By Merilee Forestal


The following invocation was a turning
point in my magical work and I would like
to share the unfolding process.  This
process was three fold:

1) the purpose of the invocation
2) seeking inspiration, and
3) the physiological and attitude changes.

Personally, one of my weaknesses
is a lack of aggression and
assertiveness.  So, Laura Jennings, the
Ra Horakhty temple co-chief and teacher
of the Golden Dawn Initiate class,
assigned me the duty of invoking Mars.
In essence, I was to conjure up the
sphere of Geburah within me.

Initially, I had distress over
obtaining any inspiration. To help.
this dilemma, Laura suggested using
the temple sword and meditation
every night.  I meditated every night
for approximately two weeks and nothing
happened.  Then it transpired and I
tapped the Mars energy.  The physiological
changes were remarkable.  In effect, I
was unable to sleep.  Energy surged
throughout my body, cleansing and
transforming.  I became fire.

Performing the invocation has change the
way I perceive life.  Now, I am much more
direct in my dealings with people.
Furthermore, the energy of Geburah is
readily available when the necessity
arises.  For instance, any form of weakness
and indecision can now be dispelled at a
moments [sic] notice.  This I attribute
to the newly gained familiarity with
the sphere of Geburah.

Another beneficial gain of the invocation
is the supply of creativity that is
waiting to be employed.  With great
Anticipation [sic], I look forward to exploring
the endless potentials and possibilities
for the next ritual.


"Know yourself to be an Immortal Entity,
a Star pursuing its way unhampered through
the infinite heavens from eternity to eternity."

- Israel Regardie



Hail, Mars, ruler of red
Environment of Geburah
Where only fearlessness
Can tread.....

Come out from beneath
   the embers so deep
Raise thy mighty sword
   with blade all agleam
Impale upon it ruthlessly neat....
All doubts and insecurities.

I stand before thee
   and want thy power
Thy energy and thy courage,
To cut away weakness
   and false desire
To make me courageous and fair.

Impart to me your strength
Merge with me, Come with me
Oh gallant, tall and glorious Mars,
Walk through the fires
   of conflict with me.

Uncoil the energy that lies beneath
Scorch me with passion and heat
And set my body ablaze.
Oh Geburah, how I want thee.

Burn me with your fiery eyes
Burn in my heart, my soul, my womb.
As the flamelet spits into a roaring fire
I emerge aggressive
   from your flaming pyre.

My energy is sweltering
You are sweating and
   burning within me,
And I am drunk on your severity,
I am Fire!  I am Fire!