Education Desktop applications Education Desktop applications Software which can be used in educational enviroments on client site. Education Applications for education users This Project contains several packages which might be interesting for educational use. openSUSE:Slowroll Slowroll = a derivative codestream of openSUSE:Factory that uses automated rules to limit the rate of change to the codebase Release manager: bmwiedemann openSUSE:Slowroll:Base base snapshot from Tumbleweed This provides an easy-to-use redirect for both sources and binaries in openSUSE:Slowroll:Base:N, switching every cycle (every month) openSUSE:Slowroll:Base:1 staging area for new Base snapshot from Tumbleweed Before a version bump, I collect i586 and bootstrap binaries here. These are missing in released Tumbleweed snapshots, but are needed for building packages. Also binaries required for DVD builds, because product-builder cannot use those from download-on-demand (dod) openSUSE:Tumbleweed Tumbleweed Tumbleweed is the openSUSE Rolling Release This OBS Project represents the content of the currently published snapshot. The newer repository for next publish can be found in openSUSE:Factory standard repository. pattern:x11 The pattern:x11 package The pattern:x11 package. openSUSE-Education-release Product version files for openSUSE-Education This package contains some files useful for later updates and upgrades of the openSUSE-Education add on. Authors: -------- Lars Vogdt release-notes-edu The release-notes-edu package The release-notes-edu package. pattern:kids-education-desktop The pattern:kids-education-desktop package The pattern:kids-education-desktop package. pattern:youth-education-desktop The pattern:youth-education-desktop package The pattern:youth-education-desktop package. epoptes-client The epoptes-client package The epoptes-client package. italc The italc package The italc package. italc-client The italc-client package The italc-client package. kiosktool The kiosktool package The kiosktool package. sabayon The sabayon package The sabayon package. sabayon-admin The sabayon-admin package The sabayon-admin package. OpenOffice_org-galleries The OpenOffice_org-galleries package The OpenOffice_org-galleries package. epoptes The epoptes package The epoptes package. fet The fet package The fet package. fl_teachertool The fl_teachertool package The fl_teachertool package. italc-master The italc-master package The italc-master package. openclipart The openclipart package The openclipart package. opensuse-education-tools The opensuse-education-tools package The opensuse-education-tools package.