TAURUS by JaniceJ
 Taureans are ruled by Venus, planet of love, and are symbolized by the BULL.
 When one bears in mind the ancient astrological edict that each sign 
 corrects the excesses of the sign it follows, it becomes easier to
 understand why Taureans can occasionally be "as stubborn as bulls" 
 Fiery Aries, Taurus's predecessor, wants to do everything aleast once. 
 Aries untamed fire thrives on new and exciting beginnings, usually 
 without much consideration for the way things were done before.
 For earthy Taurus, innovative new ideas which scatter established values 
 to the wind are a horror only slightly less to be feared than going
 broke. Faced with these fiery forces, Bulls do get stubborn. 
 Their goal is to protect those traditional values, so dear to their 
 hearts, for all of mankind. Consequently, our prancing ram, full of 
 fire and exploding to begin new projects will run smack dab into a two
 ton Taurean bull who is just as determined to coll him off.
 Rams rant, rave, bluster and blow. Taurus isn't impressed. Bulls are a 
 fixed earth sign, endowed with patience. They can wait. 
 The end result, though it may take a while, is that Aries departs at a 
 slightly slower pace with the idea firmly planted in their head that
 just because something is old and established, it does not of necessity
 need to be cast aside.
 Taurus departs in a grumpy mood, satisfied to have done his job, but 
 feeling that he is forever having to clean up after fire signs.
 Taurus, when not engaged in skirmishes with fire, is usually at home and
 happy to be there. Providing a comfortable and secure home is of 
 utmost importance to Bulls. The traditional Taurean preoccupation with 
 money and possession is but an off-shoot of this urge. Taureans only 
 run into problems when they confuse quantity with quality.
 Taurus, though strongly associated with the material side of life, is 
 after all ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Taureans, indeed people 
 of any sign, who display stingy attitudes with money usually are just
 as stingy with their affection. The gathering of possessions and wealth 
 as an end in itself only frustrates Venus, who always wants to give.
 True happiness for Taurus may lie in learning to share, with love, all 
 they are and all they have. Through this important lesson Taureans 
 learn that they have mush more to offer than mateial comforts. Their 
 strength, warmth, and sturdy reliability are their greatest gifts.