Newsgroups: alt.magick
From: (Chris Holmes)
Subject: Illuminatus co-author Robert Shea dies 03/10/94
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 18:40:44 GMT

I have the unfortunate task of relating some very sad news, last night
science fiction author Robert Shea died of cancer at 9 pm Thursday
March 10 in an Oak Lawn hospital.  Shea will be remember by his
friends for his warmth and compassion, and to the science fiction
community as one of the greater writers of the last century.  Shea
co-wrote with Robert Anton Wilson the Illuminatus! Trilogy which
stands as one of the greatest works of science fiction or fiction ever
to be written.  I would personally like to thank everyone who sent in
get well wishes.  I'm sure they will mean a lot to his friends and
family.  This is not a hoax or a prank.  It is both ironic and
pathetic that one week after the flaccid hoax concerning the death of
Robert Anton Wilson, that Robert Shea should die in the mist of this
confusion.  Please take a moment to remember his contribution to our
lives, and wish him well in the next.

Hail Eris,
Hail Discordia,
Hail Shea.  We will miss you dearly.

Chris Holmes-