From: (Joseph C. Bacon)
Newsgroups: alt.divination
Subject: Re: Help with thoth tarot
Date: 2 Mar 1995 03:44:15 -0500 ("D.Staveley" ) wrote:
> A friend and I have been trying to use the thoth tarot and are
> having some success with it (we he is anyway).  The trouble we are
> having is with the second operation where the cards are laid out in
> twelve stacks.

I hope this helps:

The twelve stacks represent the twelve "HOUSES" in a horoscope 
chart.  The twelve Houses are as follows:

1. Personality: Or the "covering" influence for the year ahead.
2. Money or real estate (any financial matter)
3. Communication: Dealings with siblings, or short trips and 
letters.  Sometimes contracts.
4. Home enviroment and/or dealings with the persons mother.
5. Creativity (fire): Love affairs, artistic expression and 
sometimes the persons children.  ("Will I have a boy/girl?"   
male: wands, pentacles, female: cups, swords)
6. Health, employment or dealings with any group of people; 
like co-workers or neighbors.
7.Marriage, business partnerships or any close relationship.
8.Regeneration (Or really the house of Death)  Deals with 
anything that you spirititually, emotionally outgrown.  Areas 
that you need to deal with and release from your life.
9.Mental health, hidden thoughts/influences.  Or long journys 
or moves.
10.Career or "masculine" pursuits.  Dealings with your father.
11.Friends, hopes and goals.  Anything that may prove helpful.
12.Danger: hidden enemies (almost typed enemas!) Personal 

As for the number of cards: There are two ways.
1. Deal out the entire deck counter clockwise starting with the 
House you think the question falls in.
2. Start at the first house, go once counter clock wise only 
once.  The 13th card and the House card combined to give you 
the answer.
