Newsgroups: alt.divination
From:  (Kim Coleman Healy)
Subject: Re: Tarot and psychotherapy..
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 1994 01:57:58 GMT

[Other articles quoted.]

I just bought "The Jungian Tarot Deck," by Robert Wang. It comes with
a book called "Tarot Psychology". He interprets the Major Arcana as
different roles associated with the Mother, Father, Son, Daughter
archetypes -- these names are intended to evoke both the reader's
experience with their actual family, and the collective unconscious
images of The Great Mother, etc. Since I've only owned these for three
days, I'm in no position to review them really.

The Major Arcana and Court Cards are very beautiful and evocative; the
numbered Minor Arcana, except Aces, have just arrangements of the
specified number of symbols against an atmosphere, earth or water
background whose colors subtly change through the sequence.  His
attributions for the numbered cards are completely different from any
others I've read. I'll try to post again when I've had the chance to
read the book and work with the deck a bit more.

I bought the Jungian Deck because I'm really ONLY interested in tarot
as a projective tool. I have a good deal of experience working with my
own dreams with the Jungian-Senoi methodology of Strephon Kaplan
Williams, and got interested in tarot when I found that Mary Catherine
Greer cites one of Williams' works in her "Tarot Mirrors."

The stories we tell ourselves about the cards seem to be self-
revealing in the same way dreams are.

Kim Coleman Healy
"Don't believe in serendipity, rely on it!"
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