Moon Puppy #12 @6751
Fri Apr 27 00:40:17 1990

The phenomenom called Mercury Retrograde is this. Both the earth and
mercury revolve around the sun at different distances and different
speeds. When observing mercury from the earth, mercury sometimes
starts to "move backwards" due to the movment of the two planets
around the sun. This is called being Retrograde also being
aflicted. In traditional astrology this is often interperated as being
"BAD" "NEGATIVE" and "DESTRUCTIVE". In the "modern" approach we learn
that it is a time where obstructions are more readily seen and
experienced (how is that for double talk?).  Above all else remember
William Shakespeare, "the fault is not in the stars, my dear Cassius,
but in ourselves." Sure a mercury retrograde is tough on communication
but with a little common sense and effort the "warning sign" of
Mercury Retrograde is delt with. The stars advise to trends and we are
not slaves to trends.
  Please note, this is only assuming that the Heliocentric model of
the solar system is ok, for those who hold differing world models, I