# tiers2ns-lan.awk -- converter from tiers format to ns 2.0 Tcl format
#  (LAN support included)
#  Tcl format:
#   proc create_net {} {
#       global ns_
#       global nodes_
#       global rt_
#       set ns_ [new Simulator]
#       set i 0
#       while {$i < <num>} {
#           set nodes_($i) [$ns_ node]
#           incr i
#       }
#       $ns_ duplex-link <from-node> <to-node> <speed> <delay> <type>
#       ...
#	$ns_ make-lan <node1> <node2> ... <speed> <delay> LL Queue/DropTail Mac/Ssma/Cd
#       $ns_ compute-routes 
#       set rt_ [$ns_ get-routelogic ]
#   }
# "tiers" was written by Mattew B. Doar (mdoar@nexen.com) and is available
# from ftp://ftp.nexen.com/pub/papers
# This converter was written for tiers1.1 file format and require some
# small modifications to tiers_config and the source code, so a random
# generator ID can be used from the command line (the original code always
# uses the current time)
# Send email to pavlin@catarina.usc.edu if you need the patches
# Pavlin Ivanov Radoslavov (pavlin@catarina.usc.edu)
# Thu Apr  2 08:25:51 PST 1998

  for (getline; $2 != "Parameters"; getline)
  ModelId = $7;
  for (getline; $4 != "number"; getline)
  NW = $2; getline;
  NM = $2; getline;
  NL = $2; getline;
  SW = $2; getline;
  SM = $2; getline;
  SL = $2; getline;
  RW = $2; getline;
  RM = $2; getline;
  RL = $2; getline;
  RMW = $2; getline;
  RLM = $2; getline;
  Grid_size = $2; getline;
  Grid_unit_WAN = $2; getline;
  Grid_init_MAN = $2; getline;
  Grid_unit_LAN = $2; getline;
  Prox_test_WAN = $2; getline;
  Prox_test_MAN = $2; getline;
  Prox_test_LAN = $2; getline;
  undirected = $2; getline;
  nodes_number = $8;
  for (getline; $2 != "EDGES"; getline)
  print "#";
  print "# Created using Matthew B. Doar's `tiers` topology generator with parameters:";
  printf("#   tiers %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", \
	 NW, NM, NL, SW, SM, SL, RW, RM, RL, RMW, RLM, ModelId);
  print "#";
  print "#";
  print "proc create_net {} {"
    print "\tglobal ns_"
    print "\tglobal nodes_"
    print "\tglobal rt_"
    print ""
    print "\tset ns_ [new Simulator]"
    print ""
    print "\tset i 0"
    print "\twhile {$i < " nodes_number "} {"
    print "\t\tset nodes_($i) [$ns_ node]"
    print "\t\tincr i"
    print "\t}"
    print ""
    has_lan = 0;
    new_lan = 0;

  if ($1 == "#") {
    new_lan = 1;
  if (($5 == "2") && ($6 == "2")) {
    has_lan = 1;
    if (new_lan == 1) {
      lan = "$nodes_("$1")";
      delay = $3;
      bw = $4;
      new_lan = 0;
    lan = lan " $nodes_("$2")";
  if (($5 == "2") && ($6 == "1")) {
    if (has_lan == 1) {
      printf("\t$ns_ make-lan \"%s\" %d %d LL Queue/DropTail Mac/Ssma/Cd\n",
	     lan, bw, delay);
      has_lan = 0;
  if (undirected == 1) {
    printf("\t$ns_ duplex-link $nodes_(%d) $nodes_(%d) %dMb %dms DropTail\n", $1, $2, $4, $3/100);
  else {
    printf("\t$ns_ simplex-link $nodes_(%d) $nodes_(%d) %dMb %dms DropTail\n", $1, $2, $4, $3/100);

  print ""
    print "\t$ns_ compute-routes"
    print "\tset rt_ [$ns_ get-routelogic]"
    print ""
    print "}"