Newsgroups: alt.magick
From: dgaluchon@cid.aes.doe.CA (Daniel)
Subject:  Dwellers on thresholds
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 15:02:33 GMT

 Some preceeding post (on alt.pagan), too long to quote, had
 a lot of interesting questions about the Dwellers on thresholds,
 the HGA, jungian stuff etc.. I' ll give it a try for one answer.
 ----- clip -----
 |> In article <>, says...
 |> >I have been looking for information on "Dwellers on the Threshold" and
 |> >haven't been able to find out anything from any pagan/wicca type
 |> >books.
 |> This concept, though not present in any "wiccan" or "strictly pagan"
 |> sources I know of, is a "magickal" concept present in most discussions
 |> of the Kabbalah from a magickal viewpoint.
 |> >Can anyone post any more information about them and/or provide
 |> >references for any good books that deal with them in a clear
 ------ clop -----

 Dwellers on treshold(S).
 A partial list as a guide for the Traveler between worlds.
 ( passwords of portals omitted for security reasons )
 1- BULL           our shadow, repressed self. I call him Mr. Hyde.
                   Ignorance, greed, lust and attachment.
                   The Minotaur in his labyrinth.
 2- LION           power, anger, passion, heroism.
                   We are so powerfull at that stage, but so naive also.
                   Should we put here the flaming DRAGON also? 
 3- EAGLE          blinding light. This is the stage where we think we
                   know everything, and all is so cristal clear,
                   and we are, oh, so clever ...
 4- SPHINGE        the animus (anima). The feminine part in ourselves
                   which is not accomplished. This is reverse for women.
 5- SERPENT        the guardian of treasures and of the magickal power.
                   Also appears sometimes, as a most beautifull
                   vampire-woman (or man). May be the DRAGON should be
                   included in this category as well?
 6- GORGONA        all reptilian and disgusting forms. The FEAR of the
                   alien, and all which shatters the mirror of
                   self-reflexion and reason.
 7- our own DEATH  is also a Dweller on the treshold, 
                   present in all serious initiations.
                   Persephonia is a good candidate.
 seven dwellers so far.  not bad ... any more ideas anyone??
 As for books:
 Both the egyptian & tibetan Book of Death speak of Dwellers & tresholds.
 | dgaluchon@cidsv01.cid.aes.doe.CA                        |