Lugh was the son of Arianrhod and Gwydion.  She gave birth to
him, but Lugh was taken away by his father, who was also his uncle,
and raised by him.  By tradition, only the mother can name a child.
Arianrhod refused to do so when Gwydion brought him to her.  She said,
"Why do you prolong my shame?  He shall have no name until I give it
to him."  The next day Lugh was practicing when Arianrhod remarked,
"The fair one has a skilful hand."  Furious at being tricked, she
swore Lugh would have no weapons unless she gave them to him.

	Gwydion presented Lugh as a champion in need of weapons.
Arionrhod presented them to Lugh.  Only after giving them to him, did
she realize who he was.  She then swore Lugh would have no wife of any
race on Earth.

	With the help of the magician Math, Gwydion made a woman of
the blossoms of oak, broom and meadowsweet.  The woman was named
Blodeuwydd which means flower face.  Lugh and Blodeuwydd were married,
but she fell in love with Gronw, lord of Penllyn.
	Lugh and Gronw fought.  Lugh was killed by magic and revived.
Lugh kills Gronw by throwing his spear through him, even though Gronw
is hiding behind a stone.  In doing so, Lugh kills Blodeuwydd who had
taken the shape of a deer and ran in front of Gronw to save him.
Gwyddion, in order to save Blodeuwydd, turns her into an owl.
	Blodeuwydd is the goddess of love, sovereignty, and wisdom who
must have two lovers.  One in the first part of the year, and a second
one who kills the first one in the other half.  Lugh must marry her in
order to become king, and is only king while married to her.