Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1993 11:03:20 -0800
Subject: Re: seeds list

> Select from this list the seeds you would like to get.  List the
> reference number and name.

> Requests for seeds from the Botanical Garden in Rio can be made
> directly to

>      RUA PACHECO LEAO, 915
>      24060  RIO DE JANEIRO  BRAZIL

> The "INDEX SEMINUM" has over 500 names of seeds of which I indicated
> the ones I believe will be interesting to have for its wood value,
> beauty and, some, for its fruits. The numbers indicated are the ones
> to be used in requests sent in.  I can not guarantee we will be
> around by the time some of them grow to their regular size. :-) 

> Most are noble woods used in furniture, boat and home building.
> Number 136 is the wood that gave Brazil her name, used since the
> 16th. century for its red dye. Number 233 is Rosewood. Number 273 is
> Mahogany.

> The seeds are sent to you free of charge and IF available when the
> request is received here. Got it?

> I hope you can find the English names with the help of the Latin
> equivalent. If you do, pass them on to me, please.

> REF.     FAMILY             NAME                       NAME (Brazil)
>  15  APOCYNACEAE   Aspidosperma gomesianum A. DC       Peroba rosa
>  39  BIGNONIACEAE  Crescentia cujete L.                Cuite'
>  45       "        Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. ex DC) ipe-amarelo
>  46       "        Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC) Pau Darco
>  51  BOMBACACEAE   Bombacopsis glabra (Pasq.)          Castanha
>  74  CHRYSOBALAN.  Licanea tormentosa K.Fristch        Oiti
>  94  EUPHORBIACEAE Hevea brasiliensis (H.B.K.)         Seringueira
> 103  GUTTIFERAE    Celophyllum brasiliensis Camb.      Sandalo
> 123  LECYTHIDACEAE Cariniana legalis (Mart.)           Jequitiba rosa
> 124       "        Couropita guyanensis Aubl.          Abrico
> 135  LEG.-CAESALP  Caesalpinia echinata Lam.           Pau Brasil
> 136       "        Caesalpinia ferrea Mart. ex Tul.    Pau-ferro
> 157       "        Hymenaea courbaril L.               Jatoba
> 163       "        Senna aversiflora (Herbert)         Vinhatico
> 179       "        Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.)     Angico preto
> 180       "        Anadenanthera peregrina (L.)        Angico-branco
> 233  LEG.-PAPILIO. Platypodium elegans Vog.            Jacaranda
> 236       "        Pterodon emarginatus Vog.           Sucupira-branca
> 271  MELIACEAE     Cedrela glaziovii DC                Cedro-rosa
> 273       "        Cedrela odorata L.                  Cedro-vermelho
> 275       "        Swietenia macrophylla King.         Mogno
> 302  MYRTACEAE     Gomidesia reticulata (Camb.)        Jaboticaba
> 305      "         Plinia edulis (Vell.)               Cambuca
> 458  RUBIACEAE     Calycophyllum spruceanum (Benth.)   Pau-mulato
> 460      "         Genipa americana L.                 Genipapo
> 485  SAPOTACEAE    Manikara subsericea (Mart)          Macaranduba
> 487      "         Pouteria coriacea Miq.              Abio
> 493  SOLANACEAE    Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl.)         Manaca'
> 507  STERCULIACEAE Theobroma cacau L.                  Cacau
> 508      "         Theobroma grandiflorum Schum.       Cupuassu