EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK
                          ISRAEL REGARDIE

Having associated myself with Israel Regardie's call for greater
openness with occult teaching material, I now wish to share with
readers of this book some of my results of my own research. The
quotation from John Dees spiritual diaries with which I headed up
this paper was written at the time the Angelic Keys were being
dictated. Closely read and taken in context, it suggests not only
that the keys may involve more than one numbering system, but also
that 'the letters' i.e., the characters of the Enochian alphabet,
may be 'in confusion' in the sense that the traditional order may
not be correct. Much more plainly in part three of 'The concourse
of the forces' MacGregor Mathers states: "The numbers such as 456
and 6739, etc. which occur in some of the calls contain mysteries
not here to be explained."
Following these and similiar hints throughout Dee's diaries, as
well as some of the manuscript books discussed above, I have been
able to establish three conclusions with a rather high degree of
rigour: first, that there are in fact two numbering systems in
Enochian, of which one is used for gematria and the other only for
translating numbers into single digits; second, that the correct
order of characters in the Enochian alphabet resembles that in
Greek and Coptic; and, third, that the Gematric code (as I propose
to call it) follows a pattern rather more like Hebrew. Since this
is not the place to recapitulate my reasoning, I will say only
that after checking it several times and having it checked for me
on an IBM 370 using a program written in LISP  I think it is
right. Here are my results.


   A                     1                             1
   B                     2                             2
   G                     3                             3
   D                     4                             4
   E                     5                             5
   F                     6                             6
   Z                     7                             7
   H                     8                             8
   I                     10                            1
   K                     20                            2
   L                     30                            3
   M                     40                            4
   N                     50                            5
   X                     60                            6
   O                     70                            7
   P                     80                            8
   Q                     90                            9
   R                    100                            1
   S                    200                            2
   T                    300                            3
   U                    400                            4

The next step of course is to follow Mathers lead, enter the
Angelic Keys with the digital code, and translate the numbers into
their correct values. Here is the result.


A* F                       19                          16
A C A M                    7699                        1214
C I A L                    9996                        2113
C L A                      456                         231
D                          3                           4
D A O* X                   5678                        4176
D A R G                    6739                        4113
E M O D                    8763                        5474
E R A N                    6332                        5115
G* A*                      31                          31
L                          1                           3
M                          9                           4
M A P M                    9639                        4184
M A T B                    1000                        1000
M I A N                    3663                        4115
N                          6                           5
N I                        28                          51
N O R Z                    6                           6
O                          5                           7
O B                        28                          72
O P                        22                          78
O S                        12                          12
O X*                       26                          76
P*                         8                           8
P D                        33                          84
P E O A L                  69636                       85713
Q U A R                    1636                        9411
S                          4                           2
T A X S                    7336                        3162
V                          2                           4
V* X                       42                          46

The seven letters with asterisks are the only ones for which
correct values were given in the text and were presumably left
there to serve as clues of a sort. Very Helpful.

This document is a review of the book
"The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic".
For the sake of enlightening those who would not otherwise
know what type of material the book contains.
This is simply a small part of the volume.