steam-<>,[̉fiyҙm=2 5'eQv[c{rsȰ/Zl8vzGa{a.kKVWԊH<ÞML;~FVoWepA2ώ~T_ec.|9&X)=JG϶\cS T[c )!'+6M r4<:Go{ʯc6LRJ<% * G 6ͳ˥ۮdiA |u*"1oM}2Kw=NRC@r>>AQ?Pd  [, BYw}  D   x P   P R \RR(8D9D:+DFFGG HGlIGXGYH\H8]H^IbKcLAdLeLfLlLuLvM(wOxPyP`zPPPPPPPPCsteam1.0.0.792024gos20.5.1Installer for Valve's digital software distribution serviceSteam is a software distribution service with an online store, automated installation, automatic updates, achievements, SteamCloud synchronized savegame and screenshot functionality, and many social features. This package will fetch and install the Steam bootstrap. Start Steam to complete the installation of the client for the current user.fih02-ch2a=Xhome:goupilmtos:games:tools / Goupilmtos15.5obs://;&`1kO 6%A큤A큤A큤A큤fififififififififififie: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../lib/steam/     (Mesa-libGL1-32bit if Mesa-libGL1)(libgbm1-32bit if libgbm1)(libvulkan_intel-32bit if libvulkan_intel)(libvulkan_radeon-32bit if libvulkan_radeon)(nvidia-computeG04-32bit if nvidia-computeG04)(nvidia-computeG05-32bit if nvidia-computeG05)(nvidia-computeG06-32bit if nvidia-computeG06)(nvidia-glG04-32bit if nvidia-glG04)(nvidia-glG05-32bit if nvidia-glG05)(nvidia-glG06-32bit if nvidia-glG06)(x11-video-nvidiaG04-32bit if x11-video-nvidiaG04)(x11-video-nvidiaG05-32bit if x11-video-nvidiaG05)(x11-video-nvidiaG06-32bit if x11-video-nvidiaG06)/usr/bin/bash/usr/bin/python3curldbus-1-glib-32bitfontconfig-32bitglibc-32bitglibc-locale-basegtk2-engine-oxygen-32bitlibICE6-32bitlibSDL2-2_0-0-32bitlibSM6-32bitlibX11-6-32bitlibXdmcp6-32bitlibXext6-32bitlibXfixes3-32bitlibXi6-32bitlibXrandr2-32bitlibXrender1-32bitlibXtst6-32bitlibatk-1_0-0-32bitlibcairo2-32bitlibcrypt1-32bitlibcups2-32bitlibcurl4-32bitlibdbus-1-3-32bitlibdrm2-32bitlibfreetype6-32bitlibgcc_s1-32bitlibgcrypt20-32bitlibgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bitlibglib-2_0-0-32bitlibgmodule-2_0-0-32bitlibgobject-2_0-0-32bitlibgtk-2_0-0-32bitlibogg0-32bitlibopenal1-32bitlibpango-1_0-0-32bitlibpipewire-0_3-0-32bitlibpixman-1-0-32bitlibp̫@e6@d@d\dcFbK@bVbkbMa}a+@aaaaa9@a@a /``R@`Q@`\`x*`U`B@`!'_v@_R_m_O@_7@_+_+_"@^^3^@^ ]]@\\@[i@[@Z Y@XXZnXOX0>W@WW W֘WW8W^@W#LV@VP\UpU@UUSDirk Müller Carsten Ziepke Richard Brown Antonio Teixeira Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Dario Faggioli Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Matthias Mailänder Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Callum Farmer Matthias Mailänder Callum Farmer Dominique Leuenberger Yunhe Guo Jon Brightwell Stasiek Michalski mailaender@opensuse.orgAvindra Goolcharan Library changes: * Use SDL2 instead of SDL * Add libxcb-res0 * Add libavif16 (for TW and Leap 15.6+)- depend on glibc-locale-base as glibc-locale-base-32bit has been dropped (now part of glibc-32bit)- Update to version * - When running in a Gamescope session, only write messages to the log. Don't pop up a zenity or xterm window, which would not be shown by the Gamescope session. - If ~/.steam/steam is a dangling symlink, don't prompt users to browse for the correct location or reinstall. Instead, just reinstall non-interactively. * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1705108172 (2023-01-13) - Steam Runtime (scout) version 0.20231127.68515 - Run spec-cleaner- Remove steam-devices subpackage, to be replaced by steam-devices real package. - This is to allow steam-devices (which is MIT licensed)to be included in the Tumbleweed OSS repo.- Remove libopenssl1_0_0-steam dependencies. * Originally added as a workaround to an upstream bug which has since been fixed (steam-for-linux#4619) - Remove steamtricks dependency. * Project is unmaintained. The OpenSSL fix is both broken and needed anymore. * Drop steam-invoke_steamtricks.patch - Remove steamdeps from the package as it is apt specific. This was previously handled by steamtricks.- Update to version * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1682708537 (2023-04-28) - Steam Runtime (scout) version 0.20230118.0 * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2023-04-12: - steam-input: Add Razer Raiju Ultimate - steam-input: Add Sony DualShock 3 (Playstation 3) controller - steamvr: Provide access to Valve Index (28de:2102) serial port- Update to version * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1676336721 (2023-02-14) - Steam Runtime version 0.20221019.0- Change libz dependency to a soname dependency to allow zlib-ng- Make Steam only a soft dependency of steam-devices * the steam-devices package is useful for having controllers working also in cases Steam and SteamLink are consumed as flatpaks (in which case, one might not want Steam installed from RPMs as well!)- Update to version * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1654574690 (2022-06-07) - Steam Runtime version 0.20220315.0- Make sure 32bit NVIDIA drivers are installed where necessary- Require tar (boo#1198118)- steam-path-fix.patch is no longer required on TW- Allow PrefersNonDefaultGPU on 15.4- Update to version * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1637624439 (2021-11-02) - Steam Runtime version 0.20211102.0- Update to version * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1634158817 (2021-10-13) - Steam Runtime version 0.20210906.1- Add libgbm1 to all versions- Add libgbm1 to bool dependencies (boo#1192277)- Update to version * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2021-08-25 - Brooks Universal Fighting Board - PowerA Wired Controller for Nintendo Switch - Razer Panthera EVO Arcade Stick - Razer Raiju PS4 Tournament Edition over Bluetooth - Thrustmaster eSwap Pro- Fix dependencies for Leap 15.2 & 15.3- Add libnm0 to bool dependencies, not needed if not using NM- Update requires based on Steam warnings- Update to version * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1626824053 (2021-07-20) - Steam Runtime version 0.20210630.0 * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2021-06-10 - PDP Wired Fight Pad Pro for Nintendo Switch - Razer Raiju 2 Tournament Edition (USB) - Horipad mini 4 - Remove steam-no-icon-on-desktop.patch: unneeded - Remove steam-makefile.patch: unneeded- Soft dependency on steamtricks (boo#1180469)- Require glibc-locale-base for some games - Allow Mesa to be removed - Require lsb-release so we get found on Hardware Survey- Update to version * Request running on a discrete or otherwise "big" GPU * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1616532526 (2021-03-23) - Steam Runtime version 0.20210126.2- Leap 15.3 doesn't need firewall rule- Update to version * Register to handle steamlink:// URLs. * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2020-12-08- Make x86 only- Update to version * Minor changes - Deal with gpu-offload.patch better- Update to version * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2020-11-20 - Add udev rules for DualSense (Playstation 5) controller * Build using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1603992987 (2020-10-29) - Steam Runtime version 0.20201005.0- Add udev rules to fix devices detected as joysticks incorrectly - Only install firewalld rule when required- Add new Mesa packages to Requires for Tumbleweed - Keep old Requires for Leap maintenance - Add gpu-offload.patch: default to discrete gpu - from pop-os! - Use both Steam OpenSSL versions- Update AppStream files - Add patches from RPMFusion: * steam-makefile.patch: remove pointless symlinks and apt-source install * steam-no-icon-on-desktop.patch: remove attempt to copy .desktop to user desktop- Simplification of OpenSSL requires- vulkan doesn't exist since Leap 15.2 - libvulkan1-32bit doesn't exist on non-64bit systems - vulkan libraries should be required- Update to version * Bootstrap using updated Steam client: - Client timestamp 1595977781 (2020-07-28) - Steam Runtime version 0.20200604.0 * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2020-07-28 - Replace escaped double quotes in udev rules with single quotes, for compatibility with udev < 235 and eudev. - Add Recommends: bubblewrap, required by the experimental container runtime system - Switch to FirewallD- Update to version * Update steam-devices subproject up to 2020-06-05 - Add HORIPAD for Nintendo Switch (thanks, @BrokenGale) (Fixes: steam-for-linux#6944, steam-devices#7) - Add ASTRO C40 controller (thanks, @exhumer2) (Fixes: steam-devices#5) - Add PowerA Nintendo Switch Controller (thanks, @blazingkin) (Fixes: steam-devices#6) - Add a workaround for PowerA Wireless Controller (thanks, Andrey Smirnov) (Fixes: steam-devices#9; T21767) * debian/steam-launcher.postinst: Notify udevd to reload its rules. This means the steam-devices rules should take effect immediately, instead of being deferred until after the next reboot. (T19535) * Don't overwrite steam.desktop if it's a symlink. In a pre-configured distro like SteamOS, ~/Desktop/steam.desktop might already be a symlink to /usr/share/applications/steam.desktop, in which case overwriting it is pointless. (T21633) - steam-devices supplements steam - Update to version * steam.list: Download updates via https (T21740) In older versions of apt (lower than 1.6) we need to install apt-transport-https to use https repositories, so do that. * steam.list: Switch the suite from precise to stable (Fixes: steam-for-linux#4436) * steam.list: Add commented-out apt sources for the beta launcher- Added recommend lsb-release to provide OS info and to support hw survey boo#1157832- Update patches for new package structure - Merge steam-controller and steam-vr into steam-devices like other distros. - Update to version * Adapt for newer Steam Runtime builds- Drop libnm-glib4 and libnm-util2 dependencies: steam appears to run just fine without those libs nowadays (boo#1157903).- Remove unnecessary desktop file modification * Original is good: Categories=Network;FileTransfer;Game; * Modified, Categories=Game;Amusement;, will list steam in Games > Toys category in KDE, which doesn't fit a game store.- update to version * Update udev rules - includes version * Updates to the bootstraping logic and bootstraping runtime - Added steam-path-fix.patch to correct lspci not found- Add recommended 32bit vulkan library- update to version * Update udev rules. * Add --run option to the steam command, will exec a command through in the steam runtime environment.- update to version * Rename udev rules files to 60-* to fix permissions to /dev/uinput for the currently logged in user. - includes version * Update locstrings for .desktop file * Update udev rules for VR and controllers - drop allow-non-root-controller-access.patch (fixed upstream) - partial cleanup with spec-cleaner- Added proton requirements (python3) and recommended vulkan- Require libcups2-32bit if the package is available. (boo#1067133)- Require "games" group and user (boo#1043738)- Add firewall file to allow easier access to in-home streaming- Replace steamruntime-fix with steamtricks. invoke-libstdc-removal-before-starting-steam.patch steam-invoke_steamtricks.patch- update to version - refreshed allow-non-root-controller-access.patch- update to version * Update udev rules for HTC Vive and order them so they run after 50-udev-default.rules but before 73-seat-late.rules - Add appdata.xml for Surround all home directory usages with quotes.- Search and remove libstdc from steam library directories as well to ensure apps shipping their own incompatible versions work.- correct replacement of 64bit openssl libraries in steamruntime.- require our own builds of the openssl libraries and replace them on runtime. bsc#988273- Added allow-non-root-controller-access.patch for fixing boo#986901 - Droped special handling of openSUSE <= 12.3 as it is not maintained anymore.- Add invoke-libstdc-removal-before-starting-steam.patch to resolve long standing issue: update to version - add SteamVR (HTC Vive) support - add (Debian) changelog- don't strip the translation from .desktop file (fixes boo#974334)- add Steam controller support- update to version fix build error for openSUSE 13.1 and 13.2- on openSUSE Leap 42.1, we have libgcrypt20-32bit.- Require alsa-devel to fix launching of unity3D games ( )- update to version * Added libXinerama and libXext to the bootstrap runtime to fix AMD graphics driver crashing if these aren't present.- remove Fedora exceptions as they got their own RPM - rework this from fetch script to a real package - adhere to - adhere to - clean the package from duplicate icon filesh02-ch2a 1718206364 steamsteambin_steam.shbin_steamdeps.pybootstraplinux_ubuntu12_32.tar.xzsteam.desktopsteam_launcher__init__.pylauncherutils.pysteam.desktopsteamchangelogsteamREADMEsteam_subscriber_agreement.txtsteam.pngsteam.pngsteam.pngsteam.pngsteam.pngsteam.6.gzcom.valvesoftware.Steam.metainfo.xmlsteam.pngsteam_tray_mono.png/usr/bin//usr/lib//usr/lib/steam//usr/lib/steam/steam_launcher//usr/share/applications//usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/steam//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/steam//usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps//usr/share/man/man6//usr/share/metainfo//usr/share/pixmaps/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs://  directoryBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executablePython script, ASCII text executablePOSIX tar archive (GNU) (XZ compressed data)emptyUTF-8 Unicode textASCII textUTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesPNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 24 x 24, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 256 x 256, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)XML 1.0 document, ASCII textR RPPPPPPn9%'Ebubblewraputf-8a6b30f82af6eaa11eb5a898a84e617ca2050e6adcaf64e5002ecb75cb69888fb?7zXZ !t/BS]"k%im)g9_Es޽\ϩog0%XnRRç%ߊBXTq0wQW]}ŜFdt]twf~6oLo OMPs CyleCt| ж.'QXVLիrK.XP'9Bꕊ"[%+0o\;Pq {AԋSdB8oh+wGf딸Ut75[ώ |N+rfoy[͖$Y=v2=+)@i+k`OG3hev詼`HIvymsX74ҍ6ż%"QΖP$;F$T ˍ7hEZ(*MV$| >ZZOd#z ޻\+^-l{g@OekKë;'1v(3lp?悬Գ[;:F$J{? gV]`O/vn^->Hv8!6g@>ׯo X3 [BCl4[OlorfF1`;(=C/TNL.?r{{ >V=NF8]QP8j W:*r\2x 1l`&X>e7B 4C(4gG8n|Ā`Z m@!r2T+zsZ׽ɉ=e~,xI<|5z hDh7٥#5Xئ"^Aĺ%~ly0kԾ3ZI:?ni/zeXԲPM=ʋC ۟VJү@\-ԫZ,UĪ-ܹAvLK}AmIDZN˹]- Xk\鵫j©/34Kc@q؞pʸQ{ڭKl|Q^]"M/`9.aK?o;`-䝇&@+A?r45)Y;hnyɌ*pPyhC0B5 GTT\7j\yN> :m:!s<DBۤ[!)ȶڧjOJ{8͝ňjfk-INcC!œ\&_r  .[n YZ