Newsgroups: alt.magick From: (Coranth Gryphon) Subject: Re: Fear Entities Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 13:43:44 GMT Winona Webster <cb039@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote: > i too have had an experience with this type of entity.... > i was terrified of her house, and wouldn't go visit her for the > longest time what i finally did was confront him at the window one > night, and all i said was 'Mel (the name we assigned it) you CAN'T > F_ING HURT ME!' Once i stood up to him, it was like he couldn't > catch me with his fear attacks... Well done. It has been said many different ways, but the essence of magic is declaring your will and holding to it. If we can undo the subconscious programming that we learned as children and KNOW that our Will is final, we can reach a point where nothing can affect us without our consent. The reason that "entities" such as this are easier to ward off with a declaration of Will (as opposed to say, a mugger) is that we have not been taught that we cannot do this. -coranth --------------------------------------------------------+---------------------- Coranth Gryphon | Reality exists on a | need-to-know basis. E-Mail:, | Pager: (603) 599-0357 Phone: (603) 598-3440 | You do not currently US-Mail: 11 Carver Street, Nashua, NH 03060-2518 | need to know Disclaimer: All these words are yours, except Europa... +---------------------- === Newsgroups: alt.magick From: (Coranth Gryphon) Subject: Re: Fear Entities Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 14:58:12 GMT Choli R. Lightfoot <> wrote: > <....> > I'm convinced it was not simply fear, although what ever it was > seriously built on fear, for it became more of a bother when I was > afraid. > <....> > It got to the point were it sapped enough energy from me that it had > enough energy to cause me physical harm or at least make me believe > that when it stabbed me in the back I could feel it. > <....> > I think mainly it wanted to [go away], but also I stopped trying to > defend, and started to try and pull energy from it instead of trying > to block it from taking energy from me. Alternately, you can give it energy, but of a type of your choosing. Some of the more common "banishing" rituals involving feeding the entity with unconditional love and healing. Anything which survives on negative emotions (fear, hate, sorrow) is broken in some way. By healing it, you can release it from its pain, and rid yourself of it in the process. And as a last (or first) resort, remember that anything pertaining to your spirit or mind has you as first (and last) authority. Be claiming yourself (and your space) to be soley your domain, and under your sole control, nothing in that realm has power to affect you anymore. This can be done as simply as making a formal Declaration of Will, to the effect of: "I claim sole domain main over myself (and my ....), none may affect me without my consent. I reclaim any power over myself that I have given to other, and retain sole right as to when and how that power is used." Wrap this in whatever symbolism, religeous framework, or cultural ritual system that you are most comfortable in. The important thing is the intent. Be well. -coranth --------------------------------------------------------+---------------------- Coranth Gryphon | Reality exists on a | need-to-know basis. E-Mail:, | Pager: (603) 599-0357 Phone: (603) 598-3440 | You do not currently US-Mail: 11 Carver Street, Nashua, NH 03060-2518 | need to know Disclaimer: All these words are yours, except Europa... +----------------------