Subject: Gnostic Pentagram Ritual
Date: 16 Mar 93 17:50:19 EDT

	I figured it might be helpful to post a really simple
pentagram (banishing) ritual. It's something that the IOT (Illuminates
of Thantateros) came up with. Keep in mind that this is just what I
remember of it, and it is by no means word for word. My apologies to
those concerned for the plagarism but I feel that this is an IMPORTANT
tool for the beginning magician. It takes maybe five minutes so you
have no excuse not to do some form of banishing at the end of your

	Stand and inhale fully. Visualize brilliance emanating from
        your head just above it as you vibrate the vowel "i" (IEEEE!!)
        at a high pitch. Inhale again. Visualize the light coming from
        your throat as you vibrate "e" (EEEHHH!). Repeat procedure for
        the chest vibrating "a" (AAAHHH!)  Repeat the procedure again
        for the stomach vibrating "o" (OOOHHH!) repeat a final time
        for the anus vibrating "u" (UUURRR!) at a low pitch. Next
        vibrate each of the vowels again only this time instead of
        visualizing a body part, draw a line of a pentagram for each
        letter.  Drawing the line with either a magickal weapon or
        your mind should be ffective as long as you visualize it
        fairly strongly.
	Turn 90 degrees (from facing east to facing south for example)
        and repeat the procedure outlined in the above paragraph.
        Repeat this until you've done all four directions (you may
        want to do up and down as well). Once you have all four or six
        pentagrams drawn and visualized repeat the body part
        brilliance procedure for each of the five vowels in reverse
        order ("u", "o", "a", "e", "i").