Subject: Re: Rose Propagation Question
Date: 3 May 93 19:04:55 -0600

In article <>, (Tom
Dugan) writes:
  ... description of pepsi bottle greenhouse construction...
> Take a very sharp knife or razor and cut off the top of the bottle
> above the point where it begins to taper toward the neck. Invert and
> push onto the bottle base. Nice little greenhouse, eh?

A similar trick is to fill a clay pot with rooting medium (I use sand
for most things) and sink the sand-filled clay pot inside a larger
plastic pot.  Jam long-strand sphagnum moss between the clay pot and
the plastic pot.  Water well.  The sphagnum serves as a reservoir for
water -- if you overwater, the sphagnum takes it up, and if you forget
for a couple of days, the sphagnum releases water and keeps the
rooting medium moist.

Then cover the double-pot assemblage with a plastic bag to raise the
humidity.  In dry climates, I've just put the whole thing in a big
bag, then blown up the bag and tied the top... in more humid climates,
I just drape the plastic bag over some stakes that support the bag
over the cuttings, leaving some "breathing spaces" so the assemblage
doesn't change from a rooting chamber to a fungus factory...  ;-)

Kay Klier