<span class="file-sender">Will Light &lt;<a href="mailto:filterchild@gmail.com">filterchild@gmail.com</a>&gt;</span><br>

<p>filterchild - passive (i remember)</p>
<p>Decided to upload this to the sound archive and give something back to the beast community.</p>
<p>This is a sadder, darker trance song.  Very melodic.  This is actually a seriously arranged song, the length is about 11:20.  Builds, breakdowns, they're all there.</p>
<p>Uses samples from www.modarchive.com's TR-909 zip and from the ns_kit at www.naturalstudio.co.uk.</p>
<p>This needs a fairly recent version of Beast (&gt;= 0.6.3) due to the automation on the TB-303 bass filters (yes, beast does automation now - albeit rather cumbersomely).  You will also need very recent versions of the LADSPA plugins swh-plugins and tap-plugins for the echos and the flanging.</p>
<p>Enjoy :)</p>