allegro44-jack-plugin-32bit-<>,fPPyҙm=N {1;wJ>J Ș4WŢS>\s榊_k'ξ%_.v_GpGVLqIG^CFWʸܑY+0<-^ELeq=qfU=A_V;1'I!v;{ "Eϣ-/e;̍4BSΏ0o&Ȫ'. ~@4%4Xdc \N7`[ŋT$>?td& 6 f%N^ t     $0?Nx   (8 9 : > LG TH `I lX pY x\ ] ^ bcd.e3f6l8uLvXwxy$(.pCallegro44-jack-plugin-32bit4.4.3.12024gos20.12.10Allegro JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit) pluginThis package contains a plugin for Allegro which enables Allegro to playback sound through JACK (Jack Audio Connection Kit).fPPi03-ch2a1home:goupilmtos:games:tools / Goupilmtos15.6obs://큤fPPfPPfPP76e919e5a91efe4cddb7a6fc6a693a4cfb549c8d4e6a3f0334e7308aab9a62bbrootrootrootrootrootrootallegro44-    /bin/]p]@YéUXTT@TTA@ScP] remove extra CFLAGS for gcc9- update to version * Fix a regression with the dat tool not working with plugins (SiegeLord). - update to version 4.4.3 * Allow building the dependencies as shared libraries. (Michał Cichoń, Edgar Reynaldo) * Fix typo preventing get_executable_name from using System V procfs correctly. (Peter Wang) * Relicense loadpng under ZLib license. * Fix spelling of endianness in textconv (Andreas Rönnquist). * Fix format string warnings (Andreas Rönnquist). * Add Linux console tslib mouse "touch screen" driver. (Tobi Vollebregt) * Don't define a duplicate DLLMain. (SiegeLord) * Fix Allegro crashes/compilation under 64 bit Windows. (Sven Eden, David Capello) * Fix possible random crashes on Windows restoring DirectDraw surfaces. (David Capello) * Make internal function get_value in jpgalleg static. (Trent Gamblin) * Implemented load_midi_pf, play_fli_pf, open_fli_pf. (Ivan Mogilko) * Make use of in MSVS 2010 and higher. (Ivan Mogilko) * Fixes several issues related to fullscreen mode in Windows. (Etienne Vouga) * Windows: fixed TAB key getting stuck in key buffer when held before ALT. (Ivan Mogilko) * Fix building with Mesa 18.2.5 and later. (Andreas Rönnquist) * Remove f* variants of fixed math functions. (Andreas Rönnquist) * Fix complilation of datedit. (rofl0r) * Modernize and fix release zipup script. (rofl0r) - clean up spec file - remove allegro-4.4.2-shared_plugins.patch (fixed upstream) - add allegro-4.4.3-texinfo-non-utf8-input-fix.patch- Renamed to allegro44- info deinstall needs to be in preun section- Use for patch(es) %{name}-version instead of %{name}-%{version}- Use SED-FIX-OPENSUSE for sed- Rename allegro4 to allegro - Change Summary - Change URL for The giftware licence - Use for patches %{name}-%{version} instead of liballeg4_4 or allegro-4.4.2 and add descriptions for patches - Add patch allegro4-4.4.2-src_x_xkeyboard.c.patch - Use check for openSUSE %if 0%{?suse_version} - Change Description - Add sed, fix include xf86dga.h- fixed rpmlint warnings- Add 32bit modules.lst via baselibs.conf- Add texinfo BuildRequires/bin/ -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=62e54013ef7e4976f7545d9147624ee80f00f8ac, not strippedRRRRRutf-8588f427b71007597b30c37b719e23c3b1e86cbfc40d45e9926dcebe0ead38865? 7zXZ !t/]"k%ྒ/LoFi&y9=Ү[@fS׫~9>)cj@%\Ѩ=dh7/XJz-F_"W aDq1S?D'Spg,U}->-c#" /%7mlpYk?o,ۦ@gJ4TOjeǥKfeIJ)ԷD"@r&wAWYĻpyj~}Gʏ]n_0蛬R22ָx"AuD׀/XO5.XF軍'aZe_jǜ<ƒ yk +njtT>׬_^6\tא7>@3Y}tVUdE6O|F:+0lem[uc-MB(U cܶ*F8]$F/ R F$$U5<*K/\CF^[LfznLy#Tcd~) >&O(/bJ}:պL25t&*;sy5!&>Ê*>~]ObCoى ?ovpCP4ᐮwj_!5mYĿFU/RE)ZSx*!7飆 g.Yg ]ʪ%G#.ezr똿A%-VjXaҔ4&Nz?f? [ےU 6|-KVUWJ{š>T