From: (Shava Nerad Averett) Subject: Re: illusions, technics Date: 24 Apr 92 23:32:51 GMT In article <> (Myself) writes: : Can anybody point me in the direction of a technics on Illusions : (_NOT_) magic, as in fx, but magick, as in conjuring. My library is : small and slow growing, so I want to make the best of it, and I have : not seen reference to, or any trace of, technics on this. Thanx, Ooops! Afterthought: There is nothing for illusion like a good teacher and a very broad reality tunnel. You can make folks perceive all sorts of things if you know how people think, and what they want to believe. However, working illusion is often involved in intentionally warping someone else's view of reality, to some degree or another. You might want to consider that in your direction for your efforts. My recommendation for the beginner is to work on exercises to become invisible and/or silent. An exercise for becoming silent--whenever you must go uphill or up stairs, focus on the idea that you are levitating. Try to make your movements as smooth as possible (don't even *think* about sound). If you can start to climb hills or stairs completely smoothly, without making noise, then level surfaces will be easier. Downhill is actually harder, but uphill is a better learning tool. The point here is that what you are doing is learning something which *builds* on a physical/coordination skill. If you can learn the *feel* of the levitation, and build it into your unconscious action, you will find that it rolls over into other actions.