ENOCHIAN TOOLS Version 1.2 - 30 August 1993ev

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Included in this archive are the following files:

readme      - this file
gov.diff    - sample research
table.diff  - sample research

enoch.gem   - Enochian lexicon & gematria tables
words.eno   - Enochian word list from the Geoffrey James Keys
words.al    - Word list from Liber AL

extract.exe - Enochian name extraction program
count.exe   - Enochian gematria calculation program
freq.exe    - Character frequency analysis program

extract.c   - Enochian name extraction program source code
count.c     - Enochian gematria calculation program
freq.c	    - Character frequency analysis source code

The source code for each program has been compiled on both DOS and
U*IX machines, on 80?86 & 680?0 CPUs, with no evident portability


Change History
Version 1.2: adds several options to the extract.exe program,
including Cacodaemons and Governors, an internal derived
Table, and a '-diff' option to display the names which differ
between the Recensa and either the derived or any other loaded
version of the Great Table. Capitalization in all internal tables
has been conformed to the Governors names, and titles may now be
referenced to the cardinal directions as well as the elements.

Version 1.1: corrects 4 errors in the Tabula Recensa used in the
extract program, adds the -original option to that program, and
adds an English gematria to the count program. Also new in this
release are the freq program, 2 useful wordlists, a version of
the Enochian Tablets used by Dee prior to the Tabula Recensa,
and a sample journal of some research done with the aid of these

Version 1.0: initial release.


Run 'count -h' and 'extract -h' to see the available program options.
There are quite a few.

Freq has no special options, but takes it's input from stdin, like:

C> freq < words.eno

and will output a list of character counts, and character totals.

If freq is invoked with a numeric parameter, this will be used to
calculate percentages. The typical usage is to run freq once as
above to get the number of characters in the file being freq'ed,
then to run it again with the character total as a parameter, like:

C> freq 3399 < words.eno


extract.exe will give no output unless the appropriate program
options are specified, for example:

'extract -air -seniors' will output a list of the Seniors of the Air
Tablet of the Tabula Recensa.
'extract -great -all' will output all Dee-defined names from all
Tablets (the "Great Table") of the Tabula Recensa.

'extract -earth -ker -title -load mytab' will output the names of
the Kerubic Angels of the Earth Tablet of the Enochian Table loaded
from the file 'mytab', along with the descriptive titles.

If -original is used, the Tabula Recensa is rearranged according to
the original Great Table orientation.

The -derived option uses the Great Table produced by retro-fitting
Dee's names in the 'Book of Supplications and Invocations'.

If the -table option is used with -gov to produce the Governors'
Names, the entire Great Table is output thereafter. This can be
used to produce appropriate capitalization of a loaded lowercase
table, with the exception of the duplicated names in the Black
Cross, Comanan and Tabitom, only one instance of each of which
are capitalized.


count.exe, run by itself, will wait for input from the keyboard,
terminated by <ENTER>, and will display the computed gematria
value of the input string. <CTRL-Z> will terminate the program.

It is also possible to redirect or pipe input to count.exe from
a disk file, like:

'count < wordlist'

where wordlist contains (surprise!) a list of words for which
gematria values are required. Or:

'extract -all -great |count -gd >names.gem'

which uses extract.exe to generate a list of names extracted from
the Tabula Recensa, which is then piped into the count.exe program,
which will compute the gematria of each name according to the
Golden Dawn system and place the results in the file 'names.gem'.


This software is provided for whatever use it may be in Enochian
or other research, study and practice. Comments, corrections,
suggestions and improvements may be addressed to AZOTH, via PODS or
NuitNet, or by leaving private mail for Sysop on the Arena of Anon
BBS at (703) 904-9669.

Love is the law, love under will.
