/* DiscDate.C .. converts boring normal dates to fun Discordian Date -><- written the 65th day of The Aftermath in the Year of Our Lady of Discord 3157 by Druel the Chaotic aka Jeremy Johnson aka mpython@gnu.ai.mit.edu Worcester MA 01609 and I'm not responsible if this program messes anything up (except your mind, I'm responsible for that) */ #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> struct disc_time {int season; /* 0-4 */ int day; /* 0-72 */ int yday; /* 0-365 */ int year; /* 3066- */ }; char *ending(int); void print(struct disc_time,char **); struct disc_time convert(int,int); struct disc_time makeday(int,int,int); main (int argc,char **argv) {long t; struct tm *eris; int bob,raw; struct disc_time hastur; if (argc==4) { int moe,larry,curly; moe=atoi(argv[1]); larry=atoi(argv[2]); curly=atoi(argv[3]); hastur=makeday(moe,larry,curly); } else if (argc!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"Syntax: DiscDate [month day year]"); exit(1); } else { t= time(NULL); eris=localtime(&t); bob=eris->tm_yday; /* days since Jan 1. */ raw=eris->tm_year; /* years since 1980 */ hastur=convert(bob,raw); } print(hastur,argv); } struct disc_time makeday(int imonth,int iday,int iyear) /*i for input */ { struct disc_time this; int cal[2][12] = { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31, 31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; int dayspast=0; imonth--; this.year= iyear+1166; while(imonth>0) { dayspast+=cal[(this.year%4)==2 ? 1 : 0 ][--imonth]; } this.day=dayspast+iday-1; this.season=0; if((this.year%4)==2) { if (this.day==59) this.day=-1; else if (this.day>59) this.day-=1; } this.yday=this.day; while(this.day>=73) { this.season++; this.day-=73; } return this; } char *ending(int num) { int temp; char *this; this=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*3); temp=num%10; /* get 0-9 */ switch (temp) { case 1: strcpy(this,"st"); break; case 2: strcpy(this,"nd"); break; case 3: strcpy(this,"rd"); break; default: strcpy(this,"th"); } return this; } struct disc_time convert(int nday, int nyear) { struct disc_time this; this.year = nyear+3066; this.day=nday; this.season=0; if ((this.year%4)==2) {if (this.day==59) this.day=-1; else if (this.day >59) this.day-=1; } this.yday=this.day; while (this.day>=73) { this.season++; this.day-=73; } return this; } void print(struct disc_time tick, char **args) { char *days[5] = { "Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange" }; char *seasons[5] = { "Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath" }; char *holidays[5][2] = { "Mungday", "Chaoflux", "Mojoday", "Discoflux", "Syaday", "Confuflux", "Zaraday", "Bureflux", "Maladay", "Afflux" }; if (args[1]==NULL) printf("Today is "); else printf("%s-%s-%s is ",args[1],args[2],args[3]); if (tick.day==-1) printf("St. Tib's Day!"); else { tick.day++; printf("%s",days[tick.yday%5]); printf(",the %d", tick.day); printf("%s day of %s",ending(tick.day),seasons[tick.season]) ; } printf(" in the YOLD %d\n",tick.year); if ((tick.day==5)||(tick.day==50)) { printf("Celebrate "); if (tick.day==5) printf("%s\n",holidays[tick.season][0]); else printf("%s\n",holidays[tick.season][1]); } }