From: (Siprelle)
Subject: Re: Questions about Nasties
Date: 6 Aug 1993 03:45:41 -0700 (Stephen M Conley) writes:

> Anyhow, I am wondering if any other pagans feel that there are both
> benevolent and malevolent forces in nature.  I'm not talking about
> "Good" and "Evil" per se, but things that might view you as "food"
> rather than "friend".  Obviously, there are physical entities that
> do this, but I'm refering to spiritual forces/entities/beings.

Oh, absolutely there are spiritual forces that see "food" first. I
wouldn't call them nasties, I'd call them hungry. When you run into
one, either run the other way fast, or feed them something
else. Tobacco offerings usually work well for me.

> Wicca, from what I've gathered, does not seem to support the idea of
> "nasties", though I could easily be wrong here.  If anyone out there
> has views, information, or sources of information on nasties, I
> would really appreciate hearing about it.

Well, I'm not a wiccan, so maybe that explains it. I have direct
experience of "hungry" beings in my shamanic work. They can be very
dangerous if you can't convince them to make something else
dinner. Don't mess with them. (I'm an eclectic pagan BTW, mostly
Celtic trad.)
