From: (B.A. Davis-Howe)
Newsgroups: alt.magick
Subject: Re: Alcohol and Magic
Date: 22 Jul 1994 01:08:01 GMT (Sherry Michael) writes:
> During a ritual, my consort and I hit the libation wine a bit
> hard. :) I noticed that the resulting ritual was focused and
> spontaneous. I've never been one to condone (or really condemn) the
> controled use of drugs in magic. Has anyone anything to coment on
> their experiences with alcohol in ritual? Any dangers? (besides
> burning the house down knocking down candles)

There is no one answer to this question.  Sometimes, for some people,
wine can be very useful to lower some inhibition barriers just enough
to allow the people to reach new levels of connection, openness, or
whatever.  In other cases, wine can make everyone too muddleheaded to
do anything useful.  For some people, wine should never be used,
including in ritual because of their addictions.  Any circle should be
able to do ritual without wine if it would cause problems for anyone
present.  If a circle believes that they can't do ritual without
alcohol, I would suggest they need to look at why.

An additional facet: people are likely to respond to alcohol
differently in circle than usual (set and setting, you know).  In one
case, five people who didn't tend to drink went through a bottle of
Maywine, a bottle of blackberry wine, and half a pint of cranberry
liquour with none of us getting even tipsy.  In other cases,
quantities of alcohol which would have no major effects under normal
circumstances may have major effects in circle because the person is
especially receptive.

Case by case is the only way to deal with ritual use of alcohol, IME.