From: Kendrick Kerwin Chua <kendrick+@CMU.EDU>
Newsgroups: alt.magick
Subject: Re: Love Potion or similar required
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 21:19:26 -0400

Basic Love Spell:
1. Purification: Don't do drugs. Don't smoke. Don't drink too much.
Don't overeat, and don't starve yourself. Exercise. Go to your
classes.  Make your mind and your body as functional and integrated as
possible in this step.
2. Initiation: Select a site where the caster and the subject are
likely to meet, perhaps along a common path or a class. Begin the
ancient ritual of friendly conversation without ulterior motive (note:
ulterior motive is the main cause of failure for this part of the
spell.) Use said friendly conversation to note likenesses and
differences between the caster and the subject. Step #2 may need to be
repeated several times before the caster (and the subject) are ready
to move on to step #3.
3. Socialization: Offer attendance at some social occasion together,
such as a large gathering of partygoers or moviegoers or bowlinggoers
or bungeejumpinggoers. Proper execution of steps #1 and #2 will guide
you as to the correct path to choose in this step. Insert also brief
usage of step #2, as the said social engagement will now become a said
common place for the caster and the subject to meet.
4. Purification mark II: Do nothing to endanger the subject's trust in
you. Proper execution of this step is largely dependent on what you
learn in step one.
5. Initiation mark II: By this time the caster and subject should be
good friends, or at very least familiar with one another. The caster
should at this point introduce to the subject the topic of a deeper
relationship, possibly involving sharing meals regularly, meeting each
other's parental units, sharing living space, sharing secrets, sharing
sex, etc. Not necessarily in that order, and at a gentle pace.
6. Decision: Are there any doubts in the caster's mind? Should he
terminate the spell or take it to a conclusion? Is the subject
This was originally posted by your truly on April 16 of this year. I
hope those who take the "Do what thou wilt" saying seriously see the
truth under the gentle sarcasm...

Gods help those who help themselves,
Kendrick Kerwin Chua -  -or-  kendrick+@CMU.EDU
Dark Lord come forth and claim your world!  Godan Ktones!  Kibashen!

From: (Steve Smith)
Date: 23 Sep 1993 01:01:11 -0400

In article <>,
Tim Moran <> wrote:


> This may sound like a ridiculous request (but I said I'd do it). A
> friend of mine (real sad git) is hopelessly in love with this girl,
> who likes him a lot, but only as a friend. This friend wishes to
> somehow modify this girl's feelings towards him (she's never going
> to get emotionally involved with this guy by any normal methods as
> he's somewhat 'aesthetically challenged';-) ). So, can anyone
> recommend a method of changing her feelings towards him? Please
> don't say 'send flowers' ;-) Something along the lines of a recipe
> for a potion or chants/positive thoughts or a reference book would
> be appreciated.

> I don't agree with what he's trying to do (She has freewill and I'm
> a sceptic anyway) but I said I'd ask as a favour.

Hmm.  Sounds to me like he's trying to exchange friendship (very hard
to come by) for some quick sex.  Bad trade.

Also, rephrase the request a bit.  He wants to overcome her Will and
impose himself on her by force.  Not nice, even though we're not
talking about physical force (hopefully!).

However, many of us here are not nice.  Herwith, my never-fail love
charm, translated from the original Chaldean:

1 cup unsalted butter, softened		2 eggs
3/4 cup white sugar			1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed		1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla			12 oz. semisweet chocolate chips
2.25 cup unsifted white flour		1 cup chopped nuts (**)

Cream butter, sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla until light and fluffy.
Add eggs; beat well.  Combine flour, baking soda, and salt; gradually
beat into creamed mixture.  Carefully stir in chips and nuts.  Drop by
teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake at 375 degrees F or
until lightly browned.  Cool slightly; remove from sheet.

Present, with suitable expressions of affection and humility, to
subject while still warm.  (The Charm, not the Mage, stupid! :-)

(*) Substitution of ingredients, sometimes practiced by the
spiritually less advanced, imperils the whole Charm.  In particular,
substituting rasins for chocolate chips places the Immortal Soul of
the Mage in dire danger.

(**) Mystical opinion is divided on the subject of nuts.  The Mage
must consult the stars for the particular occasion in question.

Steve Smith                     Agincourt Computing            (301) 681 7395
"Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense."