This directory is maintained by 

Before I include a file in this directory, I usually edit it a bit. I
strip the header so that only the name and address of the sender, the
date and subject appear. If you see no subject, it is the same as in
the previous post, or uninformative. If you see a news article without
a newsgroup, it appeared in alt.pagan. I may also delete quotings from
previous articles, signatures and paragraphs which don't have to do
with the subject of the file. I also reformat it to fit the standard
80 columns width. 

I've added subdirectories. The names are supposed to be
self-explanatory, but just in case, here's a list of what they are
meant to contain:

Asatru    Old Norse beliefs and practices
Astrology Stars and planets. Includes astro_nomy_
BOS       An American coven's Book of Shadows. Huge and loaded with info
Beginner  This is a good place to start if you're new to neopaganism
Books     Everything for the bibliophile
Celtic    About Celts and celtic derived things
Church... Inspired by Heinlein's _Stranger in a Strange Land_
Community Interaction between neopagans of different ilks. Ethics
Crystals  Beatiful rocks and what to do with them
Druidism  Inspired by a Celtic solar cult
General   Everything that doesn't fit into another group
Herbs     Plants, uses and tending your garden
History   History of NeoPaganism etc
Incoming  You can't read this directory
MMC       About the triple aspect of the Godess and her incarnates
Medite... Things from that part of Europe
Music     Recommendations for Pagan music
Native... About and from Native Americans
Nature    Things about nature that aren't herbs
Net       Files concerning the Net and computers, including pictures 
          FAQs and programs
Private   You can't read this dir either
Rituals   Actual rituals and practices. This dir is huge
Shamanism Mostly Native American and general
Swedish   Files in Swedish. I'll translate them RSN
Tarot     About Tarot decks and similar decks

There is more herbal info in the gardening directory:
/pub/gardening/herbs. General occultism is in pub/magick.

--Ceci (99-01-16)