to send
me submissions!

Even though there is a link from there to the Refractions page,
you linkers will be glad to know that I have not moved the Refractions
pages to a different spot, though I did consider it.

 _--_|\	    | Kathryn Andersen		<>
/      \    |
\_.--.*/    | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
      v	    |
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |	-> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe


Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 07:01:55 EDT
Subject: Re: [B7L] B7 Stuff on eBay
Message-ID: <>
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>>For those of you looking to add to your B7 collections, Annie Wortham is 
clearing out some items from her own collection in the next few weeks by 
gradually releasing them on eBay. To check on what's available, go to: and type in "Blakes 7" (without the quote marks) in the 
search box on the first page.<<

I neglected to mention that it would be a good idea to keep checking back 
every couple of days or so; she's adding items every day as she finds them, 
scans them and posts them for auction. Can you tell Spring Cleaning came a 
bit late, this year?


"A memorial is something your friends do to remind themselves you're not 
around to do any more mischief."


Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 08:04:31 EDT
Subject: Re: [B7L] Trial summary
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Joanne wrote:

I wish I knew the tune.  This is great.

>  The judge is Old Star Killer
>  The crew they don't agree
>  Par is off'ring 'round the soma
>  Blake is talking to a flea

I especially love the chorus.  :)

>  They'll only run if they can't fight

True for Liberator and Travis.  He put up a good verbal fight in the 

Carol Mc


Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 11:21:17 +0100
From: "Alison Page" <>
To: "lysator" <>
Subject: [B7L] ice cold in alex
Message-ID: <002d01bef2d1$9bb88380$ca8edec2@pre-installedco>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

We have talked before about the potential influence of 1950s films on the
writers and actors of B7. Here's another one.

Ice Cold in Alex is obviously one of the best British war films ever made.
It was on Channel 4 last night.

I think there are obvious B7 parallels, but most of them are general rather
than specific. For example the beautiful Sylvia Syms is what Jenna
could/should have been, and the Sergeant Major is a dead ringer for Gan. But
these are fairly common types, which just get a particularly good showing in
this film.

But I think that Anthony Quayle, as the suspect 'South African' officer, is
so close to Tarrant that it can't be a coincidence. I would love to ask
actor, writer and director if there was any conscious influence.

Largely it is a matter of his manner with the rest of the crew, which is
slightly hard to pin down. But here are a few thoughts

- He is an 'outsider' who imposes himself on the already established crew
- When we first see him he is wearing an assumed uniform
- He is a big tall man with much more energy than any of the others
- He has curly hair and a roundish face (though, admittedly, he is not young
or pretty)
- He doesn't defer to the rather damaged leader the way the rest do, but
questions and challenges him
- He blatantly bullies from time to time to get people to do what he wants
- When they are discouraged his energy pulls them round
- He saves their lives by behaving with heroic selflessness
- By the end he is completely accepted by the crew, despite his faults

I also seem to remember that in the original conception of the third season
Tarrant was planned to be an older man than he ended up, who would have
actually been a federation officer (i.e. Nazi officer) who infiltrated the
crew. In this case the resemblance to van der Poer would have been very
close indeed.

In the film the character wears a minute pair of khaki shorts which show off
his immense legs. This is used to emphasise his slightly irritating
in-your-face physicality, and I think it's a brilliant piece of costume.
Perhaps they should have put Tarrant into a similar pair at some point?


'I conceive of nothing in religion, science or philosophy, that is
more than the proper clothing to put on for a while'
Charles Fort

End of blakes7-d Digest V99 Issue #257